WWW.BEVERLYPRESS.COM INSIDE • Bridge housing in L.A. pg. 3 Sunny, with • Homeless highs in the Connect in low 60s WeHo. pg. 5 Volume 28 No. 8 Serving the West Hollywood, Hancock Park, Beverly Hills and Wilshire Communities February 22, 2018 Green lighting a greener nPutting a ring in the Academy Museum The newest Museum Row addition cityn of Beverlydirection Hills given to city staff by the City Council finalizing City Council at its Feb. 20 study will open in 2019 plans to enter the session. The county’s program, Clean Clean Power Alliance Power Alliance of Southern California (formerly the Los Construction on the Academy Angeles Community Choice Museum of Motion Pictures hits Beverly Hills will likely receive Energy), spent last year recruiting another milestone this month, 50 percent renewable energy as part cities to join its program with the with the installation of the ring of its membership in Los Angeles promise of potentially lower utility beam steel, completing the super- County’s community choice energy bills for residents and businesses. structure of the sphere. program, according to unanimous In April, construction will con- See Energy page 22 tinue with the installation of the interior finishes in the Saban building including drywall, light fixtures, interior walls and bath- room fixtures. In May, installation of the cur- tain wall glazing system for the photo by Luke Harold north façade will take place. The musuem, located at the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Fairfax Remediation of the Saban Avenue, will reach new construction milestones in the months ahead. building’s exterior will continue through the first few months of an essential destination for visitors Meyer, vice chairman of this year, and work for the Dolby and locals who love film,” said NBCUniversal, led the inaugural Terrace deck will begin this sum- Rob Meyer, chair of the board, in meeting of the 12-member board mer. a statement. “Now, with the for- of trustees on Dec. 4. Among the “The Academy Museum has mation of this board of trustees, board’s responsibilities will be already made great strides in rais- we have real momentum. I could- overseeing the museum’s strategic photo courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ing funds, constructing the site, n’t be more pleased by the talent vision and maintaining its Beverly Hills joins other cities throughout the county, including West and developing the exhibition we’ve gathered to oversee this finances. Hollywood, in preparing to enter the county’s community choice energy plans that will make this museum great new institution.” See Museum page 22 program. Homen sweet homesharing The party’s finally over in the Hollywood Hills WeHo City Council during their guests’ stay. n The ordinance would ban home- New ordinance will nears approval of law to sharing from properties where ten- ants have been vacated over the stiffen penalties for regulate Airbnb, other previous seven years through the loud parties in L.A. short-term rentals Ellis Act, a state law designed in the 1980s to allow landlords a way to leave the rental business by evict- ing their tenants. Landlords and Following years of complaints The West Hollywood City tenants throughout the county have from residents in the Hollywood Council, by a 3-2 vote on Feb. 20, accused landlords and developers Hills over loud music and con- approved a first reading of an ordi- of exploiting the law to displace gested streets, people hosting nui- nance that would regulate usage of renters and replace affordable hous- sance parties could face fines up short-term rental websites such as ing with luxury condos. to $8,000 for repeatedly disturb- Airbnb among residents who own Several residents who spoke dur- ing their neighbors. houses or condos. ing public comment said the origi- The Los Angeles City Council The ordinance, which would nal draft of the ordinance, which unanimously passed a law intro- establish an 18-month pilot pro- allowed tenants in rent-stabilized ducing a formal definition of a gram, is pending a second reading. units to host short-term rentals, “loud and unruly gathering,” and a It would exclude renters from city- gave landlords too much of a loop- scale of fines as a deterrent. photo courtesy of the 4th Council District Office approved home-sharing, but a pro- hole to potentially remove those “[Residents] have tried every Councilman David Ryu, 4th District, held a press conference preced- vision that allows hosts one viola- tenants and keep those units off the other avenue to address these tion of the home-sharing law with- market. West Hollywood Mayor party houses and nothing has ing Wednesday’s City Council meeting, when the council approved the law. out being evicted would still apply John Heilman added that a landlord