PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 13 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 13. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Pcca Aldh6a1 Mut Mcee Pccb Suclg1 Suclg2 Acss2 Hibch Mlycd Acacb Acss1 Sucla2 Pcca Aldh6a1 Mut Mcee Pccb Suclg1 CEM 1 (232 datasets) Suclg2 Acss2 Hibch Mlycd Acacb Acss1 Sucla2 Singletons Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:12.Predicted516.SelectedDatasets:232.Strength:9.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[K]Propanoatemetabolism",Page1 Aldh6a1 Bckdhb Bckdha Acad11 Uqcrc2 Ndufv1 Ndufa9 Ndufs1 Rmdn1 Hibadh Adhfe1 Ndufs3 Acadm Suclg2 Suclg1 Acadvl Hadhb Mccc1 Retsat Adck3 Acacb Acaa2 Echs1 Acss1 Acss2 Mlycd Decr1 Hibch Cisd1 Acat1 Vwa8 Gcdh Etfdh Mcee Hint2 Hadh Coq9 Sdhc Phyh Sdha Clybl Ech1 Pccb Pcca Cpt2 Eci1 Etfb Etfa Mut Ivd 0.0 1.0 GSE2019 [12] GSE10989 [6] GSE16110 [16] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE13302 [30] GSE13071 [15] GSE46496 [9] GSE52597 [7] GSE41759 [14] GSE7424 [8] GSE51483 [45] GSE20152 [8] GSE3126 [6] GSE15729 [15] GSE46209 [21] GSE13224 [6] GSE50813 [24] GSE13432 [12] GSE51080 [18] GSE23006 [48] GSE31208 [8] GSE43825 [31] GSE3313 [24] GSE34839 [6] GSE7111 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE10589 [6] GSE48338 [8] GSE20696 [8] GSE39766 [6] GSE13044 [59] GSE26671 [12] GSE50439 [15] GSE14891 [8] GSE52474 [154] GSE11291 [60] GSE8249 [46] GSE8044 [6] GSE23833 [12] GSE3530 [36] GSE28559 [30] GSE19668 [50] GSE39886 [24] GSE17796 [39] GSE41907 [7] GSE25295 [25] GSE42049 [8] GSE49128 [17] GSE13874 [14] GSE13873 [27] GSE3837 [12] GSE24489 [14] GSE17266 [59] GSE43779 [6] GSE3889 [20] GSE17297 [32] GSE51365 [28] GSE37546 [20] GSE10246 [182] GSE39621 [51] GSE28593 [9] GSE17794 [44] GSE17923 [6] GSE31106 [18] GSE48790 [8] GSE24243 [6] GSE43373 [130] GSE18907 [12] GSE33156 [18] GSE16675 [72] GSE9441 [36] GSE49346 [6] GSE17097 [20] GSE22086 [6] GSE46185 [6] GSE31004 [8] GSE8679 [12] GSE9368 [12] GSE4230 [8] GSE38754 [40] GSE20426 [35] GSE34351 [12] GSE28417 [12] GSE10192 [24] GSE56236 [12] GSE4671 [28] GSE9954 [70] GSE44261 [12] GSE32937 [8] GSE50794 [60] GSE1479 [36] GSE21836 [8] GSE30485 [15] GSE15315 [6] GSE20235 [6] GSE30688 [9] GSE19004 [9] GSE11186 [33] GSE17825 [18] GSE48884 [12] GSE19925 [6] GSE10525 [18] GSE28091 [12] GSE17096 [20] GSE24207 [73] GSE41925 [8] GSE16902 [21] GSE6998 [32] GSE9338 [42] GSE11990 [20] GSE25640 [12] GSE1871 [12] GSE53077 [8] GSE48811 [20] GSE14004 [9] GSE23584 [36] GSE44091 [32] GSE5500 [21] GSE33891 [19] GSE15914 [9] GSE45051 [18] GSE33341 [227] GSE5371 [8] GSE31166 [6] GSE24203 [8] GSE42877 [14] GSE44363 [16] GSE39562 [26] GSE22124 [18] GSE1986 [17] GSE19299 [6] GSE54349 [6] GSE9297 [27] GSE24625 [12] GSE9012 [10] GSE29813 [18] GSE45028 [22] GSE36826 [12] GSE20302 [12] GSE12881 [6] GSE43145 [12] GSE23408 [39] GSE18745 [6] GSE43556 [8] GSE47414 [18] GSE48935 [12] GSE59437 [30] GSE41558 [8] GSE6383 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE14769 [24] GSE1435 [27] GSE16377 [6] GSE26745 [24] GSE39273 [6] CEM+ CEM GSE23782 [18] GSE8949 [20] GSE32986 [18] GSE11628 [12] GSE13149 [25] GSE51628 [15] 0.0 GSE24695 [9] GSE8039 [32] GSE7309 [12] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE42061 [12] GSE50729 [6] GSE36513 [8] GSE3501 [6] GSE11382 [10] GSE39916 [6] 0.2 GSE3843 [8] GSE6837 [8] GSE21224 [16] GSE7487 [24] GSE58307 [20] GSE10634 [16] GSE10902 [6] GSE9566 [38] GSE8681 [25] 0.4 GSE29929 [14] GSE40156 [42] GSE27378 [8] GSE24920 [19] GSE18534 [15] GSE38574 [32] GSE43059 [8] GSE33942 [12] GSE59672 [12] 0.6 GSE11898 [9] GSE21716 [28] GSE5313 [6] GSE53986 [16] GSE8966 [12] GSE5657 [20] GSE36569 [6] GSE18224 [32] GSE9892 [12] 0.8 GSE7430 [12] GSE32095 [24] GSE27455 [12] GSE33446 [18] Score 182.94 182.96 184.83 185.63 186.07 186.82 187.46 187.83 188.44 189.05 196.35 199.86 202.64 203.04 204.09 207.08 209.07 211.10 214.23 218.28 220.30 221.01 222.29 222.29 222.62 224.99 229.13 229.20 230.41 233.48 233.64 238.69 242.18 247.54 252.37 259.01 259.18 267.72 1.0 Notes C030006K11Rik 1110001J03Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:12.Predicted516.SelectedDatasets:232.Strength:9.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[K]Propanoatemetabolism",Page2 Hsd17b10 Fam195a Chchd10 Hsd17b4 Macrod1 Ndufb11 Ndufb10 Uqcrfs1 Ehhadh Echdc3 Immp2l H2-Ke6 Ndufb3 Ndufb9 Ndufb5 Uqcr11 Ndufs8 Ndufv2 Ndufs7 Ndufa6 Ndufv3 Akr7a5 Atp5c1 Acot13 Pxmp2 Hadha Ephx2 Acox1 Acads Pank1 Fahd1 Gstk1 Oxld1 Aifm1 Ccbl2 Trap1 Gstz1 Mpc1 Sdhd Cmbl Pdk2 Cyc1 Pex7 Cbr4 Sirt3 Ak3 Fh1 Dbt 0.0 1.0 GSE2019 [12] GSE10989 [6] GSE16110 [16] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE13302 [30] GSE13071 [15] GSE46496 [9] GSE52597 [7] GSE41759 [14] GSE7424 [8] GSE51483 [45] GSE20152 [8] GSE3126 [6] GSE15729 [15] GSE46209 [21] GSE13224 [6] GSE50813 [24] GSE13432 [12] GSE51080 [18] GSE23006 [48] GSE31208 [8] GSE43825 [31] GSE3313 [24] GSE34839 [6] GSE7111 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE10589 [6] GSE48338 [8] GSE20696 [8] GSE39766 [6] GSE13044 [59] GSE26671 [12] GSE50439 [15] GSE14891 [8] GSE52474 [154] GSE11291 [60] GSE8249 [46] GSE8044 [6] GSE23833 [12] GSE3530 [36] GSE28559 [30] GSE19668 [50] GSE39886 [24] GSE17796 [39] GSE41907 [7] GSE25295 [25] GSE42049 [8] GSE49128 [17] GSE13874 [14] GSE13873 [27] GSE3837 [12] GSE24489 [14] GSE17266 [59] GSE43779 [6] GSE3889 [20] GSE17297 [32] GSE51365 [28] GSE37546 [20] GSE10246 [182] GSE39621 [51] GSE28593 [9] GSE17794 [44] GSE17923 [6] GSE31106 [18] GSE48790 [8] GSE24243 [6] GSE43373 [130] GSE18907 [12] GSE33156 [18] GSE16675 [72] GSE9441 [36] GSE49346 [6] GSE17097 [20] GSE22086 [6] GSE46185 [6] GSE31004 [8] GSE8679 [12] GSE9368 [12] GSE4230 [8] GSE38754 [40] GSE20426 [35] GSE34351 [12] GSE28417 [12] GSE10192 [24] GSE56236 [12] GSE4671 [28] GSE9954 [70] GSE44261 [12] GSE32937 [8] GSE50794 [60] GSE1479 [36] GSE21836 [8] GSE30485 [15] GSE15315 [6] GSE20235 [6] GSE30688 [9] GSE19004 [9] GSE11186 [33] GSE17825 [18] GSE48884 [12] GSE19925 [6] GSE10525 [18] GSE28091 [12] GSE17096 [20] GSE24207 [73] GSE41925 [8] GSE16902 [21] GSE6998 [32] GSE9338 [42] GSE11990 [20] GSE25640 [12] GSE1871 [12] GSE53077 [8] GSE48811 [20] GSE14004 [9] GSE23584 [36] GSE44091 [32] GSE5500 [21] GSE33891 [19] GSE15914 [9] GSE45051 [18] GSE33341 [227] GSE5371 [8] GSE31166 [6] GSE24203 [8] GSE42877 [14] GSE44363 [16] GSE39562 [26] GSE22124 [18] GSE1986 [17] GSE19299 [6] GSE54349 [6] GSE9297 [27] GSE24625 [12] GSE9012 [10] GSE29813 [18] GSE45028 [22] GSE36826 [12] GSE20302 [12] GSE12881 [6] GSE43145 [12] GSE23408 [39] GSE18745 [6] GSE43556 [8] GSE47414 [18] GSE48935 [12] GSE59437 [30] GSE41558 [8] GSE6383 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE14769 [24] GSE1435 [27] GSE16377 [6] GSE26745 [24] GSE39273 [6] CEM+ CEM GSE23782 [18] GSE8949 [20] GSE32986 [18] GSE11628 [12] GSE13149 [25] GSE51628 [15] 0.0 GSE24695 [9] GSE8039 [32] GSE7309 [12] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE42061 [12] GSE50729 [6] GSE36513 [8] GSE3501 [6] GSE11382 [10] GSE39916 [6] 0.2 GSE3843 [8] GSE6837 [8] GSE21224 [16] GSE7487 [24] GSE58307 [20] GSE10634 [16] GSE10902 [6] GSE9566 [38] GSE8681 [25] 0.4 GSE29929 [14] GSE40156 [42] GSE27378 [8] GSE24920 [19] GSE18534 [15] GSE38574 [32] GSE43059 [8] GSE33942 [12] GSE59672 [12] 0.6 GSE11898 [9] GSE21716 [28] GSE5313 [6] GSE53986 [16] GSE8966 [12] GSE5657 [20] GSE36569 [6] GSE18224 [32] GSE9892 [12] 0.8 GSE7430 [12] GSE32095 [24] GSE27455 [12] GSE33446 [18] Score 140.32 141.04 141.36 141.87 142.51 143.39 144.04 144.38 144.50 144.77 146.40 146.80 147.05 147.43 148.58 149.04 150.12 150.23 151.17 152.05 152.09 154.85 155.19 156.03 156.09 156.19 156.61 156.74 156.93 159.55 159.96 160.93 162.70 163.00 165.06 166.62 167.41 168.16 168.36 168.83 169.67 169.77 170.99 172.44 173.00 174.27 178.68 180.32 181.21 181.22 1.0 Notes Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:12.Predicted516.SelectedDatasets:232.Strength:9.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[K]Propanoatemetabolism",Page3 Tmem135 Slc25a11 Ndufaf1 Acadsb Acad10 Echdc1 Fahd2a Ndufb6 Uqcrc1 Ndufa3 Nudt12 Ndufa8 Ndufs2 Ndufc1 Pmpcb Atp5a1 Dcaf11 Pet112 Mrpl42 Amacr Atp5f1 Endog Atp5j2 Abcd3 Pdha1 Fbxo8 Tcaim Uqcrb Mipep Lace1 Gpam Ppara Grhpr Acadl Fars2 Idh3g Pyurf Apoo Hint3 Pdhb Aco2 Ppa2 Ecsit Qdpr Fdx1 Sirt5 Cluh Dlat Ddt Cat 0.0 1.0 GSE2019 [12] GSE10989 [6] GSE16110 [16] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE13302 [30] GSE13071 [15] GSE46496 [9] GSE52597 [7] GSE41759 [14] GSE7424 [8] GSE51483 [45] GSE20152 [8] GSE3126 [6] GSE15729 [15] GSE46209 [21] GSE13224 [6] GSE50813 [24] GSE13432 [12] GSE51080
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