OLD WATERFORD SOCIETY .. - . Number I3 January I980 I Page Medieval Waterford Parts 11 and 111 I.. .' II County Waterford in *the ~hirteenthCentury. by C.A. Empey. 111 The Goverment of the ~unicipal'ityof Waterford in the Thirteenth Century. The Social and l$conornic Evnlutian of South Kilkenny kn the Settentegn and Eighteenth Centuries. Life in Ring in the Nineteenth Century. .. 1 . Veterinary ~ns~ec'tionat Waterford Port, I 1876 to 1900. by M.W. ~erild~. *. 8prfng Pragraaip of the Old Wat aaford Sw.ie>ty. Those names marked * have paid their subscription for 1980. All other - rubacripti~mof G2.50 for 1980 are now due and my be sent to the Hm. Treasurer of the Old Waterfor6 Society - Mrs. R, Lmley9 29, Daiay Terraoe, Waterford. New members .*relcone. Anthony, adisa M. KiPdalton, ~iltown,via Waterford Anmnclata, Sr. M. Convent of Mercy, Waterford Asaumpta, Sr, EB. Presentation Convent, -, Co. Waterford Bennis, Mias E, Church Road, Tramore, Co. Waterford * BeIfwt Library Society for Promoting Knowledge, 17, Donegal ~tree~wf-t. Bowe, Mra. EC,, 21, Thomas Street, Waterford. Brady, Bllr. P. Kilmgmge, Ki"lmacthom%s, Co, Waterford Bmsil, Mr. .XI. "SCilla~4~~,John1-s Hill, Waterford Brem, Mr. J, , 18, Main Street, Mooncoin, via Waterford Brennrtv -Smith, Paim M.A., 'lGliftonn,'Pramare, Co, bterford. Brem, Mr. R. Sweetbiax Park, 'Pramore, Co. Waterford' Buckleg, Mrs. M. 3, Clashrea Place, Waterford' +Burke, Mr. J. Ballyglan, Woodstown, Co. WaterGord Wke, I&. & %a. W ., "AislinI1, Xew S tree t , terf ord Ihcophy, Hra. ., 18 Noanlam, %amore, C?. pierford. Call, lib. & Mrs. 2. , ltl;eath Hillf1, Sltmmerville Avenue, Waterford Cahillane, W. & Mrs. 1. lr'Priberg", 106, Viewmount Park, Waterford Camoll, Nr. P. ~lSummerville~odge"', Smervi'Lle Avenue, Waterford +C~oll,Mr. & Mrs. S. flArdaun", Newt-, Waterford Wasaidy, Mr. IJ . ItLisacuLrt, Marian Park, Waterf ord Cassfn, W. P. J., I1Eden Court, Water Stree*, Waterford. Charles, Sr, I., Ursuline Convent, Waterfords Christof femon, Mrs. R., Boats trand, Annestown, Co . Waterford +Oolclough, Mr. B. 9, Pearse Park, laterford Cooney, Mr. T., 145, Rockenham, Ferrybat&, Waterford Cotter, Mr. D. "Padua", Springmount, Dungamran, Co. Waterfard *Cmrmn Mr. D., Knockane, Annestown, Co. Waterford County Library, Lismore, Go. Waterf ord Cmey, We. J., 6, Parnell Street, Waterford *Croke, W. & Mrs. J., 208, Viewmount Park, Waterfoxd Culleton, Miss K ., St. Killianfe Place, Ferrybank, Watsrf ord Culleton, Miss M., St. Killianfa Place, Perrybanlr, Wslterford. Cuddihy, Mr. P. 9, Queen Street, Wemore, Wahrford Dalton, Mr. F., 92, Caldemooa Road, Dublin 9. De Lourdes, Sr. M. Convent of Mercy Waterford Denn, Mr. & Mrs. T. "Maria Monte1', Hewrath, Waterford Dillon, Mr. F. "iCrespann, The Polly, Waterford *DobQm, Mr. J. N., 18, Rossall Drive, CadLeg, Polwood, 'Preaton,Lanca,Bnglard Doherty, Miss I. Co. & City Infirmary, John's Hill, Waterford Doolln, Ms. Dm, "lonteuza", 27, Grange Lawn, laterford *Dowling, Mr. F. 146, Viewmount Park, Vaterford Dogle, ULr, A. 3allymountymare, Emiacorthy, Co. Wexford Dume, Idre. 33, Fdthlegge, Waterford *Egan, ma, J. G. ~~r!