Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) PEER REVIEW IMPACT FACTOR ISSN VOL- VII ISSUE- II FEBRUARY 2020 e-JOURNAL 6.293 2349-638x Social Security of Minority in India Dr. Saroj Aglave Asso Professor and head Deptt of Sociology, Mahila College, Nagpur, India, Introduction: and international co-operation and is accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the he Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of T economic, social, and cultural rights indispensable India has notified that Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, for his dignity and the free development of his Christians, Zoroastrians and Jains are minority personality.”[2] communities in India. According to census 2011 of The ILO Social Security (Minimum India, total 20.20% people belongs to minority. The Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102), is the religion wise population of minority in India is, flagship of all ILO social security Conventions, as it Muslim 17.22 crore (14.23%), Christian 2.78 crore is the only international instrument, based on basic (2.30%), Sikhs 2.08 crore (1.72%), Buddhist 0.84 social security principles, that establishes worldwide- crore (0.70%), Jains 0.45 crore (0.37%), and other agreed minimum standards for all nine branches of religion 0.79 crore (0.66%). It shows that, social security. [3] Muslimsare the largest and most important minority In this paper, I tried to bring reality what is community in India.Social security of minority is a social security in India for minorities and whether it basic question, which is related to human is implemented properly or not. rights.Minority community cannot be deprived from Concept of Social Security: the basic human needs. But the reality is that the While several of the provisions to which the majority community tried to take all the benefits of concept refers have a long history (especially in poor the Government and they oppressed and suppressed relief), the notion of „social security‟ itself is a fairly the minority people. Hence the conditions of recent one. In a speech to mark the independence of minority community in India and other countries are Venezuela, Simon Bolivar of (1819) pronounced: very critical. It is the duty of Government to provide "The most perfect system of government is that social security to the minority people. Otherwise, it which produces the greatest amount of happiness, the becomes very difficult for minority to sustain their greatest amount of social security and the greatest life. amount of political stability."[4] The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Early welfare programs in Europe included (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of the English Poor Law of 1601, which gave parishes human rights. Drafted by representatives with the responsibility for providing poverty relief different legal and cultural backgrounds from all assistance to the poor. [5].This system was regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed substantially modified by the 19th-century Poor Law by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on Amendment Act., which introduced the system of 10 December 1948 (General Assembly Resolution- workhouses. 217-A) as a common standard of achievements for In the 20th century two concepts of social all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first security emerged in Europe, the insurance concept time, fundamental human rights to be universally and the redistribution concept. It was predominantly protected.[1] Social security is asserted in Article 22 in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that an of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The organized system of state welfare provision was Right to Social Security is the title of this Article. introduced in many countries. The insurance concept According to Article 22, “Every one, as a was introduced by Otto Von Bismarck, Chancellor of member of society, has the right, to social security the Germany, introduced this type of social and is entitled to realization, through national effort protection for the working classes in 1883. In Great Email id’s:- [email protected],[email protected] I Mob.08999250451 Page No. website :- www.aiirjournal.com 64 Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) PEER REVIEW IMPACT FACTOR ISSN VOL- VII ISSUE- II FEBRUARY 2020 e-JOURNAL 6.293 2349-638x Britain the liberal government of Henry Campbell- In simple terms, the signatories agree that the Bannerman and David Lloyd George introduced the society in which a person lives should help them to National Insurance system in 1911, a system later develop and to make the most of all the advantages expanded by Clement Attlee.[6] During the World (culture, work, Social welfare) which are offered to War II, the British reformer Lord Beveridge them in the country.[10] developed the redistribution concept of social Social security may also refer to the action security. The United States did not have an organized programs of an organization intended to promote the welfare system until the Great Depression, when welfare of the population through assistance emergency relief measures were introduced under measures guaranteeing access to sufficient resources President Franklin Roosevelt.Even then, Roosevelt's for food and shelter and to promote health and well- New Deal focused predominantly on a program of being for the population at large and potentially providing work and stimulating the economy through vulnerable segments such as children, the elderly, the public spending on projects, rather than on cash sick and the unemployed. Services providing social payment. security are often called social services. Survival Social security protection is clearly defined beyond a prescribed age, to be covered by old age in ILO Conventions. Broadly defined as a system of pensions.[11] People who cannot reach a guaranteed contribution based health, pension and social minimum for other reasons may be eligible unemployment protection, along with tax-financed for social assistance or welfare. social benefits, social security has become a Modern authors often consider the ILO universal challenge in a globalizing world. approach too narrow.[12] In their view, social According to I.L.O, “Social security is the security is not limited to the provision of cash protection which society provides for its members transfers, but also aims at security of work, health, through a series of public measure, against the and social participation; and new social risks (single economic, social distress that otherwise would be parenthood, the reconciliation of work and family caused by the stoppage or substantial prediction of life) should be included in the list as well. earning resulting from sickness, maternity, employment, injury, unemployment, invalidity, old Social security may refer to: age and death.”[7] 1. Social insurance where people receive Social security is any government system benefits or services in recognition of that provides monetary assistance to people with an contributions to an insurance program. These inadequate or no income.[8] In the United States, this services typically include provision for is usually called welfare or a social safety net, retirement pensions, disability, insurance especially when talking about Canada and European survivor benefits and unemployment countries.Terminology in this area is somewhat insurance. different in United States from in the rest of the 2. Services provided by government or English-speaking world. The general term for an designated agencies responsible for social action program in support of the well-being of poor security provision. In different countries, that people in the United States is welfare program, and may include medical care, financial support the general term for all such programs is during unemployment, sickness, or simply welfare. In American society, the retirement, health and safety at work, aspects term welfare arguably has negative connotations. In of social work and even industrial relations. the United States, the term Social Security refers to 3. Basic security irrespective of participation in the US Social Insurance program for all retired and specific insurance programs where eligibility disabled people.[9] Elsewhere the term is used in a may otherwise be an issue. For instance, much broader sense, referring to the economic assistance given to newly arrived refugees security society offers when people are faced with for basic necessities such as food, clothing, certain risks. housing, education, money, and medical care. Email id’s:- [email protected],[email protected] I Mob.08999250451 Page No. website :- www.aiirjournal.com 65 Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) PEER REVIEW IMPACT FACTOR ISSN VOL- VII ISSUE- II FEBRUARY 2020 e-JOURNAL 6.293 2349-638x A report published by the ILO in 2014 Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities, estimated that only 27% of the world's population representation of the Anglo-Indian community, has access to comprehensive social security.[13] It protection and preservation of non-Muslim shrines in means rest of the world‟s population does not have Pakistan and Muslim shrines in India in terms of the access to comprehensive social security. But the Pant-Mirza Agreement of 1955, in consultation with condition of minority community regarding access to the Ministry of External.[16] The Minister in charge comprehensive social security is pitiable. Being a is also Chairperson of the Central Wakf Council of minority in the country,
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