INDEX. VOLUME 62, 1977* Absorption spectra drrdtjrrot rurrL. ARISTAMIN, 1.F. AND R.C. ERD: carbonate minerals 36 hypersthene ]-52 Johachidolite redefined: a chlorite 387 i t hani ra Farri.n 623 calcium-aluminum borate 327 L47 dlopsroe (Dfue, )z) j ennite 366 _, see HURT-BUT,C.S.JR. eardleyite (takoviEe) 454,462 j ohachldolite 328 AristarainiEe, crystal structure 979 garnets 488 kaersut ite 1039 Armalcolite, high-tenperature K-micas 534 1 iddicoat it e Ll22 .rvcf,l.hpmieirv 973 orthoDvroxene t5l liottite 324 ARRHENTUS,G. Presentation nrtarrz (orcen) 590 magnetite, tiEanif erous 623 of the Roebling Medal 603 takovite 462 melanite 650 Augite Achrenatite, discredited mineral 170 hal^ni^a6nhira 67 exsolution in Pigeonite 79 Agrellite, new mineral (abstr) 173 nonohydr oc a1 c it e 275 exsolution lamellae ln 857 AIILRICHS, J.L. see SERNA, C. 784 nuscovite 1248 lattice parameters 861'869 637 Albite ollvine 958,L02r Tahiti, analyses (abstr) Al-Si disorder in 1232 orthoclase 1193 Aurocuproite, new nineral 593 -- orthopyroxene 899 Aus !ralia L uxrP r crs f u r r f L J 554 otwayite 1000 465 LrJoLdr 921 bustanite Alaska, clinopyroxene negacrysts 1049 ParasPurrrEe 1004 eardleyite 449 pargasite 206 Almandine, rare earths in 899 granulites LO79 plagioclase 899 ninv,ilir6 256 Alstonite, Raman and infrared pyrite L769 999 spectra 36 uLwdy!LE 459 ALTHOFF,P.L.: Structural refine- pyrrhot ite 1050 takovite nents of dolomite and a magne- .,'"rt. loraan) s89 rhrrnl i tia rnn]lc sian calcite 712 334 Anblygonite, infrared spectra 559 samarskite 1010 BABCOCK,L.1-', see RUOTSALA'A.P. 1125 Anesite, order-disorder in 296 scapolite 134 BAILEY, S.W.: Report of the 249 Anphibole, blue \64 schoonerite I.M.A,-1.U,Cr. Joint Comittee Aftnhih^la or^',n schorlomite 650 on Nomenclature 411 I MAechr,,ar cna^rrr 205 serpentine 102 -bhe , review of Proceedings of s tab ility 1,13 tadzhikite 98 fnternatiornl CLaY Anelrrcac nhominrl takovite 462 Coqfez,ence 7375 177 1158 act inol it e 206 texas ite 1007 _, see GUGGENHETM,S. almandine 899 tremolit e 206 Bariopyrochlore, definition 405 ennhihnl a h1 tuscanite ILI2 Barite, solubility and thermo- "a L66 amphiboles 878 ullmannite 369 dynamic data 942 amnhihnli rc< 879,882 ultrabasic and basic rocks 8ei BARTON,P.B. JR': review of aPat ite 899 uraninite 587 Mel:alLogeny and GLobaL augite 637 vermiculite r230 Tectonics (Walker) 839 banded iron formation 896 rrtfr^^rtci i a 1010 Barylite, crystal structure 167 basalt 635 zektzetite 418 Barytocalcite' Raman and infrared birnessite 28r zaherite L726 spectra 36 bournonit e-selignannite 1098 zinnwaldite 1159 Basalt-trachyte relationship 666 bronzite 152 ANDERSON,J.B. and G.L. SHOffAKER' BAYLISS, P.: Crystal structure burbankite 16r E. KOSTINERand F.A. RUSZALA: refinement of arsenian chalcopyrite 1050 Tho ^rwcirl ctrrrctrrrc oF ullmannire 369 a reflne- chrlstite 424 synthetic Cu5(PO4)2(0H)4, -, Crystal structure chromite 1086,r091 pollnorph of pseudomalachite 115 nent oE a weakly anisotroPic ^ I i n^nvr^vana 1050,899 , see sHoEltAKER, G,r. 1042 pyrite 1168 clinopyroxene sectors 391 Antlite, order-disorder f07 BEDLI\ry, D. see LLAMBIAS, W.J. f32 cordierite 1146 Anorthoclase, rods in kaersutite 1038 BELI-, P.M.: review of The PhAedcs diopside 878 Antarctica and