~lle~f,Johnt B Hill, Waterf ord Ellis, Mr. J. "Loftus Vfewu, Dunmore East, Co. Waterford +Pslsning, &PI.17. Viewmount Park, Waterford Fanning, Edisia P. 1, RaLlway Square, Waterford Pemrell, &. Iain, "Lime HillT1,Newtown, Waterford *Fewer, Mrs. T. "Hill Crest", Passage Road, Vaterf ord JcPewer, Mr. N. %illcrest", Pmsage Road, Waterford Pinnegan, %f 3s A. 17B, Beau Street, :aterford Poleg, W. 0. Ballyduff Grove, Kilmeaden, Co. Waterford Poley l,actioneers, :.:illizm Stree*, is'aterford Galgey, Mrs. M. Dunmore East, Co. Waterford * Gallagher, Mr. L. wa lor na Naral1, Sutton, Dubliil Gallagher, Mrs. R. 12, Parnell Street, Yaterford Garrigan, Miss M. 4, Wellington S trcet, Waterloo, Liverpool ,England Gljm, Mr. & Mrs. R. M. "Malainn", Sumclerville Avenue, b!aterf ord Goff, Mr. J. IiHill View", Golf Links Road, Ferrybank, 7aterford Green, Mr. D, Ballydroichead, Cahir, Go. Tipperary Griffin, Mr. 3 Mrs. P. Ballindud, Vaterford * Griffin, Nr. & Mrs. W. 8, Pilarymdunt, Ferrybank, '-ratsrford * Grogaia, Mrs. M. 10, Marymount, Perrybank, !!&terf ord Grubb, Miss C . 55, Roselmn, Trai lore Ileights, Tramore, Co. :.laterford Grubb, Mr. & Mrs. T!. B. "Glanmirc", Eallycarnane, Tramore, Co. ''Jaterford * Guiness, 3on.s De~~mond,Leixlip Castle, Co. Kildare Halliday, Miss Y. Love Lane, Tra~~~ore,Co. !'!atcrford Hearne, Mrs. E. ltMossleighll, Sunmcrville Avenue, Waterford Hearne, Mr. & PiIrs. J. G. "Pair Viere", Tramore, Go. Waterford Hearne, Miss N. 4, Lady Lane, 'daterford Hearne, Mr. K, llDun-an-Oir", Newrath, Waterf ord. * Henchy, &!IraR. Hewtown Buildings, Bewtown, -Y!eterford Hennebry, Nrs. B. Bishopts Court, Tiatorford * He-messy, Mr. C. 84, St. John's Park, Waterford Iiennessy, Mrs. P. 'IS t . Albaml', LeperBtown Cross, Duninore East ,Co .';laterford Heylin, Mr. F,.Duagh, Trwore Road, Waterford. * Hodge, Mr. E. lfRosecroft" , UrsuLinc Road, Yaterf ord * Hodge , Mr. 3. uAvonlea", Ursuline Road, ',!aterf ord * Holman, Mr. D. Garda Station, Dmnore East, Co. Waterford * Holt, Dr. E. 14, Byngmorris Close, Sketty, Swansea Howett, Mr. R. Dept. of Geography, Trinity College, Dublin Hurley, Miss R, 34, St. Mary1s Terrsce, I-Ienrlessy' s Road, V!aterford Hpes, Miss IT. "Knockeaton", Tramorc, Co. 'aterford Jacob, Mr. C . 5. "Ardrnore" , Suurmerville Avenue, ,:!aterf ord Jordan, Mr. M. Lisnatigue, Huggins town, Co. Kilkenny * Kavanagh, Mr. & MWs. G. "Rosedale", Ballinaneesagh, Waterf ord Kelly, Miss K. "Bellavista" , Priest s Road, Tramore, Co. ;!aterf ord * Kelly, lIiss I&. "Bellavista" , Priest s Road, Tramore, Co. Xaterford Kelly, Mr. J. P. 53, Sweetbriar Lavm, Tranorc, Co. '!.'sterford Kenealy, Mrs. M. 25, Patrick Street, Kilke-nny * Kel?nt:ally, Mr. P. 16, Cork Road, i!aterford Keimedy, Miss I. "Kincora", Dwlmore East, Go. .laterford Kiersey, Mrs. M. IE. 7-~llyhussa, Xi~cthomas,Co. Waterford Kinch, Mr. J. 4, Percy Terrace, Lower Newtown, Pleterford Kirwan, Ws. B. 112, Cannon Street, Waterford Killeen, Nr. A. K. 2, lhdsleigh Villas, Tramore, Co. ',laterford Kraus, Mr. D. "Holmacre", Newtown, Waterford Limerick City Museum, City Hall, Hutland Street, Limerick Lincoln, Mrs. S . krd~~~orc,Co. Waterf ord * Lwnley, Mr. Ian, "Pormbg" ,Daisy Terr~ce,!!aterford * Lmley, Mrs. R . "Formby", Daisy Terrace, :'!aterf ord Maguire, ,'ire3. 1,. Dublin o on.) Maher, Miss H. 120, Sweetbriar Lawn, Tramore, Co. 