![I' - • >^^ Fe\ ¦ '¦¦ ' JI No ¦ 1F OCTOBER IS, 1890 H^^USH V ^L - ' -274- T01"« S I! X *Mrv/ M \](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
D : B&EES BE lgEaBfamiliiiliBBlis ^i w jiityiiiiiiyiulrali iraMWM^?^ ^^ ' ..9iiBHM $$' v BRB^m Kl ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ^ ¦ 'J,'jjPv^^ «>jii l ' . / . „ !_ . _. _ . .... ... _ ... ._ : ; ,™ i~;., l-.. ... ' ._ - . — , .„, . .- '. .. l .l./^I^v'^ '<».i» S>4^i»iife3ij^ ^Ef ^^^^^ B!^BBiB ^^ ' ¦ :: ' ¦ Im, :, ' p mi&B r h R lli piE n cI .5J " " ' ^B'*i ¦ I' - • >^^ fe\ ¦ '¦¦ ' JI No ¦ 1f OCTOBER IS, 1890 H^^USH V ^l - ' -274- T01"« S i! x *mrv/ m \ tihtegm ^Pirate I : I GENERA L RECORD ' I ! K ml I BRITIS H and FOREIGN LITERATU RE ¦ - E I Issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month ^ ¦ 1 ' ¦ ¦ ¦ london ... ¦¦(:¦: li;. " - - ,\.: v H , MARSTON, SEARLB &" RIVINGTON , |i»iiTED i| SAMPSON LOW ^B li St; OUNSTAN'Sa HOUSE¦ ¦ , FETTER LANE, FLEET STREET, E.C. - jf J^HI Iy v^ - ¦ ¦ ¦ M :r:! K :l: ,. /, / ^ • - . : ' > . • ¦: ' . ' v. ' . : " - " , _ JJ BBi fpf ttnniivmtmntinntntttVtnWnjf nmwm ¦ • - -^ "' r l r "Sr i •** 111^^^^^ Llliaa aWt ¦ •¦ (ta* ¦ ••¦¦ '«««»iii»JI ^«V»«'««««#»'»it»t t«¥t«»i»»«t««a««/t»it '«Vt»>iiTW »^ »^ »^ »^ »»lt«Tf«ii«ti««t«««»»B«»«»»«i»«« «» " WIM m • • k*< • ii The Publishers' Circular Oct. 15, 1890 ¦¦ ¦¦ - —¦ ¦— — — ¦ ¦ .^^___^__^_^___^^__^^__^___^^____—_____^___^J _^__^_— r . .- _ ¦ ¦¦ . _ _ THE LEEDS ¦¦ • MERCU RY. riAii ¦ ha v mtm^^b ctaqi ¦» ¦ tcucn ¦ *tj *o • m^r * ¦ • (. w |h ^ «^ • m^ W w > ^ • THE LEADING JOURNAL IN YORKSHIR E CIRCULATING ALSO EXTENSIVELY THROUGHOUT THE NORTH OF ENGLAND. ITS CIRCULATION TS AMONG THE HIGHES T of PROVINCIAL NE WSJPAPEBS , and includes Subscribers in all parts of the tvorld. SPECIAL ATTENTION is eiven to REVIEWS OF BOOKS AND MUSIC , as well as to general LITERAR Y INTELLIGENCE. PUBLISHERS' COLUMNS are inserted every week, and the announcements' under this head appear on the same page as Reviews and Notices of Books, thus giving to Publishers' Advertisements exceptional prominence. Books &c. for review may be sent to the London Office. THE WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT, 64 Columns, Sat., Id., as a POPULAR HIGH-CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL, and contains a Week's Home and Foreign News, with many original features, both Literary and Antiquarian, including First-class Serial and Complete Stories. Published by EDWARD BAINES & SONS, Leeds. Londo n Office , 65 Fleet Street , E.C. THE PALL MALL BUDGET. PRICE FOURPENCE . EVERY THURSDAY . Is * the most readable paper in Eng land. * It contains from forty to fifty Illustrations in each lssue# It should be in every Home and Household. _- . ' It offers constant variety to the Satiated It contains the Freshest and Strongest Dis- Reader. , ; cussions of Current Topics by competent ... j a storehousej. t. ofriui valuable and interestin• i. g "¦^towiters j . TiiffiiL • ' trr t i -± 1. r\ readinscr matter. IrSibtains a Weekly Cartoon^ upon the Ques- , Won of the Hour. Once^ purchased is not likely to be given up. It summa rises and Interprets each week the It is the most widely-circulated Paper in the News of the World. World . Offices : 2 NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, 8TRAND, LONDON, W.C. JAMES CLARK E & CO/S PUBLICATI ONS, ° 0" N0VE LS BY EMMA