MAI §×NH Y£N, Vò V¡N Vô, L£ §×NH L¦¥NG ThuËt ng÷ sinh häc Anh - viÖt Hµ néi - 2006 A A. flavus A. flavus AA - viÕt t¾t cña Arachidonic Acid aAI-1 aAI-1 ab initio gene prediction abambulacral thiÕu ch©n mót, thiÕu ch©n èng ABC viÕt t¾t cña Association of Biotechnology Companies ABC Transport Proteins protein vËn chuyÓn ABC ABC Transporters nh©n tè vËn chuyÓn ABC abdomen bông, phÇn bông abdominal limbs (c¸c) phÇn phô bông abdominal muscle c¬ bông abdominal pores (c¸c) lç bông abdominal reflex ph¶n x¹ bông abductor c¬ gi¹ng, c¬ duçi abiogenesis (sù) ph¸t sinh phi sinh häc abiotic (thuéc) phi sinh häc, kh«ng sèng abiotic stresses c¨ng th¼ng phi sinh häc ABO blood group substances (c¸c) chÊt nhãm m¸u ABO ABO blood group system hÖ thèng nhãm m¸u ABO abomasum d¹ mói khÕ aboral xa miÖng, ®èi miÖng abortifacient chÊt ph¸ thai abortion 1. (sù) sÈy thai, truþ thai 2. thui chét abrin abrin abscess (sù) ¸p xe abscisic acid axit abscisic abscission (sù) rông absolute configuration cÊu h×nh tuyÖt ®èi absolute refractory period thêi kú bÊt øng tuyÖt ®èi absolute threshold ng−ìng tuyÖt ®èi absorbance chÊt hÊp thô absorbed dose liÒu l−ìng hÊp thô absorption (sù) hÊp thu absorption spectrum phæ hÊp thô abundance ®é phong phó abyssal (thuéc) ®¸y biÓn s©u th¼m abyssal zone vïng n−íc s©u abyssopelagic (thuéc) vïng s©u ®¹i d−¬ng 2 abzymes abzym Ac- CoA Ac- CoA Acanthocephala ngµnh Giun ®Çu mãc acanthozooid thÓ gai Acarina bé Ve bÐt acarophily thÝch ve rÖp acarophitisrn quan hÖ céng sinh ve-rÖp acaulescent (cã) th©n ng¾n acauline kh«ng th©n acaulose kh«ng th©n acceptor junction site ®iÓm liªn kÕt accept¬ accession thªm vµo, bæ sung accessorius 1. c¬ phô 2. d©y thÇn kinh phô accessory bud chåi phô accessory cell 1. tÕ bµo phô, tÕ bµo kÌm, trî bµo accessory chromosome nhiÔm s¾c thÓ phô accessory glands (c¸c) tuyÕn phô accessory hearts (c¸c) tim phô accessory nipple gai phô accessory pigments (c¸c) s¾c tè phô accessory pulsatory organs (c¸c) c¬ quan co bãp phô Accipitriformes bé Chim −ng acclimation (sù) thÝch nghi m«i tr−êng, thuÇn ho¸ ACC ACC ACC Synthase Synthaza ACC ACCase ACCaza acceptor control ®iÒu khiÓn b»ng accept¬ acclimatization khÝ hËu ho¸, thuÇn ho¸ ACE ACE ACE Inhibitors chÊt øc chÕ ACE Acephalous kh«ng ®Çu acclimatization. (sù) thuÇn ho¸ accommodation (sù) thÝch nghi, thÝch øng accretion (sù) båi thªm, sinh tr−ëng thªm acellular v« bµo, phi bµo, kh«ng tÕ bµo acentric kh«ng trung tiÕt, kh«ng t©m ®éng acentrous kh«ng th©n cét sèng adoral gÇn miÖng, bªn miÖng ADP viÕt t¾t cña Adenosine Diphosphate adrectal gÇn ruét th¼ng, bªn ruét th¼ng adrenal gÇn thËn, (thuéc) tuyÕn trªn thËn, tuyÕn th−îng thËn adrenal cortex vá tuyÕn trªn thËn, vá tuyÕn th−îng thËn 3 adrenal gland tuyÕn th−îng thËn adrenal medulla tuû tuyÕn trªn thËn, tuû tuyÕn th−îng thËn adrenaline adrenalin adrenergic g©y tiÕt d¹ng adrenalin, gi¶i phãng d¹ng adrenalin adrenergic fibres sîi t¸c ®éng kiÓu adrenalin adrenocortical function chøc n¨ng vá trªn thËn adrenocorticotrophic hormone hormon vá trªn thËn adrenogenital syndrome héi chøng sinh dôc trªn thËn adrenoreceptor thô quan adrenalin adult period of development giai ®o¹n tr−ëng thµnh cña sù ph¸t triÓn adult stem cell tÕ bµo gèc tr−ëng thµnh adventitia 1. cÊu tróc phô, cÊu tróc