DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX ETHIOPIA RAPID RESPONSE ASSESSMENT REPORT ZONE OVERVIEW: GEDEO ZONE (SNNPR) DATA COLLECTED: 9 - 11 JULY 2018 SUMMARY As of June 2018 renewed inter-communal violence in Gedeo (SNNPR) zone has displaced an estimated 822,187 people (113,760 households). The majority of those displaced are staying in host communities and collective centres, while others are in spontaneous sites and dispersed settlements. Population movements remain fluid as IDPs continue to commute on a regular basis between IDP sites and host communities. Sidama Proportion of IDPs in type of site Hadiya Arsi KTAlaba IDPs in Camps Sidama Hadiya West Arsi Dila Town Wolayita IDPs in Host Communities 62,511 Sidama Dila Town ! Bale Gamo GofaGedio Dila Zuria Abaya Guji Wenago 20!,327 West Guji Bule Abaya Borena Dila Zuria Liben Yirgachefe Town 41,!180 Yirgachefe Wenago Bule ! Kochere 45,840 West Guji Gedeb OVERVIEW OF Gelana 133,904 Kercha ! Yirgachefe DISPLACEMENT: Bule Hora ! 50,442 Guji Yirgachefe Town GEDEO ZONE Guji Gelana 104,543 ! Woredas No. Sites West Guji Kochere Bule 41 Dila Zuria 20 ! Dila Town 4 200,000 - 363,901 100,000 - 200,000 363,440 Hambela Wamena Kochere 45 50,000 - 100,000 Gedeb <50, 000 Gedeb 31 Kercha Wanago 21 This map is for illustration purposes only. The boundaries and Yirgachefe Town 8 names shown and the designations used on this map do not Bule Hora imply official endorsement or acceptance by the International 0 3 6 12 18 Yirgachefe 13 Organization for Migration. Kms Hera Liphitu * KEY INFORMANTS CONTACTED FOR THIS ASSESSMENTGarb WEREa 02 WOREDA ANDKerc aZONAL 01 GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Segen PeopMETHODOLOGYles' Kercha Birbirsa Kojowa DTM Rapid Response Assessments are designed to 822,187 113,760 provide up-to-date information on large scale population Displaced Displaced Individuals Households displacement occurring spontaneously outside of the DTM Mobility Tracking data collection periods. The Rapid Response Assessment tool is a simplified version of the 307,741 514,446 Mobility Tracking tool and is deployed at Woreda level In Collective Centres/ In Host Communities to collect basic information about displaced populations Camp settings through key informants. The aim of the assessment is to The majority of identified IDPs were provide the humanitarian community with initial population displaced in June 2018 estimates and displacement site lists in an emergency context to facilitate the coordination and planning of the first response. IOM collaborated closely with Zonal and Woreda Food was reported as the primary need in officials as well as the Ethiopian Red Cross to implement the the zone. Rapid Response Assessment in Gedeo zone, SNNPR. DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX ETHIOPIA RAPID RESPONSE ASSESSMENT WOREDA PROFILE: BULE 9 - 11 JULY 2018 )" Haroresa )" " Otilcho Mochise Sisota ) Ayekelesuke Sidama Mchle Shakusa *# West Guji Chic)"hu )" Miche Segirasa )" )" Herede Mchle H)"uluna Guji Tumiticha Gele)"dacho Gedeo Dila Zuria )" 2nd O)"kolu Tumata C)"hrecha Amba )" 1st Okolu )" )" )" Basura Asshotum Hafero Segen Peoples' Wenago Town Kera)" Sodity B)"usa Osole Majo )" D)"aro " Bele Bukisa Tokocha Kesacha ) *# )" *# )" Haseharo )" B*#ULE)" TOWN Summary of Bule Woreda Key su)"gale )" Ad)"ado )" *#*#*# Wenago Wechema Findings Sika Jem)"jemo Ho)"ticha *# Deko Wet)"iko )" *# 45,840 7,802 S)"okicha )" Kolesha kara )" )" Benitsibu Suqo Displaced Displaced MeKonisa Dabota )" *# Individuals Dod)"oro Households Ga)"selcho )" Koc)"hore Agamesa 8,403 IDPs 37,437 IDPs )" Esalecha Loqe Chelba Gerbota 1 Wekadi Bitu In Collective In Host Dekuwa)" Hashere Banko Okoto Chera)"qa Has)"emo Centres/ Camp Communities Chitu Bule )" settings Gerbota 2 Gubeto Haware *#Dumerso The majority of identified IDPs were Deretu " )" Rape )Tora displaced in June 2018 Buduqesa Harow)"esabu Tulase Mehado)" Wsage Wegeda Chur)"ebaneta NFIs were reported as the primanry need Ber)"edabochesa Hede)"neMuture Adamea in the Woreda. Gasha)"saba )" Arecha ElaTenecha *#*# Huro)" Betela Yirgachefe )" Cheqesasisha Legend Kokea Number of IDPs per Kebele Nursea Saba R)"eji < 500 Bewecha denego 500 - 1.000 Host Community )" Udesa HaroBadamea * ALL KEBELE BOUNDERIES INDICATED ON Konga 1.000 - 5.000 Site BerbesKela MAPS ARE FOR OPERATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 5.000 - 10.000 AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE MOST Camp/Collective *# Mora Leu 10.000 - 20.000 Wetea Doki Dima BeteGoto *# Sayurasa RECENT OFFICAL KEBELE BOUNDERIES. Centre )" Bisha Mora )" 20.000 - 83.118 Kisha Kochere Kurimi *# Kochere Gedeb Woreda Site List Woreda Kebele Site Name Site Type Number of individuals Number of HH GPS Long. GPS Lat. Bule Bule Town Fird bet Camp 950 184 38.41088 6.29314 Bule Town Sefere selam Camp 943 174 38.40843 6.30171 Bule Town Qilto kalehiwot Camp 546 81 38.40682 6.29428 Sika Sika Camp 806 101 38.40818 6.28487 Bule Town Miker bet Camp 693 105 38.40406 6.30583 Bule Town 02 FTC Camp 320 62 38.40722 6.30352 Suqo Suqo Camp 796 136 38.41184 6.27488 Esalecha Esalecha Loqe Camp 1,572 162 38.42372 6.26591 Loqe Bule Town Youth Center Camp 398 66 38.41145 6.29393 Bule Town Bule dero Camp 1,379 127 38.41171 6.29517 Suqo Suqo kebele Host Community 692 123 DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX ETHIOPIA RAPID RESPONSE ASSESSMENT WOREDA PROFILE: BULE 9 - 11 JULY 2018 Woreda Kebele Site Name Type (Camp/Host Number of individuals Number of HH GPS GPS Lat. Community) Long. Osole Majo Osole Majo Host Community 757 143 Bule Town Bule 03 Host Community 1,409 266 1st Okolu 1st Okolu Host Community 465 74 Herede Herede Host Community 664 98 Basura Basura Host Community 1,119 175 Daro Daro Host Community 1,073 182 Bule Bule Town Bule 01 Host Community 533 99 Kochore Kochore Host Community 1,210 205 2nd Okolu 2nd Okolu Host Community 517 98 Geledacho Geledacho Host Community 877 150 Churebaneta Churebaneta Host Community 1,212 193 Rape 01 Rape 01 Host Community 1,119 233 Layo Layo Host Community 2,076 393 Cheqesasisha Cheqesasisha Host Community 2,849 364 Harowesabu Harowesabu Host Community 2,148 320 Gashasaba Laba gasha Host Community 709 171 Saba reji Saba reji Host Community 974 156 Rape tora Rape tora Host Community 867 151 Wekadi bitu Wekadi bitu Host Community 958 220 Cheraqa Cheraqa Host Community 845 161 Dekuwa Hashere Dekuwa Hashere Host Community 391 105 Kolesha kara Kolesha kara Host Community 449 93 Adado Adado Host Community 1,231 196 Bule Town Bule 02 Host Community 3,082 468 Sayurasa Sayurasa Host Community 1,315 192 Agamesa Agamesa Host Community 1,291 251 Hedenemuture Hedenemuture Host Community 1,514 282 Mehado wsage Mehado wsage Host Community 2,734 500 Beredabochesa Beredabochesa Host Community 1,174 361 Gubeto Haware