ANNUAL REPORT MINISTER OF MINES FOR TAE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER, 1900, MINING OPERATIONSFOR GOLD,COAL,ETC., INTHE PROVINOE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. 1 ED. 7 REPORT OF TRE MINISTER OF MINES. 703 REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF MINES, 1900. The Annual Report of the Mining Industries of the Province for the year 1900 is here. with respectfully submitted. RICHARD MCBRIDE, Minister of M&ws. - - .---__-- ___- ____-- ---- 1 ED. 7 REPOBT OF THE MINISTER OF MINES. 705 REPORTS -BY- WILLIAM FLEET ROBERTSON, PROVINCIAL MINERALOGIST, :o: SIR,-I have the honour to submit herewith my Annual Report on the Mining Industry of the Prwinoe for the year ending December 31st, 1900. The following statistical tablw give the total mineral output of the Preipoe to data, and show in considerable detail the actual mineral production of the past year, &B based on smelter . or mill returns; also B summary of the pra4uction of each of the I& four years, thus illus- trating by comparison the progress made in productive mining during this period. To facilitate comparison with information previously given, I have retained, aa closely 88 was pansible, the general form already established for suoh tables and for the Report I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, Victoria, Il. c., Maarchllih, ls701. 1 ED. 7 REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF MINES. 707 MINERAL PRODUCTIONOF BRITISH COLUMBIA. METHOD OF OOMPUTING PRODUCTION. In trembling the output of the lode mines in the following tables, the established cus~m of this Department haa bwn adhered to, viz.: The output, of B mine for the year is considered that amount of ore for which the smelter or mill returns have boon receivwl during the year. This system doea not give the exact output of the mine kor the yaw, but rather the amounts credited to the mine on the company’s books during such year. For “ro shipped in December the smelter returos are not likely to be racaived until F-obruary of the new year, or later, and have, consequently, to Abe carried “VW to the credit of such “BW yew. This plan, however, will be found wry approximate for eaoh yar, and ultimately correct, 88 ore not credited to one y&in included in the next. In the Lode Mines tabla4, the amount of the shipments has been obtained from certified returns received from the various minea, aa provided for in the “Inspection of Metallifsmua Mines Act, 1897.” In calculsting the vnluea of the products, the sverage price for the gear in the New York Metal Market has been used aa 8 basis. For silver 95 per cent., and for lead 90 per cent., of such market prioe has bean taken. Treetment and other charges have not beon deducted. TABLE I. TOTAL PRODUCTION E”H .u. I. Ysnxw UP M *ND KWLUDIN” 1900. Gold, placer. ............ ......................... .$ 62,684,445 Gold, lode .......................................... 12,612,860 Silver. ...................... ..... ................ 13,649,809 Lead .............................................. 7,619,956 Copper ............................................. 4,362,563 Coaland Coke ....................................... 49,140,917 Building stone, bricks, etc. ............................ 1,950,000 Other metals. .................................. .: ... 34,640 . Total.. ............................ $152,155,208 TABLE II. PROLKJcrlON F”OR EdCA Yens FRO&l 1890 TO 1900~(INcL.aslvE). 1852 to 1869 (inclusivs) ...... ....................... .$ 71,961,634 1890 ........... , .................................. 2,606,603 1891 ............................................... 3,521,102 1892 ............................................. 2,978,530 1893 ., ......................................... 3,5X8,413 1894 ............................................... 4.225,717 1695 ....................... ....................... 5,643,042 1896 ............................................... 7,507,956 1697 .............................................. 10,455.268 , 169E ............................................. 10,906,861 1899 ................................................ 12,393,131 1900 ........... ................................... 16,344,751 Total ........................ .$152,155,208 708 REPORT OF TBE MINISTER OF MINES. 1901 Table III. gives & statement in detail of the amount and value of .the different mineral products for the years 1898, 1899 snd 1900. As it has been impassible 88 yet to collect accurate statistics regarding building stone, lime, bricks, tilea, etc., tbe.se BI‘B estimated. TABLE III. wo3. Hoe. looo. Qnmtity. V&e. Quentity. Value. Quantity. VdW3. --~ G”“,y$y.:.:: o”y,-::::: * 8iilvar * . Gc!oy : : : : : : : : Pounds n Cd ,,,..._._._. Tom,2,246~ Coke. II I Other msw TABLE IV. oaarsoo 7hem. .; : .......... ......... p$i;i, Muung rmls1on ...... $ 150,500 ” ..... 214,366 onlinea, I, ...... 