San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1970 Special Libraries, 1970s 4-1-1970 Special Libraries, April 1970 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1970 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, April 1970" (1970). Special Libraries, 1970. 4. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1970/4 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1970s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1970 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. special libraries Donor tfZc EuM;en oy Ktma nifl- ccnce; tauc~~ii at-t dan~CfiuC 2 t.3:- pursatin tramor oj%fe; Cwe Eiaratd cEerisE fli K a re t~ om ~er-e a6un&nce, brnCwe rom fikr Gwfy, ficCsoGtceinA EerquieP scmctuarits. a we came into r~ia3,ddflis isware- wc must &e.zn~-%-..-: .. @I970 THEODORE JOHN MAZAIKA ENGROSSER . 22 EAST 17TH STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 10003 Spearheads Soviet research in information Documents the increasingly prominent role theory and data transmission played by Soviet mathematical linguists ~NF~RMAT~~HTRANSMISSION Problemy Peredachi lnformatsii Selected articles from Faraday Advisory Editor: M. Levison, Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya lnformatsiya University of London Soviet Editor: V. I. Siforov Faraday Advisory Editor: L. Cohan, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn An outstanding publication of interest to re- Soviet Editor: A. I. Mikhailov searchers in all fields concerned with the R & D of com- munications systems. Contents include statistical infor- mation theory; coding theory and techniques; noisy Focuses on experimentai methods of analyzing, channels; error detection and correction; signal detec- translating, encodrng, searching and correlating scien- tion, extraction and analysis; analysis of communications tific and technical information. Covers problems in the networks; optimal processing and routing; top~csin the development of information languages, ciassification and theory of random processes; and bionics. indexing, and automatic analysis of texts. Describes new projects in automatic documentation, mechanical trans- Prof. V. I. Siforov is well known for his research lation, mathematical iinguistics and information retrieval. contributions in radioelectronics, signal detection and analysis, and the design of advanced communications sys- Academician Mikhailov, Director of the USSR In- tems. Among the notable members of the editorial board stitute of Scientific and Technical lnformation (VINITI), is are Prof. M. A. Gavrilov of the Institute of Automation and acknowledged to be one of the world's most eminent Remote Control of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and authorities in the theory and design of information sys- Acad. A. N. Kolmogorov, Dean of the Mathematics and tems. VlNlTl employs over 4,000 specialists and has been Mechanics Faculty at Moscow University and Chairman of involved in countless research projects relating to the the International Association on the Use of Statistics in theory, methodology and automation of scientific and the Physical Sciences. Kolmogorov has won both the Lenin technical documentation. Such leading mathematical lin- and Stalin Prizes for research on the theory of functions of guists as Yu. A. Shreider, G. E. Vleduts and I. A. Mel'chuk a real variable, and he also has recently developed a major have directed in-depth research dealing with problems of modification of the theory of information which introduces generative.transformat~onal grammar, semant~c analysis an algorithmic approach employing recursive functions. and synthesis, syntactic and morphological analysis and Other members of this distinguished board include B. S. natural-language to information-language conversion. Un- Tsybakov, R. L. Dobrushin, and M. S. Pinsker who have der the guidance of Prof. D. A. Bochvar, one of the most specialized in coding theory and problems of error detec- outstand~ngSoviet specialists in the field of mathematical tion and correction; L. M. Fink and V. N. Roginskii who have logic, a special Semiotics Division was created at the In- contributed significantly in the area of complex signals; stitute to conduct research in information analysis, logical M. L. Tsetlin who is renowned for his work in game theory; semantics, structural linguistics and other disciplines as well as such well-known researchers in large-scale in- which are designed to make available to the new science formation and communications systems as 0. B. Lupanov, of informatics the exact methods currently employed to V. A. Uspenskii and A. M. Yaglom. create automated information systems. Sample contents include: Three Approaches to a Quantitative Defi- Sample contents include: Preparation of Secondary Scientific nition of lnformation Binary Codes Capable of Correcting In- Documents . lmorovine the Format of Scientific~~ ~ . -..