View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Xavier University Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1964-02-28 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1964). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2165. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2165 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. avler l?lllS • ~ol. XLVlll CINCINNATI, OHIO_, FllDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1964 TEN CENTS No. 11. PARKING PUDDLES TO STAY INITIATIVE Repairs May Needed to Halt Come During .Decline of U.S. Spring Tl1aw · Lead-Scranton By BOB RYl\N News EdHor-in-Chiel Pennsylvania Go v er n or ·William W. Scranton warn­ There's a lot of water itt ed an assembly of the Cin­ the Herald Avenue student cinnati Council on World 1,arking area and it probahly Atfafrs last Friday that the won't recede for q u i t e a United States m u s t take while. prompt, bold actfon to stem A plethora of s o g g y the continuing decline of its chuckholes, many measur­ Fr·ee W or 1 d leadership 01· ing a foot deep and f-leverat face tragic consequences. feet wide, has been grad­ CITING the leaping milita1·y ually ap1>earing thro11~hout · and economic growth of Amer­ the lot fo1· several years. ica's. allies, the prominent dark MAINTENANCF. OFFIC!IALS horse contender for the Repuh­ state thut they have requested . lican presidential nomination funds lo repave the mud and . stated that "the political and -N1•ws (Woltrr) l'/1,.10 grnvel rnadway surface l>ut hav~ economic position of the United been consistently turned dow11 because ot fiscal con~iderations . : st~~s ~~e~~ 0~m::!:;d d:~li::;e Southern ·Students Visit Xavier Campus . The Student Council treasur­ ··than 1400 persons heard·. the 46- · . Newsman Dave Cook discusses l-acial problem.s . The grQup, including a :fourth student; J'el'ry er's committee recently turned . :: )'ear•ol~i'oor_.: pie~·. for • a.rt. :· ~-ull:,;.La~.iy,;2.·.iotdarij;;_i.fary<'Aa'.in .· H·ait; :. antlo[Je~ry=:,c;,::;VJ~:~d;;: '~tt~rta~d'<-· cl~siies° ·• at Xavit!r . -sa(-'i~ ·· on a. down a. pl'oposed ~xpenditure. ()f~•- . ..iric1·ease in u. s.' initiative as he. :·Ward '<:i'mp\;s re~pticin:·iasf" \Veek:"":Titi! .. :·, ...- J;; .. ·, ·~·I . -.:·t.i ..;· .·. ·d' 't 1• :_. d ,. th"'' . 1'. •. .. $1200. to repair the facility by a 'riuririg a "ounc1 mee ng, an oure o er oca campuses ··keynoted·...... the Councils. , ·10th· ·· an- studen· ts:. ,,·enl'olled at Tougaloo Southern. Christian. · ". .. 3-1 vote, with Tl'easurer David . nu.al conference on international Colleg ' !Jackson,.. Mississippi, spent five days at durmg the· v1s1t:. Council Human Relations Com- Cook offering lone support t.IJ •ffail's at the Hotel Nethel'land. Xavier as pai·t of a student Council exchange mitteemen Pat Harkins, John .. Schaal, and Rudy the measure. The majorit.v re­ Tht! conference was JointlJ' prog1·a 1• . Hast hosted the. delegation dul'ing its stay. port stated that it was not the lllJOnsored b:r Xavier and &he responsibility or the students t<t University of Cincinnati. 'Bather I-,o,se With Y 011111 'l.'laan Win With Gle1111' make the repairs. Governor Scranton pointed out Councilman W 11 I I a m Kt>l'k, -. that while the U. S. allies in who authorized the original pr4•• Europe and Japan have been en­ Gilligan Denounces Sen. Lausche As posal, commented Monday after hancing their economic positions a similar motion wu taltlelit~ since 1960, America has been "C@uncil is just treading w11I,... failing to keep the pace. 'Ruthless, U11scrupulous Politician' 011 this thing." "We are warned that. changes· Amid the ri:-:in,',{ tide of sl.u­ of political power within the John Gilligan, the chief rebel cilman Thomas Sprau!, al'e also dent critici::;m, Rev. Patrick H. governments of our allies may wal'i·ior of Hamilton County's ·xaviel' alumni. Ralterman, S.J., clean of men. i~­ weaken the North Atlantic strife-\VOl'n Democratic· Pa rt y, sued a statement to the News Tr ea t y Organization," he ob­ THE REB~LS and the Wiethe declared to a Xavic1· Universit,y organization are cul'rently in the yesterday. In l'esponse to th" &erved. audience Tu es d a.y that Ohio flood of complaints he said: Gl'imly pointing to incl'easing thl'Oes of a battle concerning the Senato!'