BENEFACTIONS. LIST OF PRINCIPAL BENEFACTIONS MADE TO • THE UNIVERSITY or-' M'KLBOUKNG SINCI; ITS FOUNDATION- IN 1853. ISO! SLUSCR1RERS 'Sec. rt. \V. ltrsriK.1) isw Shakespeare Scholarship. 1K71 HENRY TOLMAN DWIGHT soon Prizes for llistor.v and Education. .,._. i EDWARD WILSON / ifliiu ""' "(LAClll.AN J1AUKINNOX '. " Argus Scholarship in Engineering. 1S73 SIK (iEnllUE- EEROUSOX. ISOWEN Kill I'ri/.i; for Knglish Kasay. 1S73 .IOIIX HASTIE .... 10,140 (icncral Endowment 1S73 GOI'ERE Y HOW ITT moo Scholarships in Natural History. 1S73 Sill WILLIAM KOSTER STAWELL osr, Scholarship in Engineering. 1S75 SIR SAMUEL WILSON 30,000 Kn.-cuon of WilHon Hall. 1S33 JOHN DIXSOK WYSELASKIE - sum Scholarships 1SS4 WILLIAM THOMAS MOLLISON smm .•Scholarships iu Modern Languages. 1SS4 SUBSCRIBERS .... ISO Prize for Mathematics in memory of I'mf. Wilson. 1SS7 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT • 2000 Scholarships for Physical and (Jlu-mical Research. 1S57 FRANCIS ORMOND • 20,000 Professorship ot Music. 1SO0 ROBERT DIXSON 10,S)7 Scholarships in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics ami Engineering.. ISiHI SUBSCRIBERS ..-• S217 Ormond Exhibitions in Music. IS'.U JAMKS OEoRrtE UEA.VEY 30011 Scliolarships in Surgery and Pathology. 1S04 DAVID KAY - - - - - 5704 Caroline Kay Scholarships. IS',17 SUBSOIUUERS 7ii'i Research Scholarship in liiology in memory of Sir .lames MacPain. 1002 ROBERT ALEXANDER Wltli'iUT 1000 Prizes for Music and for Mechanical Engineering, 1002 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOl'- III0I) Metallurgical Lalioratory Equipment. 11)03 .lOHX HENRY MACEARLAND- Um Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1003 C.RADUATES' EUND - 4(!C (Jencral Expenses. 11)03 TEACHING STAKE 11SO General Expenses. Including I'lUlKKSSnK Sl'KNCEK L'lMKHKriuii OKKOORY - 100 1'ltOKEySOR MAMMON " - 100 1003 SUBSCRIBERS .... Pri/c in memory of Alexander Sutherland. 1803 GEORCJK McARTlIUR - Library of 2500 Hooka. 1904-5 SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY FUND BJSXJSFA CTTOSS (Continued) President—.IANKT LADY CLAKKF. Treasurer—HKNKY BUTI.KR Secretary— CIIABLEK BAGE SPEC1A L FOIL* DATJUXS— MRS. AUBREY BOWEN - ' - 500 Equipment of Pathological Museum. HENRY BOURNES HIGGINS - - - 1000 Scholarship for Study of Poetry. DAVID SYME 3000 Prize for Scientific Research in Australia. FREDERICK SIIEPl'ARD GRIMWADE 1000 Prize for Technical Chemical Research. MR. AND MRS. A. E. T. 1'AYNE AND/ ,n„ Exhibition in Veterinary Science. MR AND MRS. .1. W. 1'AYNE i 4UU SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON - «00 Exhiliition in Agriculture. MEMBERS OF BAR ASSOCIATION - 647 John Madden Exhibition in Law. SUBSCRIBERS (Sec, R. J. LAUKINU) - 1055 Chamher of Commerce Exhibition, rid Prizes at Commercial Ex:miillations DOSATIOSS OP £100 ASD UPWARDS— ANDREW CARNEGIE - - - - 1000 Buildings and Equipme'iit. PROPRIETORS OF "THE ARGUS" - 100 NIEL WALTER BLACK - - - - 100 MRS. WALTER BRIDGES - - - 100 JANET LADY CLARKE - . - - 100 SIMON' FRASER 100 SIR SAMUEL G1LLOTT - 100 JOHN GRICE 100 WESLEY R. HALL 100 ALICE MANIFOLD 100 EDWARD MANIFOLD .... 