INDEX AESTHETICS & ROCK 18/3/05 12:20 pm Page 301 Index (References to illustrations are in bold) Abri du Poisson Rock Shelter 120, 121 of function 83 Abside xviii general 5, 10 Actun Tunichil Maknal Cave 223 historicity of 26 aesthetic internalist 29–30, 34 approach 160 interpretation of 76 consciousness 24, 144 meta-aesthetics 5–6, 10 evaluation 144 methodological 56–8 experience 144, 157 modified speleothems 218–19, 222–23, imagination 143–57 230–33 interpretive 53 notion 52–54 perspectives 9–10, 29, 30 Palaeolithic art xix, 56 ritual 145 and radiance 167–69 sensibility 61, 67, 71 San rock art 83–85 theory 11, 31, 32 scope 1–2, 4, 5, 22, 23–24, 27, 53 values 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16n.11, usefulness 54–56 17n.24, 32, 43, 117, 127 see also aesthetic appreciation; vocabulary 28 aesthetic values; rock art aesthetic appreciation aesthetics conditions for 2, 3, 4, 6, 42 Africa, southern, San rock art distribution cultural appropriation 8–9 255 formation 253–54 after-image 161, 164, 165, 167, 169, 171, multi-sensory 254 176 of objects 7 see also image and sight 254 a’kwa 31 aestheticisation, and art objects 52–53 Alberti, Leon Batista 92 aestheticists 1, 2, 4, 14, 159 Alexander, Christopher 152 aesthetics Alpert, B.O. 139–40 aesthesis 75 Altamira Cave xviii, 117 and anthropology 23, 24, 54–55 bisons 118, 128 and archaeology 159–61 Grand Ceiling xxi, 127 archaeology of 54, 60 II (replica) 186 and art 6 am 225 and beauty 6–7 American Museum of Natural History 78 concrete 5, 10, 16n.19 Ampoulange, M. 98 as cross-cultural category 23, 27, 32, 34 analytical reading 120, 121 definitions xix, 5, 23–24, 53, 75–76 Anangu 146 embeddedness of cultural objects 22 anapalaku walka 147 externalist 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 ancestors, mythic 155 301 INDEX AESTHETICS & ROCK 18/3/05 12:20 pm Page 302 302 Aesthetics and Rock Art Ancestral Beings 57 myths 113 Andean north-east 57 material culture 57 rainbow snake 114 rock art 55 western 56, 58 Anderson, Richard L., Calliope’s Sisters… see also Wangewangen 66, 67, 72n.6, 8, 77, 83, 84, 85 art Angkor 16n.15 and aesthetics 6 animal paintings 21, 22, 28, 30 Arnhem Land 159 animals artefacts, difference 77–78 depictions 131, 132 definitions 39–41, 52, 60, 64, 65, representation/s, 126n.2, 131 66–68, 77, 84, 85, 193, 236 anthropologist/s 1, 31, 32, 2, 11, 12, 21, Dewey on 76 23, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32, 47n.4, 51, 67, and environment 55 69, 70, 72n.8, 90, 115, 144, 145, fine art, difference 78 146, 202 frame notion 84–85 anthropology 145 Gombrich on 68–69 and aesthetics 23, 24, 54–55 and ideas 84 anthropological perspective 11, 51 non-iconographic 149 cross-temporal analysis 11, 51 and Piaroa people (Amazon) 24–25 appreciation xxvi and representation/s 193 arts 7 and shamanism 81–82, 83–84 cultural xxv transinstitutional 69 see also aesthetic appreciation universality of 33 appropriation 203 as Western construct 61, 65, 66–68 of surplus 82 see also fine art; non-art; philosophy of see also cultural appropriation art ARARA (American Rock Art Research ‘art for art’s sake’ 2, 47 n.4, 61, 62, 75, 76, Association) 64, 70 78, 139 conference logo 65 see also l’art pour l’art archaeologists xviii, 1, 2, 51, 53, 59, 91, Art with a Capital A 68, 69 115, 144, 159, 201, 205, 211 art forms, traditional 143–44, 155, 156 cognitive 202, 213n.8 art historian/s 