Notes and References INTRODUCTION 1. Michael Hudson, The Precarious Republic (Colorado: Westview Press, 1985), p.98. 2. Aaron KJieman, 'Zionist Diplomacy and Israeli Foreign Policy', The Jerusalem Quarterly, No . II , Spring 1979. 3. C.T. Onions (ed.), Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles, Vol.1 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1944). 4. Avi Shlaim , 'Israeli Interference in Internal Arab Politics: The Case of Lebanon', in Giacomo Luciani and Ghassan Salame (eds), The Politics ofArab Integration (London: Croom Helm, 1988), p.232. 1 THE IDEA OF AN ALLIANCE: ISRAELI-MARONITE RELATIONS, 1920s-48 1. Avi Shlaim, Collusion across the Jordan: King Abdullah, the Zionist Movement, and the Partition of Palestine (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988), p.235. 2. Le Pere Pierre Raphael, Le CUre du Liban dans l'Histoire (Beirut: Imprimerie Gedeen, 1924). 3. Itamar Rabinovich, The War for Lebanon. 1970-1985, revised edition (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986), p.21. 4. Hudson, The Precarious Republic, p.44. 5. Ibid, p.94. 6. Iliya Harik, Politics and Changein a Traditional Society: Lebanon 1711- 1845 (princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968), p.128. 7. Interview with Fuad Abu Nader, Beirut, 4 July 1995. 8. Rabinovich, p.21. 9. Interview with Fuad Abu Nader, Beirut, 4 July 1995. 10. Interview with Yossi Olmert, Tel Aviv, 9 November 1993. 11. Treaty of 26 March 1920, S2519907, Central Zionist Archives (CZA). See also Benny Morris, 'Israel and the Lebanese Phalange: The Birth of a Relationship 1948-1951', Studies in Zionism,Vol. 5, No.1, 1984, p. 129. See also Laura Zittrain Eisenberg, 'Desperate Diplomacy: The Zionist-Maronite Treaty of 1946', Studies in Zionism, Vol. 13, No.2, 1992, p.150. 12. Neil Caplan, Futile Diplomacy, Vol. I (London: Frank Cass, 1983), p.68. See also Treaty of 26 March 1920, S2519907, CZA. 13. Ibid. 14. Ian Black, Zionism and the Arabs, 1936-1939 (London: Garland Pub ­ lishing, 1986), pp.273-4. 175 176 Notes and References One of the most spectacular sales was that of land in the Huleh Valley. The reclamation concession was held by Salim Salaam, who had sold it to the Zionists in 1934. His son Saeb Salaam continued this family policy, assuming a political position in order to facilitate the sale of three family-owned villages on the extreme south of Lebanon to the Jews. OSS Report 7833,15 October 1943,R-SM, RG 84, 165, 208, 319, Scattered Beirut regional Files 1930-49,National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). 15. The economic side was further exploited during the war period for the smugglingof contraband, especially diamonds and gold, later also weap­ ons between Beirut, Haifa and Tel Aviv. Palestinians, Jews and Lebanese made use of the already existing trade route between Damascus and Cairo, running through Lebanon and Palestine. Merchandise intended for the Jews in Palestine, including clandestine mail, was carried by a Jewish transport agency on the coastal route through Sidon and Tyre and brought into Palestine via Alma al-Shaab, passing through the hands of Amnoun, the Jewish Mukhtar of Hanouta. OSS Research and Ana­ lysis No. 1390, 22 October 1943, NARA , R-SM, RG 84, 165, 208, 319, Scattered Beirut Regional Files 1930-49; OSS Report G-2591, 27 April 1944, NARA, R-SM, RG 84, 165,208,319, Scattered Beirut Regional Files 1930-49;OSSReport G-2821,6 May 1944,NARA, R- SM, RG 84, 165,208,319, Scattered Beirut Regional Files, 1930-49. 16. Black, Zionism and the Arabs, pp.275-6. 17. Ibid, p.277. 18. Interview with Reuven Merhav, Jerusalem, 4 November 1993.Interview with Joseph Abu Khalil, Beirut, 4 July 1995. 19. Caplan, Futile Diplomacy, Vol. I, p.54. 20. Eliyakim Rubinstein, 'Zionist Attitudes in the Arab-Jewish Dispute to 1936', The Jerusalem Quarterly, No. 22, Winter 1982, p.134. 21. Ibid, p.136. 22. Jacques Reinich, Bashir Gemayel Ve Tkufato (Bashir Gemayel and his Era), unpublished PhD thesis, Tel Aviv University, September 1988, p.75. 23. E. Epstein, Report of visit to Syria and Lebanon, October 1934, S251 10225, CZA. 24. Ian Black and Benny Morris, Israel's Secret Wars (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1991), p.64. 25. ArlossorofTto Brodestsky 17 November, 1931, S25/3061, CZA. Chaim Arlossoroff was born in the Ukraine in 1899. Educated in Germany, he founded HaPoel HaTzair in Germany after the First World War. He emigrated to Palestine in 1924. In 1931 he was a member of the Jewish Executive and was directing its political depart­ ment. His main objective was to save European Jews by encouraging them to make aliya. In 1933, he was assassinated in Tel Aviv by an unknown assailant. 26. Black, Z ionism and the Arabs, p.279. 27. Shertok to Weizmann, 2 October 1936, S25/1716, CZA. 28. Victor Jacobson, Report on a Trip to Eretz-Israel and Syria, 12 May 1933, Weizmann Archives. See also Neil Caplan and Ian Black, 'Israel Notes and References 177 and Lebanon: Origins of a Relationship', Jerusalem Quarterly, No. 27, Spring, 1983, pp.48-58. 