'laterford Maher, Mr, J . Milepost , S lleverue , via Yaterf ord *Nadden, Nrs , B. 80, Rockenhnm, Berrybank, 'l'aterf ord Mayes, Dean, The Deanery, Lismore , Co. !iaterf ord *McCarthy, V, Rev. D. 3. ,POP., 67, Griffith Avenue, IZarino, Dublin 9 McCarthy, iiiss P. 17, Cathedral Square, 't7aterf ord McEvoy, I,Ir, P. 84, Roselawn, Tramore Heigkts, Tramore, Co. !!aterf ord XIcHenry, I~S.13. Kin&'o Charmel, Island Lane, Waterford. TSedlyco-tt, Ak. J . Mount Tenple Comprehensive School, l!Ielahide RoadsDublin 3 MemoriRl University of S toJohn, ITewfoundland , Canada * Merricks, Iks . 110, ?:Iackie Avenuz, Zrighton Sussex, England Mhic Mhurchu, Xrs. D. fin Linn Bhui, An Riiu, Dungzrvan, Co. Y!aterford Minahnn, hlr. L. 'lKylebegii, New Ross, Co. Yexford * Mulhol~~and;Kr . J . Ballynasissala, Sonm~~bon,Co . !!aterford * Murphy, Nr. J. ;I. "Ivy Lodge", Patrick Street, Tramore, Co. Yaterford Murphy, I:&. i;: ?;Trs. S . Hillfield, Kilmacthocncs , Co. Waterford * Mullally, Miss c/o Shaws, The Quay, 'ilsterfo-cd +McGrath, Mr. Ray, 3650 Nountain Street, Apt. 606, Montreal, Quebec,Canada * NcGratb, Nr. Toa, Georgestown, Kill, Co. Vaterford IJationcl irusem of Ireland, KildCwe S trect , Dublin Newberry Library, 60, West Valton S trcct, Chicago, Illinois, U.S .a. Deylin, Tks . i'l . 21, Derron Avenue, South Yardley , Birmingham, England Uolan, Miss A. Old Deanery, Cathedral Square, Waterford Nolan, Mr. U. 24, Kennington Road, Teqleogue, Dublin 12 Norton, Dr. E. Westgate End Rousc, Wakeficlci, \,!est Yorkshire, England Nokn, Mr. T. Robin IXll, Penor, Tramore, Co. L!aterford OfBpne, 1Nr. J. Oldcourt, ?ernpleoru:z, Piltown, via. :laterford 0 IC ezdagain, Mr. C ."Parranlea", Dunmore Road, Raterford OIConnor, Mr. E. 8, Parnell Street, Waterford OfDoherty,lilr. H. '"#eston", Patrick Street, Tramore, Co. Waterford OTDonnellgMG. El. 'lH1ll Cottage", CWning, Cmriclc-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary OfDonoghue, Nr. B. 2, St. John's Villas, i,!!aterford 0150novan, kh. B Nrs. J. "F4aril;al_", Grange Lawn, Yzterford OTHara, Tlr. P. G~rdaStation, portlaw, Co. Waterford *OIMeara, Kr. J. 35, Rockenham, Ferrybank, Waterford OINeill, Nx. & Zlrs. Ma 66, Grecedieu, Ya.terford *ofNeill, Eb. P. 38, Jokmstown, "aterford *O1ITeill, !Ir. S . 38, Johns town, '!ktcrford OIRegan, Kr. E. 3, The Grove, Ferrybank, Waterford OIRegan, Mr. I?. 3, The Grove, Ferrybank, Yaterford '$0 'Reilly, Niss E. 5, Railway Square, ?laterford @'Weill, Miss S. 14, Williaa Street, Yaterford OISullivan, Miss S. 19, The Mall, Vaterford OIBeill, M. J. Coolbuim?a Cottage, Cheekpoint, Co. Vaterford Patterson, Miss B. 4801, Sheboysan Ave- Apt. 512, Nadison, Winconsin,U.S .A. Pml, Sr . Ursuline Convent, Waterf ord Pickard, Nr. & Mrs. G. 23, Patrick Strect, I!atcrford + Phelan, ?k.& Xrs. D. Grantstown, Waterford * Phelan, I&. & Mrs. J. 71, klarian Pwk, '7aterford Phelan, Elrs. Id. 10, College Road, Kil!cemy Power, Mr. C. 14, Davis Stseet, !Vaterford Power, Miss E. 82, Viewmount Park, Wa-t;erford Power, Nrs . 71. High Street, Kilnacthoms, Co , '.!attrf ord '"ewer, Rrs. 11. 27, St. Killian' s Place, Berrybcnlc, .i@terford . Fower, Mrs. B. Kilbride House, Tranore, Co. Caterford
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