JANE W0RB0IS E - THPMb * AK1ART U*OF AUlHUA TTTHnRSHTPKMl ir. p JAterary Reminiscences, Methods of Work, new and chea edition. and Advice to Young I$eginners% These Novels, hitherto published at Five Shillings each , By the LEADING AUTHORS OF THE DAY. Comi>ilkd ftre now issued at AND EniTRD BY GEORO E BAINTO*. Among other Contributors to this liotk may be mm toned — Three Shillings° and Sixpencer each. Arnold, Sir Edwin. Lubbock, Sir J. Thornycroft Hall. Father Fabian. Ba rh, Mrs. A. E. Lyai.l, Edna. Millicent Kendrick. Oliver West wood. McCa rthy Justin f Black, William. St- Beetha s. LadyJ Clarissa. Browning, Rohkrt. Manning, Cardinal. ... f .. , _ Craik, Mrs. Pa ukkh , Dr. Joskj-h. Violet Vaughan. The Grey House at Fhoudk, J. A. Rob, E. P. Margaret Torrington. Endlestone. G-i mjkkt, W S. Smilks, Samcel. The Fortunes 01 Cyril Robert Wreford 's Holmkh , OuvKii W. Sr u iiG KON , 0. H. Denham. Daughter. Hughkh, Tom. Wood , Iksv. J. G. Canonbury Holt The Brudenells of Brude . W N Yo nge, Ohaiilottk. The Heirs of Errington. LiDUoS 6anoi ' singlehurst Manor. These me merely a selection from the names of Contributor *; Overdale. Joan Carisbrooke. many others , equall y well known with the above, relate their Grey and Old. A. Woman's Patience. experiences. Prick Fivk Shillings. i^ r # Montmorency'a The Story of Penelope. AMELIA E. BARR. Nobiy S™. The lbbey Mm. NOVELS4 In descriptive BYwriting, in simplicity and ffracefulnees of Chrystabel. Warleigh's Trust. style, and in perfect mastery over her characters, Mrd. B^rr Husbands and Wivca. Esther Wynne, can hold her own with any living novelist.' The House of Bondage. Fortune's Favourite . In a wiety «. I a.idsome oloth binclingsfotXTd"Z mliy, Emilia'8 Inheritance. His Next of Kin. CT'»wn 8vo. cloth. Three Shillings and Sixpence each. THE LAST OF THE MACALLISTERS. Three Shillings each. WOVEN OF LOVE AND GLORY. Married Life. Amy Wilton. FEET OF CLAY. tM'h Port.Mit.of Author. Our New Hou se. Heartsease in the Family. THE HOUSEHOLD OF McNEI L. Maude Bolingbroke. Helen Bary. IN SPITE OF HIMSELF. A BORDER SHEPHERDESS. PAUL AND CHRISTINA. Foup smm 8 h ?5IBETW i^oVo^SnFS.EEN TWO LOVES. Campfon, Court. * ^^TSir Julian's ZWife." A DAUGHTER OF FIFE. Evelyns Story . The Lillingstones. JAN VEDDER 'S WIFE. Also a Cheap Edition. 1*. *ld. Lottie Lonsdale. The Wife's Trials. JAME8 CLARKE & daTlS^uod 14 Fleet Street , London , B.C. ¦ lf=- I V-l B-f N° 1274.—Vol. LIII. "IT T) TrantmtiHon r\ T7H . Ifr\ /• 1I m.*« W!LAbroa * d. ^ ^ ^ rm ^ fw %a^ 4KB Cent ral ftccorb of &titi&b auto foreign ^literature CONTAINING A OOMPLBTH ALPHABBTIOAL LIST O» ALL NEW WO RKS PUB LISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN AKD EVERY WORK OF INTEREST PUBLISHED ABROAD [ Issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month] PBicB Sd. October 15, 1890 |2:™££ I HSTDIHrx: TO ADVEBTISERS. Bagster (S.) & Sons 1387 Hutt (P. H.) 1404 ' Itoutledge (a.) & Son.* 1380 Baines (E.) & Sons ( Leeds) ii International News Company 1389 Seeley & Co 1381 Bell-l»cu (G.)\kjc./ &«& Sonsouiis 1389loot/, 1390low Leadenhallxjtxtuttiiiiuu PressjrrusM (The)( xiw) 13861000 Silverlockonvcrioo it (H.)^n.; 1mifo398 Black (A. & C.) Edinburgh ..13*76, 1377 Leeds Mercury (The) ii Simpkin & Co 1387, 1390 Brook & Chrystal (Manchester) .. 