Science on the Fly! the Importance of Venus Flyby Observations

Science on the Fly! the Importance of Venus Flyby Observations

Science on the fly! The importance of Venus flyby observations C. Gray1, P. K. Byrne2, S. Curry3, J. G. O’Rourke4, Emilie Royer5 1Ne Mexi#o S$a$e Uni&ersi$y – Apa#he Point O,'er&a$ory, 1780 E Uni&ersi$y A&e, La' Cruce', N! 88003, 2Nor$+ Carolina S$a$e Uni&ersi$y, Raleigh, NC 27695, 3Spa#e S#ience Labora$ory, %ni&ersi$y of Cali4ornia, Berkeley, C) 94720, 4S#hool of Ear$h and Spa#e Explora$ion, Ari6ona S$a$e Uni&ersi$y, Tempe, A8 85281, 5Plane$ary S#ience Ins$i$ute, Tuc'on, A8 85719 Canda#e Gray 575-646-6399 Ne Mexi#o S$a$e Uni&ersi$y – Apa#he Point O,'er&a$ory #anda#e1;nm' 1 Goal 7he impor$ance of e"e#uting flyby s#ience, typi#ally wi$+ mi''ions tha$ are per4orming a gravi$y a''i'$ or maneu&er, cannot be unders$a$e5. Making s#ience ob'er&a$ions during a gravi$y a''i'$ #an provide= • >eedba#k and calibra$ion for t+e individual ins$rument'? • ) primary s#ience tar1e$ to te'$ ins$rument heal$h when colle#$in1 da$a simul$aneously? • S#ience from s$a$e of the ar$ ins$rument', whi#+ broaden t+e number of da$a point' we ha&e a$ Venus o&er diAerent sea'ons, solar cy#le' and orbi$'? and • Compara$i&e paleon$olo1y be$ een Venu' and primary mi''ion tar1e$. In this white paper, we urge two recommendation for future missions: 1. Require any mission that plans to fly by Venus to take data at Venus 2. Require the mission team to have a dedicated Flyby Coordinator either as an existing team member or via a solicitation similar to a Participating Scientist otivation )' mi''ion <i1+$ pa$+' are kno n ell in a5&ance, @enus <yby '#ience #an be #oordina$e5 i$+ o$her '#ience $eam', ins$i$ute', and 4a#ili$ie', increa'in1 $+e '#ience re$urn of $he mi''ion a' ell a' improvin1 our unders$andin1 of @enus. By havin1 a dedi#a$e5 member on a mi''ion $eam $o promo$e and #oordina$e ob'er&a$ions, $he +ighe'$ priori$y ins$rument' $o @enus '#ience #an be utili6e5. >ur$+ermore, a dedi#a$e5 >lyby Coordina$or #an or1ani6e 1round-ba'e5 #oordina$e5 #am*aign' and e&en o$her 'pa#e#ra4$ mi''ions i$+ mi''ion <yby', improvin1 $he o&erall im*a#$ of the mi''ion. ) num,er of '#ience in&e'$i1a$ions are ell 'ui$e5 4or @enus <yby #am*aigns. >or e"ample, $he intera#$ion of $he 'olar ind i$+ upper a$mo'phere Bincludin1 a$mospheri# e'#apeC #an be '$udie5 i$+ pla'ma mea'urement', 'uc+ a' mea'urin1 ions, ele#$rons, 'olar ener1e$i# par$i#le', pla'ma a&e', and magne$i# Del5' usin1 ele#$ros$a$i# analy6ers, 'oli5 '$a$e de$e#$ors, 0angmuir probe', and magne$ome$ers, re'pe#$i&ely. In $he 'ame &ein, radio oc#ul$a$ions #an be per4orme5 dependin1 on $he orbi$ 1eome$ry $o infer informa$ion about $he lo er and middle neutral a$mo'pheri# densi$ie'. )ddi$ionally, neutral ma'' 'pe#$rome$ers #an make #ri$i#al mea'urement' about i'o$ope' and maEor and minor neutral #ons$i$uent' in $he a$mos*+ere. Infrare5 imagin1 #an be e'pe#ially impor$ant 4or unders$andin1 $he 1eomorpholo1y and 'igna$ure' of mineral' $ha$ 4orm in $+e pre'ence of a$er. Ima1in1 in infrared, vi'ible, and $he ul$raviole$ #an #a*$ure #loud 5ynami#' o&er a lar1e ran1e of al$i$ude a' ell a' upper a$mo'pheri# 5ynami#' via airglo and aurora. !igure " 'ho ' all mi''ions $o ha&e #olle#$e5 da$a a$ @enu' he$her a' an orbi$er, lander, probe or <yby. 9$ #an be 'een $ha$ hile @enus mi''ions ha&e de#rea'ed, @enu' <yby '#ience ha' increa'e5. Table " li'$' all <yby mi''ions tha$ ha&e colle#$ed da$a a' well a' ins$rumenta$ion hi#+ wa' use5. 2 !igure 1: 7imeline of all mi''ion $ha$ ha&e #ollec$ed da$a a$ @enus. Only $hose mi''ions $ha$ 'ucce''4ully #onduc$ed some '#ience a$ @enus are 'ho n here; 4or a more #omple$e $able 'ho ing all mi''ions, bo$h a$$em*$ed and 'ucce''4ul, $o ob'er&e @enus, plea'e 'ee +$$*'=FF5ri&e.1oo1le.