all_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:01 Seite 20 78 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOa 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE genus Teius MERREM , 1820 (Reptilia: Squamata: Table 1: Climate data of Çanakkale Meteoro - Teiidae).- Zootaxa, auckland; 4136 (3): 491-514. logy Station ( BiCkiCi & B alaS 2010), representative of kEY WORDS: Reptilia: Squamata: Sauria: the near Çardak lagoon area. Teiidae: Teius suquiensis , parthenogenetic species, chorology, new record, los Juríes, Santiago del Estero, Parameter Value argentina annual mean temperature 14.9 °C SUBMiTTED: June 27, 2016 Mean temperature of January (coldest aUTHORS: Jorge CéSPEDEZ 1) , Pier CaCCi - month) 6.3 °C ali (Cor responding author < pier.cacciali@senckenberg. Mean temperature of July (hottest month) 25.0 °C de >) 2, 3, 4) , Martha MOTTE 5) & Juan CéSPEDEZ 6) Mean annual rainfall 595.6 mm 1) Departamento de Biología. Facultad de Cien - Rainfall in December, the month cias Exactas y Naturales y agrimensura, Universidad of maximum rainfall 103.3 mm Nacional del Nordeste. av. libertad 5470, (3400) Cor - Rainfall in august, the month rientes, argentina. of lowest rainfall 4.1 mm 2) Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Natur - Sea water temperature in summer 24 °C museum, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Sea water temperature in winter 7 °C Main, Germany. 3) Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, institute for Ecology, Evolution & Diversity, Biologicum, Building C, Max-von-laue-Straße 13, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. (1952). Further records of the species refer 4) instituto de investigación Biológica del Para- to northwestern anatolia ( BaRaN 1977; guay, Del Escudo 1607, 1425 asunción, Paraguay. NilSON et al. 1988; BERGMaN & N ORSTRöM 5) Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Para - RaNZEN EYNiE aRaN guay, Sucursal 1, Campus U.N.a, 2169 San lorenzo, 1990; F 1990; T 1991; B Paraguay. et al. 1992; MUlDER 1995; S iNDaCO et al. 6) Our lady of itati College, EEUU 305, (3400) 2000; BülBül et al. 2015). all specimens Corrientes, argentina. of the European and anatolian parts of Turkey were assigned to the widespread nominate race already by MERTENS (1952), which was later confirmed by POUlakakiS Podarcis tauricus (PallaS , 1814), et al. (2005) with molecular stud ies. The new to the anatolian part of the distribution of P. tauricus in Turkey is shown in BülBül et al. (2015). in the present note, Province of Çanakkale, Turkey the authors report a new Turkish record local - ity of this species from anatolian Çanakkale . Three out of 23 species of Pod arcis , Six adult specimens of P. tauricus were namely P. muralis (l aURENTi , 1768) , P. seen at the banks of the lagoon of Çardak siculus (R aFiNESqUE -S CHMalTZ , 1810), and (Province of Çanakkale, Turkey) on March P. tauricus (PallaS , 1814), are known to 08, 2016, two of which, a female (Fig. 1) and extend their range into the territory of a male, were collected according to the guide - Turkey (S iNDaCO & J EREMčENkO 2008; lines of the university’s ethics committee BaRaN et al. 2012, UETZ et al. 2016 ). (2016/03–01), an esthethized (ether), pre - The distribution of the chiefly south - served (70 % ethanol) and stored in the col - east European species P. tauricus is well lection of the Zoology Museum at the Bio - described by various compilatory publica - logy Department in the Faculty of arts and tions ( GaSC et al. 1997; BöHME et al. 2009; Science at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Uni - BaRaN et al. 2012; BülBül et al. 2015). versity (ZM-COMU 1-2016). The speci - The first records from Turkey stem from its mens are in full agreement with P. t. tauri - European part at istanbul ( SCHREiBER 1912; cus in terms of coloration and pholidosis CYRéN 1924; a NDRéN & N ilSON 1976); sub - (see data in BaşOğlU & B aRaN 1977; Ç EVik sequently, various Thracian localities were 1999; B aRaN & a TaTüR 1998; B ül Bül et al. added ( ClaRk & C laRk 1973; B aşOğlU & 2015). The new record extends the known BaRaN 1977; F RaNZEN 1990; Ç EVik 1999; distribution area of the species across the TOk & Ç iÇEk 2014). The first anatolian Hellespont. record (Beykoz, İstanbul) was published by The lagoon (40°22’51” - 40°23’ 36”N BiRD (1936), another one (Polenezköy , İstan - and 26°42’45” - 26°44’18”E), which occu - bul) by BODENHEiMER (1944) and MERTENS pies an area of 1.2 square kilometers, is lo - all_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:01 Seite 21 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOa 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE 79 Fig. 1: Female Podarcis tauricus (PallaS , 1814), from the Çardak lagoon, Çanakkale (ZM-COMU 1-2016). cated at the northeastern coast of the Çanak - 2011). The soil of the terrestrial habitat of kale Strait (Dardanelles), separating Europe the lagoon is sandy and salty, Juncus acutus and asia. This locality exhibits the charac - (Spiny rush) being the dominant shrub veg - teristics of a transition zone between Medi - etation in the area (Fig. 2). terranean and Black Sea climate types. REFERENCES: aNDRéN , C. & N ilSON , G. Climate data collected during 32 years at (1976): Observations on the herpetofauna of Turkey in Çanakkale Meteorology Station are shown 1968-1973.