')X^s> !«_5fr_P_wV*S OPERATIC ANTHOLOGY &_S Celebrated Arias, Duets, Trios, Quartets, and Quintets m Selected and Edited by Max Spicker Les Bayaderes, f. (1810) Ch.^. Catel Carmen, f. i. (1875) G. Bizet 103. Pleurez! mais chantez ma victoir^i"* 123. L'amour est un oiseau rebelle. Sop. Soprano. 124. " " " " " M.-Sop. 125. J«? dis, que rien ne m'epouvante. Sop. Beatrice di Tenda. i. (1833) X V. Bellini 126. " " " " " " Alto 127. Pres des remparts de Seville. M.-Sop. 104. Ah! non pensar che pieno. Jtf.-SoP- or Bar. 105. Ma la sola. Sop. or Mezzo-Sop. 12S. Pr«s des remparts de Seville. Sop. or v N. Tfeq. Belisario. i. (1836) N^ G. Donizetti 129. "Les triangles des sistres tintaient. 106. A si tremendo annunzio. Tenor. M.-Sop. or Bar. 107. Quando di sangue tinto. Duet. Tehor 130. Votrftvtoast, je peux vous le rendre. and Baritone. BarSO 108. Se vederla a me non lice. Duet. SOD. Vbtre toast, je peux vous le rendre. and Baritone. M.-Sop. \ x La Belle Arsene. f. (1773) P. A. Monsigny CavalleriX a Rustkana. i. (1890) P. Mascagni 105. L'art surpasse ici la nature. Sop. •v 132/. II caV^Uo sc'alpita. (Alfio's Entrance N. / \Song0\BarZ\. Belmonte und Constanze. g. (1782) 133. II cavaDo scalpita. Bass W. A. Mozart 110. O wie will ich triumphiren. Bass. Le Cid.'f. (18.5-X \, ' J. Massenet 111. Welche Wonne, welche Lust. Sop. 134. Pleurez! pleurez, mes yeux. Sop. 112. Wenn der Freude Thranen. Tenor. 135. " " " " M.-Sop. 136. Plus de tourments. Sop. 113. Wer ein Liebchen hat. Bass. 137. " " " M.-Sop. Berenice, i. (1738) G. F. Handel 114. Se non ho l'idol mio. Alto. II Colonello. i. (1835) L. Ricci 115. SJ, tra i ceppi. Alto. 138. Al fin brillar. Sop, or M.-Sop. Betly. i. (1836) G. Donizetti Crispino e la Comare. i. (1836) L. Ricci 139. Io non sono piu Annetta. Sop. 116. In questo semplice. Tyrolitnne. Sop. 140. Istorie belle. Sop. 117. Se crudele il cor mostrai. Sop. 141. Non ha gioja. Sop. 118. Ti vedo, ti bacio, terreno natio. Bass 142. Piero mio, c'e qui una frittola. Sop. Bianca e Falliero. i. (1819) G. Rossini Czar und Zimmermann. g. (1837) A. Lortzing 119. Della rosa il bei vermiglio. Sop. 143. Sonst spielt' ich mit Scepter. Bass Le Billet de Loterie. f. (1811) N.Isouard Damnation de Faust, g. (1846) H. Berlioz 120. Non, je ne veux pas chanter. Sop. 144. Dahin ist meine Ruhe. Sop. The Bohemian Girl. See La Zingara. Dinorah. f. i. (1859) G. Meyerbeer 145. Ombr1 e legere. (Shadow Song.) Sop. Le Bouffe et le Tailleur. f. (1804) P. Gaveaux 146. " M.-Sop. 121. Conservez bien la paix du cceur. Sop. Don Carlos, i. (1867) G. Verdi Le Brigand, f. (1795) R. Kreutzer 147. O don fatale. Ten. or Sop. 122. Vastes forSts. Tenor. 147a. " " " M.-Sop. Order by number of the collection only. All numbers are published with English, in addition to the original text; 1. g. f. stand for Italian, German or French text. The numerals in brackets indicate the year when the opera was first performed. Ii_______§Sj^_^ G. SCHIRMER E_fr NEW YORK imA/umf< «2_^ I T This composition, Price, 75 cents, in U. S. A. Le Pardon de Ploermel. (DINORAH.) Shadow Song. (Transposed from Original Edition for Soprano) English Version b)> NATHAN HASKELL DOLE. G. MEYERBEER. Allegro Recit. (talking- to her shadow.) Voice « l nJ> i p p p p- ltj 1 J -j—^ J) J'' iB _ Al - Ions vi-te, prends ta le - con! Ha - te - toi d'ap ^ te, presto vie - niji stu - diar, le danze ed i ome, now hasten, thy les - son take! Dance and song- es £E____; Pian o. : v n •__EJ hi Allegretto ben moderato.(J.