TEVET-SHEVAT 5750 JANUARY 1990 THE %^ SHOFAR VOL. 4 NO. 5 A PUBLICATION OF THE CHATTANOOGA JEWISH FEDERATION Wiston: Confident Challenge Will Be Met "The 1990 Federation Cam­ The special "Passage to Free­ paign has topped the $500,000 dom" campaign to resettle So­ mark," stated Barbara Wiston, viet Jews in Israel and the United I1MI 1990 Campaign Chairman. States, has suppassed the $38,000 As of December 31, the sum of mark, well on its way to reaching its $556,777 has been pledged for a goal of $53,000. card for card increase over 1989 of "I am thrilled with the prog­ 9%. ress of the 1990 campaign," stated The Men's Division has amassed Wiston. "If we keep up this pace a total of $464,466 pledges, com­ we will reach our goal of $661,000 pared with a total of $423,903 from for the regular campaign and the same number of persons last $53,000 for the 'Passage to Free­ year, for an increase of $10%. dom' campaign. m The Women's Division, lead "We have an excellent corp of Dy Amelia Lebovitz and Miriam volunteers working on the 1990 Fed­ M Levine, Co-chairmen, has secured eration Campaign. Through their DAY SCHOOL GIVES INVALUABLE SUPPORT TO CAMPAIGN pledges totaling $92,511 compared efforts, I am confident that Chat­ (l-r) Brittany Sirota, Noah Stein, Lou Solomon, Deborah Spector, Ge with a total of $87,937 for the same tanooga Jewry will respond to the Stahl and Kara Koplan. donors last year. This represents a challenge set forth by the 1990 Cam­ 7o increase in the Women's Divi­ paign leadership," stated Wis­ sion pledges. ton. Kashrut Policy of Chattanooga Jewish Federation's Board of Directors Any Federation event involving chshir and the Federation, under food as a focal point of the program the supervision of the Rav HaMa­ shall be done according to Ortho­ chshir. dox Rules of Kashrut. The purpose of establishing a In regard to Kashrut supervi­ Kashrut policy was to maximize sion, the Rabbi of Beth Sholom participation in Federation spon­ Congregation will be the Rav sored community events. HaMachshir (certifying Rabbi). We hope this clarifies any con­ ) Direct Kashrut supervision of fusion that exists regarding the , community events will be done by Chattanooga Jewish Federation's Mashgiachs (supervisors) who are Kashrut policy. acceptable to both the Rav HaMa­ Chattanooga Jewish federation P.O. Box 8947 Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Chattanooga, TN 37411 PAID THEJ.C.C. Permit No. 63 (Address Correction Requested) Chattanooga, TN ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Saturday, February 3,1990 Page 2 The Shofar Janvuviy J990 EMTOMAL / CO. ENTAEY After the Wall JUF News Jewish views on Berlin Events by Todd Winer Once again the question, "begged me to do something to any sense I said we had to bring that was one topic where Simon "What does it mean for the help them leave. But I had no such them in." may have a different view than most Jews?" is heard, this time in power. I talked with members of Retired East German Jews re­ Germans. "We talked about it connection with the dramatic events the Communist government. The ceive a state pension at age 60, but and he said he hopes it will not hap­ in East Germany. Have the few minister in charge of church affairs if they emigrate, the pension stops. pen. Like many other Jews, I don't Jews remaining in East Berlin left almost became a friend of mine - For the East German govrnment, think Simon wants to see Germany the country? Will easing travel there were some human beings over it is one less person to have to get that strong. I don't want to see restrictions and other measures there. But the minute I talked about support. it happen either, but I think it is keep them there? Is a unified emigration, they would immediately "It's not like it is in West inevitable. It won't happen soon, Germany an inevitable result of the change the subject." Germany which sends money to between three to five years I think unprecedented changes sweeping The majority of East Berlin's German-born Jews in Israel and we '11 see a unified Germany. They East Germany? What does a uni­ Jews are elderly, including concen­ the United States," Rabbi Lorge are Germans first, East and West fied Germany mean for world tration camp survivors and Polish said. "But what are these East second. Unified, the country will Jewry? Will a more open East emigres. German Jews to do? They are too be the most powerful country in all Germany face up to its responsibil­ There are only seven synagogues old to start a new career, have no of Europe." ity for World War II and begin issu­ in all of East Germany. Whereas other source of