pnfb saies, Vol. IV, No. 39 Bburaday, September 5,1991 -. - J..- .. '"13 (6aL.J LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) First Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) LOK SABUA SECRB'TARIAT NEW DELHI [Tenth Series, Voi. IV First Session. 1913 (SakaR No. 39, Thursday, September 5,1991Bhadra 14,191 3 (Saka) Oral Answers to Questions : 148 'Starred Questions Nos. 692 to 695,697 and 699 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Question Nos. 691.6%. 698 and 700 to 71 0 Unstarred Question Nos. 5737 to 5893 Papers Laid on the Table Message from Rajya Sabha Wild Lie (Protection) Amendment Bill, 1991--Laid As passed by Rajya Sabha Matters Under Rule 377 (i) .Need for central assistance to curb the growing activitiis of maxalites in Madhya Pradesh Shri Mohanlal Jhikram (ii) Need to supply adequate quantity of diesel and Kerosene to fishermen and transport corporations in Tamil Nadu on subsidised rates Shri R. Dhanuskodi Athithan dgn + marked ahthe meof a ember indicates that the question was adally asked on 'he fbor d the HOW by that Member. Need to aonstrct convenient line roads to West Kallai of Calicut dty in Kerala Shri K. Muralee Dharan Need to rtmgnise Aheria, Baheilia etc. as Scheduled Castes an over the country Dr. Lal Bahadur Rawai Need for early implementation of the schemes for the improvement of the slum areas in Dehi Shri Tam Chad Khandehnal Need to devebp Chikana Railway Station (North Eastern Railway) into a crossing railway station Shri Oevendra Prasad Yadav Need to mvert Kriihnanagar Telephone Exchange into electronic exchange Shri Apy Mukhopadhyay Need to aomplete track renewal krkon Shoranur-Nihmbur Line Shri E. Ahamed Demands for Grants (General). 1991 -92 (i) Ministry d Defence Shri Jaswant Siih Sbri Shravan Kuw Patd Shri Viwanalh PraSap Singh Shri lndr ajh Gupta Shri 0. Venlcateswara Rao Shri KaJlikemer Patra Shri D.D. Khanoria Shri Surya Narayan Yadav Shri Mohan Rawle Shri Tejsinghrao Bhonsle Shri V.N. Sharma Shri lnder Jit Shri Sharad Pawar (ii) Ministry d Chemicals and Fertilizers. Ministry d Civil Aviation and Tourism, Ministry d Wi Supph and PuMi Distribution, etc. @qmbon(No. 4) Bill Mot'itoilltrodLJce Shri Manmohan Singh Shri Manmohan Sih Shri Ram Naik Shri P.A Sangma M3lhbPlllls Shri Manmohan Singh LOKSABHADEBATES LOK SABHA (c) if not, the reasons therefor? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE(SHR1 K.C. lhursday, Sqtember 5, 199 1/ Bhadra 14, LENKA):(a) No, Sir. 19 13 (Saka) @) Does not arise, in view of reply at (a) above. (c) A proposal for constitution of the Commodity Management Board for export The Lok Sabha met at Elewn of the CM and import of agricultural cornmodlies is under consideration of the Government. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chaid THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (SHRI BALRAM JAKHAR): Sorry for coming late. [English] SHRI SUDHIR GIRI: Sir, in respecl of MR. SPEAKER : Q. NO. 691, Shri the agricultural goods export, the Govern- Mudala Giriyappa. ment's objective is to maximise it tor earning foreign exchange but at the same time, 1 Not here. Shri Sudhir Giri. should be kept in view that domestic availa- bility of essential commoditiis tor .mass SHRI SUDHIR GIRI: Q. N0.682. (Inter- consurnptio~~at reasonable prii is en- *ions) sured. Ithink, when the Government anatysed THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the export growth of agricukuralgoods, they MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI have not taken into consideration, the inter- MULLAPPALY RAMACHANDRAN): Excuse est of the people who are living below the poverty line. They have imported edible oil etc. for keeping the prices under control. All Manage- these things have tapn pla&due to lack of men- coordination between the producers, the . .,,- .-. =& exporters and others. This has n-ssitated '692. SHRI SUDHIR GlRl : Will the setting up of Goods Management i;omr$- Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to tee for export. state: In view of this, may Iknow from the hon. (a) whether the Commodtly Manage- Minister by which time such Board will be ment Board for export and import of agricul- constituted? tural commodities has been constituted; SHRI BALARAMJAW: Mr. Speaker, @) ii so, the details thereof; and Sir, there are already mienBoards- the Tea 3 WAnsw8n SEPTEMBER 5,1991 WAnsmws 4 Board, the Coffee Board, the Rubber Board.. th. thet ,imports ad ex- are male the Spices Board. the Tobacco Board, the beneficial for the developing countries? Has Markre Products Exports Development Au- the Government taken any steps to see thal .thority and the Agricultural Processed Food these Boards are further strengthened? Products Development Authority. These Boards come under the Ministry of Corn- SHRl BALRAM JAKHAR: The question merce. They deal with them. remains the same. We