29. Elath as quoted in Moshe Sharett, Yoman Ishi (Personal Diary), Vol. III (Tel Aviv: Sifriyat Maariv, 1972), p.216. See also Shertok to Weizmann, 2 October 1936, S25/1716, CZA. 30. Reinich, Bashir Gemayel Ve Tkufato (Bashir Gemayel and his Era), p.75. 31. Conversation with the President of the Lebanese Republic Emile Edde, Beirut, 22 September 1936,E. Epstein, Secret, S25/5581 , CZA. 32. Note of talk with Emile Edde, 22 September 1936,S25/5581 , CZA. See also Shertok to Lourie, 22 September 1936, S25/5476, CZA. 33. Draft of a Pact submitted the twenty-third of December 1936 to Mr Edde, Z4/1702b, CZA. 34. Black, Zionism and the Arabs, p. 285. 35. E. Epstein's Account of Meeting between Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Emile Edde, 22 June 1937, Eliahu Elath, Zionism and the Arabs, p.311; see also Yehoshua Porath, 'History of Friendship', The Jerusalem Post, 22 May 1981. 36. Caplan and Black, 'Israel and Lebanon: Origins of a Relationship', p.50. 37. Ibid, p.51. 38. Eliahu Sasson, Ba Derekh el HaShalom (On the Road to Peace) (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1978), pp. 116-22. See also Caplan, Futile Diplomacy, Vol. I, p.254. AI-Ahdab was Prime Minister from March 1937to March 1938, under the Presidency of Emile Edde. 39. K.A al-Ahdab to M. Shertok, 18 March 1938, S25/5581, CZA. 40. Eisenberg, 'Desperate Diplomacy,' p.151. 41. Le Manifeste de I'Association des Partis Libanais Antisionistes, 9 November 1945, FM 2567/2, Israel State Archives (ISA). See also Barry Rubin, The Arab States and the Palestine Conflict (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press 1981),p.l39. 42. Statement by Chaim Weizmann, Minutes of the Jewish Agency Direc­ torate meeting on 11 February 1945. 43. Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Report 1090-122, 4 August 1945, R-SM, RG 84, 165, 206, 226, 319, Scattered Beirut Regional Files 1930-49, NARA. 44. Interview with Moshe Zak, Tel Aviv, 21 October 1993. 45. Treaty, May 1946, CZA S25/3269. 46. Yaacov Shimoni to Bernhard Joseph, The need for our action in Leba­ non: Conversation with Tewfic Attieh, Beirut, 5 April 1946, 825/9023, CZA. 47. Eisenberg, 'Desperate Diplomacy', pp. 153-6. 48. Treaty, May 1946, S25/3269, CZA. The treaty's foundation was the recognition of Jewish independence leading to statehood in Palestine and Christian Lebanese independence in Lebanon. The actual cooperation was in the realm of culture, com­ merce, intelligence, agriculture, tourism, security and public relations, in addition to Maronite efforts to facilitate the immigration of Jews to Palestine by way of Lebanon. 178 Notes and References 49. Rapport Concernant Le Liban presente aux Membres de l'O.N.U. par Monseigneur Ignace Mobarak, Archeveque Maronite de Beyrouth, undated, FM 2563/23, ISA. This action caused Arida to condemn Mubarak publicly and distance himself from the archbishop. It has even been claimed that Mubarak was reprimanded by the patriarch, relieved of his duties and exiled to a monastery. William Haddad, 'Christian-Arab Attitudes towards the Arab-Israeli Conflict', Muslim World, 65:2, 1977, pp.129-30. See also A.H. Cohen, Israel and the Arab World (New York: W.H. Allen, 1970), p.377. 50. Black, Zionism and the Arabs, pp.269-70. 51. Michael Bar Zohar, Ben Gurion (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1977), p.91. 52. Interview with Yaacov Shimoni, Jerusalem, 27 October 1993. 53. Black, Zionism and the Arabs, p.272. 54. Palestine Review, 16 October 1936. 55. Conversation with the President of the Lebanese Republic Emile Edde, Beirut 22 September 1936, E. Epstein, Secret, S25/5581, CZA. 56. Interview with Yaacov Shimoni, Jerusalem, 27 October 1993. 57. Bar Zohar, Ben Gurian, p.166. 2 THE BIRTH OF A STATE AND THE REBIRTH OF A RELATIONSHIP, 1948-55 1. Gideon Rafael, Destination Peace - Three Decades of Israeli Foreign Policy (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1981),p.6. 2. Nahum Goldmann, The Autobiography of Nahum Goldmann: Sixty Years of Jewish Life (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969), p.289. 3. Sydney D. Bailey, Four Arab-Israeli Wars and the Peace Process (Lon­ don: Macmillan Press, 1990), p. 59. 4. Representing the State of Israel were Mordechai Makleff, Yehoshua Palmon and Shabtai Rosenne. The delegates of the Republic of Leba­ non were Tewfic Salem, Mohammed Ali Hamada, Joseph Harb and Djezl Houssami. 5. Bailey, Four Arab-Israeli Wars and the Peace Process, p.60. 6. Yemima Rosenthal, Armistice Negotiations with the Arab States Decem­ ber 1948-July 1949, Documents on the Foreign Policy ofIsrael (DFPI), Companion Vol. III (Jerusalem: State of Israel Archives, 1983), p. XXII. 7. Interview with Moshe Zak, Tel Aviv, 21 October 1993. 8. Shlaim, Collusion across the Jordan, p.391.
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