28688 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 31, 1976 NOMINATIONS Commission for the unexpired term of 7 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION years from July 1, 1971, vice Charlotte T. Executive nominations received by the Reid, resigned. Margareta E. White, of Virginia, to be a member of the Federal Communications Senate August 31, 1976: Joseph R. Fogarty, of Rhode Island, to be DEPART?.'lENT OF DEFENSE Commissio-n for a term of 7 years from July a member of the Federal Communications 1, 1976, vice Glen 0. Ro-binson, term expired, Everett T. Keech, of the District of Colum­ Commission for a term of 7 years from July which was sent to the Senate on July 19, bia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Air 1, 1976, vice Glen 0. Robinson, term expired. 1976. Force, vice Francis Hughes, resigned. Joseph R. Fogarty, of Rhode Island, to be a FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION member of the Federal Communications The following-named persons to the posi­ WITHDRAWALS Commission for the unexpired term of 7 years tions indicated: from July 1, 1971, vice Charlotte T. Reid, re­ Margareta E. White, of Virginia, to be a Executive nominations withdrawn signed, which was sent to the Senate on member of the Federal Communications from the Senate August 31, 1976: July 21, 1976. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A GREAT AMERICAN developed in the History of the civilized Government which passes the laws, not world. It must be protected at any cost. The the regulatory commissions. I include American people may be forced against their Mr. LaMothe's article from the SUnday, HON. CLARENCE J. BROWN will to lose respect for and confidence in a August 8, New York Times at this point OF OHIO President, but they must never never lose respect for and confidence in the office of the in the RECORD: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President. What I am hoping for Mr. Presi­ FTC SEEKS TO DESTROY BIG BUSINESS Tuesday, August 31, 1976 dent, is a leadership at this point in time, to (By William E. LaMothe) call America and the world to obey God and (NoTE.-In recent days the motives of the Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, as build a moral and ethnic world for the United staffs of two Government regulatory agencies we are celebrating 200 years of American States and elsewhere that will stand on a have been severely criticized. In a statement freedom, I would like to call to the atten­ foundation as solid as our forefathers built printed below, William E. LaMothe, presi­ tion of the Members of this House the in the beginning of the Republic which gave dent of the Kellogg Company, attacked the story of one brave American who, during us direction for the first 200 years of our Federal Trade Commission's new "shared the struggle for our freedom two cen­ existence. Let us call upon all America, Black monopoly" theory under which it is attempt­ and White together, to heed God's call to ing to break up concentration in the break­ turies ago, made an outstanding and provide leadership that will guide us through honorable contribution that great fast cereal business. to the coming years so that America will be as (In another case, David I. Kraushaar, an cause-Richard Stanup (Stanhope) , a strong 200 years from now as we are today. administrative law judge of the Federal Com­ black American, who was born at Fred­ Sincerely, munications Commission, ruled last week ericksburg, va., March 1, 1748, and died MELWOOD STANHOPE. that the long distance rates of the American at the age of 114 years September 20, Telephone and Telegraph Company were rea­ 1862. For more than 50 years he was a sonable and disagreed with an F.C.C. trial resident of Champaign County, Ohio. staff pr<~posal on splitting A.T.&T.'s manu­ Mr. Melwood Stanhope, who is the FTC SEEKS TO DESTROY BIG facturing arm, the Western Electric Company BUSINESS from its parent. great, great grandson of Richard Stanup, (By coincidence, the Federal Trade Com­ still resides in Champaign County at mission also announced last week that it Urbana, which is also my home. Mr. HON. MARVIN L. ESCH would begin a major antitrust investigation Stanhope is as proud of his country today OF MICHIGAN of the automobile industry. It is believed as was his great, great grandfather be­ that the investigation is aimed, in part at fore him. With the following words, Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES least, at General Motors Corporation. largest Stanhope stated his pride in America and Tuesday, August 31, 1976 of the four American car makers.) his hopes for our future in a recent letter There is a lack of trust, a bias, a negative