University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, February 7, 1963. Vol
NR EndorsesCouncilAmendment Avery important amendment to the Student Council constitution will be be their official representative. Many opponents to -the amendment have on the ballot this month in the annual campus 'elections. This amendment, if pointed out that Council president is not the official president of .the student passed, will .chanqe the office of Student Council.president from an internal- body. If this is true then. there certainly shouldbe a student body president. ~ ly elected position to a, campus-wide student elected position: , and 'he should be somebody whopossesses the power to make :the position ~ The passage of this .amendment will resultin a more democratic way of worthwhile-not a -mere figurehead.. -, student: qovernment: the presentettuetlon-cCouncf electinq the president- If the opposite is true, that Student Council president is the student body, f ....; ? permits a great 'dealor'political maneuvering amol1~ the_~a.rious factions and president; then students should hevea voice 'in his selection-it is their.right. co~Htions.. DirtY'poli,ticsmCil.-?,~~a;l~p:rrFW~me.I:~'~i'~~~~n~e~CriQ~thi~ but it is , In sddition, thisWou'ldbring' Council closer, to the sfudent body than it is now.:: quite ObVI,?U'S,to· anyone wrt.Mt!pt.9~~rV,-~"~P\jJ1ttil'i\(df!cer elections, that.. , The problernln campus.politics is I~thargy; to lick this problem changes these elections are pretty much predetermined. ..' ~.., . ., will.have to be made. ': '- .'" , , ; But-more-important- th t n ·thisri-s.-~beriact £t. f with,'f .e passeqeiof fhis-' The NEWS ','RECORD heartily endorses, this amendment and urqes all . amendment students wilLP! 1t>ten6o~eth~~~rs,oo_ l.
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