worked,” said Councilman David to renters. could use a “faux tenant” to occupy have been calling for stricter law year without receiving another Ryu, 4th District, who introduced Owners of condos and houses a rent-stabilized unit. enforcement of nuisance party fine, the fine scale resets. a motion for the city attorney to would be able to legally home- “We run the risk of rent-stabi- houses for years. “It’s with enormous thanks and draft the ordinance. share with the written approval of lized units just being taken off the Violators of the new law will great relief that we celebrate the “We’ve tried literally every- their homeowners association. market and converted in this while face a $100 fine for a first offense, passage of the party house ordi- thing else that could be tried with- Terms of the ordinance include lim- they’re still on the rolls as apart- $500 for a second, $1,000 for a nance, a project long in the mak- out success,” Councilman Paul iting the number of guests at a ments, but they don’t really have a third, $2,000 for a fourth, $4,000 ing,” said Anastasia Mann, presi- Koretz, 5th District, added in sup- property to two more than twice the tenant in there,” Heilman said. for a fifth and $8,000 for a sixth or dent of the Hollywood Hills West port of the new law. number of bedrooms listed on city “There will be collusion between more. If a person who is issued a Residents throughout L.A., or county records, and requiring fine under this law makes it one See Party page 21 especially in the Hollywood Hills, that hosts reside in their properties See Homesharing page 22 2 February 22, 2018 CALENDAR Park Labrea News/Beverly Press pre-Hispanic imagery to mark region- Rossini, Nielsen Indie Film al and cultural identity. Admission is and Beethoven. Arena Cinelounge presents screenings free but tickets are required. 5905 The soloist for of the indie film “Confessions of a Wilshire Blvd. (323)857-6000, Nielsen’s flute Teenage Jesus Jerk,” running from lacma.org. concerto is Friday, Feb. 23 through Thursday, Joachim Becerra March 1. The comedy/romance is Thomsen (pic- written by Tony DuShane and directed Jean Harlow tured). Tickets start at $25. 1310 11th by Eric Stoltz. The film is based on Odalys Nanin directs a Macha St., Santa Monica. (310)434-3200, the- DuShane’s semi-autobiographical Theatre/Films staged reading of Elissa broadstage.org. story of Gabe, a teenager growing up Eaton’s book about the unsolved mys- in an insular congregation of tery of Jean Harlow on Monday, Feb. Jehovah’s Witnesses in Northern 26 at 8 p.m. at the Matrix Theatre. California. A red carpet celebration Kelly Mullis star as Harlow and will be PurimComedian Michael Comedy Sherman highlights and screening on Feb. 23 begins at 7 joined in the reading by Sean Mc the merry-making of Purim during a p.m.; see schedule for additional Cracken, Jeremy Lucas, Ivet Corvea, performance on Thursday, March 1 at showtimes. 6464 Sunset Blvd. Phil Hunter, Mantha Balourdou, Tricia 7 p.m. at Hollywood Temple Beth El. (323)924-1644, arenacinelounge.com. Cruz, Francisco Medina and Jean St. The show features a screening of “The James. 7657 Melrose Ave. machathe- Jazz Singer,” featuring Jerry Lewis. atre.org. Suggested donation is $8. 1317 N. Art of Bill Barminski Crescent Heights Blvd. (323)656-3150, Works by artist Bill Barminski will be htbel.org. on display on Friday, Feb. 23 and Saturday, Feb. 24 from 6 to 10 p.m. A NoiseRaisin Within, in a repertorythe Sun theater at Castelli Art Space. The retrospec- company based in Pasadena, presents tive will feature more than two dozen a production of Lorraine Hansberry’s paintings from different periods of “A Raisin in the Sun” running from Barminski’s career, focusing on the Sunday, Feb. 25 through Sunday, mid-1980s and 2000s. The exhibit April 8. In pre-civil rights America, an will also include a never-before-seen unexpected windfall offers a life- large bronze sculpture and new rendi- changing option for the Youngers, a tions of his signature cardboard sculp- black family living in a cramped tures. 5428 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago apartment. They struggle (310)204-6830, castelliartspace.com. with competing dreams and racial intolerance. Check schedule for show- times. Tickets start at $25. 3352 E. J-pop Music Foothill Blvd, Pasadena. (626)356- 3100, anoisewithin.org. Theory photo courtesy of Patrick Rogers and Juan Ocampo Enjoy Japanese pop music during Dancer Manuel Gutierrez performs in “Forever Flamenco by José “Jammin’ with J- Tanaka” on Sunday, Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. at The Fountain Theatre. Guitarist pop Music Beverly Hills Theory” on Tanaka leads the performance, which also includes dancers Mizuho Friday, Feb.
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