Cambridge University Press 0521826136 - The Political Economy of Craft Production: Crafting Empire in South India, c. 1350-1650 Carla M. Sinopoli Index More information Index Abraham, Meera, 103, 104, 188 Appadurai, Arjun, 31, 69, 95, 98, 102 Acharya, P.K., 206 Arabian coast, 88 Achyutadevaraya, 124, 162, 167, 180, 226, 235 Aravidu dynasty, 78, 82 description, 183 archaeological data reign, 81 and history, 313–315 temple, 143, 144, 226 history of Vijayanagara research, 141–142 Adil Shahis, 80 iron works, 195–197, 201 Aduthurai, 288 site functions, 150 agriculture sources of evidence, 10, 119, 139–155 Hoysalas, 74 Varadadevi-amana-pattana, 151 Kakatiyas, 72 Vijayanagara city core, 142–145 river valleys, 87 Vijayanagara metropolitan region, 141, uplands, 84 146–155 Vijayanagara period, 63, 151 architecture, 209–211, 307 Ahmadnagar, 76, 81, 160 Arimalatta Nayinar, 277–278 Aihole, 104 Aristotle, 40–41, 46, 61 Airavat , 134 Arkalagudu, 267 Akbar, Emperor, 59 armories, 203 al-Fazl, Abu, 58 army, craftsmen attached to, 255 Alagasingaraya, 234 Arnold, Dean, 7, 13, 25, 174, 248 Alamkonda, 258, 260–261 Arthasastra,51 Alamkonda Puttasti. See Puttasti of Alamkonda Ashokan inscriptions, 51 Alauddin, General, 75–76 Asian states, and western thought, 38 Alcock, Susan, 39, 61, 82, 117, 301 Asiatic Mode of Production, 38, 44–48, 115, Ali, Athar, 58 299 Allchin, F.R., 65 attached production, 32–35, 160, 236, 255 Allison, James, 18 Atthavanavyaharatantram, 246 Alur society, 55 ayagars, 36, 100–103, 193, 246, 283, 309–310 amara-nayaka, 91 Ayyavole 500, 71, 72, 98, 104–105, 188, 308 Ames, Kenneth, 33 Aztecs, 16, 20, 29, 35, 36 Amuktamalyada, 157, 162 Anderson, Perry, 47, 52 Bahmani sultanate, 68, 76, 79, 80, 88 Andhra Pradesh, 59, 69 Bailey, Anne, 44, 47 inscriptions, 72, 80 Balfet, H., 303 iron ore, 85 Banadoja, 232 Kakatiyas, 71 bards, 160–166, 279–280 Vijayanagara territory, 79, 82, 83, 85 Barfield, Thomas, 301 Anegundi, 75, 140, 146 Barnes, Ruth, 171 Anjuvannam, 104 basalt working, 235–236 ankusha, 203 Basava, 208 Annamacarya, Tallapaka, 165 Basavana-anna, Hegade Hitalabagila, 208 anthropology, 2 Basavapatana-sthala, 267 Appadorai, A., 105 Basavaraja, K.R., 71 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521826136 - The Political Economy of Craft Production: Crafting Empire in South India, c. 1350-1650 Carla M. Sinopoli Index More information Index 343 Basham, A.L., 218 castes Bayman, James, 13, 36 craft regulation, 21, 308, 309–311 beads, 24 inter-caste agreements, 284, 290–291 Beck, Brenda, 102 list, 138 Behura, N.K., 243, 247, 276 right- and left-hand divisions, 102, 288 Benco, Nancy, 25 South India, 98–100 Berar, 76 spread of caste ideologies, 65 Berdan, Frances, 36 subcastes, 99 Bernier, Franc¸ois, 41–43, 46, 48 censuses, 136, 138 betaya bedaru, 134 ceramics Bhairavacharya, 234, 250 forms, 240–241, 242 Bhan, Kuldeep, 24, 33 organization of production, 247–249 Bhatkal, 192, 229 technology, 240–241, 243–245 Bhavadure, Bhaskara, 107 use and significance, 238 Bhojaprabhanda, 243 ceremonial robes, 183–185, 307 Bidar, 76 chaˆıne-op´eratoire approach, 27 Bijapur, 76, 80, 81, 160 Chakrabarti, D.K., 39, 192 Blackman, M.J., 25 Chalukyasof Kalyani, 9, 66, 70–71, 73 blacksmiths, 16, 26, 190, 191, 280 Chamarakanagara temple, 234 Blake, Stephen, 58–59 