1390 Lloyd (E.) 1394 Simpson (G.) & Co 1390 0assell <fc Oo 1397 Low & Co. .1378, 1382, 1388, 1396, 1399 Spalding <fc Hodge 1391 Caster (G. C.) Peterborough 1387 Maomillan <fe Co 1379 Spencer (W. T.) 1404 Clarke (J.) & Co ii Marlborough (E.)& Co .. 1387 Spicer Bros 1 392 Colonies and India (The) iii Melville, Mullen , & Slado 13H7 Spon (E. & P. N.) 13s3 \jm\s ~ ^m*v ww v^r «fe~% ^ « *tk jl« j± ^\^* l ma «m m. ji ^rjk, a r V^« Constable" *" (T.* <fe^ta *^ A.),*^ 9 m Edinburgn*j p^h»m ..* m 1398r/n' ^~r Metlmenx^ v^m * &^ ' « ' Co^^ x^# ##^#<«»« ** ¦» «¦ *» «* 1384A *-r \*s .A Spottiswoodew*-r ^J\J V ^ AU fv V^ V^*** ^^ <fcW Co^y #• ¦*•*«¦##••*•1398^ ^' ^^ ^-^ Deighton, Bell <Sc Co. (Cambridge) 1389 Nelson (T.) <fe Sons 1374, 1375 Stationers' Company (The) 1390 Dickinson (J.) & Go 1397 Nursing Record (The) iii Stoneman (G.) 1393 Electrotype Agency (Nops') 1389 Olyett 1404 Sydney Mail (The) iii »v a# l« a* v> wa va mv ^^ J ^«* p—* m r *-r •* »*»p^ ^r \j\j*^j •¦ ¦ # ¦¦ ¦•»• m ' r \ ' w jl.%jw a 4 ru^-im* * v*m »_/ viaiau •••>¦• «•¦• ¦*¦¦ -* ¦»'* ¦ ¦ k^l a 1 ^k f « » » I Eyre & Spottiswoode^ * ^ 1887 Pall Mall Budget^ (The )^ ii Sydney**-^ J ^-^ J Morning* **pS Flerald (The) * * * * iii Galpin (J.) 1393 Penny Library of Fiction iv Tanner (R. T.) & Co 1397 Gilbert & Rivington 1398 Perry, Gardner & Co 1393 Turnbull & Spears (Edinburgh) .. 1393 GHaisher (W-) 1400 Philip (G.) & Son 1385 Vickers (ir.) 13S7 Harper's Magazine i 388, i v Potter <fc Co. (Darwen) 1389 Western Daily Press (Bristol) iii Harper's Young People iv Quaritoh (B.) 1390 Yorkshire Post (The) iv Rock Brothers 1395 1 THIRD JKDIT1ON , AT ALL BOO KSELLERS' AND LIBRARIES. IN DARKEST AFRICA. Being the Official Publication recording the I Q UES T, RESCUE, AND RETliEAT OF EMIJS 9 GOVEE/N-OE, OI1 DE CE IT .A.TO:e ,I^- B y HENRY M. STANLEY, LL.D., &c Author of * How I Found Livingstone,' 4 Through the Dark Continent.' With numerous Original Illustrations and many Maps. Two Vols. demy 8vo. cloth, - i^Sis. ' The stylo of tlie narrative ia direct, vigorous, and incteive, as besaemg ono who is a man of action rather than a man of letters ; but in many of the descriptive parts Mr. Stanley shows that, consummite man of action as he i», he Is a born man of letters as well.'—Trvma. ^^^rMrT^^ 'An enduring monument to its author's fan^9^t?^lWfftfl8CTv\. i 342 The Publishers' Circular Oct. 15, 1890 CO1TTE ITTS ! LITERARY INTELLIGENCE 1342 AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS i 352 BOOKS 1343 BOOKS AND RUMOURS OP ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE SEASON i358 NOTES AND NEWS 1346 EEVIKWS) &c 13(w CONTINENTALCONTINUAL NOTES«UTJ» 134613M „_,__ _„ „„„_ INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GRERBATAT THE INTEENATIONAL LtTERARY AND ARTISTJC fi 1347 ^ ASSOCIATION T\ r% B00KS•n /\ rv Tr n PUBLISHED*rvi ti>tt th r ri^ INtilt GREATt_ *ni a m BRITAri r»Tm a INt"_,t •»-•¦*«. ~. HOW LITERARY MEN WORK 1349 PROM SEPTEMBER 1 TO 15 STOKE NEWINGTON FREE LIBRARY 1350 1367 THE ROCOCO STYLE 1350 NEW BOOKS AND BOOKS LATELY PUBLISHED . .1374 TASTES IN READING . .- .^ 1351 MISCELLANEOUS .1382 THACKERAY'S GRAMMAR .. 1351 BUSINESS CARDS , i398 SIMPKIN, MARSHALL <fe CO.'S (LIMITED) ANNUAL SITUATIONS WANTED 1399 DINNER 1351 ASSISTANTS WANTED ...1399 TRADE CHANGES ..1351 BOOKS FOR SALE 1400 IN MEMORIAM 1352 BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE 1400 St.
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