414 STRUVE—SUARDUS SUARDUS—SUCHTEN 415 STRUVE (HEINRICH). Continued. SUARDUS (PAULUS). Continued. Heinrich Strove, son of Otto Fr. Struve, M.D., who subsequently overseer of the mines in the Canton Vaud, The editions of his book which are quoted are: vallis Transcherii‘; it was printed at Bergamo, 1582, 4°. removed from Regensburg to Lausanne, was born at the after the death of F. S. Wild. Venet. apud Octavianum Scotum, 1517, apud According to Banga, his 'Thesaurus was still the text-book latter place in 1751, studied there and in Tübingen, and He wrote many works and papers on minerals, Hieronymum Scotum, 1556; Lugduni, 1636, 4°. A towards the end of the sixteenth century in Germany. was a friend of Tissot and von Haller, who encouraged chemistry, geology, mining, chemical analysis, etc. treatise, left by him, is entitled 'De balneis him in his natural history pursuits. To the translation of Macquer's Dictionary, Lausanne, 1789, 8°, he added a supplement or fifth volume. Wolfgangus Justus (Jobst), Chronologia sive Kestner, Medicinisches Gelehrten-Lexicon, 1740, In 1790, he was appointed professor of physics and Temporum supputatio omnium illustrium Medicorum, p. 820. chemistry in the Academy of Lausanne, and He died at Lausanne, 29 Nov., 1826. Francophorti ad Viadrum, 1556, p. 145. Stolle, Kurtze Nachricht von den Büchern und Paschalis Gallus, Bibliotheca Medica, Basil. deren Urhebern in der Stollischen Bibliothec, 1741, Christian Daniel Beck, Allgemeines Repertorium der Biographie Universelle, Supplément, 1853, lxxxiii. p. 66 1590, p. 249 ( Thesaurus Aromatariorum sive Antido- Th. xiii. p. 408 (in a notice of the ‘Luminare Majus', neuesten in- und ausländischen Literatur für 1827, (puts his birth in 1740); no date, xl. p. 341. tarium, Lugdun., 1528, along with Manlius Lumen,). pp. 403-408). Zedler, Universal Lexicon, 1744, xl. col. 1505, Leipzig, 1827, iii. p. 77 (reference to the obituary of him Poggendorff, Biographisch-literarisches Hand- Van der Linden, De Scriptis Medicis libri duo, 1637, in the 'Zeitschrift für die eleg. Welt, 141, p. 1127). wörterbuch, 1803, ii. col. 1033. p. 385. Jöcher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon, 1751, iv. col. Donato Calvi, Scena litteraria de gli Scrittori 921. Haller, Bibliotheca Medicinae practicae, 1776, i. p. 476 Bergamaschi, Bergamo, 1664, Parte prima, p. 456. ('Thesaurus Aromatariorum‘). STUDIOSUS. Filippo Picinelli, Ateneo de i Letterali Milanesi, Jelle Banga, Geschiedenis von de Geneeskunde en van Milano, 1670, p. 455. hare Beoefenaren in Nederland, Leeuwarden, 1868, p. i. See SOPHIÆ LABORIS STUDIOSUS. Mercklin, Lindenius renovatus, 1686, p. 873. p. 343. Manget, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medicorum, 1731, II. ii. Billings, Index-Catalogue, 1892, xiii. p. 849 (Lugduni p. 332. 1525, edition). STUDIUM Consilii Conjugii de Massa Solis et Lunæ. Stolle, Anleitung zur Historie der Medicinischen Schelenz, Geschichte der Pharmazie, 1904, pp. 337, Gelahrheit, 1731, p. 770. note 5, 407. See ARS CHEMICA, 1566, p. 48. See CONSILIUM CONJUGII. In the note to 'Consilium Conjugii' it was stated that concile that with its original signification. It was afterwards SUCCOW (GEORG ADOLPH). this tract first appeared in 1567, It was, however printed used as synonymous with cimla or alchemy in general, and See SUCKOW (GEORG ADOLPH). in the 1566 edition of the 'Ars Chemica as above. in that sense is explained by Rulandus: Kuria vel Kymia, id Schmieder seems to have known only the 1567 edition of est, massa, heist dieselb Kunst, alchimia, alkymia; and again: that collection, probably a new-dated re-issue, which he Kymus, id est, massa, Berthelot quotes some passages SUCHER des Philosophischen Steins. believed to be the first, as there might be nothing to illustrative of this use. He compares it with the m©xa or indicate the contrary. Chemistry of Moses, mentioned by Zosimus. See GROSSE (Die) Arglistigkeit derer sich der Satan bedienet bey der wahren The word Massa or Mata here is Hebrew and denotes The present tract is of Arabic or Jewish origin and, Alchymie, 1731. unleavened bread. Berthelot states that it was used by according to Berthelot, later than the 'Turba' but of the same Greek alchemists to denote a 'metallic ferment,' though it tradition. is somewhat difficult to re- SUCHTEN (ALEXANDER VON). Rulandus, Lexicon Alchimiae, 1612, pp. 271, 272. Berthelot, Introduction à l'Etude de la Chimie des Antimonii Mysteria Gemina. Alexandri von Suchten. Das ist: Von den grossen Kalid, 'Liber Trium Verborum,' Introduction; Anciens et du Moyen Age, 1889, pp. 29, 57, 209, 210, 257. Theatrum Chemicum, 1660, v. p. 186. 