2018-2019 Vision Centre de santé Saint-Boniface is known for its delivery of innovative primary health care services that promote the health and wellness of its community. Mission Centre de santé Saint-Boniface stimulates and supports the French-speaking population of Winnipeg and the residents of St. Boniface in taking charge of their own health and wellness. The Centre collaborates with the community to promote health and to prevent, treat and manage health problems. Given its unique role, the Centre operates in French and provides services in both official languages. Mandate The mandate of Centre de santé Saint-Boniface is to provide primary health services in both official languages to the French-speaking population of Winnipeg and St. Boniface residents through an interdisciplinary team of bilingual professionals. The Centre also promotes the training of bilingual professionals. Values Fairness: Our clients must have equitable access to health services in their preferred language, whether French or English. Respect: We recognize the value and rights of individuals, families and communities in all their diversity and their ability to take care of themselves. Quality: We offer services that meet the community’s needs through continuous evaluation and the use of best practices. Comprehensiveness: Each member of the interdisciplinary team contributes their particular expertise to a comprehensive approach, which takes into account all the needs, capabilities and resources of individuals, families and the community. Transparency: Our decision-making process is transparent with respect to our colleagues, our community, our funders and our partners. 1 Annual Report 2018-2019 2018-2019 Board of Directors Serge Bisson, Chair Michelle Savard, Vice-chair Mohamed Pléa, Treasurer Peter Dorrington, Secretary Antoine Cantin-Brault Natalie Gagné Robert George Rémi Gosselin Monique LaCoste Lise Voyer Faïçal Zellama Statement of Operations For the period ending March 31 2019 2018 Revenue $6,588,973 $5,654,156 Expenses and other Salaries, wages and benefits 5,440,913 4,682,877 Other 617,507 501,994 Excess of revenue over expenses 530,553 469,285 Annual Report 2018-2019 2 Message from the Board Chair and the Executive Director The Centre de santé Board of Directors and management are pleased to present the highlights of the progress made over the past year. This year, the Board of Directors directed the Executive Director to develop and implement an assessment framework to measure the results achieved in each of the four focuses of its 2017-2022 Strategic Plan. This new assessment framework examines three to four indicators per strategic focus that capture all relevant activities and data for the Board of Directors to enable it to measure the progress and results of its strategic plan. Collection tools were developed to compile, enter and analyze the necessary data and present them to the Board of Directors on a regular basis. The Board undertook an in-depth analysis of Centre de santé’s human resources needs. The objective was to review the following issues: • Conduct quantitative and qualitative monitoring of changes in Centre de santé’s operations; • Perform an analysis of management and administrative staffing, reviewing the tasks and responsibilities associated with each position; • Benchmark similar organizations in the Manitoba health care system; • Propose organizational structure models to optimize human resources, with an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each model. One of the recommendations of this study was to separate the combined position (created in 2006) incorporating the roles of the Executive Director (ED) of Centre de santé and the Community Area Director (CAD) for St. Boniface and St. Vital for community health services provided by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) and social services provided by the Manitoba Department of Families. Over the years, the responsibilities of this combined role have increased significantly due to the following major changes: Centre de santé has almost tripled its services and staff since 2016; the My Health Team program has been added to the community area; the organizational structure of the Manitoba Department of Families has changed; and the Walk-In Connected Care services component was added to Centre de santé. For these reasons, the Centre de santé Board of Directors, who had the WRHA’s approval, felt it was time to separate the combined ED / CAD positions. As a result, effective May 15, 2019, the responsibilities of the Centre de santé ED position will be filled by a full-time person working exclusively for the Centre. Because the responsibilities of the ED position 3 Annual Report 2018-2019 will be focused entirely on one organization, Centre de santé will be better able to implement its strategic plan and advance its services with a careful and strategic focus on the future. The transformation of the Manitoba health care system raises important questions for Centre de santé. One of the priorities of this transformation is to simplify and improve the effectiveness of the approximately 250 service purchase agreements in the Manitoba health care system. The Centre de santé Executive Director sits on a consultation committee on developing a standard purchase agreement to be implemented for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. The committee is composed of representatives from Manitoba community health centres. The Centre de santé Executive Director also sits on an expert committee set up and led by Santé en français in partnership with the Francophone Affairs Secretariat and Shared Health Manitoba for two projects, i.e. the incorporation of French-language services within the new Shared Health organization and the provincial strategy for bilingual human resources to improve French-language service delivery. These two projects are important to ensure that the francophone perspective is taken into account during provincial clinical and preventive services planning. Centre de santé has joined with partner organizations to request that language requirements imposed on Canada’s nursing graduates not hinder bilingual recruitment efforts in the province. According to Centre de santé and these partner organizations, it is imperative that the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (CRNM) modify or adapt these language requirements to fully take into account the provincial legislative framework applicable to francophone affairs. Centre de santé continues to work on designing a wellness centre whose implementation requires extensive analysis and research. We are moving forward with a feasibility study that will be conducted by the expert team of the Wellness Institute and the Chronic Disease Innovation Centre. This study will include a needs analysis as well as discussions with key Centre de santé partners and other important stakeholders. The Board of Directors is proud of the activities and initiatives that Centre de santé staff have completed this year to achieve the deliverables set out in the Centre’s strategic plan. Serge Bisson Monique Constant Board Chair Executive Director Annual Report 2018-2019 4 Strategic Focus The 2017-2022 Strategic Plan was developed through a dynamic process involving the Centre’s Board of Directors, founding members, partners and staff. The plan is based on four strategic focuses: leadership, equitable access, reputation for excellence and human resources. 1. Leadership: Centre de santé Saint-Boniface is a key leader within an integrated network of partners. 2. Equitable access: Winnipeg’s French-speaking population and St. Boniface residents have equitable access to health care services provided by Centre de santé Saint-Boniface. 3. Reputation for excellence: Centre de santé Saint-Boniface enjoys an excellent reputation as a recognized model for the delivery of high-quality primary and community services in both official languages. 4. Human resources: Centre de santé Saint-Boniface has a full complement of bilingual human resources. Status Report Strategic Objective 1: Centre de santé Saint-Boniface is a key leader within an integrated network of partners. With a view to integrating health and social services in the St. Boniface and St. Vital community areas, Centre de santé operations and the Centre’s operating plan have several elements in common with the WRHA’s 2018-2019 operating plan for community services. Our partnership with the St. Boniface / St. Vital My Health Team is fully continuing. The dietitians from Centre de santé and My Health Team, as well as a short-term treatment counsellor, provided support to a student in the Master of Social Work program to implement and execute her final project, “Eat Good, Feel Good.” This five-week bilingual program includes information on nutrition, healthy eating and navigating health services as well as cooking sessions. This program is for low-income populations or people living with chronic diseases. The work of the Community Development Committee, which includes representatives from Centre de santé, Youville Centre, and the WRHA’s Population and Public Health, is continuing. The goal is to achieve a direct sharing and pooling of activities, to have 5 Annual Report 2018-2019 discussions about new learning and to identify activities or initiatives that could be implemented through a partnership. In November 2018, Centre de santé collaborated with the Université de Saint-Boniface (USB) to submit a letter of intent to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund
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