Gubeto Haware Host Community 1,183 181 DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX ETHIOPIA RAPID RESPONSE ASSESSMENT WOREDA PROFILE: DILA ZURIA 9 - 11 JULY 2018 * ALL KEBELE Sidama *# BOUNDERIES Dila Town West Guji Dila Town )" Gosa And"ida INDICATED ON ) " *# Shig)edo Guji Ot)"ilcho MAPS ARE FOR # Gedeo Haroresa * OPERATIONAL )" PURPOSES ONLY )" Ayekelesuke Segen Peoples' AND DO NOT " Moch)ise Sisota )" NECESSARILY Mchle Shakusa REFLECT THE Summary of Dila Zuria Woreda MOST RECENT *# Key Findings )" )" OFFICAL KEBELE Chichu Miche Segirasa 20,327 3,228 )" Herede Dila Zuria )" Displaced BOUNDERIES. Mchle H)"uluna Displaced Individuals Households Tumiticha Gel)"edacho 1,745 IDPs 18,582 IDPs )" )" )" Amba 2nd Okolu Tumata Chrecha )" In Collective In Host 1st Okolu )" )" Centres/ Camp Communities )" Basura Asshotum Hafero settings Wenago Town The majority of identified IDPs were B)"usa Da)"ro displaced in June 2018 Haseharo )" Osole Majo *# *# )" Bele Bukisa )" *#BULE TOWN )" )" )" su)"gale Tokocha )" Adado Kesacha *# Food was reported as the primanry need )" *# *#*# Wenago Wechema in the Woreda. Bule Sika Hot)"icha *# Wetiko Legend )" *# Number of IDPs per Kebele Kolesh)"a kara Sok)"icha )" < 500 Host Community )" Benitsibu Suqo Dabota )" *# 500 - 1.000 Site 1.000 - 5.000 5.000 - 10.000 Camp/Collective Gaselcho Agamesa Esalecha Loqe )" Wekadi Bitu Kochore 10.000 - 20.000 Centre Dodoro Cheraqa Dekuwa Hashere )" Gerbota 1 )" 20.000 - 83.118 Hasemo Gubeto Haware Woreda Site List Woreda Kebele Name of location/site Site Type Number of individuals Number of HH GPS Long. GPS Lat. Dila Zuria Chichu Chichu Youth Center Camp 1,745 325 38.30346 6.36554 Chichu Chichu kebele Host Community 4,569 715 Asshotum Hafero Asshotum Hafero Host Community 1,319 226 Amba Amba Host Community 1,325 185 Tumiticha Tumticha rural Host Community 848 131 Tumiticha Tumticha 01 Host Community 1,632 234 Benitsibu Belatisebi Host Community 698 119 Wechema Wechema Host Community 695 124 Hoticha Hoticha Host Community 653 115 Busa Busa Host Community 1,230 228 Ayekelesuke Aytila suke Host Community 845 95 Miche Segirasa Miche segirasa Host Community 690 105 Otilcho Otilcho Host Community 468 68 Mchle shakusa Mchle shakusa Host Community 578 88 Shigedo Shigedo Host Community 637 109 Mchle huluna Mchle huluna Host Community 1,490 202 Andida Andida 01 Host Community 233 39 Mochise sisota Mochise sisota Host Community 153 23 Andida Andida rural Host Community 300 64 Gosa Gosa Host Community 219 33 DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX ETHIOPIA RAPID RESPONSE ASSESSMENT WOREDA PROFILE: DILA TOWN 9 - 11 JULY 2018 Sidama West Guji Guji Gedeo Segen Peoples' Summary of Dila Town Woreda Key Findings *# 62,511 9,789 Displaced Displaced Individuals Households 62,511 0 In Collective In Host Centres/ Camp Communities *# Dila Town Dila Town settings The majority of identified IDPs were displaced in June 2018 )" Gosa Food was reported as the primanry need *# in the Woreda. *# Haroresa Legend Dila Zuria Number of IDPs per Kebele < 500 Host Community * ALL KEBELE BOUNDERIES INDICATED 500 - 1.000 Site ON MAPS ARE FOR OPERATIONAL 1.000 - 5.000 PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT Mochise Sisota 5.000 - 10.000 Camp/Collective 10.000 - 20.000 NECESSARILY REFLECT THE MOST RECENT Chichu Centre OFFICAL KEBELE BOUNDERIES.
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