Printed using recycled fiber A Spirited Renaissance Apple Pear Strudel Page 33 Middleburg’s Only Locally Owned and Operated Newspaper Volume 10 Issue 8 www.mbecc.com Nov 21, 2013 ~ Dec 12, 2013 Middleburg Halloween Signs of Em Sharp’s Page 26 Christmas Legacy Timeless Expressions of Christmas & Community Spirit Lauren R. Giannini t’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Middleburg – espe- cially with the annual display of holiday signs along Washington and Federal Streets. These wooden Isigns pay tribute to the memory and legacy of the late Emily Sharp who shared her whimsical visions of a gift- filled sleigh, trumpeting angel, cook with plum pudding, Tiny Tim, Pooh Bear, toy engine, and Santa’s list of merchants, to name only a few. Over the years, Sharp’s Yuletide signs, which she designed specifically for the charming, old-fashioned theme of Christmas In Middleburg, have become inextricably woven into the unique tapestry of the local communi- ty’s history and traditions. The wooden signs first graced Middleburg in 1982 and grew rapidly from 20 originals to 26 all told. Today, they look as good as new, thanks to The Hill School’s Alumni As- sociation whose board decided unani- mously last January to refurbish and restore the holiday signs designed by their former art teacher. Fire and Water Daniel Morrow ber 21st his house suffered an overflow of what he estimated was “between two and At the regular November meeting of Mid- three hundred gallons of raw sewage due a dleburg’s Town Council, Town Administra- root blockage in the seams in the pipes.” tor Martha Semmes reported further prog- Bean requested the Town reimburse ress on getting Middleburg’s troubled Well him out-of-pocket expenses related to the 4 Treatment Plant back on line and spoke incident not covered by his insurance, to- to recently expressed concerns about what tally roughly $1,000. appeared to be “dirty water” flowing once Mayor Betsy Davis assured Bean more through pipes in the Middleburg sys- that the Town “would take care of this and tem. apologized for the back-up.” It wasn’t “dirty” water at all, she ex- plained, it was just “discolored as the result Noise of iron and manganese deposits that are in the Town’s water lines.” Amanda Scheps of 801 Stonewall The discoloration she noted, could be Avenue appeared before Council to com- directly linked to heavy use of water by the plain about the noise generated by a tented local fire departments fighting “the large fire event held on Salamander Resort property. that occurred just outside of town” In a letter to Town staff describing According to Semmes, “because the event Scheps noted that “her front door Well 4 has not been in operation since faced the Salamander property; and, even January, the Town had to bring Well 3 on though she was located a third of a mile line.” The water from that well, she noted, away, it was extremely loud. “ contains high concentrations of iron and Scheps had “reviewed the Town’s manganese. While there were expensive noise ordinance, as well as Loudoun Coun- treatment plants at Well 4 and at the well at ty’s,” she said, and “had noticed there was Stonewall Avenue designed to address that a difference in the limits allowed by the problem, she continued, there was not one County versus the Town. at Well 3. Once Well 4 is back in produc- She requested that Council “consider tion, Semmes said, the Town would reduce these sorts of issues before they became a its use of Well 3. pattern.” Semmes also noted that whenever Police Chief Panebianco later report- the Town experienced a major event requir- ed that he had been working with Salaman- ing heavy water use, such as a fire, the de- der to address such concerns and was highly posits already in the pipes were also stirred pleased with their responsiveness. and ended up in homes. Continued page 11 Well 4 is expected to be back in op- eration soon. Page 4 Sewer Andrew Bergner Awarded Kent Bean, 406 E. Wash- ington Street, appeared before the Bronze Star Page 4 Council to report that, on Octo- PERMIT NO 029 NO PERMIT BURKE, VA BURKE, POSTAL CUSTOMER POSTAL US POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE US ECRWSS Business Directory: Page 38 • Friends for Life: Page 34 11/23/13 Thursday by homes in Request PRST STD PRST Page 2 Middleburg Eccentric • Nov 21, 2013 ~ Dec 12, 2013 Middleburg Eccentric • Nov 21, 2013 ~ Dec 12, 2013 Page 3 MIDDLEBURG REAL ESTATE News of Note www.middleburgrealestate.com P.O. Box 1768 540-687-6321 Middleburg, VA 20118 540-687-3200 Chris Ohrstrom’s Car of the Year ATOKA PROPERTIES fax 866-705-7643 www.atokaproperties.com www.mbecc.com n November 14th, The Purcellville 540-338-7770 [email protected] International Historic Leesburg 703-777-1170 Motoring Awards, chose our own Chris Cover Photo by Find