Champakalakshmi, R., 54, 55, 56, 65, 68, 103, Blanton, Richard, 49, 301 104–105 boar emblem, 70, 71 Chandra, Satish, 54 Bomoja, 208 Chandragiri, 71, 80, 82, 139, 165 bonded labor, 108 Channabasava Purana, 134, 193 Bourdieu, Pierre, 27, 295 Chattopadhyaya, Brajadulal, 3, 50, 52, 54, 55, Bracciolini, Poggio, 128 59, 60, 61 Brahmadeyas, 53–54 Cheras, 68 Breckenridge, Carol, 40, 95 Chhatradahalli, 284 Brenning, Joseph, 176 Chikkadevar, 286 bronze, 203–206 Chikkadevaraya, 234 Brouwer, Jan, 190, 191 Chikkarasar, 288 Brown, James, 13 Childe, Gordon, 13, 23, 32, 38, 49, 299 Brubaker, Robert, 64, 140, 141, 152, 211, 254, Childs, Terry, 33 307 Chilton, Elizabeth, 31 Brumfiel, Elizabeth, 3, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 28, 29, China, Jingdezhen, 34 32, 36, 301 Chinnadevamma, Queen, 203 Buchanan, Francis Chintopantha-Rudropantha, 281 colonial account, 135–136 Cholas, 9, 51, 54, 55, 68 crucible steel, 202 bronzes, 203–204 iron working, 136, 137, 193–195 historiography, 109–110, 116–117 quarrying, 208, 213–215, 220 history, 68–69 spinning, 174, 178 inscriptions, 59 Buddhism, 65 Tamil Nadu, 56 Bukka I, 78, 93, 107 warfare, 70, 73 Burnell, A.C., 129 weavers, 100 Christianity, and Islam, 41 cabaya, 183, 307 Cittarameli, 104 Campbell, Mary, 125 Clark, John E., 15 canals, 151 clothing, 179, 181, 182, 184, 307 C¸ angam literature, 65, 68, 174 Cohn, Bernard, 40, 136, 172 cardamom, 88 coins, 36, 105–106, 311 carding, 157, 177 colonial accounts, 135–136 carpenters, 190, 191, 237–238 columns, 217–218, 219, 239 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521826136 - The Political Economy of Craft Production: Crafting Empire in South India, c. 1350-1650 Carla M. Sinopoli Index More information 344 Index community specialization, 18 relations with institutions, 253–282, construction works, 107–108, 216–218 305–306 consumption, 15, 21 relationswith temples,271–282 Conti, Nicolo, 128, 146 serving temples, 272–277 copper, 203–206 social protests, 267–269, 285–290, 311 Coromandel region, 108, 174, 176 and state, 254–256, 270–271 Costin, C., 7, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22–25, 29, status, 28–30, 100, 251 32–33, 34, 159 temple privileges, 274, 277–279 cotton, 84, 87, 157, 159, 174–176 Crown, Patricia, 13 court employment, 236, 255 crucible steel, 201–203 Craddock, Paul, 192, 194, 195, 201, 202, 203 currency. See monetization craft goods Curubaru caste, 173 and political economies, 35–37 valued goods, 158–160 Dallapiccola, Anna, 208–209, 217, 226–227 craft production. See also specific crafts D’Altroy, Terence, 17, 36, 37, 117 Asiatic Mode of Production, 38, 44–48, dancers, 166–173 115 dandanayaka,74 categories, 158–160 Daulatabad, 75, 76 ceramics, 247–249 Davis, Richard, 222 concentration, 23, 24 Davison-Jenkins, Dominic, 145 context, 23–24 Deccan definition of craft, 8, 16 plateau, 83, 213 factory industry, 19 Satavahana empire, 65, 228 and feudalism, 54 states, 70–75, 160 household industry, 18 sultanates, 68, 76, 77 household production, 17–18, 156–157, 247 Deetz, James, 31 intensity, 23 Dehejia, Vidya, 68 and monetization, 311–312 Delhi, 42 non-institutional influences, 307–313 Delhi Sultanate, 66, 68, 74, 75–78 non-state regulation, 11–12 demography, 64, 89, 96 organization, 5–6, 8, 16–24 Derrett, Duncan, 73, 74 parameters, 