A reflection of the best of Cantonese cuisine, this menu showcases the creativity and well-honed culinary prowess of the team. With a fresh interpretation of classic dishes, diners can expect to be enthralled by a diversity of ingredients and innovative pairings in this menu. 这菜单代表着顶级广东料理, 同时展现颂苑厨师们创意十足和高超的厨艺。 菜单从新体现经典粤菜,客人可以期待享用 以丰富食材準備的菜肴以及采用创新搭配的料理。 颂苑午市套餐 SONG GARDEN EXECUTIVE SET LUNCH 颂苑点心三拼 Ў뺮ᑱۢଈУۢՑڸᑴ௪რ뺮ዤ Dim Sum Trio Combination Steamed Prawn Dumpling, Deep-fried Yam Puff with Crab Meat in Pepper Sauce , Pan-seared “Otak” Dumpling on Skewer 时日老火煲例汤 Chef’s Special – Double-boiled Soup of the Day 当归黑豚扒 Kurobuta Pork Cutlet with Pistachio Crumbs 海鲜猪油渣焖面卜 Stir-fried Mee Pok with Seafood and Lard Residue in Signature Chilli Sauce 芦荟酸柑香茅冻 Chilled Aloe Vera with Lemongrass Jelly in Sour Plum and Lime Juice $43.00++ per person (min. 2 persons) We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions. Please approach our Service Associates for assistance All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Subject to 10% service charge & prevailing government taxes 颂苑商务套餐 SONG GARDEN BUSINESS SET 颂苑经典御品 Вฏ೫뺮ԱࡋưЎ뺮ɭŔ൞ưޞӘ Song Garden Treasure Platter Pan-seared Foie Gras on Braised Pear Sauce, Crispy Fried Prawns with Kiwi Sauce and Pan-seared Scallop with Mango Salsa 椰皇金汤龙虾羹 Braised Lobster with Pumpkin Puree Served in Young Coconut 金銀黑蒜蒸鳕鱼 Steamed Cod Fillet with Mixed Minced Garlic 黯然销魂饭 BBQ Pork and Sunny Side Up on Rice 杨枝甘露椰子雪糕 Chilled Mango Puree Sago and Pomelo served with Coconut Ice Cream $83.00++ per person (min. 2 persons) We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions. Please approach our Service Associates for assistance All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Subject to 10% service charge & prevailing government taxes 颂苑经典套餐 SONG GARDEN FAMOUS FIVE 颂苑经典御品 Вฏ೫뺮нᕪܲЎ뺮ĥԱɭŔ Song Garden Treasure Platter Pan-seared Foie Gras on Braised Pear Sauce, Crispy Fried Wasabi Mayonnaise Prawn Ball and Pan-seared Scallop in Chef’s Signature Sauce 经典浓汤石锅鲍翅 Braised Superior Shark’s Fin in Supreme Broth Served in Hot Stone Pot with Bacon Scallion Pencil 羊方藏鱼 Lamb Rack stuffed with Diced Fish in Feather Light Batter 或 or 西京焗鳕鱼 Baked Cod Fillet with Miso Sauce 八头鲍鱼焖面卜 Braised Mee Pok with Whole 8-Head Abalone 彩色缤纷 ܋ư৵ВЛЅưྫྷᓺഐଡ଼ຑऴڭ Kaleidoscopic Dessert Platter Combination of Fresh Fruit, Chilled Avocado Cream, Chilled Aloe Vera, Chilled Mango Puree $99.00++ per person (min. 2 persons) We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions. Please approach our Service Associates for assistance All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Subject to 10% service charge & prevailing government taxes 颂苑精品套餐 SONG GARDEN DELUXE SET 颂苑冰镇双宝 झޞѡڸВഏ೫뺮ܳᙟʷ뺮ഏʓЌͅ Treasure Platter (Chilled) Five Spiced Foie Gras, Abalone and Sake infused Crabmeat Salad 黑松露炖鲍翅 Double-boiled Superior Shark’s Fin Soup with Black Truffle 醉曲排骨 Baked Spare Ribs with Homemade Sauce 或 or 安格斯煎牛柳 Pan-seared Angus Beef Fillet 开边龙虾蒸面线 Steamed Lobster with Fine Noodle 椰皇杏汁炖官燕 Double-boiled Supreme Bird’s Nest with Almond Cream Served in Young Coconut $188.00++ per person (min. 2 persons) We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions. Please approach our Service Associates for assistance All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Subject to 10% service charge & prevailing government taxes 餐前小食 APPETIZER Ƴѝॐਹݪે௸৺ Wok-fried Carrot Cake with Signature Chilli Sauce Pictures are for illustration purposes only. 