Agenda CABINET Members of the Portfolio Date Cabinet Monday 9 September 2019 Mr J Fuller External Affairs and (Chairman) Policy Time Mrs K Mason Billig Stronger (Vice Chairman) Communities and 9.00 am Governance Mrs Y Bendle Health, Housing and Wellbeing Place Colman and Cavell Rooms Mrs A Thomas Finance and South Norfolk House Resources Cygnet Court Long Stratton Mr K Kiddie Regulatory and Norwich Environmental Excellence NR15 2XE Mrs L Neal Planning and Economic Growth Contact Claire White tel (01508) 533669 South Norfolk District Council Cygnet Court Long Stratton Norwich NR15 2XE Email: [email protected] Website: www.south-norfolk.gov.uk This meeting may be filmed, recorded or photographed by the public; however, anyone who wishes to do so must inform the Chairman and ensure it is done in a non-disruptive and public manner. Please review the Council’s guidance on filming and recording meetings available in the meeting room. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance Large print version can be made available 1 Agenda 1. To report apologies for absence; 2. Any items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Urgent business may only be taken if, "by reason of special circumstances" (which will be recorded in the minutes), the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion that the item should be considered as a matter of urgency; 3. To Receive Declarations of Interest from Members (please see guidance – page 3) 4. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on Monday 22 July 2019 (attached – page 5) 5. Poringland Neighbourhood Plan (report attached – page 13) Submission for Examination (May 2019); 6. Norfolk Strategic Planning Framework, June 2019; (report attached – page 22) Shared Spatial Objectives for a Growing County and Statement of Common Ground 7. Joint Inclusive Growth Strategy (report attached – page 113) 8. Performance, Risk, Revenue and Capital Budget Position for Quarter One 2019/20 (report attached – page 129) 9. Cabinet Core Agenda (attached – page 174) 2 Agenda Item: 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AT MEETINGS When declaring an interest at a meeting Members are asked to indicate whether their interest in the matter is pecuniary, or if the matter relates to, or affects a pecuniary interest they have, or if it is another type of interest. Members are required to identify the nature of the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. In the case of other interests, the member may speak and vote. If it is a pecuniary interest, the member must withdraw from the meeting when it is discussed. If it affects or relates to a pecuniary interest the member has, they have the right to make representations to the meeting as a member of the public but must then withdraw from the meeting. Members are also requested when appropriate to make any declarations under the Code of Practice on Planning and Judicial matters. Have you declared the interest in the register of interests as a pecuniary interest? If Yes, you will need to withdraw from the room when it is discussed. Does the interest directly: 1. affect yours, or your spouse / partner’s financial position? 2. relate to the determining of any approval, consent, licence, permission or registration in relation to you or your spouse / partner? 3. Relate to a contract you, or your spouse / partner have with the Council 4. Affect land you or your spouse / partner own 5. Affect a company that you or your partner own, or have a shareholding in If the answer is “yes” to any of the above, it is likely to be pecuniary. Please refer to the guidance given on declaring pecuniary interests in the register of interest forms. If you have a pecuniary interest, you will need to inform the meeting and then withdraw from the room when it is discussed. If it has not been previously declared, you will also need to notify the Monitoring Officer within 28 days. Does the interest indirectly affect or relate any pecuniary interest you have already declared, or an interest you have identified at 1-5 above? If yes, you need to inform the meeting. When it is discussed, you will have the right to make representations to the meeting as would a member of the public, but you should not partake in general discussion or vote. Is the interest not related to any of the above? If so, it is likely to be another interest. You will need to declare the interest, but may participate in discussion and voting on the item. Have you made any statements or undertaken any actions that would indicate that you have a closed mind on a matter under discussion? If so, you may be predetermined on the issue; you will need to inform the meeting, and when it is discussed, you will have the right to make