100 WILLIAM T. MANIFOLD . • - 100 DAVID ORME .MASSON - 100 MELBOURNE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 205 MRS. ALBERT MILLER - 100 MRS. EDWARD MILLER - loo WALTER BALDWIN: SI'ENCER • • 100 GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN • • 100 JOHN TRAILL - 100 WILLIAM WEATHF.RLY - - - - - 105 MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY - - 100 OT II Hit DOXA'l'JONS 1280 1007 MRS. EDITH LANSELL 1200 George Lansell Scholarship in Mining Engineering. 1907 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT 1000 Scholarship in Law. 1908 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT ... - 200 Research Scholarship in Geology. 190S SUBSCRIBERS Ill Equipment of Anatomy School. ANNUAL REPORT, 1907-8. RKFORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY FROM :31ST JULY, 1907, TO 3 1ST JULY. 100H. Tu Hl.S EXUKLLKNCV SlK TllOJIA.S GIBSON-CAR.MICIIAKI,, K.C.M.G., GOVKBSOU OK VlCTOllIA. SIB,— I have, tiro honour', in accordance with Section 21 oi tho University Act, 1S90, to submit to your- Excellency the following report-of the proceedings of the 'University during the past year :-•- 1.—INCREASE OK NUMBERS. The increase in the number of students in the last five years is shown in the following Table, in -which students of the Coiisurviitoriiirn of Music arc not included. The figures for- 1908 are made up to tho end of the First Term only, and include Research Student's, who are for the first time taken into account in these tallies :— Taking Full „.. Year. Course for Singl„ ,He Subje, ?.,.' . Total- • I legree. 190+ 4r,9 84 ... ma 19(1-) ... r,31 ... L'Ui ... 74-7 19ll(.i ... 58S ... 20ii ... 785 19U7 ... fil'S ... 258 ... 8S(i 1908 ... (i77 ... 22'ii ... 900 2.—STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. The following table shows the number of stiidenls attending lectures at the University during the year 1907 (including Evening Lectures):— 5-14 ANNUAL REPORT, 1(107-1003. Schools. ll ll Is u i t 42 Arts • •:« — LIS 237 Education - - 34 17 - ... :".l Science - - 10 12 13 ... -- 12 :,:; Law - 2S 0 n 7 - 24 70 Medicine 100 r.3 f.4 62 41 IS 31S 1 Denti.-try - -• 2 2 - (il li!) Engineering 2S 17 ii 11 - r, 711 Agriculture 4 - - 4 Public Health - s " - - - f. Total - .01 13!) IIS 72 41 ihS SSO The number attending Evening Lectures was 1.18; the number of women studerrts was 14,-i ; the rr umber' of Free Students nominated by the Education Department was— For Education, 38 ; for Agriculture, 1. 3.—CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC The following table shows the number of students attend­ ing the Cimservatorium of Music during the year- 1907:— £> J. '-~ p> Degree of Mus. Hii' i 1 Diploma in Music is 11 4 Other Students Total 10 13 . Of these 7 were men, 87 women students. r ANNUAL REPORT, 1007-100S. )43 •1-.—ANNUAL KXA MTNATIONS. The number of candidates for- degrees of Bachelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves arrd who passed their respective Annual Examinations in the past Academic Year is shown in the following table :— Kirst Second Third l-'ourth Year. Yecir. Year. Y'ear. _. School*. ~3 3 p oi P •Ji 1 ! 1 1 | 1 rt 1 Art* • 30 2il 3. 2S 20 ( 20 _. _. !» S3 Kducation - 31 20 l(i | 9 - - 47 30 S dene-e­ If) 10 14 12 13 ' 12 - - 42 34 ra w 27 15 10 il 11 1 10 S 7 fit) 41 Dentistry - 4 3 - - 2 j 1 2 2 S (1 Kngineering •m 17 13 | 12 !. | 0 11 11 f>!