餐前小食 APPETIZER ƲΎ PER SERVING ͅВഏ೫ $26.80 Chilled Five Spices Foie Gras with Martini Sesame Biscuit ѡ $16.80ڸऋᏴਹ܌ᅠƆ Curry Crabmeat with Waldorf salad ᇔᠿ᠊ $16.80 Shredded Duck Meat with Fruit 13.80$ اġٮਹ Deep-fried Mid Wing with Prawn Taste ৹ॱɃϖʷ $12.80 Crispy Silver Bait tossed with Salt and Pepper $12.80Ⴇୟʄ Crispy Cuttlefish with Salt and Pepper ୟѱଊęૻ $12.80 Crispy Pig Intestine ВԁʄṈǼ $12.80 Jellyfish marinated in Garlic Vinaigrette ѡؠୟඵŔ $10.80 Deep-fried Egg Plant tossed with Pork Floss ரѱӳ $9.80 Preserved Egg with Ginger ᙟ౭ግ $9.80 Braised Phoenix Claw ƸŇஂඵ $9.80 Chilled Organic Cherry Tomato in Plum Sauce Ƴѝॐਹݪે௸৺ $9.80 Wok-fried Carrot Cake with Signature Chilli Sauce ֆ̇ଊʷѱ $9.80 Crispy Fish Skin coated with Golden Egg Yolk ̇Ԉઈ $9.80 Deep-fried Tofu with Salt and Pepper We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions. Please approach our Service Associates for assistance All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Subject to 10% service charge & prevailing government taxes 前菜精选 STARTERS ᠘ᜢǁ۬ႾȞ Вฏ೫뺮džƖŔЎ뺮ĥԱɭŔ Treasure Platter (Hot) Pan-seared Foie Gras in Braised Pear Sauce, Crispy Mentaiko Prawn Ball and Pan-seared Scallop on Orange Jus Pictures are for illustration purposes only. 前菜精选 STARTERS ƲΎ PER SERVING ᠘ᜢܳƁɲ $32.00 झޞѡڸВഏ೫뺮ܳᙟʷ뺮ഏʓЌͅ Treasure Platter (Chilled) Foie Gras, Abalone and Sake infused Crabmeat Salad झ $30.00ޞਹۓঙ Chilled Lobster with Homemade Sesame Sauce ᠘ᜢǁ۬ႾȞ $28.00 Вฏ೫뺮džƖŔЎ뺮ĥԱɭŔ Treasure Platter (Hot) Pan-seared Foie Gras in Braised Pear Sauce, Crispy Mentaiko Prawn Ball and Pan-seared Scallop on Orange Jus ᠘ᜢǁ۬ƁȞ $22.00 Ў뺮ɓᇊԛӳڸӘ뺮ዤޞɭŔВ൞ Treasure Platter Pan-seared Scallop with Mango Salsa, Deep-fried Yam Puff with Crab Meat in Pepper Sauce and Pan-seared Quail Eggs stuffed with Prawn Paste Вฏ೫ $18.80 Pan-seared Foie Gras with Braised Pear Sauce ĥԱЀʄƆɭŔ $16.80 Pan-seared Hokkaido Scallop on Orange Jus झ $16.80ޞѡڸഏʓЌ Sake infused Chilled Crabmeat Salad ඊˊ͊ $9.80 Prawn Duet Seasonal Price Ĵ͍ ٩ુ ڸКഏęεɓ Chilled Giant Flower Crab Teochew Style (Pre-order required) Seasonal Price Ĵ͍ ٩ુ ෯िᙟʷܳ Chilled Australian “Live” Abalone on Ice (Pre-order required) We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions. Please approach our Service Associates for assistance All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Subject to 10% service charge & prevailing government taxes 珍馐百味-官燕 BIRD’S NEST ዬᅜ౭ᄣЋි Double-boiled Supreme Bird’s Nest with Almond Cream Served in Young Coconut Pictures are for illustration purposes only. 珍馐百味-官燕 BIRD’S NEST Ʋʞ PER PAX ዬᅜ౭ᄣЋි $68.00 Double-boiled Supreme Bird’s Nest with Almond Cream Served in Young Coconut ݢЋි $68.00܉ǁ۬৩ࡿ Braised Supreme Bird’s Nest with Supreme Broth Served in Hot Stone Pot with Crispy Bacon Roll ᕛᠠᆮЋි $68.00 Braised Supreme Bird’s Nest with Crabmeat and Crab Roe ᬐЋි $68.00ڸεۢ Braised Bird’s Nest with Crab Pincer in Brown Sauce ѡ᧼Ћි $68.00ڸŀ Braised Supreme Bird’s Nest with Fresh Crabmeat ܴϩᄣЋි $68.00 Double-boiled Bird’s Nest with American Ginseng in Supreme Consommé ʸӳɃЋි $68.00ڭ Sautéed Bird’s Nest with Silken Egg White and Lily Bulbs ̇ࡿೖ̞Ћි $68.00 Braised Bird’s Nest with Shrimp and Scallop in Pumpkin Soup ᙴɓ൱Ћිᤌ $68.00ٮ Braised Bird’s Nest Soup with Fish Maw and Minced Chicken We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions. Please approach our Service Associates for assistance All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Subject to 10% service charge & prevailing government taxes 鲍鱼和海味 ABALONE & SEA TREASURES ᘸ২ϓπĂǼᙟʷ Braised 1-Head South African Abalone with Abalone Sauce Pictures are for illustration purposes only. 