INDEX June 4 . 28, 1945 Adams, C.D., to Central California 1920 Adams, W.E., to Texas 1934 African West Coast Union Pearl Rogers released from call to Ife Hospital 1925 Misses A. and L. Ashley to Ife Hospital 1925 M.D.Lewia released from call to Nigeria 1925 E.D.Dick and A.W.Peterson to travel by air 1925 Altman, Roger, Assistant Treasurer 1945 American Temperance Society Authorized to print 3,000 copies of letter 1927 To affiliate with National Temperance Movement 1949 Anderson, R.A.and family, leave of absence to Australia 193X,5- Anderson, V.G., invited to July meeting 1948 Anthony, Dr. Robert W., invited to Takoma Park 1949 Appointees, housing accommodations while awaiting transportation to fields 1937 Appointments and Itineraries H.M.Blunden 1920 L.K.Dickson, L.Halswick, J.F.Cummins, W.P.Bradley 1927 H.H.Votaw, A.W.Cormack, Jewel Hatcher, Mrs. Mace 1931 M.E.Olsen,'D.E.Rebok, E.W.Dunbar, Miss McCormack 1931 H.W.Barrows, W.E.Phillips, J.J.Strahle 1931 J.E.Weaver, S.A.Wellman, C.S.Longacre 1933 H.M.Blunden, R.Ruhling, W.A.Butler 1939 L.K,Dickson, W.A.Butler, E.E.Franklin, L Haiswiok 1943 R.Ruhling 1947 H.A.Morrison, W.H.Teesdale, J.E.Weaver, Mrs. Rebok 1948 Claude Miller 1948 Geneva Bryan, J.J.Strahle 1053 Appropriations $25.00 to National Temperance Movement 1949 25.00 to Business Men's Research Foundation 1949 ,1i?5,000 to Canadian Watchman Press 1951 Ashley, Misses A. and L., to Nigeria 1925 Authorization of Signatures, for Relief -Clothing account in San Francisco Bank 1940 Baer, Eleanor, to Educational Department 1942 Bahr, E.W., sponsorship for 1952 Banks, E.C., to Carolina Conference 1938 Barger, R.Chester, to Spanish School 1953 Beardsley, Eldred, to Battle Creek Academy 1946 Bieber, D.J., to Gitwe Mission 1941 Bietz, R.R., to Middle East Union 1925 Action calling to Middle East rescinded 1943 Book to union conference presidents 1931 Books for war destroyed libraries 1944 Bowers, Ga., to Washingtbn Missionary College 1938 Boynton, Gerald, to Southern Missionary College 1938 Branson, E.L., to return to Middle East Union 1943 British Union asked to act in extending furlough of W.C.S.Raitt 1935 -2- Broadcasting in European countries 1926 Broadview College and Theological Seminary Property 1951 Browning, R.E., to Kansas 1930 Bruck, Esther, to Broadview Academy 1920 Bureau of Home Missions Italian Workers' Meeting in Takoma Park 1952 Bureau of Publicity, to send book to union presidents 1931 Campbell, M.V., invited to July meeting 1948 Canadian Watchman Press, $5,000 to for equipment and addition to building 1951 Caylor, Elsie, to Glendale Sanitarium 1942 Central European Division Alsace to Southern European Division 1952 China Division Milton Lee, permanent return 1919 To Ohio 1931 Exchange on funds of returning missionaries 1924 Christensen, John, to Emmanuel Missionary College 1953 Church Buildings in Phoenix and Trenton 1950 Clarke, W.A., to study German 1933 Clawson, W.B., to Walla Walla College Academy 1930 Coffin, Nathan, to Mt. Vernon Academy 1953 Columbia Union Addition to Mt. Vernon Academy 1936 Ohio Conference office building 1937 Church building in Trenton, New Jersey 1950 Committees Universal Military Training, 1928 Listing Countries and Languages 1936 Revision of "How to Give Bible Readings" 1938 Literature Problems 1939 Workers Not Eligible for Sustentation 1942,1948 European Workers desiring to come to America 1954 Culbert, Abbie, to Atlantic Union College 1930 Culpepper, J.C., to July meeting 1952 Culpepper, Lessie Lee, to Edutational Department 1934 Action rescinded 1942 Cummins, J.F., visit to Middle East postponed 1926 Curry, Delbert, released from German Language Group 1933 Davis, Anola, to New England Sanitarium 1934 Demchuk, S.J., to British Columbia 1930 Dick, E.D., to travel by air to West Africa 1925 Dickson, L.K., chairman of Radio Commission 1948 Dittberner, J.L., to Wisconsin 1930 To Georgia-Cumberland 1938 Dyer, Ella, to Southwestern Junior College 1947 Edwardson, Mrs. Anna Paulson, to Boulder Sanitarium 1930 Egelhoff, Myrtle, to Orange County school 1930 European countries, broadcasting in 1926 European workers desiring to come to America 1954 Exchange on funds of workers returning from China 1924 Far Eastern Division- E.J.Urquhart, permanent return 1932 Dr. R.F.Waddell to Bangkok 1941 Dr. H.A.Hall to Manila 1941 Farley, Annie, to Adelphian Academy 1946 Fowler, R.W., to Indiana Academy 1926 Fuller, Margaret, to West Virginia 1941 Gernet, Sterling, to Pacific Union College 1934 Gibson, Leota, to Mt. Vernon Academy 1926 Girouard, James Lewis, case on naturalization to be carried to Supreme Court 1929 Granbois, Mildred, to Medellin School 1925 Released from appointment 1941 Hale, M.L., to Antillian Union office 1919 Hall, Dr. H.A., to Manila 1941 Halswick, L., released from call to Middle East Union 1925 Harder, Olivia, to Maplewood Academy 1946 