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, formal 160 67, 70, 159, 201, 202, 203, 205, 241 informed 160 art histories 159 archaeology art objects and aesthetics 2, 159–61 aesthetic appreciation of 7 of aesthetics 54, 60 and aestheticisation 52–53 altered states of consciousness in 175 conception 31 approaches 160 key components 52 cognitive 201 see also intentional objects formal xxvi art theory 76 patterns xxvi, 54 art-making, cultural context 39 of perception 54 artefacts and rock art xxvi, 3, 10, 11, 15n.3, 59 art, difference 77–78 Aristotle 28, 33 Binford’s classification 54, 60 n.1 Poetics 31 artists, women 87, 146–47, 149, 153 Arnhem Land 56, 108, 111, 112, 159, 161, artwork/s 3, 12, 16n.15, 41, 42, 47n.7, 186, 168 187, 209 art 159 contexts 206 INDEX AESTHETICS & ROCK 18/3/05 12:20 pm Page 303 Index 303 definition 6, 8, 17n.32, 48n.11 beauty, and aesthetics 6–7 meaning 60 Bell, Clive 76 modern 155 Benin, Republic 66 replicated 178 Benjamin, Walter, on aura 180, 183–85, Western 53 188 Atacama desert 55 Bennett, M. 147 atet 220 Berenguer, J. 55 Attic vases 59 Binford, L.R., artefacts, classification 54, Aujoulat, Norbert 100, 101, 103 60 n.1 aura bir’yun 6, 167–69, 174, 176 sites 13 bison Walter Benjamin on 180, 183–85, 188 Altamira 118 Aurignacian beads 56 Cosquer 105, 106, 107 Australia, rock art 2 Font-de-Gaume Cave 123, 126, 127–29 Australian Aboriginal art 55 La Grèze 98, 99, 103, 104 contemporary 144 analysis 101–3 ethnographers of 144 position 102 mythic Mayrièure Supérieure Cave 119 ancestors 155 Bison bonassus 103, 104, 106 content 144, 154 Bison priscus 103, 105 study of 143 black dots, optical tricks 164 transmission of 144 Blade Runner (film) 182 authenticity 184, 185 Blocker, H. Gene 39–40 Chauvet Cave 186 Bloom, Allan 179 Boone, S.A. 54 Backa, granite carvings 195 Boorstin, Daniel, on the image 180 Bahia, Brazil 16n.14 Borges, Jorge Luis 182 Bahn, Paul 15n7, 48n.12, 62, 176n.5 Bourdieu, P. 52 Baker, Nyukara 148, 150–51 bovid, perspective 107 Bal, Mieke 78, 79 bovines, depictions 139 balance 146, 153, 156 boxes, depictions 140 Bandung Museum, stones 14, 235, 238–39, Bradley, Richard 46 240 Bradshaws 40 setting 246, 248–49, 251 Brady, James 217–18, 233 n.2 Baroque 67 Brazil, 16n.14, 62, 173, 174 barred circles, optical tricks 161, 165, 166, Bahia 16n.14, 174 167 rock art 62 Barry, P.S. 15n.5, 47n.2 Breton, André 186 Basedow, H. 145 Breuil, Henri (Abbé) xviii, 99, 100, 101, Bassie-Sweet, Karen 217, 218 117, 122, 126n.2, 203, 238 Bataille, Georges 177–78, 185, 186, 254 Brewster, D. 168 Battiss, Walter 75, 78, 203, 209, 211 Brillo Boxes (Warhol) 27 on visual intelligibility 204–5 Britton, Benjamin 178, 187 Baudrillard, Jean 180, 181, 186 see also Lascaux Cave, Virtual on simulacra 182–83 Bronze Age, representation/s 194 Simulations 182 Brook, Donald 69, 73n.13 Baumgarten, Alexander 5, 76 Brunelleschi, Filippo, San Giovanni Baxandall, Michael 71n.2 perspective 92 bear, Tibiran Cave 120, 121, 122 Bryman, Alan 189n.4 INDEX AESTHETICS & ROCK 18/3/05 12:20 pm Page 304 304 Aesthetics and Rock Art Buena Vista rock art site, graffiti 238, 4, 47n.1, 71n.4, 72n.6, 87, 126n.1, 239–40 127n.5, 142, 159–76, 251 building methods, traditional 152 Clifford, James 41, 78 Bull, M. 53 Clottes, Jean 21, 33, 91, 101, 105, 106, 119 Burkitt, Miles 35n.2 Cockburn, Alexander 186 Burnett, Ricky 203 Cogal rock shelter, graffiti 238, 241 Bushman, depictions 137, 142 