鲍鱼和海味 ABALONE & SEA TREASURES Ʋʞ PER PAX Ĵ͍ ٩ુ ᙟ౭২ūǕʈͅǼķલȞᙟ Braised Signature 15-Head Japanese Yoshihama Abalone Seasonal Price with Abalone Sauce (Pre-order required) ᙟ౭২ϓπĂǼᙟʷ $288.00 Braised 1-Head South African Abalone with Abalone Sauce ᙟ౭২ϓπȕǼᙟʷ $188.00 Braised 2-Head South African Abalone with Abalone Sauce ᙟ౭২ϓπƁǼᙟʷ $78.00 Braised 3-Head South African Abalone with Abalone Sauce ᙟ౭২ϓπ˗Ǽᙟʷ $58.00 Braised 4-Head South African Abalone with Abalone Sauce ᙟࡘֲрĈ $98.00 Braised Assorted Sea Treasures with Abalone Sauce ᙟ౭ɓ൱ʅʳߖϩ $68.00 Braised Fish Maw and Spiky Sea Cucumber with Abalone Sauce Ĵ͍ ٩ુ ᙟ౭২ʅશɓ൱ Braised Whole Fish Maw in Abalone Sauce (Pre-order required) Seasonal Price ᙟ౭২ϓπԗǼᙟʷ $88.00 Braised 8-Head South African Abalone with Abalone Sauce Ŕҷۢߖϩ $88.00 Stewed Spiky Sea Cucumber with Dried Sakura Shrimps and Scallion ɓ಼ࡾᄨ $58.00 Braised Goose Web with Mushroom Served in Claypot We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions. Please approach our Service Associates for assistance All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Subject to 10% service charge & prevailing government taxes 汤-羹 SOUP & BROTH ᤌݢ̇ࡿ܉ Braised Lobster with Pumpkin Puree Served in Hot Stone Pot with Crispy Bacon Roll Pictures are for illustration purposes only. 汤-羹 SOUP & BROTH Ʋʞ PER PAX ᤌ $30.00ݢ̇ࡿ܉ Braised Lobster with Pumpkin Puree Served in Hot Stone Pot with Crispy Bacon Roll ݢɓ൱ൔ߹ࡿ $28.00܉ Braised Shark’s Cartilage Soup with Fish Maw Served in Hot Stone Pot with Crispy Bacon Roll ࡿ $28.00ٮᅰɓ൱ᄣژ Double-boiled Chicken Soup with Fish Maw and Sea Whelk ࡿ $28.00ٮ࠙ཕɓ൱ᄣ֓ Double-boiled Silkie Soup with Fish Maw and Morel Mushroom ߹ࡿ $28.00ࢯऋᄣ Double-boiled Pork Ribs Herb Soup with Maka ʄᄣ̇ᮺ $19.80 Double-boiled Assorted Seafood Soup served in Whole Yellow Melon πǜߜ˩ຆ಼ࡿ $15.80 Six Senses Mushroom Soup served in Mini Pumpkin ԗɲӔޜࡿ $9.80 Imperial Hot and Sour Seafood Soup ѡᙻМʷ࠙ᤌ $9.80ڸ Sweet Corn Soup with Fish Maw and Crab Meat ĴūƳΖᄨ૽ࡿ $9.80 Chef’s special - Double-boiled Soup of the Day We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions. Please approach our Service Associates for assistance All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Subject to 10% service charge & prevailing government taxes 明炉烧烤 CANTONESE BBQ DELIGHTS ͔ѱސ Classic Suckling Pig Pictures are for illustration purposes only. 明炉烧烤 CANTONESE BBQ DELIGHTS ƲŮ ͤŮ WHOLE HALF 238.00$ ٩ુ ސѱ͔ Classic Suckling Pig (Pre-order required) 238.00$ ٩ુ ސϓņ߹ Roasted Suckling Pig with Fermented Beancurd (Pre-order required) ЀҷǦѱ $82.00 $44.00 Roasted Peking Duck ᄣ $82.00 $44.00ײܦ᠘ᜢ Song Garden Signature Roasted Duck 25.00$ 50.00$ ٮ㴶ɲǦѱ Signature Roasted Chicken on Bed of Beancurd Skin 20.00$ 40.00$ ٮ᠘ᜢීۢ Crispy Roasted Chicken ౭ၫۢ $18.00 BBQ Pork with Honey Sauce ୟѱۢѡ $12.80 Crackling Pork Belly ˊࢹָ $26.00ۢ BBQ Combination Platter (2 Varieties) We are pleased to accomodate your allergy & other dietary restrictions.
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