representations to the meeting as a member of the public, but must then withdraw from the meeting. FOR GUIDANCE REFER TO THE FLOWCHART OVERLEAF. PLEASE REFER ANY QUERIES TO THE MONITORING OFFICER IN THE FIRST INSTANCE 3 DECLARING INTERESTS FLOWCHART – QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF What matters are being discussed at the meeting? Do any relate to an interest I have? A Have I declared it as a pecuniary interest? OR B Does it directly affect me, my partner or spouse’s financial position, in particular: • employment, employers or businesses; • companies in which they are a director or where they have a shareholding of more NO than £25,000 face value or more than 1% of nominal share holding • land or leases they own or hold • contracts, licenses, approvals or consents YES If you have not already Pecuniary Interest The interest is pecuniary – done so, notify the disclose the interest, withdraw Monitoring Officer to from the meeting by leaving update your declaration the room. Do not try to of interests improperly influence the decision The interest is related to a pecuniary interest. Disclose YES Does the matter indirectly affect or relate to a pecuniary interest I have declared, or a matter the interest at the meeting. noted at B above? You may make representations as a member of the public, but you should not partake in general discussion or vote NO Related pecuniary interest The Interest is not pecuniary nor affects your pecuniary YES interests. Disclose the Have I declared the interest as an interest at the meeting. You other interest on my declaration of may participate in the interest form? OR meeting and vote Does it relate to a matter highlighted at B that impacts upon my family or a close associate? OR Does it affect an organisation I am Other Interest involved with or a member of? OR You are unlikely to NO have an interest. You Is it a matter I have been, or have do not need to do lobbied on? anything further. 4 Agenda Item: 4 CABINET Minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet of South Norfolk District Council held at South Norfolk House, Long Stratton on Monday 22 July 2019 at 5.10pm. Members Present: Cabinet: Councillors: K Mason Billig (Chairman), Y Bendle, K Kiddie, and A Thomas Apologies: Councillors: J Fuller and L Neal Non-Appointed Councillors: D Bills, F Ellis, T Laidlaw and G Minshull Officers in Attendance: The Managing Director (T Holden), the Director of People and Communities (J Sutterby), the Assistant Director Chief of Staff (H Ralph), the Assistant Director Governance and Business Support (E Hodds), the Assistant Director Individuals and Families (M Pursehouse), the Housing and Benefits Manager (R Dunsire), the Revenues and Benefits Manager (Broadland DC) (S Quilter), the Group Accountant (J Brown), the Housing Enabling and Strategy Officer (K Mitchell), the Housing Standards and Community Protection Manager (T Cooke), and the Senior Governance Officer (E Goddard). 2725 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 10 June 2019 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 2726 PERFORMANCE, RISK, REVENUE AND CAPITAL BUDGET POSITION FOR QUARTER FOUR 2018/19 Members considered the report of the Group Accountant, the Business Improvement Lead, and the Senior Governance Officer, which detailed the Council’s performance against strategic measures, risk position and the revenue and capital position for the fourth quarter of 2018/19. Officers presented the report, summarising the Council’s performance and drawing attention to the key issues, under each of the Council’s corporate priorities. 5 With regard to budgets, members were informed that there was a positive variance on the revenue budget of £1.875 million for 2018/19, and that capital spend was £15.925 million, against a budget of £47.740 million. Members’ attention was drawn in particular to the slippage requests on both capital and revenue budgets, the movement in reserves, the amended capital programme, and the budget virement that had exceeded £100,000. Cabinet expressed its appreciation to all staff, whose hard work and dedication had helped the Council to achieve such positive outcomes throughout the year, and particular reference was made to the work of the Early Help Hub, Economic Development, and the prude management of budgets. With regard to those three indicators where targets had not been met, Cabinet noted the reasons and felt confident that improvements would be made. Members noted that the completion of the refurbishment of the Long Stratton Leisure Centre had been delayed and this had in turn impacted on the rate of membership growth, and accepted that targets had been too ambitious.
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