= 52) (Dinorah dances with her shadow.) ; j $ p P * r P' ^11 >< pren - drc danse et chan - son! can - ti vie - nia imp - - rar! say - ing-, best ef - forts make! 9> ? Hl> ' 1 »f 0 0 • m 0 0 S 1 W b* dolce. H 3: *E__ __ ftJWj^* j) yj?) $ * m £ * s m • _ J=*E mm $ B_B_____ 10738 r Copyright,l89S,hy G. Schirmer,Inc. Printed In the V. S.A. leggiero.riero. _ > Om - bre le ge re Qui suis mes Om - bra leg - gie - ra, non le n'an Thou shad-ow air - y, Here by my v P=J J^ J J J q & /I i—J S P dolce. ^ y y y y I 3=£E=5 ^^ * -U-PP P F IP P P P P P p pas,_ Ne t'en va pas! Non,non, non! Fee ou chi - me - re, Qui m'est si non tin - vo - lar, no, no, no, faiajo chi - me - ra, sei lu - sin - side 0 do not hide! No, no, no! Elf,sprite or fair- y, I pray thee, rj p p f? 'ifl=fcg ? j> J) I J> .7 Ji i ,,11 Ijjp . ^ ^ che - re, Ne t'en va pas! Non,non, non! Courons en - sem - bie, J'ai pour, je ghie - ra,non t'in-vo - lar, no, no, no! Ombra a me ca - ra, corriamo a tar - ry, 0 do not hide! No, no, no, Wilt thou be - lieve me',Twoulddeeply m0 0 J JI JEJJJH§ J J k=&9 0 ^ 10738 3^ -Q M P bP •f i i i J> • I jffi B «r I trem - bie Quand tu t'en vas_ Loin de £•« - ra, res - ta con me,— al mio grieve me If thou should glide Far a r r r f r * (she dances with her shadow.) ^^ f Ne t'en va pas! non tfin-vo - lar! ah, do not hide! jjf $%it *—* „,. a tempo. m JJ •. p m _» * HH (shHee pauses.pauses.); , i ij J) J Jl * p P p P ' * ^ J> A chaque au - ro - re Je te re - vois; Ad ogni au - ro - ra ti DO tro - car! Each morn - ing sees thee my heart re-joice; (she dances with her shadow.) (she pauses.) i' I J> h B j p p p p r6 Ah! res - te enco re, Danse a ma voix! Ah! resta^an-co - ra, vieni^a dan-zar! e J_ Stay if it please thee, Dance to my voice! Jfl1f f ^ ,ff"f ff ff P ^^ m im 0 9 4=4* t 10738 Je veux chau - ter,. Ap - pro - che - toi! m'udrai can - tar; tfappressqji - me, ure, I'll smile, I'll play, Shad-oWj come nigh! Vm *=£* m ______ ^m % 1 S 9 IP fcf I 1 M y y i 0—k-w—I ' -w y y * m m i m Viens, re-ponds moi, chante a - vec moi! ris-pondi_a - me, can - la con me!. Hear me! re - ply! Sing as do I! _ ^F^f S I -** *=* 1 -y—r- ±=± 1—7- pa i * i Allegretto animato. (J- = 98) (She sing's to the shadow.) Ah! J> IT- ti A i y l =£ f * i i f^f ///2_, L s y y j: y m- 10738 (as if listening- to the shadows voice.) re-ponds! a - te! Ah! re - ply! T y y \ £=^y y 4E 7 y * * * V f /_? ^ « y • y y" jt y y , y y • A i F (to the shadow.) c'est bienhion! 00 £#»/ Ah! 'tis well! a I .. .. ff .. .1 . .. 1? • .. it.. .. a K K fe V y y r y -y—=E==y y y y ? t Ej y y s y y y y y y jt I __= I i 5 r7 (to the shadow ) (as if listening to the shadow^ voice.) pp *__: «___ j^-^jJNpi ff re-ponds! « fe/ Ah!. re-ply! * T > >"? f y y | 1 , * V £ A PP y y $ y y 3 a—•—* £ ^* (to the shadow.) (to the shadow.) (as if listening- JZZ Z f nces t bienlien! "SI re-pondsre-nnnds!! va ben! Ah! <7 /./ Ah!. 'tis well! re-ply! y y _j_ =J^ f y y j = y y jt 3* j :_i: y y j: 1 T 10738 Listesso tempo, ma un poco piu mosso. (to the shadow.) to the shadows voice.) bien! re _«'/ Ah! a well! re t m^^= ^ £ =¥=^ £ i H| «—• />/> ^ :J>"i -y—-y- ^^-T- g^g p tip (the shadow's reply.) (to the shadow.) PPimzrm :!fcil_uj;jft t #^%* ^ft* £ ponds! Sa WC'es t te! Ah! piy! tis q %2.J f, --i* 3? ._i£ f #* f J* !«n * £ stacc. ggj __P-J -7 fffl f M[ P v #p y ^^ 8 (the shadow's (to fte ^,3 ^iS*™' «° tke shadow,) (to the shadow.) replyJ_ # ^ ^ pp^^LL^ f ^ _ ^-_ pp^ Hii p F p A m x p r bien!. p" topAh!. r Pe -' ponds!^ . *^ah! re '- ™ponds! ^ ben!- ah!. a te!- ah! a te! Ah! wellL Ah!. re - ply!- ah! re - ply! mI 3EEE£ 5EE|E (the shadow's (the shadow's (to the shadow.) reply.) p (to the shadow.) reply.) (addressing the shadow.) \^fK .r^K,-m^^ >'^P P P P P P P ah! ah!. ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! P 10738 Tempo I. £_____ Om-bre le - Ah!_ ah!. ah!. ah!. Om-bra leg- Thou shadow ad lib. I I£S E 1 f col canto. 3___; & 1 -s- k j J'JJP V i' V-[Jp p p p I rj-r J) J) I Jw i1 J>-g ge - re Qui suis mes pas, Ne t'en va pas! Non, non, non! Fe'e ou chi gie - ra, non te n'an - dar,-.
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