Science on the fly! The importance of Venus flyby observations C. Gray1, P. K. Byrne2, S. Curry3, J. G. O’Rourke4, Emilie Royer5 1Ne Mexi#o S$a$e Uni&ersi$y – Apa#he Point O,'er&a$ory, 1780 E Uni&ersi$y A&e, La' Cruce', N! 88003, 2Nor$+ Carolina S$a$e Uni&ersi$y, Raleigh, NC 27695, 3Spa#e S#ience Labora$ory, %ni&ersi$y of Cali4ornia, Berkeley, C) 94720, 4S#hool of Ear$h and Spa#e Explora$ion, Ari6ona S$a$e Uni&ersi$y, Tempe, A8 85281, 5Plane$ary S#ience Ins$i$ute, Tuc'on, A8 85719 Canda#e Gray 575-646-6399 Ne Mexi#o S$a$e Uni&ersi$y – Apa#he Point O,'er&a$ory #anda#e1;nm'u.edu 1 Goal 7he impor$ance of e"e#uting flyby s#ience, typi#ally wi$+ mi''ions tha$ are per4orming a gravi$y a''i'$ or maneu&er, cannot be unders$a$e5. Making s#ience ob'er&a$ions during a gravi$y a''i'$ #an provide= • >eedba#k and calibra$ion for t+e individual ins$rument'? • ) primary s#ience tar1e$ to te'$ ins$rument heal$h when colle#$in1 da$a simul$aneously? • S#ience from s$a$e of the ar$ ins$rument', whi#+ broaden t+e number of da$a point' we ha&e a$ Venus o&er diAerent sea'ons, solar cy#le' and orbi$'? and • Compara$i&e paleon$olo1y be$ een Venu' and primary mi''ion tar1e$. In this white paper, we urge two recommendation for future missions: 1. Require any mission that plans to fly by Venus to take data at Venus 2. Require the mission team to have a dedicated Flyby Coordinator either as an existing team member or via a solicitation similar to a Participating Scientist otivation )' mi''ion <i1+$ pa$+' are kno n ell in a5&ance, @enus <yby '#ience #an be #oordina$e5 i$+ o$her '#ience $eam', ins$i$ute', and 4a#ili$ie', increa'in1 $+e '#ience re$urn of $he mi''ion a' ell a' improvin1 our unders$andin1 of @enus. By havin1 a dedi#a$e5 member on a mi''ion $eam $o promo$e and #oordina$e ob'er&a$ions, $he +ighe'$ priori$y ins$rument' $o @enus '#ience #an be utili6e5. >ur$+ermore, a dedi#a$e5 >lyby Coordina$or #an or1ani6e 1round-ba'e5 #oordina$e5 #am*aign' and e&en o$her 'pa#e#ra4$ mi''ions i$+ mi''ion <yby', improvin1 $he o&erall im*a#$ of the mi''ion. ) num,er of '#ience in&e'$i1a$ions are ell 'ui$e5 4or @enus <yby #am*aigns. >or e"ample, $he intera#$ion of $he 'olar ind i$+ upper a$mo'phere Bincludin1 a$mospheri# e'#apeC #an be '$udie5 i$+ pla'ma mea'urement', 'uc+ a' mea'urin1 ions, ele#$rons, 'olar ener1e$i# par$i#le', pla'ma a&e', and magne$i# Del5' usin1 ele#$ros$a$i# analy6ers, 'oli5 '$a$e de$e#$ors, 0angmuir probe', and magne$ome$ers, re'pe#$i&ely. In $he 'ame &ein, radio oc#ul$a$ions #an be per4orme5 dependin1 on $he orbi$ 1eome$ry $o infer informa$ion about $he lo er and middle neutral a$mo'pheri# densi$ie'. )ddi$ionally, neutral ma'' 'pe#$rome$ers #an make #ri$i#al mea'urement' about i'o$ope' and maEor and minor neutral #ons$i$uent' in $he a$mos*+ere. Infrare5 imagin1 #an be e'pe#ially impor$ant 4or unders$andin1 $he 1eomorpholo1y and 'igna$ure' of mineral' $ha$ 4orm in $+e pre'ence of a$er. Ima1in1 in infrared, vi'ible, and $he ul$raviole$ #an #a*$ure #loud 5ynami#' o&er a lar1e ran1e of al$i$ude a' ell a' upper a$mo'pheri# 5ynami#' via airglo and aurora. !igure " 'ho ' all mi''ions $o ha&e #olle#$e5 da$a a$ @enu' he$her a' an orbi$er, lander, probe or <yby. 9$ #an be 'een $ha$ hile @enus mi''ions ha&e de#rea'ed, @enu' <yby '#ience ha' increa'e5. Table " li'$' all <yby mi''ions tha$ ha&e colle#$ed da$a a' well a' ins$rumenta$ion hi#+ wa' use5. 2 !igure 1: 7imeline of all mi''ion $ha$ ha&e #ollec$ed da$a a$ @enus. Only $hose mi''ions $ha$ 'ucce''4ully #onduc$ed some '#ience a$ @enus are 'ho n here; 4or a more #omple$e $able 'ho ing all mi''ions, bo$h a$$em*$ed and 'ucce''4ul, $o ob'er&e @enus, plea'e 'ee +$$*'=FF5ri&e.1oo1le.