#omF DleF5F1-iEhoBr81zW!)mmOG0@c3c+6aL!qJe7SF&ie ?us*J'harin1. Kere, >= >lyby? P= Probe? O= Orbi$er? 0= 0ander? B= Balloon. Groups of $ o le$$er' 5eno$e mul$i:pla$4orm mi''ions. !i''ions are #olor:#oded ,y na$ional 'pace a1ency= blue: N)S)? red: Sovie$ %nion; purple: European Space )1ency? oran1e: Japane'e )erospace Explora$ion )1ency. 0 4 5 7 9 1 2 3 6 8 0 2 3 4 1 5 0 7 2 9 0 0 0 2 7 9 1 3 4 5 6 8 1 3 4 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 5 6 7 9 1 2 3 6 7 8 4 5 9 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 8 6 6 7 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mariner 2 F Venera 4 P Mariner 5 F Venera 5 P Venera 6 P Venera 7 L Venera 8 P Mariner 10 F Venera 9 OL Venera 10 OL PV 1 O PV 2 P Venera 11 FL Venera 12 FL Venera 13 FL Venera 14 FL Venera 15 O Venera 16 O Vega 1 LB Vega 2 LB Magellan O Galileo F Cassini F MESSENGER F F VEx O Akatsuki O PSP F F F F F F BepiColombo F F F Solar Orbiter F F F F 3 Table 1: @enus <yby mi''ions and ins$rument' used $o #ollec$ da$a. >or a more de$ailed $able, please 'ee +$$*'=FF5ri&e.1oo1le.#omFDleF5F1y5HG"2LWq5M8dnbb5ntG1QyvB)OM4aD3/vie ?us*J'harin1. #ates Mission $aunch Venus !lyby Instruments !agne$ome$er 7elevi'ion Pho$o1raphy Experimen$ !ariner 10 1973-11-03 1974-02-05 9nfrared radiome$er %l$raviole$ 'pec$rome$er' Plasma 5e$ec$or' Solid S$a$e 9ma1er BSS9C Near:9R !apping Spec$rome$er %@FE%@ Spec$rome$er Spec$rome$er 7ele'#ope 4or 9maging N:ray' BS79NC Galileo 1989-10-18 1990-02-10 Lu'$ Le$ec$or Sub'y'$em BLLSC !agne$ome$er B!)GC Plasma Ga&e Sub'y'$em BPGSC Plasma Sub'y'$em BP0SC Plasma Sub'y'$em BP0SC Ener1e$ic Par$i#le' Le$ec$or BEPLC !agne$ospheric 9ma1in1 9ns$rument B!9!9C Radio and Plasma Ga&e Science BRPGSC 9ma1ing S#ience Sub'y'$em Narro )n1le Camera B9SSN)C Ca''ini 1997-10-15 1999-08-18 9ma1ing S#ience Sub'y'$em Gi5e )n1le #amera B9SSG)C @i'ible and 9nfrared !apping Spec$rome$er B@9!S:9R and @9!S:@i'C !er#ury Lual 9ma1ing Sy'$em Narro )n1le Camera B!L9S:N)CC !er#ury Lual 9ma1ing Sy'$em Gi5e )n1le Camera B!L9S:G)CC !er#ury )$mospheric and Sur4ace Composi$ion Spec$rome$er B!)SCSC %@F@9SF9R 2006-10-24 Radio 'cience BRRSC !ESSENGER 2004-/.:03 2007-/2:05 Gamma Ray Spec$rome$er BGRSC !er#ury 0aser )l$ime$er B!0)C Neutron Spec$rome$er BNSC N:Ray Spec$rome$er BNRSC !agne$ome$er B!)GC Ener1e$ic Par$i#le and Pla'ma Spec$rome$er BEPPSC 4 2018-10-03 Elec$romagne$ic >iel5' 9n&e'$i1a$ion B>9E0LSC 2019-12-26 9nte1ra$ed Science 9n&e'$i1a$ion o4 $he Sun 2020-/-:11 B9S 9SC Parker Solar Probe 2018-/.:12 2021-02-20 Gide:Deld☉ 9ma1er 4or Solar Probe BG9SPRC 2021-10-16 Solar Gind Elec$rons )lphas and Pro$ons 2023-/.:21 BSGE)PC 2024-11-/2 BepiColombo 0aser )l$ime$er BBE0)C 9$alian Sprin1 )ccelerome$er B9S)C !er#ury !agne$ome$er B!PO:!)G, !ER!)GC !er#ury Radiome$er and 7hermal 9n4rared Spec$rome$er B!ER79SC, !er#ury Gamma-ray and Neutron Spec$rome$er B!GNSC !er#ury 9maging N:ray Spec$rome$er B!9NSC BepiColombo 2020-10-15 !er#ury Orbi$er Radio-'cience Experiment !er#ury Plane$ary 2018-10-20 2021-/.:11 B!OREC Orbi$er B!POC Probing of Kermean E"osphere ,y %l$raviole$ Spec$ros#opy BPKEB%SC Sear#h 4or E"osphere Refilling and Emi$$ed Neutral )bundance' BSEREN)C Spec$rome$er' and 9ma1er' 4or !PO BepiColombo 9n$e1ra$ed O,'er&a$ory Sy'$em BS9!B9O:SOSC Solar 9ntensi$y N:ray and Par$i#le Spec$rome$er BS9NSC !er#ury Pla'ma Par$i#le Experimen$ B!PPEC BepiColombo !er#ury !agne$ome$er B!!O:!G>C !er#ury 2020-10-15 Plasma Ga&e 9n&e'$i1a$ion BPG9C 2018-10-20 !agne$ospheri# 2021-/.:11 !er#ury Sodium )$mosphere Spec$ral 9ma1er Orbi$er B!io) B!S)S9C !er#ury Lus$ !oni$or B!L!C Solar Gind Pla'ma )naly'er BSG)C Ener1e$ic Par$i#le Le$ec$or BELPC !agne$ome$er B!)GC 2020-12-26 Radio and Plasma Ga&e' BRPGC 2021-/.:/.

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