ChemistTA of Rocks and eardleyite (takovlte) 453,1!62 Dufek intrusion 623 Minerals (Strens) 399 eclogites 879 iron-Eitanium oxides 623 BENEKE, K. and G' LAGALY: ferrobustamite I2t7 Antiperthites, inanorthosites 905 I(anemite - intercrystalllne orrhat nori.l^fi fp 844 Apatite, rare earths in 899 reactivity and relations to garnets 878 APPI-B4AN,D,E. see DUNN, P.J. llzL other sodium silicates 763 oafcfh.hni fa Archerite, new mineral (abstr) L057 Benstonite, Raman and infrared or.n;i;iaYifa 548 specEra 36 hellandite 90 ar is Larainite 979 Betafite, definition 405 holdenite 576 eeqnnl i tp L32 Bloti te hornblende 899 Argentocuproaurite, new mineral Maine, composltion 732 hrrirnnhl nrhnri ta 150 (abstr) 593 titanium l-n 438 AMKI, T. see MOORE,P.B. Birnessite, in marine qediments 278 5I'229,5L3,692 BIRNIE, R.W. see WU, I.J. 1"097 * Preparedby Brian Mason and Cvnthia Barnes.Smithsontan lnstitution, Washington,D.C 1268 Bish BISH, D.L.: Aspectroscopic and CIIAYES, F. cont. Crystal structure, cont. X-ray studx,of the coordina- review of Geologg of the planch6ite 499 tion of Crrr ions in MiddZe AtTon tic Tslands pseudomalachite 1042 chlorites 385 (Mit chel1-Thon6 ) 835 relnerite Il29 and c.W. Brindley: A rein- _, Chenical analyses, see rosenhahnite 503 vestigation of takovite 458 Analyses, chemical samuelsonite 229 Bismutomicrol j Le, detiniEion 405 Chemical potential relation- schoonerite 250 BLENCoE,J,G.: Molal volumes of ships IO12 segelerite 692 synthetic paragonite- CHENEY,J.T. see GUIDOTTI, C.V. 438 shattuckite 499 muscovlte nicas 1200 Chile, hydrochlorborite r47 slawsonite 31 Blomstrandite = uranpyrochlore? 406 Chlorite, CrJ- in 385 tuscanite 1114 BLOUNT, C.W.: Barite solubili- Chroniun, tetravalent, in ullmannite 369 ties and thernodynamic d iop side 522 zinnwaldite 1158 quantities 942 Chrysotile, synthetic 958 Crystal structure and crystal Bond distances, metal-oxygen 309 Chudobaite, new data (abstr) 599 growEh 1034 Bournonite, ,1036 Peru lO97 CLTFF, c. see GARD.J.A, 365 BOVING, P. see GHOSE, S. ll29 Clinopti loJ i Ee, synthesis 330 Bracewellite, new mineral (abstr) 593 Clinopyroxene DAL NEGRO,A and G. R0SS1, BraziI, green quartz 589 exsolution in bustamite 46s V. TAZZOLIT The crystal BREGER,I.A., review of Stachts rare earths in 390 structure of lanthanite I42 Textbook of CoaL Petnologg, sector zoning 899 DAVIES, W.E., review of second edt tiou (Stach et al) 937 Coesite, in kyanite eclogite 828 Principles of Engineering BRIDGE, P.J. see NICKEL, E.H. 449 COHEN,J.P. and F.K. ROSS, Geology (Atrewell and larner) 1263 BRINDLEY,c,W. see BISH, D.L. 458 G,V. GIBBS: an X-ray and DAVIS, C.E,S. see Brocenite, new data (abstr) 397 neutron diffracEion study of NICKEL, E.H. 449,999 BROCKMAN,c.F, see NEILSON, M.J. 7239 hydrous low cordierite 67 Deerite, crystal structure 990 Brogniardite, new data (abstr) 59g Colorado, barylite 167 Density separation, of BROUGHTON,P.L., review of Columbonicrolite = pyrochlore 406 minerals 374,377 CaDe Mine.L'als (HitI) 833 CoLVTLLE, A.A. and P,A. COIVILLE: Derbylite, new dara (abstr) 396 BRoWN,K.L. see MDTKE, A.S. 42L Paraspurrite, a new paramorph Diamond, inclusions ln 583,756 Buchwaldite, new mineral 362 of spurrite 1003 DICKSON, F,W. see RADTKE, A.S. 42L BUNCH,T,E. see OLSEN,E. 362 COLVTLLE, P.A. see COLVILLE,A.A. 1003 Digenite, order-disorder 107 Burbankite, ce11 dinenslons, Connecticut, sphalerite 540 Diopside, synthetic blue 522 composition 15g COOK,L.P. and R.S. ROSS, Dioptase, structurerefinement 807 BUSSELL, M. see NICKEL, E.H. 449 11.S. PARKER, T, NEGAS: The Djalmaite = urannicrolite 406 BUSTAMITE, exsolution in 465 systen K20-AI203-Sl02. Djurleite, order-disorder 107 Part 1. 