Bangor University DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Style in the vernacular and on the radio: code-switching and mutation as stylistic and social markers in Welsh Prys, Myfyr Award date: 2016 Awarding institution: Bangor University Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 06. Oct. 2021 Style in the vernacular and on the radio: code-switching and mutation as stylistic and social markers in Welsh Myfyr Prys School of Linguistics and English language Bangor University PhD 2016 Abstract This thesis seeks to analyse two types of linguistic features of Welsh, code-switching and mutation, as sociolinguistic variables: features which encode social information about the speaker and/or stylistic meaning. Developing a study design that incorporates an analysis of code-switching and mutation in naturalistic speech has demanded a relatively novel methodological approach. The study combined a variationist analysis of the vernacular use of both variables in the 40-hour Siarad corpus (Deuchar 2014) with a technique that ranks radio programmes in order of formality through the use of channel cues and other criteria (Ball et al 1988). This allows for a comparison of the use of code-switching and mutation in multiple stylistic contexts, each of which show varying degrees of emotional engagement and self- monitoring by speakers. The analysis found that code-switching was strongly correlated with the level of formality of each radio programme, and that at least one aspirate mutation trigger, (a), also patterned in a similar way. Some other mutation triggers, most notably including the nasal possessive trigger (fy), seemed to be primarily affected by the speakers’ backgrounds and their relative ages in particular. A qualitative analysis of the type of discourse found in each radio programme made further links between the institutional style of each programme and their use of the stylistically controlled ‘marker’ variables, with non-standard variants appearing to be indexical of solidarity, subversion and irony, while standard variants indexed prestige, authority and earnestness. 1 Acknowledgment Gyntaf oll, hoffwn i ddiolch i fy ngoruchwyliwr Peredur Davies am ei amynedd hirfaith wrth i’r doethuriaeth yma fynd drwy sawl iteriad gwahanol, ac am ei holl gyngor craff a threiddgar. Hoffwn i hefyd ddiolch i Margaret Deuchar, y person ddaru fy nechrau i ym myd ieithyddiaeth, ac a roddodd yr hyder i mi gario ymlaen. Diolch hefyd i fy rhieni a ‘nheulu am fy nghefnogi mewn mwy nac un ffordd drwy gydol y broses. Diolch i Ros Temple am y geiriau o gefnogaeth yn gynnar ymlaen, ac yn enwedig am fy nghyflwyno i waith yr anwogawn Eckert. Diolch i holl gyfranwyr BBC Radio Cymru, nid yn unig am fod yn ffynhonnell ddata gwerth chweil, ond am greu cynnwys diddorol, modern, gwych - rydych chi’n haeddu pob canmoliaeth. Diolch i Fraibet Avaledo, Alberto Rosignoli, Sarah Cooper, Hanna Binks a phawb arall o adran Ieithyddiaeth Bangor ddoe a heddiw, a roddodd eu hamser i drafod materion academaidd diflas gyda fi. Finally, thanks to Rebecca for all the moral and emotional support over these last years. Where would I be without you? Go raibh maith agat. 2 Declaration and Consent Details of the Work I hereby agree to deposit the following item in the digital repository maintained by Bangor University and/or in any other repository authorized for use by Bangor University. Author Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………. Supervisor/Department: .................................................................................................................. 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