( 40 4 Agriculture 4 2 '" - j - 2 Music • 111 10 13 10 r. | :. " | " 37 31 The following are tho corresponding figures of th" Divi­ sional Examinations in the Medical Course:— MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS. DIVISION' I. DIVISION U. DIVISION IU, Subdivision Subdivision Subdivision Subdivision A. A. H. 546 ANNUAL KKPOHT, 1907-190S. The following is the number of those who passed the examinations for- Higher Degrees:— By Examination - M:D„ I ; M.S., 1; M.C.E., I. By Thesis - - M.M.H., 1. 5.—DEGKEKS CONPKKRED. Thc number' of degrees conferred aud diplomas granted during the year 1907-S. including adrrrissioris ad eundem gradum, is given below :— Bachelor of A rts - 20 Bachelor ot Scierrce - - - 11 Bachelor uf Laws - - - ' - (i Bachelor of Medicine - - - 3(> Bachelor of Surgery - - -37 Bachelor of Civil Engineering - (i Bachelor of Mining Kngineering - 3 Bachelor of Music - - - - 1 Bachelor of Dental Surgery - - 2 Master of Arts - 13 Master of Science 2 Master1 of Laws 1. Master of Surgery 1 Master of Civil Engineering - - 2 Master of Mining Engineering . - 1 Doctor of Letters 1 Doctor of Science - - - - 3 Doctor of Laws - - - - 1 Doctor of Medicine - - - - 9 Diploma in Music - . - - 4 Diplorrra of Education - - - J1 Ii.—PUBLIC EXAM (NATIONS. The following return shows the number of candidates who presented themselves for and who passed the Primary, Matriculation, Junior and Senior' Public and Junior Com­ mercial Examinations during 1907, and the percentage of passes in each case: ANNUAL Ul'.POITI 547 Primary 300 lis ;12.S Matriculation ami Junior Public KlfiS 4-in 40.2 Junior Commercial SO 20 ;«.r. Senior Public 14S ft". ilS.l 7.—LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The following table shows the number of candidates who entered for and passed the Examinations in Music conducted by the Conservatoriuni ExamiiiaViun Hoard during the year 1907-S. Kutc-n-d. 1'iL-^ed. September, 1907 - 1201 SOI. May, 1908 - - 352 229 Total n;o3 10S0 S.—COUNCIL. Sir John Madden aud Sir1 Henry Wrixon have been re­ elected Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor respectively for tho year 190S. Mr. William Thwaites, M.A, M.C.K., Chief Engineer of the Melliourrre and Metropolitan Board of Worts,-who had been a member of lire Coirncil and of the Faculty of Engineering since October, 1S'.)0, died in December, 1907. The Hon Theodore Pink has been elected a member of the Council in his place. 548 ANNUAL HHI'OKT, 10O7-IH0S. The seat- Occupied on the Council by the Honourable George Swinburne, M.L.A.., Minister of Agriculture, having become vacant; the Hon. Ewen Hugh Cameron, M.L.A., Minister of Public Works, was appointed a member of the Council in November, 1907. He resigned in the following March, and Mr. Swinburne was reappointed a member1 by the Governor-in-Council. The following have been re-elected members of the Council for1 a period of five years:—Sir Henry Wrixon, K.C.M.G., M.A.; the Archbishop of Melborrrne (Herrrv Lowther Clarke, M.A., D.D.): Professor Allen, M.I'j.; Mr. John Crice, B.A., LL.B.; Mr. Frank Tate, MA., l.S.O. Leave of absence for1 twelve months from the 1st January, 190S, was granted to the Archbishop of Melbourne to enable him lo visit Europe. Leave of absence for a similar period was granted to Dr. Leeper in March, 19oS. 9.—THE FACULTIES. Dr. J. 11, MacFarland and Mr. L. A. Adamson have been appointed by the Council members of the Faculty of Arts for three years under- Section 3 of Statute IV., in place of Miss S. Williams, M.A., and Dr.
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