- British Journal of Herpetology, london; in Table 1. 5: 575-584. BaRaN , İ. (1977): anadolu Lacerta tauri - ca örneklerinin taksonomik durumu.- Ege üniversitesi The Çardak lagoon was declared a Fen Fakültesi Dergisi (Ser B) C1: 302-307. BaRaN , İ. “Natural site” by the Turkish Ministry of the & a TaTüR , M. k. (1998): Turkish herpetofauna Environment in 1996 ( ÇalişkaN et al. (amphibians & reptilies). ankara (Republic of Turky Fig. 2: Habitat of Podarcis tauricus (PallaS , 1814), at the Çardak lagoon, the new record locality in the anatolian part of the Province of Çanakkale, Turkey. all_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:01 Seite 22 80 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOa 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE Ministry of Enviroment), pp. 14, 214. BaRaN , İ. & quences.- Molecular Ecology, Oxford; 14: 2433-2443. ilGaZ , Ç. & a VCi , a. & k UMlUTaş , Y. & OlGUN , k. SCHREiBER , E. (1912): Herpetologia Europaea. Eine (2012): Türkiye amfibi ve sürüngenleri [amphibians systematische Bearbeitung der amphibien und and reptiles of Turkey]. ankara (TüBİTak Popüler Reptilien welche bisher in Europa aufgefunden sind. Bilim kitapları), pp. 208. BaRaN , İ. & Y ilMaZ , İ. & 2nd edition. Jena (Gustav Fischer), pp. X, 960. kETE , R. & D UR MUş , H. (1992) : Batı ve orta karadeniz SiNDaCO , R. & J EREMčENkO , V. k. (2008): The reptiles Bölgesinin herpetofaunası.- Turkish Journal of Zoology, of the western Palearctic. 1. annotated checklist and ankara; 16: 275-288. BaşOğlU , M. & B aRaN , İ. distributional atlas of the turtles, crocodiles, amphis - (1977): Türkiye sürüngenleri. kısım i. kaplumbağa ve baenians and lizards of Europe, North africa, Middle kertenkeleler.- Ege üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi kitaplar East and Central asia.latina (Edizioni Belvedere), pp. Serisi, İzmir; 76: Vi, 272. BERGMaNN , J. & N ORSTRöM , 579. SiNDaCO , R. & V ENCHi , a. & C aRPaNETO , G. M. M. (1990): Neues über Podarcis taurica (PallaS , 1814) & B OlOGNa , M. a. (2000): The reptiles of anatolia. a in der asiatischen Tü rkei.- Salamandra, Rheinbach; 26: checklist and zoogeographical analysis.- Biogeogra - 85-86. BiÇkiCi , B. & B alaS , l . (2010): kıyı lagünleri phia, Bologna; 21: 441-554. TEYNié , a. (1991): Ob - hidro dinamiği; pp. 1267-1276. in: BalaS , l. (Ed.): servations herpétologiques en Turquie, 2ème Partie.- Tür kiye’nin kıyı ve deniz alanları. Viii. Ulusal Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France, Paris; kongresi Bildiriler kitabı, Trabzon, May 2010. BiRD , 58: 20-29. TOk , C. V. & Ç iÇEk , k. ( 2014): amphibians C. G. (1936): The distribution of reptiles and amphib - and reptilies in the province of Çanakkale (Marmara ians in asiatic Turkey with notes on a collection from Region, Turkey).- Herpetozoa, Wien; 27: 65-76. UETZ the vilayets of adana, Gaziantep and Malatya.- annals P. & F REED , P. & H OšEk , J. (eds.) (2016): The reptile and Magazine of Natural History, Zoology, Botany and database. WWW database available at < http://www. Geology, london; 18: 257-281. BODENHEiMER , F. 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CYRéN , O. and Sciences, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, (1924): klima und Eidechsenverbreitung. Eine Studie Çanakkale, Turkey. der geographischen Variation und Entwicklung einiger lacerten, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der kli - matischen Faktoren.- Meddelanden från Göteborgs Musei Zoologiska avdelning, Göteborg; 29: 1-97. ÇalişkaN , V. & S aMSa , ş. & ö ZTüRk , M. Z. & T OSU- Contributions to the natural NOğlU , M. (2011): a proposal for the utilization of Çar - history and distribution of dak lagoon (Northwest anatolia) and its vicinity through wetland management.- Management in Edu- Dasypeltis sahelensis TRaPE & cation, Milton keynes; 7 (3): 332-340. ÇEVik , İ. E. MaNé , 2006, in Morocco (1999): Trakya’da yaşayan kertenkele türlerinin tak - sonomik durumu (lacertilia: anguidae, lacertidae, Scincidae).- Turkish Journal of Zoology, ankara; 23: The atlantic coast of North africa is 23-35.
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