Cole, Noelene A. 37, 47n.2 Byzantine, depictions 141 Coles, John 13, 191, 193–200 collage 17n.25, 42, 187 Caillebotte, Gustave, Boulevard Seen from community 147 Above 206 concepts Cambodia 16n.15 food 51 Campbell, Colin 82 gender 51 Campbell, David 15n.5 hierarchy 30, 51, 57 Carroll, K. 148, 150–51 shelter 51 Carroll, Noël 72n.6 Conkey, Margaret (co-author), Beyond Cassidy, Margaret 180, 183 Art… 64, 66, 67, 68, 128 Castoriadis, C. 146 conscience, and consciousness 73n.9 categories consciousness aesthetic interpretive 53 aesthetic 24, 144 analytical 51 changes 174 sense perception 53 and conscience 73n.9 Western 52 and depiction 87, 169, 170 cats, representation/s 132 and optical tricks 13, 167, 171 caves, as sacred places xxii and perception 169–70 ceiling paintings 208–9 Pitjantjatjara 149 Center for African Art 78 unenlightened 179 Chaloupka, George 108, 110, 111, 112 consciousness, altered states of 13, 159, Chauvet Cave xviii, xix, xx, xxi, 21, 35n.2, 171, 173, 176, 176n.5 46 in archaeology 175 authenticity 186 and creativity 204 bear cult 21 definition 175 felines xxii and optical tricks 167 hand stencilling xxii and religious awareness 173 human habitation, evidence 21 and shamanism 175, 260 paintings 21, 22, 28, 33, 34, 38 contours see typical contour Chem Chem Ha Cave 223 cooperative act, of perception 125–26 children Coote, Jeremy 54 drawings by 143, 147, 148 copy imagination of 149 culture 184–86, 188 Chippindale, Chris 108, 112, 175 making 177, 181, 182, 184–89 Christo 46 see also fakes; representation/s Churchill, Winston, Sir, on painting 170 Cosquer Cave xviii, xx, xxi, 11, 89, 91, Cipriani, Giovanni-Baptista, Arch of Titus 105–7, 108 94 bison 105, 106, 107, 114 Clark, J. Desmond, The Prehistory of finger drawings xxii Southern Africa 61 Cougnac xviii Clegg, John 3, 8, 13, 15n.1, 5, 9, 16n.14, Cousin, Jean 92 15, 18, 17n.25, 26, 30, 35, 36, 35n.2, craft 3, 13, 24, 147, 193, 232 INDEX AESTHETICS & ROCK 18/3/05 12:20 pm Page 305 Index 305 craftsmanship 21, 193, 197, 199–200, 222, depictions 232 kind craftsmen xviii, 21 Australian Aborigine 133 creative process 144 Bushman 137, 137, 140, 142 creativity, and altered states of Byzantine 141 consciousness 204 children’s 141 Criado Boado 46 Dordogne 139 crocodiles, depictions 133, 134 Egypt 135 cross-cultural Ethiopia 135, 136, 138, 140 analysis, meta-language for 11, 51–52 Namibia 140 category, aesthetics as 15n.10, 23, 24, Palaeolithic 131 27, 32 Sahara 140 definition of art 52 Spain 138, 140, 141 etiquette, aesthetics 3, 4, 5, 8–9 depictions of cross-temporal analysis, anthropology 11, 51 animals 131, 132 Cueva de las Pinturas Cave 219, 233 n.2 bovines 139 cultural boxes 140 appropriation, aesthetic appreciation crocodiles 133, 134 xxv, 3, 8–9, 16n.16, 35, 41, 52, devil 138, 140 70, 71n.4, 213n.10 eyes 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141 objects, embeddedness 22 faces 136, 137 preconceptions 2 feet 134, 135, 136, 139 universals 53 felines 132, 139, 141 vectors 140 fishes 140 culture giraffes 140 interpretation of 51 goat 142 material 57 God 141 and perception 53–54, 58 hands 132, 135, 136, 138, 139 and rock art aesthetics 59 horses 140 human beings 131, 134–35, 137, 139 Danto, Arthur 27, 202 legs 135 ‘Daramulan’, optical tricks 161, 163 lion 140, 141 Davidson, Donald 26, 30, 145 modified speleothem 220, 221, 222, Davidson, I.
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