haw nm @ the folbwing commodities which do not haw There had been an idea, for quite a bng any speclic Board Authorities. lime, regarding this question which he has midnow. There was also a question as to Wheat how to coordinate this thing. Because this has been envisaged under the Ministry of Rice Aqriarlhrre. So. we are just giving a thought b L We have just take it over and we will find out a formula which can be viable and work- able. Ihave also referred it in my speech here Grains that Iam considering it. taking the advice and also havingdiscussion.: with other concerned Cashew authorities so that we can find out something which will be in the best interest of the Pukes farmers and promotion of export of the agri- cultural commodities which is so dearly Sugarcane required. Meat and meat products. SHRl SUDHIR GIRI:Theconstitution of Boards for other commodities has definitely So, we have to coordi~tethese am- helped the export growth. So, may I know modities. The Tea and Coffee Boards take a from the hon. Minister, whether, in constitut- cumulative effect for produdion as well as ing Management Boards for agricultural export and processing and marketingalthese goods for their exports and imports, the commodities. And we have tried to promote consumers, producers and the exporters will all these commodities lor a better perform- be tdten into those Boards. ance and better results and remunerative pricesfor the farmers. Ithink, they have dono SHRl BALRAM JAKHAR: We have to a good job. We are ako reviewing them. Bul take into mnsideration the interest of all as as far as international discussions are con- well as the advice of all. cerned, we have still to go further into them and decide our future course of action. SH. ANANDG&MPATI FW-U-P-eSA- - 4 i ~~~l-~inister has iust now men- " ' SHRl M. R. KADAMBUR JANW tha! there are quite a iew Boards to NA& Cotton is one of the main crops in our deal with various commodities. Bul are country. Now its production has beendou#e<r these Boards dealing with emmising and slnce 1976. Now. we are producing more compression of imports and opimising ex- than one more d cotton bales per year. L.rt ports?Are these Boardscoordinatingamong year, we exported cotton bales vvorth hw themselves to see that there is some benefit amount. We have now bmghtthem into* when a bu& order is made in this country in market. Since donhas beamtb a vw, term d imports? What steps the Govern- important exparl commodity-Thereare Cd ment has taken fo see that theYP(CTAD. fee and Tea Boards; but there is no Cotbn wMch is supposed to form a trade organisa- Board; there is only a Cotton. Advbry Cornmiltee- will the Government consider SHRl HAM KISHORE SINGH: Iwant to aondiMing a Cotton Board so that it would know about wheat and rice. help thii industry as we1 as the agriculur- b. SHRI BALRAM JAKHAR: It will be considered if any body comes to a poslionto SHRI BALRAM JAKHAR: The answer exporlof wheat and rim. But it is only the first remains the same. year. h wl be possible only if production i-- increases. Now 5 Iakhs or 10 lakhs tonnes SHRI CHANDRA JEET YADAV: The wll not satisfy me. Iwant to get more produc- hon. ~nisterhas said that there are certain tion. We have to increase production only Boards for these commodities especially the then it will solve the purpose. We want the cash aops. The Minister ,while replying to goods in bulk. the debate on the Demands for Grants e under the control of the Ministry of Agricul- [English] Y' ture, said that there are good possibilities of exporting rice and wheat also and he thinks SHRI MOHAMMAD YUNUS SALEEM that India can be one of the major exporters Ithinkthe hon. Minister is awarethat Basumati of wheat and rice at least which are not till rice is in great demand, particularly in the now supposed to be cash commodities. Gulawntries. Ihave had the opportunity of Keeping in view the possibility of greater virll'bg these countries and I was told that export of rice and wheat from our country, Indian Basumati rice, which is in no way will the Minister consider of having a Com- inferior to ~akktanirice, is imported some mittee under the Ministry of Agriculture, which times through proper channels, some times can plan the future production also and plan illegally. And after being imported in these in advance the export of these commodi- Gulf countries it is sold there as Pakistani ties? rice because Pakistani rice is more popular in the Gulf than Indian rice on account of lack SHRl BALRAM JAKHAR: I absolutely of administration, lack of advertisement and agree with the hon. Member. lack of incentive which is to be given to the 1- exporters. May I know from the Minister [ Translation] whether he is aware of this situath and if he is, is he prepared to make some arrange- SHRl HARl KISHORE SINGH: Mr.
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