. Frank Lausche "is . the "The patience manifested hy Unl'est in Latin Amel'ica and appearance or Col. Glenn in Cin­ most ruthless, unscrupulous pol­ the students towal'd the road­ U. S. losses in Viet• Nam, the cinnati on Ma1·~h 11. 'l'he Pemo­ itician I know." · way situation in the pat·king lot . gove1·11or cautioned: "Amel'ican crnts United group insists that Gilligan, a Cincinnati c I t y is· ve1·y much appreciated - al­ · leadel'ship must c e a s e being Glenn will speak at a luncheon councilman and former English though I suspect it is wearing.• liiWept along by the cu1Tent 1>f meeting of t he i r cn·ganization professor at Xavier, also leveled bit thin. ·events." pl'iol' to a "Golden Donkey" din­ his sights on Marine astronaut "Frankly, ·we are caught ill In order to·halt the rising tide ner address sponsored by the John Glenn, who will oppose in­ something of a bina. Right rmw · of economic adversity, Govel'noi: l'egular party o r g a n i z a t i o n. cumbent Senator· Stephen Young many-ton trucks are poundinic ... Scranton called for a united er­ w· i e t h e steadfastly maintains on the Democ1·atic primal'y bal­ over the roadway. ll would not . fort among Japan, Western Eu- thut the astronaut . will speak lot in' May. be wise to put in anything per­ ropean nations, and the U. S. to only at the evening affail'. 'Ap­ manent until that beating ill . ex11and w or Id trade. Such a Addresslnc a meetlnc of &he parently confused by the local over. move, he said, would also aid revived Political, Forum, Gilli- fuss, Glenn's headqua1·ters in "Then there is the 1>roblern of developing nations. can stated: "I ml«ht rather lose Co?umbus has issued conflicting wl&h Senator Y~unc than win statements regal'ding t h·e en­ the new dormitory. One of the with Glenn,· b e ca u s e I'm not gagements. sites t)nde1· considera lion is 11 mainly l11terested 111 wlnnlnc. I Complicating the picture fur­ REBEL GILLIGAN section of the present parking ml«ht wind up with ano&her the1· is an end.:irsement which "Wiethe is a 11ery bad boy • • ,. lot, with additional parking be­ Lausche on my hands." f,ausche 1·ebel spokesmen gave to Senator ing developed fu1·thm· down th" has a record · for independent Young in J a n u a r y, pl'iol' t\l this country so obviously needs. area. We don't want to be spend­ vo&lnc in Congress. "Anyone wh@ Glenn's surprise announcement The most rndical element should ing money on something we may says: 'I'm an Independent' Is a11 of his candidacy. "l told-..,Young be the university crnwd-but in well be ripping out in a year. Idiot," Glllliran told the Marlon that John Wiethe is' a very bad Amel'ica it is not.. "We w i I 1 .certainly provtdtt Hall ca&herlnK. boy," Gilligan told the Forum. e "If a po I i t i c i a n doesn't some tempol'ary repairs as soora The l'ebel pal'ty faction, known Hiniseif a primary candidate throw dead cats, his name won't as the excavations for the pres­ as "Democ1·ats ·United," s pl it _for the seat of First District U. S. get in the papers. ent building are finished ancl with the l'egular Democ1·atic or­ Representative, Gilligan turned e "l taught Tito Carinci; he freezing weathel' is past. This i• sanization last summe1· when a his attack to his more na&ural was one hell of a student. the only thing that seems finan• long-bl'ewing feud with County en•mies: "The Republica11s won e ''1'he secret of Jimmy Hof­ cially advisabl~. Chairman John Wiethe erupted 75 percent of &he Cm1rre511ional fa's success is: 'l'm getting you. "lt has always struck me a• Jnto open wal'fare. seal.'I in Ohio wHh 55 percent of fellows what you want.' somewhat ironical that when­ Wiethe g1·aduated from Xavier &he vote. You mlch& eall thl1 e "We don't need· a 'strong evel' we are abl_e to put in a nice .:.~ In 1934 and fom1el'ly served as serr;rmanderlnr,'' h• charred •. .mayor' form of govemment; w~ roadway through the pal'king lot head coach of the. Musketeer On a. potpourri of other mat­ just need a strong mayor. somebody will undoubtedly sug­ basketball squad.· 'l'wo of Gilli· te1·s, Gilligan commented: e "Republicans c:ontrol the gest riutting artificial bum11s to gan's allies in the organizational .
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