#omF DleF5F1-iEhoBr81zW!)mmOG0@c3c+6aL!qJe7SF&ie ?us*J'harin1. Kere, >= >lyby? P= Probe? O= Orbi$er? 0= 0ander? B= Balloon. Groups of $ o le$$er' 5eno$e mul$i:pla$4orm mi''ions. !i''ions are #olor:#oded ,y na$ional 'pace a1ency= blue: N)S)? red: Sovie$ %nion; purple: European Space )1ency? oran1e: Japane'e )erospace Explora$ion )1ency. 0 4 5 7 9 1 2 3 6 8 0 2 3 4 1 5 0 7 2 9 0 0 0 2 7 9 1 3 4 5 6 8 1 3 4 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 5 6 7 9 1 2 3 6 7 8 4 5 9 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 8 6 6 7 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mariner 2 F Venera 4 P Mariner 5 F Venera 5 P Venera 6 P Venera 7 L Venera 8 P Mariner 10 F Venera 9 OL Venera 10 OL PV 1 O PV 2 P Venera 11 FL Venera 12 FL Venera 13 FL Venera 14 FL Venera 15 O Venera 16 O Vega 1 LB Vega 2 LB Magellan O Galileo F Cassini F MESSENGER F F VEx O Akatsuki O PSP F F F F F F BepiColombo F F F Solar Orbiter F F F F 3 Table 1: @enus <yby mi''ions and ins$rument' used $o #ollec$ da$a. >or a more de$ailed $able, please 'ee +$$*'=FF5ri&e.1oo1le.#omFDleF5F1y5HG"2LWq5M8dnbb5ntG1QyvB)OM4aD3/vie ?us*J'harin1. #ates Mission $aunch Venus !lyby Instruments !agne$ome$er 7elevi'ion Pho$o1raphy Experimen$ !ariner 10 1973-11-03 1974-02-05 9nfrared radiome$er %l$raviole$ 'pec$rome$er' Plasma 5e$ec$or' Solid S$a$e 9ma1er BSS9C Near:9R !apping Spec$rome$er %@FE%@ Spec$rome$er Spec$rome$er 7ele'#ope 4or 9maging N:ray' BS79NC Galileo 1989-10-18 1990-02-10 Lu'$ Le$ec$or Sub'y'$em BLLSC !agne$ome$er B!)GC Plasma Ga&e Sub'y'$em BPGSC Plasma Sub'y'$em BP0SC Plasma Sub'y'$em BP0SC Ener1e$ic Par$i#le' Le$ec$or BEPLC !agne$ospheric 9ma1in1 9ns$rument B!9!9C Radio and Plasma Ga&e Science BRPGSC 9ma1ing S#ience Sub'y'$em Narro )n1le Camera B9SSN)C Ca''ini 1997-10-15 1999-08-18 9ma1ing S#ience Sub'y'$em Gi5e )n1le #amera B9SSG)C @i'ible and 9nfrared !apping Spec$rome$er B@9!S:9R and @9!S:@i'C !er#ury Lual 9ma1ing Sy'$em Narro )n1le Camera B!L9S:N)CC !er#ury Lual 9ma1ing Sy'$em Gi5e )n1le Camera B!L9S:G)CC !er#ury )$mospheric and Sur4ace Composi$ion Spec$rome$er B!)SCSC %@F@9SF9R 2006-10-24 Radio 'cience BRRSC !ESSENGER 2004-/.:03 2007-/2:05 Gamma Ray Spec$rome$er BGRSC !er#ury 0aser )l$ime$er B!0)C Neutron Spec$rome$er BNSC N:Ray Spec$rome$er BNRSC !agne$ome$er B!)GC Ener1e$ic Par$i#le and Pla'ma Spec$rome$er BEPPSC 4 2018-10-03 Elec$romagne$ic >iel5' 9n&e'$i1a$ion B>9E0LSC 2019-12-26 9nte1ra$ed Science 9n&e'$i1a$ion o4 $he Sun 2020-/-:11 B9S 9SC Parker Solar Probe 2018-/.:12 2021-02-20 Gide:Deld☉ 9ma1er 4or Solar Probe BG9SPRC 2021-10-16 Solar Gind Elec$rons )lphas and Pro$ons 2023-/.:21 BSGE)PC 2024-11-/2 BepiColombo 0aser )l$ime$er BBE0)C 9$alian Sprin1 )ccelerome$er B9S)C !er#ury !agne$ome$er B!PO:!)G, !ER!)GC !er#ury Radiome$er and 7hermal 9n4rared Spec$rome$er B!ER79SC, !er#ury Gamma-ray and Neutron Spec$rome$er B!GNSC !er#ury 9maging N:ray Spec$rome$er B!9NSC BepiColombo 2020-10-15 !er#ury Orbi$er Radio-'cience Experiment !er#ury Plane$ary 2018-10-20 2021-/.:11 B!OREC Orbi$er B!POC Probing of Kermean E"osphere ,y %l$raviole$ Spec$ros#opy BPKEB%SC Sear#h 4or E"osphere Refilling and Emi$$ed Neutral )bundance' BSEREN)C Spec$rome$er' and 9ma1er' 4or !PO BepiColombo 9n$e1ra$ed O,'er&a$ory Sy'$em BS9!B9O:SOSC Solar 9ntensi$y N:ray and Par$i#le Spec$rome$er BS9NSC !er#ury Pla'ma Par$i#le Experimen$ B!PPEC BepiColombo !er#ury !agne$ome$er B!!O:!G>C !er#ury 2020-10-15 Plasma Ga&e 9n&e'$i1a$ion BPG9C 2018-10-20 !agne$ospheri# 2021-/.:11 !er#ury Sodium )$mosphere Spec$ral 9ma1er Orbi$er B!io) B!S)S9C !er#ury Lus$ !oni$or B!L!C Solar Gind Pla'ma )naly'er BSG)C Ener1e$ic Par$i#le Le$ec$or BELPC !agne$ome$er B!)GC 2020-12-26 Radio and Plasma Ga&e' BRPGC 2021-/.:/.
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