income, so they Speaking at Congregation B'nai ing reparations to its victims? West Germany has 7,000 or 8,000 stay." Shalom in Buffalo Grove, death To try to answer some of these Jews in a well-organized commu­ Rabbi Lorge reported that Si­ camp survivor and Novel Peace questions, JUF NEWS talked with nity, the number of Jews in the mon discounted any talk of Jews, Prize recipient Elie Wiesel pointed Rabbi Ernst Lorge, rabbi emeritus German Democratic Republic young or old, fleeing the country. out something about the events in Of Temple Beth Israel in Skokie, range from 300 fully-recognized "Simon told me that very few Germany that many had overlooked and had him contact a leading mem­ Jews to 1000 or so on the fringe. congregation members left. I asked - how present-day occurences in ber of the East German Jewish Some might not be considered him why not and he replied, Why the world can affect the recollec­ Community, Herman Simon. Jewish according to Israel's Law should they. I stated that we get the tion of the past. Rabbi Lorge, born in Mainz, of Return, but they make an effort, impression here that tens of thou­ Wiesel said that the mayor of Germany, has had close contacts Rabbi Lorge said. "Some in the sands of Germans left, so why West Berlin cited Nov. 9,1989 as a with East Berlin's skeletal Jewish synagogue are strict and will not shouldn't our people be among day that "will enter history," community. He served as visiting allow those from mixed marriages, them. To this he replied that it was symbolizing the East German emi­ rabbi for its sole functioning syna­ but others are not so strict. I worked because Jews have sechel (brains), gration experience and opening of gogue during the high holidays from very hard to try to bring in some that the intelligent people aren't the Berlin Wall. 1984-1986. Simon is a member of people who wanted to get Jewish leaving. I believe him, I don't Yet, Wiesel said, that date al­ that synagogue. culture. Some were honest to think he would tell me the people ready has a place in world history, Rabbi Lorge believes that the goodness Communists, who said were still there is they weren't." especially Jewish history. Nov. 9, younger members of the Jewish they had nothing to do with reli­ Most of the congregation mem­ 1939 is the night of the broken glass, community in East Berlin probably gion, but wanted to join the com­ bers, including Simon, did go over Kristallnacht, when German syna­ left at the first opportunity, weeks munity for cultural reasons. Many to visit West Berlin. "He thought gogues were burned to the ground, before additional checkpoints were in the community objected to that, the city was impressive and beauti­ Jews were killed, and thousands established at the Berlin Wall. He and I was in the strange situation to ful, but that all the historic features more imprisoned. For Jews, and said that when he was in East Ber­ have to say that after we lost six of the city are on the Eastern side," aontlnuzd on page. 14 lin, young Jews, assuming he had million, I don't care if they are re­ Rabbi Lorge said. some leverage with the authorities, ligious or not. If they are Jews in As far as reunification, he said VIEWPOINT •^SHOFAR, How do you feel about a unified Germany? Published ten times a year by the Chattanooga Jewish Federation, located in the Jewish Community Center. The mailing address is P.O. Box 8947, Chattanooga, TN. 37411. Editorial Board: Chairman - Ival Goldstein Susan Kaplan Members: Amelia Lebovitz Judi Pressman Candy Kruesi Marcie Pregulman Steve Ulin Louis B. Solomon Reporters: David Eisdorfer, B'nai Brith Ruth Jaffe, Mizpah Barbara Oxenhandler, B'nai Zion Muriel Porter, Hadassah Judi Spector, Day School, Girl Scouts Karol Rudnick, Beth Sholom Brownie Troop, Young Judaea Pam Berke - "It concerns me but I Barney Brody - "Suspicious. I sup­ The Chattanooga Shofar is mailed at no charge to members of the don't want to be narrow-minded. I just pose it will come eventually. I think Chattanooga Jewish Federation. Additional subscriptions are available for $25.00 want to watch events as they proceed there should be safeguards to keep them per year. and hope for the best." from re-arming." All submissions must reach the Federation office by the sixth of the month to be included in the next month's issue. All letters must be signed in order to be considered for publication. The views and opinions expressed in guest editorials and in the letters column aretfiose of the authors and not necessarily those of the Federation or of the editorial staff of this paper.
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