17, 22–24 Desai, Devangana, 54 and political economy, 32–37 devadasis, 166, 169–171, 279 production units, 17–22, 302–305, 313 Devagiri, 74, 75, 76 range, 10 Devanga caste, 173, 177 regulation, 15–16 Devanna, Chintayaka, 208 scale, 23 Devanna of Varanasi, 221 social contexts, 27–28 Devarasa-odeya, 263 specialization. See specialization of craft Devaraya I, 79, 89, 112, 278 production Devaraya II, 79, 89, 112, 130, 134, 145, 180, 286 and the state, 254–256 Devi, K.S., 92 status, 28–30, 100, 251 Dharmashastra, 239 Vijayanagara, 302–305 Dhrujati, 164, 166 village industry, 18 Dietler, Michael, 27 workshop industry, 18 Dirks, Nicholas, 98, 113, 298 craftsmen Diyyalingesvara, 285 and competing political elites, 306–307 Diyyalingesvara temple, 280 donationsto temples,279–281 Dobres, Marcia-Anne, 27 employment, 255 Dorvadi, 75 inter-caste agreement, 290–291 dress, 179, 181, 182, 184, 307 inter-craft relations, 284–285 dry-stone masonry, 211, 212 master craftsmen, 308 Dvarsamudram, 74 non-institutional relations, 282–291 dyes, 178 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521826136 - The Political Economy of Craft Production: Crafting Empire in South India, c. 1350-1650 Carla M. Sinopoli Index More information Index 345 Earle, Timothy, 17, 22, 23, 32, 36, 37 ginning, 177 Early Historic period, 64–65 Glassie, Henry, 31 East India Company, 135, 187 gods, 221, 223, 224, 225, 285 Eastern Ghats, 85–87 Goetz, H., 160 Eaton, Richard, 68, 88, 159 Gogte, V.S., 196 Eicher, Joanne, 171 Golconda, 76, 81, 160, 176, 193, 230 Elavanasur, 288 goldsmiths, 190, 191, 280 elephant stables, 210 Goldstone, Jack, 53 elephants, 129, 159 Gondawaram, 176–177 elite goods, 158–160 Gopal, B.R., 121 elites, 3–4, 270, 306–307 Gopala Rao, A., 180, 181 Engels, Friedrich, 38, 40, 43, 46–47 Gordon, Stewart, 182, 183–185 engravers, 233–234 Gosselain, O.P., 27 epic poems, 159 Greenlaw, John, 141 Guha, Ranajit, 40 factionalism, 3–4 guilds, 98, 103–105 factory industry, 19 Gujarat, Khambat, 24 famines, 83 Gundlupete, 171, 280 Federici, Cesare, 141 Gupta period, 51, 52 Feinman, Gary, 20, 22, 25, 303 Gurivi Setti, 261 feudalism, 47, 50, 52–55, 88 model of Vijayanagara state, 109, 114–116, Habicht-Mauche, Judith, 18 299–300 habitus, 27, 295 Filliozat, Pierre-Sylvain and Vasundhara, 121, Hagstrum, Melissa, 25 215 Halebid, 74, 246 flaked stone tools, 236–237 Hall, Kenneth, 68 Flannery, Kent, 49 Hampi. See Tungabhadra River forced labour, 255 Haneya, 75 forced resettlements, 108 Hanuman, 217, 221, 222, 223, 225–226 forests, 194 Hanumasani, 167, 171, 277 forging, 137, 193–195 Haradanahalli, 280, 285 fortifications, 151–152, 153, 211–213, Harappan civilizations, 9 214, 307 Harihara II, 78, 89 fortresses, 89 Hassig, Ross, 36 forts, 200, 218 hats, 181, 183, 184, 307 Fox, John, 3 Hawai’i, 29 Fox, Richard, 55 Hayashida, Frances, 15, 34 Frank, B., 16 Hegel, G.W.F., 39, 43–44 Friedman, Jonathan, 36 Hegmon, Michelle, 18, 27 Fritz, John, 140, 142, 145 Heifetz, Hank, 164 Heitzman, James, 50, 56, 59, 68, 69, 94, 122 Gandroja, 192 Helms, Mary, 16, 33 Ganesha, 222, 225 Hendrickson, Hildi, 171 Gangadevi, Queen, 130 Herbich, Ingrid, 27 Gangaikonacholapuram, 205 hereditary occupational groups, 5–6, 63, Gangoly, O.C., 203 98–100, 250, 309–311.
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