-Documents . .. ..A correct One's . The Capacity of a Memoryless Gaussian Vector Linguistic ~escript~onoi the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. Channel . Realization of Boolean Functions by Networks of n-Input Some Causes of Loss and Noise in Document lnformation Re- Threshold Elements . Certain Properties of Symmetric Functions trleval . The Concepts "Information" and "S~gn" . Fundamentals in Threevalued Logic Using Ordered Texts for Expanding the of Scientlflc Abstractmg Methods The Problem of Translation Capabilities of Mechanical Readers A System for Determining and Modern Lineuistics . Documentation- ~ and- - Problems-.. .. of Classi. Optimal Routing . Cyclic Codes for Correction of Uniform Error fying Sciences -~roblemsof lnformation Storage and Retrieval Bursts . Some Cyclic Codes and a Technique for Majority Decod- Grammars Describing the Relationships between Natural Lan- ing .A Method for Increasing the Rel~abilityof Finite Automata . guages e Automatic Textual Analysis a Analvsls of lnformation On Several Examples,of Simulation of,the Collective Behavior of Flow as a Means for Predicting the Future of Research Projects . Automata A Quant~tat~velnvestlgatlon of Limlted-Access Sys- Research on Qualif~cat~onsfor lnformation Special~stsin Chemis- tems . Optimal Routing in lnformation Transmission Systems try e Optimal Structures for Subject Indexes of Abstract Journals The Quantity of lnformation Transformed by a Nonlinear Device A Distributive Theory of Sentences w~thBound Regions An Ap- with Internal Noise A Topological Evaluation of the Memory of proach to Defin~tionof Certain Fundamental Notions in Informa- a Multicycle System An Ideal Physical lnformation Transmission tion4etrieval Languages .Syntactical Homonymy in Russian (from Channel. the Viewpoint of Automatic Analys~sand Synthesis). Annual subscription (4 issues): $100.00 Annual subscription (4 issues): $145.00 THE FARADAY PRESS, INC. 84 Fifth Avenue New York, N. Y. 10011 - over 80.000 titles over 3.000.000 volumes in stock 5 international journals monographs and congress proceedings write or call for information: i SWETS & ZElTLlNGER rn over 600 titles in print keizersgracht 471 & 487 amsterdam, the netherlands telephone: 020-223 226 cable address: swezeit, amsierdam telex: 14149 over 100.000 titles 19 waterloo avenue berwyn, pa. 19312. u.s.a. telephone: 21 5-644-4944 21 5-647-0236 telex: 084-5392 ~WX:51 0-668-5481 69 aka vista drive janta cruz, cal. 95060. u.s.a. !elephone: 408-426-2198 special libraries Letters Data Processing Applications in an Industrial Library System lrving H. Neufeld How the Birds (Pigeons) & Bees & Butterflies Do It Erik Bromberg Development of a National lnformation System for Physics Kenneth D. Carroll Map Collection Prepares to Automate Mary Murphy MARC Tape as a Selection Tool in the Medical Library Dohn H. Martin Book Reviewing Media for Technical Libraries Arnold Sadow Repair and Preservation of Map Materials William W. Easton SLA News Vistas Chapters & Divisions 201 Institutes for Training in Librarianship 208 Exchange of Library- Produced Bibliographies 202 Have You Seen? 209 SLA Hall of Fame/ 1970 204 Coming Events 21 1 Members in the News 206 Reviews 212 Placement 26~ Index to Advertisers 28~ Editor: F. E. MCKENNA Assistant Editor: FRANCISJ. RUTH Special Libraries Committee Chairman: ANDREWV. IPPOLITO,Newsday MARYKLANIAN, Advanced Systems Development Division, IBM MRS. ANNEJ. RICHTER,R. R. Bowker Company Special Libraries is published by Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003. @ 1970 by Special Libraries Association. Monthly except double issues for May/Jun and Jul/Aug. Annual index in December issue. Second class postage paid at Brattleboro, Vermont 05301. POSTMASTER:Send Form 3579 to Special Libraries Association, 285 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003. Special Libraries Association 1969/ 1 970 President Directors (1967/70) ROBERTW. GIBSON, JR. MRS.GLORIA M. EVANS General Motors Corporation Parke, Davis & Company Research Laboratories Library Production and Engineering Library 12 Mile & Mound Roads Detroit, Michigan 48232 Warren, Michigan 48090 EFRENW. GONZALEZ President-Elect (Secretary of the Board) FLORINEOLTMAN Bristol-hlyers Products Air University Library Scientific Division Maxwell Air Force Base 1350 Liberty Avenue Alabama 36112 Hillside, New Jersey 07207 Advisory Council Chairman HELENJ. WALDRON
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