304. Geheimnussen defs Antimonij, in zweene Tractat abgeteilet. Derer einer die Berthelot, Collection des Anciens Alchimistes Grecs, Artzeneyen zu anfallenden menschlichen Kranckheiten offenbahret, der Ander aber, Paris, 1888, Traduction, p. 180. wie die Metallen erhöhet vnd in verbesserung vbersetzet werden. Mit mancherley STUART DE CHEVALIER (SABINE). künstlichen vnd Philosophischen beyderseits derselbigen bereitungen, exempelweise Discours philosophique sur les trois Principes Animal, Végétal et Minéral. ou la Clef du illustrirt, vnd zu vindicirung seines Lobs vnd ruhms publiciret worden. Durch Johann sanctuaire philosophique. Par Sabine Stuart de Chevalier. Cette Clef introduit celui qui Thölden, Hessum. l604. Leipzig, In vorlegung Jacob Apels, Buchhän. la possede dans le sanctuaire de la Nature; elle en découvre les mystères; elle sert en 8°. Pp. 530 [14]. Wants the last leaf of the Index. Title red and black. Blank leaf not numbered même tems à dévoiler les Ecrits du célèbre Basile Valentin, & à le défroquer de l'Ordre between 392 and 393. Vignette, with the motto: Fides Dei victrix, Gen: xxxii. The second tractate: De Antimonio vulgari, has a separate title, p. 393. respectable des Bénédictins, en donnant la véritable explication des douze Clefs de ce Philosophe ingénieux. Tome Premier. A Paris, chez Quillau, Libraire, rue Christine, au Alexandri von Suchten Mysteria Gemina Antimonii, das ist: Von den grossen Magasin Littéraire, par Abonnement. M.DCC.LXXXI. Avec Approbation & Privilége Geheimnüssen des Antimonii, in Zwey Tractat abgetheilt: Deren Einer, die Artzneyen du Roi. zu anfallenden Menschlichen Kranckheiten. offenbaret, Der Ander aber, wie die 12°. Pp. Xxiv. Iv. 207 [4, 1 blank]. Plate. Metallen erhöhet, und in Verbesserung übersetzet werden. Mit mancherley künstlichen Tome second. und Philosophischen beyderseits derselbigen Bereitungen, Exempelweise illustrirt, und Pp. [4] iv, 227 [1 blank]. Plate. zu Vindicirung seines Lobs und Ruhms publicirt worden durch Johann Thölden, SUARDUS (PAULUS). Hessum. Anjetzo auffs neue übersehen, mit einem vollständigen Register vermehret. Thesaurus Aromatariorum. Mit Röm. Käiserl. Majest. und Chur-Fürstl. Sächsischem Privilegio. Nürnberg, In See MANLIUS DE BOSCHO (JOANNIS JACOBUS), Luminare Majus, 1566. Verlegung Paul Fürstens Kunst- und Buchhändlers Seel. Wittib. und Erben. According to Justus’ calculation Suardus flourished after Justus calls him 'aromatarius doctissimus,' in 1526 and was aromatarius doctissimus.' He is and Picinelii concludes therefore that his merits called a native of Bergamo, who was trained as a must have been great, while Calvi says he was 8°. Pp. [8, frontispiece included] 380. Register [27] [1 blank]. Plate of apparatus for calcining druggist, and settled in Milan. Van der Linden, without a rival in his art. antimony. The book is not dated. 416 SUCHTEN SUCHTEN—SUCKOW 417 SUCHTEN (ALEXANDER VON). Continued. SUCHTEN (ALEXANDER VON). Continued. Alexandri von Suchten, eines wahren Philosophi und der Artzneyen Doctoris Chymische genannt, die Artzney betreffend. Durch den Edlen vnnd be sold by Moses Pitt at the White Hart in Little Hochgelehrten Herrn Alexander von Suchten, der waren Britain, 1670, 16°. Pp. [8] 122 [2 book advertisements, 4 Schrifften Alle, so viel deren vorhanden, zum ersten mahl zusammen gedruckt, mit Philosophy vnd Artzney Doctorn . Gedruckt zu Müm- blank]. sonderbahrem Fleifs von vielen Druckfehlern gesäubert, vermehret, und in zwey Theile, pelgart, durch Jacob Foillet, 1598, Small 8°, pp. 72. There is a title-page to the second treatise, p. 59: als die Teutschen und Lateinischen verfasset. Franckfurt am Mayn, In Verlegung Georg Defs Edlen vnd Hochgelarten Alexandri von Süchten, Alfx. (sic) Van Suchten of Antimony Vulgar. The der wahren Philosophey vnnd Artzney Doctoris, Zween Second Treatise. London, Printed [&c., as above] 1670. Wolffs, Buchh. in Hamburg, Druckts Johann Görlin. Anno M DC LXXX. Tractat, Vom Antimonio. Der Erste, von der grossen Basil Valentine's 'Addition out of the Haligraphia' begins Heimligkeit defs Antimonii, . Der Ander, Clavis on p. 115. Alchemiæ, De Secretis Antimonii: . Sampt einem De Secretis antimonii, liber unus, . in latinum translatus Fragmento Dialogi De Hydrope, eiusdem Autoris, sermonem per Georgium Forbergium, Basil., 1575, 8°, pp. 8°. Pp. [16] 486 [9] [1 blank]. Engraved symbolic frontispiece included in the pagination. 4 Erstmals an tag gegeben. Gedruckt zu Mümpelgardt, woodcuts and a symbolical vignette. 112. durch Jacob Foillet, Im Jahr 1604. 8°, pp. [13, 3 blank] Editions in German by Tholde, published at Gera, 1613, 140 [4 blank]. 8°; Nürnberg, 1675, 8°, are mentioned, and the author of the The writings contained in this collected edition are the Dialogus, p. 305. It was also translated into English by Dr. Cable, and Beytrag suggests that the translator of Basilius Valentinus' following: De Tribus Facultatibus, p. 357. published with the following title-page: Concordantia
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