bÊt ®Þnh 2. ¸o vá adventitious 1. (thuéc) ¸o vá 2. l¹c chç, bÊt ®Þnh adventive ngo¹i lai, mäc tù nhiªn advertisement (sù) qu¶ng c¸o, mêi gäi, b¸o hiÖu aedeagus thÓ giao cÊu, d−¬ng cô, d−¬ng hµnh aegithognathous (cã) hµm-vßm miÖng rêi aeration of soil (sù) tho¸ng khÝ cña ®Êt aerenchyma m« khÝ acervulate (cã) bã cuèng acervulus bã cuèng acetabular bone x−¬ng kh«ng èng acetabulum 1. miÖng gi¸c 2. lç ch©n 3. æ khíp 4. mói nhau acetic fermentation lªn men axetic acetolactate synthase synthase acetolactat acetyl carnitine acetyl carnitin acetyl CoA acetyl CoA acetyl co-enzyme a acetyl co-enzym a acetylation acetyl ho¸ acetylcholin acetycholin acetylcholinesterase acetylcholinesteraza acetyl-coa acetyl-coa acetyl-coa carboxylase acetyl-coa carboxylaza achaeriocarp qu¶ ®ãng achene qu¶ ®ãng Achilles tendon g©n Achilles achlorhydria (sù) thiÕu toan dÞch vÞ achondroplasia (chøng) lo¹n s¶n sôn achondroplastic (thuéc) (chøng) lo¹n s¶n sôn achroglobin globulin kh«ng mµu acicular 1. (cã) d¹ng gai 2. d¹ng gai aciculum l«ng cøng gèc 4 acid axit acid-base balance c©n b»ng axit baz¬ acid deposition kÕt tña axit acid rain m−a axit acid soil complex phøc hîp ®Êt axit acid-base metabolism trao ®æi baz¬-axit acidic fibroblast growth factor (AFGF) nh©n tè sinh tr−ëng nguyªn bµo sîi axit acidosis (sù) nhiÔm axit, sinh axit acidyty ®é axit, tÝnh axit, ®é chua acinar cells tÕ bµo tuyÕn phÕ nang aciniform (cã) d¹ng chïm qu¶ acinostele bã m¹ch d¹ng chïm acne môn trøng c¸ acoelomate kh«ng khoang, thiÕu khoang acoelomate triploblastica ®éng vËt ba l¸ ph«i kh«ng thÓ khoang acoelomatous kh«ng khoang, thiÕu khoang acoelous kh«ng khoang ruét, thiÕu khoang ruét acontia d©y t¬ vÞ Ac-P Ac-P ACP (acyl carrier protein) protein mang acyl acquired behaviour tËp tÝnh thu ®−îc, tËp tÝnh m¾c ph¶i acquired character tÝnh tr¹ng tËp nhiÔm acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) héi chøng thiÓu n¨ng miÔn dÞch tËp nhiÔm (AIDS) acquired immunity miÔn dÞch tËp nhiÔm, miÔn dÞch thu ®−îc acquired immunodeficiency syndrome héi chøng thiÕu hôt miÔn dÞch tËp nhiÔm acquired mutation ®ét biÕn tËp nhiÔm acquired variation biÕn dÞ tËp nhiÔm acrania líp kh«ng sä Acrasiomycetes líp Acrasiomycetes, líp Mèc nhÇy tÕ bµo acriflavine acriflavin acrocarp thÓ qu¶ ngän acrocentric t©m ë ®Çu, t©m ë ngän, nhiÔm s¾c thÓ t©m ngän acrodont (cã) r¨ng ®Ønh acromegaly bÖnh to ®Çu ngãn acromial (thuéc) mám b¶ acromion mám b¶ acron vïng trªn miÖng acropetal h−íng ngän acropodium phÇn ngãn acrosomal (thuéc) thÓ ®Ønh 5 acrosome thÓ ®Ønh acrosome reaction ph¶n øng thÓ ®Ønh acrotrophic dinh d−ìng ë cùc trªn acrylamide gel electrophoresis (phÐp) ®iÖn di trªn gel acrylamid ACTH hormon kÝch vá th−îng thËn, ACTH actinic radiations bøc x¹ quang ho¸ actinin actinin actinobiology sinh häc bøc x¹ actinoid (cã) d¹ng to¶ tia, (cã) d¹ng sao actinomorphic (cã) d¹ng to¶ tia, ®èi xøng to¶ tia Actinomycetales bé KhuÈn tia Actinopterygii phô líp C¸ v©y tia Actinozoa líp San h« acrylamide gel gel acrylamid ACTH viÕt t¾t cña AdrenoCorticoTropic Hormone (corticotropin) actin actin actinal (thuéc) tÊm to¶ tia action potential thÕ ho¹t ®éng action spectrum quang phæ ho¹t ®éng activated (®−îc) kÝch ho¹t, ®−îc ho¹t ho¸ activation (sù) ho¹t ho¸, kÝch ho¹t activation