•m m S; £ wITKt Ml A. LICE TOWARD KTOKTE AN ID CHARITY FOR ALL.' VOL II. LOWELL, KENT COUNTY, MICH., MAY 10, 1895. NO. 98 FATAL ACCIDENT. survive her. Edson L, Frank A Last Saturday Mr. McNaughton, Charles R., Anna M. and Fred J The Talk of the Town, an old gentleman of 67 years was en- Though not a member of any church gaged in land rolling for his son, on Mrs. O'Harrow was an earnest Chris- the "Bisby" farm in Vergennes. In tian and in speaking to her husband CARELRSSN'KSS ON A WHEEL. somo manner he fell and the roller and children, expressed a desire that - Arthur Waterman, proprietor of WINEGAR'S passed over him, and when found life they meet her in Heaven. the Davis hotel at Lowell, wao the was extinct. Funeral services were victim last night of one of those bicy- DEATH OF UABY HELEN HILL. Fine Oxfords and Walking Shqes for the held at Ada on Tuesday and the re- Mr. and Mrs. Orton Hill have part- cle fiends who think they own the mains were interred Ladies. Ask to see our Tan Slippers. in the Egypt e(j wit|l i^y girl. Little Helen, whole street and that no one else has cemetery. any right upon it/ While walking not quite a year old, died of conges- A SUDDEN DEATH. along North Division street, at Park tion of the lungs, Monday afternoon. Francfs C. Wright died in Seguan, after a brief illness. GEO. W1NEGAR. street, he was run into by a wheelman Funeral ser Saturday, May 4, about 8:30 a. m. of who was riding at rapid rate of speed. vices were held at the residence on heart failure. He arose and went Mr. Waterman, who is 47 years of Wednesday, conducted by Rev. Jos. fishing that morning about 5 o'clock -PREPARE FOR A- age, was knocked down with such Provan. and after returning was taken very violence that his left side and arm suddenly with one of the spells he Little Edith, one of the twindauglv SPLENDID HARVEST were badly bruised. At first his arm ters of A. C. Stone and wife, whose • had often had, and out of which his was thought to have been fractured. life has been despaired of for sev- By Purchasing- faithful wife had brought him many Tho ambulance was summoned and eral days, is quite a little better at this . times. This time she used hot water time (Friday morning) and there are he was taken to the Union Benevolent as usual and thought him getting over some hopes of her recovery. Reed Harrows, Oliver and Syra- Association hospital. The careless it, when he suddenly dropped dead in wheelman escapted injury and dashed VERQBNNR9. cuse Plows, Planet Jr., Gulti- her arms. away in the darkness without stop- Mist Edith Crakes has been eotertaining * The funeral services were held at tors, aud all kinds Farm Implements. ping to find out what injury he had her friend Miss Hattie Misner of Lacota. the residence Monday, at 4 p. m.,Rev. Mrs. John Krum, who" has been yery done. He was nndoubtedly riding James Provan officiating lick, is slowly Kcovering. ^^H. NASH, faster than the ordinance allows on Mr. Wright was bofn in New York E. P. Hudson and Archie Steel were re'• 8TUDEBAKER WAGONS. PRICES SUITABLE TO TIMES. business thoroughfares—«ix miles an state, Nov. 9, 1826. He came to eent callers at QuinrHudson's. hour—and if his identity can be es- Frank Hickn of Lowell, was a guest at Michigan with his wife and two child' tablished an example may be made of Phil Dixon's recently. ren forty years ago and resided in Everything on Earth him.—[Grand Rapids Democrat. George Crosby was in Cascade on busi- Grand Rapids several years, then re- ness last week Tuesday -ALMOST- LOWELL BA8B BALL TEAM. moved to this vicinity, where they Ed Dixon is setting out 1,000 peach trees Here are the names of the Lowell Bought and Sold at have since lived. He was a man of and nearly every farmer in this vicinity is base ball team in batting order, as sterling character, loved and respected setting out from 200 to a,000 peach trees they play this afternoon: this spring. by all who knew him, and will be E. D. McQueen, r f j George Crosby has just set out a young Sam McDowell, c f; sadly missed by his many friends and orchard of apples, pears, peaches and Highest Market Prices Paid for Farm Pro- Will Barber, c; neighbors. plums, he htfs also added 500 more plants duce of all Kinds. Geo. Kitchen, 1 f; He leaves a wife, two daughters, to his strawberry bed. Claude Giles, 3 b a p; Miss Nettie and Mrs. F. W. Porter of Fred Malcolm and Chris Clump of Low- Dan Bush, s s; To get your money V worth buy of Chicago and one son, H. D. Wright ell, called at Ed Dixon's recently. Harvey Coons. 