Mr. ESCH. Mr. Speaker, one of the feeling in our Government. It's an antitrust­ to President Ford: major concerns of the people throughout JANUARY 12, 1976. lug attitude that has pervaded our Federal this Nation is the increasing involve­ regulatory agencies and appears to have PRESIDENT FORD, ment of the Federal Government in started them on a binge of negativism and The White House, destruction. It's a "we-don't-trust-you" no­ Washington, D.C. every aspect of our economic and per­ sonal lives. The increasing Federal inter­ tion that can lead to the same abuse of po-wer MY DEAR Ma. PRESIDENT: On July 4th we and injustice, the same excesses manifested will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the ference makes it more and more difficult in Watergate. founding of our CGuntry, paying tribute to for our free enterprise system to plan those who fought, bled and died for its ind&­ effectively or to work efficiently. As the Today, one of those mistrustful agencies, pendence. My Great, Great Grandfather, the Federal Trade Commission, is quietly Government becomes more and more in­ launching one of the broadest, most xnassive Richard Stanup, a name given by General volved, it becomes harder and harder for Washington which was later changed to and most expensive attacks by Government Stanhope according to Ba.Uous Dollar Maga­ American business to take new risks, to on corporations ever undertaken in America. zine of 1859. He is one American whose role initiate new products and to create new And it's all rooted in mistrust, a blat.ant blinding mistrust of America's most ·out­ has never been recognized. jobs. Mr. William E. LaMothe, president of standing resource-the efficient and success­ Richard Stanup (Stanhope) was said to ful business enterprise. have been according to ~tory, Chief Oif the Kellogg Co., in a recent article in Servants and Body Gua.rd of General Wash­ the New York Times, expressed the con­ Evidence that government is stepping up ington. He fought with him during the Revo­ cern which is felt by thousands of busi­ its attack on American business is every­ lutionary War. Being wounded several times where. In his 1974 economic message, Presi­ nessmen throughout the Nation-and dent Fo-rd asked for fines of $1 Inillion for and was at the bed of the First President not just those who work for major cor­ antitrust violations. In 1975 the Supreme when he died. For his service, he was given porations, either; but hundreds and Court slapped a $1,000-a-day fine on a cor­ his freedom and a land grant of 400 acres in thousands of small businessmen as well. poration that is estimated to run into mil­ the territory of Ohio. The daughters of the lions. Budgets have risen sharply for the American Revolution, a few years ago, placed While the specific problem which Mr. LaMothe discusses in his article is that antitrust activities of the Justice Depart­ a Plaque on his grave, which was greatly ment and F.T.C. Every day we read of some apprecialted by the family being unable to of the big business, it is typical of the new effort by the F.T.C. to pull out of cor­ join the organization because we were Black Government intervention in every sector porate America a corpus delicti, the evidence and my Great Great Grandfather was a slave. of the economy, with Federal regulatory that a crime has been committed. What We still reside in Urbana, Champaign agencies "making laws" far beyond the crime? What charges? Are the Commission's County. Ohio and have not allowed his express intention of the Congress when efforts preceded by evidence of something achievements to be forgotten. Taking pride the laws were created. afoul? No. Are these expeditions for evidence in his role as a Patriot and a Citizen in Amer­ I commend Mr. LaMothe's thoughtful founded on anything more than presump­ ica's founding, I am just as proud of my tions of guilt? No. Take the recent demand Country as was my Great Great Grandfather. article to you. It is well for all of us to the F.T.C. made of the advertising industry. We, as Citizens, are fortunate and blessed remember that it is private enterprise The commission subpoenaed eight major ad with the opportunity to live under and With which creates jobs and economic growth, agencies to submit a mountain of materials, one of the finest systems of Government ever not the Government. It should be the everything they've produced since last May. August 31, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 28689 Was there a charge of some wrongdoing? No. objectives. This Is precisely what got the is right, the time is now to impress upon Conspiracy? No. It was simply a case of Nixon Administration into trouble.
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