domain of transcription factor vïng ho¹t ho¸ cña c¸c yÕu tè phiªn m∙ activation effects of hormones hiÖu qu¶ t¸c ®éng cña hormon activation energy n¨ng l−îng ho¹t ho¸ activator 1. phÇn tö kÝch thÝch 2. chÊt kÝch thÝch activator (of enzyme) chÊt ho¹t ho¸ (enzym) activator (of gene) nh©n tè ho¹t ho¸ (gen) active chromatin chÊt nhiÔm s¾c ho¹t ®éng active site vÞ trÝ ho¹t ®éng, ®iÓm ho¹t ®éng active space kh«ng gian ho¹t ®éng active transport vËn chuyÓn tÝch cùc activity ho¹t ®é, ®é phãng x¹ Aculeata nhãm Cã vßi acuminate thu«n dµi, nhän mòi active transport vËn chuyÓn tÝch cùc, vËn chuyÓn chñ ®éng activity coefficient hÖ sè ho¹t tÝnh activity-based screening sµng läc dùa trªn ho¹t tÝnh acuminulate thu«n dµi, nhän mòi acupuncture sù ch©m cøu acurontm gene gen acuron acute 1. s¾c nhän 2. cÊp tÝnh 6 acute anterior poliomyelitis viªm tuû x¸m sõng tr−íc cÊp tÝnh acute inflammatory recaction ph¶n øng viªm ¸c tÝnh acute phase substances (c¸c) chÊt giai ®o¹n cÊp acute transfection l©y truyÒn cÊp acylcarnitine transferase acylcarnitin transferaza acyl-CoA axyl - CoA acylic xÕp xo¾n Adam’s apple tr¸i t¸o Adam, tr¸i lé hÇu adambulacral bªn ch©n mót, c¹nh ch©n mót adaptation (sù) thÝch nghi adaptation of the eye (sù) thÝch nghi cña m¾t adaptive radiation ph¸t to¶ thÝch nghi adaptor hypothesis gi¶ thuyÕt thÝch øng adaxial h−íng trôc ADBF viÕt t¾t cña Azurophil-Derived Bactericidal Factor addict ng−êi nghiÖn, con nghiÖn Addison’s anaemia (bÖnh) thiÕu m¸u Addison Additive experiment thÝ nghiÖm bæ sung additive genetic variance ph−¬ng sai di truyÒn céng hîp adductor c¬ khÐp adeiphous (cã) bã chØ nhÞ adendritic kh«ng nh¸nh, kh«ng ®ät adenine adenin 6- Aminopurin adenitis viªm tuyÕn adenoid h¹ch adenopathy bÖnh h¹ch, bÖnh tuyÕn adenosine diphosphat ADP adenosine monophosphat AMP adenosine triphosphate adenosin triphotphat adenyl cyclase adenyl cyclaza adhesion (sù) dÝnh b¸m adhesion plaque tÊm dÝnh adhesive tuyÕn b¸m adipocyte tÕ bµo mì adipose tissue m« mì adaptation thÝch nghi, thÝch øng adaptive enzymes enzym thÝch øng adaptive mutation ®ét biÕn thÝch øng adaptor adaptor, adapt¬ additive genes (c¸c) gen céng hîp additive variance biÕn dÞ céng hîp adenilate cyclase cyclaza adenilat 7 adenine adenin adenosine adenosin adenosine diphosphate (ADP) diphosphat adenosin adenosine monophosphate (AMP) monophosphat adenosin adenosine triphosphate (ATP) triphosphat adenosin adenovirus adenovirut adequate intake (ai) hÊp thu phï hîp adhesion molecule ph©n tö b¸m adhesion protein protein b¸m adipocytes tÕ bµo t¹o mì adipocytokines ph©n bµo mì adipokines adipokin (hormon do c¸c tÕ bµo adipoza tiÕt ra) adiponectin tuyÕn mì adipose bÐo, chøa mì, adipoza adipose triglyceride lipase lipaza triglycerid bÐo adjuvants chÊt bæ trî, phô gia, t¸ d−îc adlacrimal x−¬ng lÖ gi¶ ADME tests phÐp thö ADME ADME/Tox phÐp thö ADME/Tox (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Elimination, and Toxicity, ®èi víi mét chÊt ®−a vµo c¬ thÓ) adnate dÝnh bªn, g¾n bªn adoptive cellular therapy phÐp trÞ liÖu b»ng tÕ bµo m−în adoptive immunization g©y miÔn dÞch b»ng tÕ bµo m−în ADP viÕt t¾t cña Adenosine DiPhosphate adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin)
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