1180 DODGE. C.see STOFFYN,M. LL73 Cordierite DOLLASE, W.A. and W.P. FREEBORN: analyses rt46 The structure of KAlSlOl, with channel constiEuents in rr44 P65nc symetry 336 CABRI, L.J. see FLEISCHER, t|. 593,I25g X-ray, neutron diffraction 67 , see GOLDMAN.D.S, TI44 Calc io sanarskit e=uranian CORRENS,C.W, Acceptance of Dolonite, yttropyrochlore? 406 the Roebling Medal 604 formation 172 Ca1ifornia CRATC,J.R., review ot Seni- Raman and infrared spectra 36 albite g2L conducting )re MineraLs DONNAY,J.D,H.: review of Les deerite 990 (Shuey) 399 Mineram de Belgique (M61on, hungchaoire 1135 _, see PoPP, R.K. 1,13 Bourguignon, Fransolet) 834 orthoclase 1191 CROOK,W.W. III: Texasice, a DOVAL, M. see LA IGLESIA, A. 1030 uraninite 597 new nineral 1006 Domeyite, new mineral 316 Calorinetry, VpF-^^-^^r!^ -^-- phase-equilibriun 1g9 --.-, ,,rw dara 1009 DoWTY, E.: Crystal structure and CMERON, E.N. : Chronire in the Crystal structure crystal growth: a repfy 1036 Bushveld Conplex 1082 aristarainite g7g DUNCAN,M.A.: Metasrabiliry in CAMERON, W.E.: Mullire: a barylire 767 serpentine-olivine equilibria 1018 substituted alunina 747 calcite (magnesian) 776 DUNN, J.c. see NICKEL, E.H. 449 Canary Tslands, basalt- cordierite 67 DUNN,P.J.: trachyte relationship 666 deerite 99O Achrenatite discredited 170 Cancrinite-davyne group 321 dioptase 807 _, and D.E. APPLmIAN, J.E. CANNON, p.J. B. see DUNN, 416 dolomire 776 NEI,EN: Liddlcoarlre, a new CARLSON, E.L. see SHARP, W,E. L77 ferrobustamite LZI6 calcium end-nember of the Casslterite, var. vood-Ein 100 gillespite 5ZB tnrrrnalina or^,,n LI2L Catoptrite, new (abstr) data 396 harkerire 263 _, and J. NORBERG:Phospho- Ceriopyrochlore, definition 405 heazlewoodite 341 phyl1ite, variation in Ceruleite, new data (absEr., s98 hellandite g9 composition 818 Ceruranopyrochlore = cerian hungchaoire 1135 _, and R.C. ROUSE, B, CANNoN, pyrochlore 406 KAlsiO4 T6 J.A. NELEN: Zektzerite, a new Chalcocite, order-disorder L07 K6LiFe24S26C1 819 liEhium zirconium silicate 416 Chalcolamprite = pyrochlore 406 lanthanite 1,42 CHANG,L.L,Y. and S.N. HODA: nalayire gO1 Phase relations in the system melonjosephite 60 Eardleyite (takovite), PbS-Cu2S-Bi2S3 and rhe stabil- minyulire 256 Australia 449,459 ity of galenobismutite 346 octacalciun phosphate 229 Eglestonite, new data (abstr) 396 CHAO, c,Y. see FLEISCHER, M. 1057 overite 692 Ellsworthite = uranpyrochlore 406 CHAYES, F: The oceanic basalt- paraspurrite 1005 Endeiolite = impure pyrochlore 406 trachyte relatlon in general phosphophyllite gI2 ERD, R.C. see ARISTAMIN, L.F. 327 and in the Canary Islands _r sB€ HURLBUT, C,S.JR. t47 ERLICHMAN,J. see OLSEN, E, 362 ErraEa I2.(j5 Hewitt 1269 EVANS, H.T. JR. review of Galenobismutite 346 GREEN, T.H. and A.R. SPII,LER: Ihre e-Dimensiotuzl Net s and GARD, J.A.
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