Draft Environmental Assessment/Initial Study Maidu Bike Park Project Auburn, California U.S. Department of the Interior Auburn Area Recreation and Parks District June 2017 Bureau of Reclamation DRAFT Maidu Bike Park Project CEQA Initial Study NEPA Environmental Assessment Prepared for: Auburn Area Recreation and Park District 471 Maidu Drive Suite 200 Auburn, California 95603-5427 Contact: Kahl Muscott Prepared by: 853 Lincoln Way, Suite 208 Auburn, California 95603 Contact: Markus Lang JUNE 2017 Printed on 30% post-consumer recycled material. Draft Maidu Bike Park Project CEQA Initial Study NEPA Environmental Assessment TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................... III 1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1 2 PURPOSE AND NEED AND ALTERNATIVES ...........................................................5 2.1 Purpose and Need ................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Alternatives Considered and Rejected .................................................................... 5 2.3 Alternatives Including the Proposed Action ........................................................... 6 2.4 No Action ................................................................................................................ 6 3 PROPOSED ACTION/PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................7 3.1 Required Approvals .............................................................................................. 19 3.2 Conservation Measures and Environmental Commitments .................................. 20 4 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES/EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ..............23 5 OTHER CONTENT REQUIRED UNDER NEPA .....................................................103 5.1 Indian Trust Assets ............................................................................................. 103 5.2 Indian Sacred Sites .............................................................................................. 103 5.3 Environmental Justice ......................................................................................... 103 5.4 Cumulative Effects.............................................................................................. 104 5.5 Consultation and Coordination ........................................................................... 104 6 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................109 APPENDICES A Preliminary Project Plans B Draft Mitigation Monitoring Plan C CalEEMod Modeling Results D Indian Trust Assets Request Form 8508 i June 2017 Draft Maidu Bike Park Project CEQA Initial Study NEPA Environmental Assessment TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page No. FIGURES 1 Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................................9 2 Study Area Map .................................................................................................................11 3 Project Location and Noise Measurement Locations ........................................................77 4 Predicted Noise Contours ..................................................................................................79 5 Proximity to Auburn Indian Trust Lands .........................................................................107 TABLES 1 Placer County APCD Thresholds (pounds per day) ..........................................................30 2 Air Pollutant Emissions During Construction (pounds per day) .......................................30 3 Air Pollutant Emissions During Operation (pounds per day) ............................................31 4 Project Emissions and Federal General Conformity Thresholds .......................................31 5 Vegetation Communities / Land Cover (On-site) ..............................................................37 6 Construction GHG Emissions ............................................................................................53 7 Typical Noise Levels .........................................................................................................73 8 Existing Roadway Conditions (TIRE and LOS) ................................................................90 9 Weekend Trip Generation Assumptions and Estimates .....................................................92 10 Weekday - Trip Generation Assumptions and Estimates ..................................................93 11 Weekend Trip Distribution ................................................................................................94 12 Regional Weekend Trip Distribution .................................................................................94 13 Cumulative Plus Project Daily Traffic Volume, TIRE Index, and LOS ...........................97 8508 ii June 2017 Draft Maidu Bike Park Project CEQA Initial Study NEPA Environmental Assessment ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Acronym/Abbreviation Definition ADA Americans with Disabilities Act AMSL above mean sea level APCD Air Pollution Control District APE Area of Potential Effect ARD Auburn Area Recreation and Park District ATCM Air Toxic Control Measure BMP best management practice CARB California Air Resources Board CCAO Central California Area Office CCR California Code of Regulations CDFW California Department of Fish and Wildlife CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations CNDDB California Natural Diversity Database CNPS California Native Plant Society CO carbon monoxide CO2 carbon dioxide CRHR California Register of Historic Resources CVCC Canyon View Community Center CVP Central Valley Project CVRWQCB Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board DOI Department of the Interior DPM diesel particulate matter DPW Department of Public Works DTSC Department of Toxic Substances Control EA Environmental Assessment EIR Environmental Impact Report EIS Environmental Impact Statement ESA Environmental Site Assessment FHWA Federal Highway Administration FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact GHG greenhouse gases IMBA International Mountain Bicycling Association IS Initial Study ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers KDA K.D. Anderson & Associates, Inc LOS level of service MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act MMP Mitigation Monitoring Plan 8508 iii June 2017 Draft Maidu Bike Park Project CEQA Initial Study NEPA Environmental Assessment Acronym/Abbreviation Definition MND Mitigated Negative Declaration MPA Managing Partner Agreement MT metric tons NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act NAHC Native American Heritage Commission NCIC North Central Information Center NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NOA naturally occurring asbestos NOx nitrogen oxides NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service NRHP National Register of Historic Places PCAPCD Placer County Air Pollution Control District PCEHD Placer County Environmental Health and Human Services Department Environmental Health Division PCTPA Placer County Transportation Planning Authority PCWA Placer County Water Agency PM10 particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter PM2.5 particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter PRC Public Resources Code ROG reactive organic gases RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer SVAB Sacramento Valley Air Basin SWPPP stormwater pollution prevention plan TIRE Traffic Intrusion on Residential Environment USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey VEE Visible Emissions Evaluations WPWMA Western Placer Waste Management Authority WWTP waste water treatment plant 8508 iv June 2017 Draft Maidu Bike Park Project CEQA Initial Study NEPA Environmental Assessment 1 INTRODUCTION This document is prepared as a joint Environmental Assessment and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (EA/IS/MND) to meet the requirements of both the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The decision to prepare a joint EA/IS/MND document, as opposed to separate documents, was made to present a cohesive project proposal and analysis for the public, realize efficiencies in preparation, and ensure consistent and integrated environmental analyses for both federal and state environmental review requirements. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is the lead agency for the NEPA process and the Auburn Area Recreation and Park District (ARD) is the lead agency for the CEQA process. The proposed project is located on federal land owned by Reclamation. ARD operates facilities on these lands under a management agreement with Reclamation that allows ARD to develop new recreational facilities. As the lead agency for NEPA, Reclamation is required to carry out environmental review in accordance with NEPA prior to taking action on a proposed project. In this case, Reclamation’s action would be to approve the project proposed by ARD on the Reclamation lands operated under the management agreement. As the lead agency under CEQA, ARD is charged with carrying out environmental review under CEQA so that ARD’s Board of Directors may evaluate the environmental impacts of the proposed project prior
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