2 b; Mrs. Christie Findlay and Miss Fern of Millbrnok, who were all present at CHAS. MCCARTY, Lowell, Mich. Claude Lane, 1 b; Edmonds h*Ve rented Ana King's house in Will Bloom, p & 3 b; the funeral, Ix>well and-will ioon move there. On arrival of Clare Altheu and S. Mrs. Wright and family wish to ex- Fred Peglar and daughters, Misses Hatlie S. Leo from college they will partic- press their heartfelt thanks to their and Frances, of Grand Rapids, were guests ipate. many friends fcr their words and acts of their relatives, the Lee's, part of last ORDERED TOUR NEW SUIT? Bruce Keister manager. week. They also called on Geo. Crosby and of sympathy and for the beautiful Dan Bush captain. wife Sunday. floral offerings bestowed upon their Examine Our New Spring Samples LOWELL CITY BAND.. Our three weeks drouth was broken last husband and father. Before Purchasing. We give .below the membership Thursday evening by a good ntin and still we nfod more. and instrumentation of the Lowell DEATH OF MRS. STONE. Adelbert Odell received the sad news of City band. Died, in Lowell, Friday, May 3, Suits and Pants as Low as the Lowest. 1895, Anna M., wife of Chester G. the death of his brother Sim, who died very Dr. J. H. Rickert, director and suddenly in Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Odell Stone, aged 67 years. cornet. leaves a wife, son and daughter, and a SMITH, The Tailor. H. A. Sherman, 1st clarinet. Anna M. Noble was born at Paines- brother and sister to mourn his loss. Dwight Lane, 2nd clarinet. ville, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1837. In 1856 "OLD RELIABLE." PATSY. M. D. Wilson, saxaphone. she married Chester G. Stone at Grand •9 Lloyd Coppens, piccolo. FALLA83BURO NEWS. Rapids, where they resided for about Geo. Morse, Ist cornet. Frank Sherrard and wife visited at Max —silLOWELL PLANING MILL,^&- Loren Barber, 2ad cornet. 10 years, then removing to this place. Denney's Sunday. Loreuzo Kopf, 3rd cornet. Mrs. Stone has been in poor health S. Kurby has moved into George Ford's w. J. mem k torn, thom., aws nr Archie Knapp, Ist alto. for about 15 years btit was not con- house. C. L. Severy, 2ud alto. sidered seriously ill until withiu a few Mrs. Wesbrook is visiting her daughter, E. R. Quick, Ist tenor. Lumber, Lath, ShingSes and Cedar Fence days of her death. Her husband and Mrs. Wm. Re»ford. Phil Althen, 2nd tenor. School began Monday with Miss Patter- five children survive her. Mrs. J, D. Pbsts, B. E. Quick, baritone. son of Cascade, as teacher. J. A. Mattern, 1st baas. Kromer of Grai)d Rapids, Arthur C. Will Scott has moved back to the Burg. MANUrACTDRBRSOrBASH. DOORS, BLINDS, DOOR AND WINDOW TRAMKS AND Will Pullen, tnba. •CRUN8. MOULDING. IXHIBITION AND SHIPPING COOPd, DRIED of SoultSte. Mnrie, Henry N. of Lake Mary Sears visited her father, Mr, Scott, Fred Charles, tede drnm. APPLE BOXES, ETC., MATCHING. RE SAWING AND View, and Fred and Allie of this vil- Sunday. U. B. Williams, bass drum. JOB WORK. WOODEN EAVE TROUGHS. lage. CoraGoodsell visited her sister, Mrs. A DISHONEST BILL PEODLKR. Will Rexford, Saturday and Sunday. .v JECKER SOIV, Lowell, Mich. Funeral services wore held at the Fred Hooper and family will move to Our attention has been called to residence Monday afternoon, con- near Big Rapids this week. the dishoneet.work often done by bill ducted by Pastor Shanks. distributors. As many people seem Ed Conden and family of Otisco, visited The family wish to extend thanks at Will Rexford's Sunday. to think that ' dodgers," gutter "snipes" Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. to the kind friends and neighbors who NIMBLE. • •• etc., are more effective advertising assisted them in their time of bereave-'' mediums than newspapers, it may not KEENE CENTER. Veal ment. Baeon be out of place to mention a recent in- Alf Bowcn has been quite sick with re- ' Staek DEATH OF MBS. O'^RBOW.' mitent fever, but is some better at this writ- Salt Pork stance. Dr. J. M. Geodsell says: R o a s t fi ing. Corned Beef "The other day a boy left a bill at Mrs. Sophia Miles O'Harrow died Pieoic Hums at her home in South Lowell, Friday Mr. Titus will move onto his plaee soea. Pickled Tongue my house, and carried a bundle six Mr. Bailey will move onto the Geo. Ray- Chickens morning, May 3, after a lingering ill- Pressed Meats inches high. A moment after I was mont place.
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