15,0@3 ,....,...., c*eaIAn Drsrruol ....................... 319,380 467,419 KoeTEmY, EAST, DESTBIOT. ............. :E%m,606 2855,351 KmmaY, Iv???,, DISTB,cw........................... ibssoi, . 6,642:975 6 , 13,350, 6,0%,733 $en-~mth D,vuuon. 340,465 I / I, 604hiil %% 137,632 m- ,, ........... 2.619.352 ,746:372 2 063 !#I3 TtilCwak I I 2;4lo;sll I,%= 2:139:300 Other parted ................ 91,631 81,026 .,,.,... LlLwom msrmm ..................... ..-.....I ......... 47,314 YALE mmrm .......................... ......... /. ........ 432,612 Omyms (Grsnd Forks-Kettle River) Division ............ 384,112 234,167 I,35393 . I tjiimilkmeen Division. ........ 1,560 4,600 ..., Y.& I, ......... 60,340 lzgi 50,232 _. Cb~~~Dr.emcm (Nsoaimo, Alber- r&W. CuwtV. I.,Victoti) ........... ,..,..... ,......... 3,725,536 4,604m3 4,365,153 -- - $10,OC6,361 $12,303,131/ $16,344,151 1 ED. 7 REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF MINES. 709 PLACER GOLD. Table V. contains the yearly production of placer gold to date, &B determined by the returne, sent in by the banks and express companies, of gold transmitted by them to the miuts, and from returns sent in by the Gold Commissioner8 and Mining Recorders. To these yearly smounta, one-third was added up to t,he year 1878, from then to 1895 and for 1898 and 1899, one-fifth, which proportions are considered to represent? approximstely, the amount of gold sold of which there is no record. This placer gold contams from 10 to 25 per cent. silver, but the silver value has not been separated from the totals, a8 it would-be insignificant. TABLE V. YIELD OP ,?LACER GOLD PER YEAE TO DATE. 1858.. $ 705,000 1880.. .81,013,827 1859.. 1,615,070 1881. 1,046,737 1860............ X228.543 1882.. 954,085 1861.... ........ 2;666;118 1883 ............ 794,252 1862 ............ 2,656,903 1884 ............ 736,165 1863 ............ 3,913,563 1886 ............ 713.738 1864 ............ 3,735,850 1886 ............ 903;651 1865 ............ 3,491,205 1887 ............ 693,709 1866 ............ 2,662,106 1888 ............ 616,731 1867 ............ 2,480,868 1889 ............ 588,923 1868 ............ 3,372,972 1890 ............ 490,435 1869 ............ 1,774,978 1891.. .......... 429,811 1870 ............ 1,336,956 1892 ............ 399,526 1871 ............ 1.799.440 1893 ............ 366,131 1872 ............ 1;610;972 1894 ............ 406,616 1873 ............ 1,305,749 1895 ............ 481,683 1874 ............ 1,844,618 1896 ............ 544,026 1875 ............ 2,474,004 1897. .: ......... 513,520 1876. ........... 1,786,648 1898 ............ 643,346 1877.. _. 1,608,182 18YY.. 1,344.900 1878.. .1,275,204 ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ 1900............ L,278,724 187Y ............ I,~Y”,“Ot( -- Total ............... $62,584,443 TABLE VI. The information aa to production in the earliar years is obtained from the “Mineral Statistics and Mhea” for 1896, Geological Survey of Cawda. PRODUCT~N OP LODE MINE& 294.800 9,2X3 ie,547 674,500 29,813 104,813 185,1rJl 6,498 . 54,371 1899 Nil. Nil. 73,Q‘a 1% Nil. Nil. 1892.. 808,429 33,064 Q$z 189.3.. 1,170 23,404 2,135,@23 78,996'. 1894.. 6,252 125,014 6,662,523 109,876 .324,680 16,234 ;;:$J$ 1895.. 39,264 785,271 15,475,464 532,265 952,849 47,642 2,342:39: ,890.. 62,259 1,244,180 %4,199,977 721,384 3,8L8,.556 190,926 4,267,179 1897. 196141 2,1!B,m 38,841,1.35 1,390,517 5,325,P.Q 7,052,431 ,898.. 110,061 2,201,217 31,693,559 1,017,381i 7,271,678 %2:: 6,529,420 1899.. 138,315 2,867,673 21,862,436 878,n70: 7,722&H 1,351:41 6,751,lw 1999.. 167,153, 3,453,381 &3,358,621, 2,691,337/ Q,QQ7,08Q 1,615,289 10,089,757 To+& I--/--/630,615 $,2,8,2,860 22.57ojiii I &iii&i I 296,081,558 I ~,,619,958'35,412,606 I &362,683 I$38,445,208 REPom 0~ THE MINISTER OF MINES. TABLE VII.--PRODU~ION IN DETAIL cm THE - ooLD-m,Am oobr--Iaoa. 8~VER COPIU. Dlmmcr. Y11. Tons. ___ O”Ocss Value. ounm. “*“a. ovltal I “*lnL Poonda.I “ti”a. -_ -7 I c#wmml.............. .................................................... CBrib.30DtvMon.. .. 1881........ 8,zHJ n5,cm........ ............. 188R........ $Z 168,m................... Es0 ...... mwm ..................... w40 ........ aion ~e*,wo .................... ........ I Qume, II .... lssl ........ ,o,cfm m,m ........ ............. ....... 1888........ ‘3% Bll,Bm................... ....... 1m ...... lE3.8w.................... ....... (, .... Ksg ,:::,::: za/ig 610,ocil................... ...... ominem M,cca.................... ...... m?a ........ 8800.................... ....... Is&l ....... 6% 12,&m..................... h&y. .................... ....................... ........ ......... Mli” lakeDitian .. y& ....... 8,,M) 16,ooo.... ............. :::: :::: / ::......... ~........... ., .... m.wJ m,oon.... lo ........... 11:1111: dllothcrDir*dons.. is97 ........ i,sas si,cm..................... I ~~~~..y......,~~.,~~~:
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