us on Facebook! Ohrstrom’s 1934 Bugatti Aero- Dee Dee Hubbard Olithe, as Car of the Year! World- wide nominations are received Editor In Chief from a variety of disciplines, Dee Dee Hubbard ~ [email protected] celebrating the very best of the best of this vast international in- Design & Production Director dustry, which includes museums, Jay Hubbard clubs, restorers and specialists. Publisher Owner Chris Ohrstrom and Dan Morrow David Grainger of the Guild of Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. No Automotive Restorers, collabo- part of Middleburg Eccentric may be repro- rated on this most labor inten- duced without written permission of the Ec- centric LLC. Middleburg Eccentric is not sive recreation project. Recently W EXFORD, THE F ORMER K ENNEDY R ETREAT- The house that H ERITAGE F ARM, MARSHALL, VA- Fantastic opportunity. A 209 WASHINGTON ST E, MIDDLEBURG, VA -Historic c.1820 responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or featured on the show Jay Leno’s Jackie built in 1963. Steeped in history, set amid rolling fields rarely available large parcel. 296 acres. Zoned RA. Potential ease- turnkey B&B in Town of Middleburg. Includes real estate, successful artwork. Middleburg Eccentric reserves the Garage, the Aerolithe (greek for right to accept or reject any and all copy. lined w/ stone fences, trees, pond, pool, tennis ct., mtn views, ment credit. 3 tenant houses. Large pond. This is 3 separate parcels, business, contents (excl. owner's personal items). Beautifully decorated & meteor), features a one of a kind takes you back to days of Camelot. 166+ acres, 4 parcels, tax 6071-09-6237, 6071-28-8393, 6072-00-7650. Heritage farm is a perfect Middleburg Eccentric is published monthly furnished. Off St. pkg, 8 lovely rooms w/ en suite bathrooms, huge on the 4th Thursday by Middleburg Eccen- body made entirely from magne- credit-easement potential. Orange County Hunt. Privacy and only hard asset investment and offers the potential of an incredible tax commercial kitchen, dining rm, office, sitting area, parlor, 9 frpls. decks, tric LLC. Circulation to Clarke, Fauquier, benefit. Loudoun & Prince William Counties. sium, which required well over 30 mins to Dulles and 60 mins to DC. Qualified buyers only please. FQ7935337 • $6,364,000 gardens. Includes add'l .25 ac corner lot Tax ID #538293356000. Walk to shops/restaurants. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of 7,000 hours of workmanship. Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing This combined with its 3.3, non PATRICIA BURNS FQ8204258 PETER PEJACSEVICH SCOTT BUZZELLI PATRICIA BURNS LO8226376 opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. 540.454.6723 $10,995,000 540.270.3835 540.454.1399 540.454.6723 $2,200,000 We encourage and support advertising and supercharged, inline 8 cylinder marketing programs in which there are no engine, produced 135hp_ top barriers to obtain housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderli- speeds nearing 100mph, made ness, familial status or handicap. the original car the most ad- All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which vanced of its time. makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, Still one of the great au- limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderli- tomotive mysteries, as to what ness, familial status, handicap or intention happened to the one and only to make any such preferences, limitation or original Aerolithe. Ohrstrom’s discrimination.” The newspaper will not knowingly ac- passion for authenticity and cept advertising for real estate that violates Grainger’s reputation for detail, the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this was authentically built on chas- newspaper are available on equal opportunity sis 57104, the oldest known O LD B UST H EAD, BROAD R UN, VA - 22 Acre Estate. Main 5932 LAKE SUNSET LN, HUME, VA- Private island on 23085 Pantherskin Ln, Middleburg, VA- Exceptionally basis. For more information or to file a hous- type 57, making it considered a Level Master w/luxurious MB & Walk-in Closet. Center Aisle Lake Sunset. Beautiful setting,views. Hardwood floors, ing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing spacious brick house in sought after Atoka Chase, minutes office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) real Bugatti and it has now been 15 Stall Barn w/Double Wash Rack. 2 Tack Rms, Indoor & country kitchen w/granite counters, front porch & rear from downtown Middleburg in a very private setting. Large 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) awarded the high honor of Car of Outdoor rings. Run-in Sheds, 9 Paddocks. Work Shop w/Full deck. Fully finished guest/au pair suite (2BR/2BA) master suite.
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