Haynes, Donald, to Rbtomac Conference 1926 Helderbrandt, Mildred, to, Florida 1953 Henneberg, R.R., to study Russian 1919 Released from Russian Group 1940 Hirabayashi, Tashi, to Hawaii 1947 Howe, Walter, to Southwestern Union 1933 Inter-American Division M.L.Hale to Antillian Union 1919 H.B.Lundquist to Mexico 1924 Dr. and Mrs. T.R.Reynolds to Mexico 1924 Mildred Granbois to Medellin School 1925 Released from call 1941 Dr. H.M.Walton and W.E.Nelson to visit Jamaica and Mexico 1948 Return transportation of B.F.Perez to Argentina 1948 Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. R.A., to Oregon 1934 Jensen, Dr. Lyle C., to Atlantic Union College 1946 Calls from Walla Walla College and Washington Missionary College 1953 Johnson*, Mr. and Mrs. R.A., to Emmanuel Missionary College 1942 Johnson, Willard, to New Delhi, India 1932 Kemper, Paul, to Ontario-Quebec 1926 Kibble, H.W., to Southern California 1939 Klement, H.C., to Southern Union 1937 Knauft, Emil, reassigned to Detroit 1946 Knauft, E.C., to study Arabic 1924 Knitte!, J.J., to Fquntain Head Academy 1938 Knudsen, Paul, sponsorship for 1926 Krogstad, Mrs. Norman, to Bethel Academy 1935 Kurtz, A.A., to Orissa, India 1933 -4- Labor Unions, 1,000 copies of statement 1929 Lake Union Purchase of houses in Indianapolis 1924 Building for Shiloh Church School 1932 Addition to Cedar Lake Academy 1940 Broadview property 1951 Language Study Program R.R.Henneberg to study Russian 1919 Fabian Meier released from Arabic Group 1919 W.A.Martin and E.C.Knauft to study Arabic 1924 Delbert Curry and C.L.Turner released from German and Arabic Groups 1932 W.A.Clarke to study German 1933 R.R.Henneberg released from Russian Group 1940 R.L.Rowe to study Arabic 1941 Boyd Olsen to Idaho 1943 Emil Knauft reassigned to Detroit 1946 Lawson, Walter G., to Pacific Press. 1939 Lee, Milton, permanent return from China 1919 (To:Ohio 1931 Leeper, Louise, to Hawaii 1926 Lewis, M.D., released from call to Nigeria 1925 Libraries, books and magazines for 1944 Listing countries and languages, committee 1936 Literature Problems, A.L.White added to committee 1939 Lude, Bernice, to Songa Mission 1941 Lundquist, H.S., to Antillian Union 1924 Martin, H.K., to Lodi Academy 1920 Martin, W.A., to study Arabic 1924 McCready, W.G., to Plainfield Academy 1938 McLeod, J.0.1 to India 1925 Medical Problems, workers invited to meeting on 1948 Meier, Fabian, released from Arabic Language Group 1919 Middle East Union L.Halswick released from call 1925 R.R.Bietz to 1925 Action on R.R.Bietz rescinded 1943 E.L.Branson to return to 1943 Miller, Claude, to regional meetings in Pacific Union 1948 Miller, N.A., calls from Atlantic Union College and Southern Missionary College 1929 Miller, Opal, to Southern Missionary College 1938 Mills, Robert G., to Oklahoma 1933 Missions Extension projects for 1945 1921 Missionary families, housing while waiting transportation1937 Mitchell, Ruth, to Emmanuel Missionary College 1942 Nachreiner, Edward, to Ohio 1935 Naturalization Law, modification of 1927 Test case before Supreme Court 1929 Nelson, W.E., to visit Jamaica and Mexico 1948 North American Radio Commission, L.K.Dickson chairman 1948 -5- Ochs, D.A., to East Pennsylvania 1923 Olson, Boyd, to Idaho 1943 Pacific Union, church building in Phoenix, Arizona 1950 Parfitt, Eliza, to Mt. Vernon Academy 1952 Pendergast, Dorothy, to Washington Missionary College 1946 Perez, B.F., transportation to Argentina 1948 Perrine, A.W., to Arkansas-Louisiana 1919 Peters, J.V., to Takoma Academy 1935 Peterson, A.W., travel by air to West Africa 1925 Pitman, Esther, to Oklahoma 1920 Publishing Department A.L.White added to Committee on Literature Problems 1939 Raitt, W.C.S., extension of furlough 1935 Relief Clothing, Drs. Robert W.Anthony and P.J.Zaccara invited to Takoma Park to report 1949 Religious Liberty Department 10,000 reprints of Congressional Record page 1920 To seek modification of Naturalization Law 1927 Test case on Naturalization Law 1927 Representations to United Nations Organization 1929 Reynolds, Dr. and Mrs. T.G., to Mexico 1924 Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, to Missouri 1947 Robbins, Leon, released from call to India 1932 Robeson, W.E., to Chesapeake Conference 1935 Roberts, G.A„to July meeting 1944 Robison, J.I., Associate Secretary 1945 Rogers, Pearl, released from call to Ife Hospital 1925 Rowe, R.L., to study Arabic 1941 Sanders, V.L., to Walla Walla Hospital . 1934 Sargeant, Henela, to Upper Columbia Academy, 1947 Self-supporting Work, Dr. E.A.Sutherland Coordinator 1941 Schisler, Edith, to Voice of Prophecy 1942 Schneider, Wilbert, to Walla Walla College 1939 Smith, Mrs. Alma, to Campion Academy 1935 Smith, C.O., to Atlantic Union College 1930 Smith, Mrs. Opal, to Southwestern Junior College 1947 Smith, Dr.
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