E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1997 No. 36 Senate The Senate met at 10:30 a.m. and was Senate Joint Resolution 23, the Leahy RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME called to order by the President pro resolution. Following debate on these The PRESIDING OFFICER. If the tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. resolutions, Senators should anticipate Senator will suspend, under the pre- stacked rollcall votes at approximately vious order the leadership time is re- PRAYER 11:30. served. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John Following disposition of these resolu- f Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: tions, the Senate may proceed to either Sovereign God, we submit our lives the certification of Mexico or the nom- APPOINTMENT OF AN INDE- to Your authority. Fill our minds with ination of Merrick Garland. Additional PENDENT COUNSEL TO INVES- clear convictions that You are in votes are, therefore, possible during to- TIGATE ALLEGATIONS OF ILLE- charge of our lives and our work today. day’s session following the stacked GAL FUNDRAISING We commit it all to You. votes. Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, under May this commitment result in a The majority leader has asked me to the previous order, we now have an new, positive attitude that exudes joy remind Senators that this is the last hour of debate equally divided, and I and hope about what You are going to week prior to our adjournment for the have been designated as the manager do today and in the future. We leave 2-week Easter recess, so he would ap- to control the time on this side. I do the results completely in Your hands. preciate Senators continuing to co- not see a colleague yet who will con- Our need is not to get control of our operate and adjusting their schedules trol the time on the other side. lives, but to commit our lives to Your accordingly for the scheduling of legis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under control. You know what You are doing lation and votes. the previous order, the Senate will now and will only what is best for us and I thank my colleagues for their at- proceed to Senate Joint Resolution 22 our Nation. tention. for 1 hour, with 30 minutes under the There is nothing that can happen control of the distinguished Senator from Utah, 20 minutes under the con- that You cannot use to deepen our re- f lationship with You. So when success trol of Senator LEAHY, and 10 minutes comes, help us to develop an attitude under the control of Senator BYRD. UNANIMOUS-CONSENT AGREE- The clerk will report. of gratitude. When difficulties arise, MENT—NOMINATION OF MERRICK The legislative clerk read as follows: help us immediately turn to You and B. GARLAND A joint resolution (S.J. Res. 22) to express receive from You an attitude of for- the sense of the Congress concerning the ap- titude. Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, as in executive session, I ask unanimous plication by the Attorney General for the ap- We place our hands in Yours and ask pointment of an independent counsel to in- You to lead us. Through our Lord and consent that at 3 o’clock today the vestigate allegations of illegal fundraising in Savior. Amen. Senate proceed to executive session to the 1996 Presidential election campaign. consider the nomination of Merrick B. f The Senate resumed consideration of Garland, to be U.S. circuit judge, and the joint resolution. RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING for it to be considered under the fol- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- MAJORITY LEADER lowing time agreement: 3 hours equally ator from Utah. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The divided in the usual form. I further ask Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, some able acting majority leader is recog- unanimous consent that immediately general observations prior to getting nized. following the expiration or yielding into the details of this resolution, I f back of the debate time, the Senate think, are in order. As this matter has proceed to a vote on the confirmation come before the Nation in the form of SCHEDULE of the nomination, and immediately press reports, television commentary, Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, on be- following that vote, the President be newspaper analyses, et cetera, some- half of the majority leader, I announce immediately notified of the Senate’s thing that is very disturbing to me has that today the Senate will resume con- action and the Senate resume legisla- happened. That is, a single cloak of sideration of Senate Joint Resolution tive business. suspicion regarding illegalities and im- 22, the independent counsel resolution. It is my understanding this has been proprieties has been cast over all as- By previous order, from 10:30 a.m. to cleared on the Democratic side. pects of anything relating to campaign 11:30 a.m., the Senate will conclude de- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. financing, campaign fundraising, and bate on Senate Joint Resolution 22, the HAGEL). Without objection, it is so or- campaign expenditures. Somehow, any- independent counsel resolution, and dered. thing related to raising money or ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2491 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:17 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S19MR7.REC S19MR7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S2492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 19, 1997 spending money in a campaign has now that went into bringing people into the tion perfectly clear that I do not think become tainted, and we find people in White House, whether it is for over- we should appoint an independent the press and people in this Chamber nights in the Lincoln bedroom, orga- counsel because people in the press, or casting aspersions that, in my view, nized and orchestrated by the Presi- people in this Chamber, get all exer- are inappropriate and uncalled for. dent’s own hand, or for the coffees, as cised about activities in the three I would like to set the terms of the they were called, has reached a level of areas I have just described. None of discussion in this fashion. I suggest unprecedented pattern of activity, and them is serious enough to justify an that, of course, the first dividing line is I consider it to be inappropriate. independent counsel. Let’s focus on the between that which is legal and that I will stipulate that it apparently fourth area I have described, which I which is illegal. Many times in the was not illegal. That does not mean we consider to be the truly sinister areas. press reports no one is making this di- should not comment about it, we Mr. President, with that general viding line. They are attacking any- should not express our opinions about statement and overview, I am prepared thing dealing with fundraising as if it its appropriateness. But, clearly, it now to turn to my colleague from were all the same and all in the same does not call for the appointment of an Michigan and yield such time to him as pot. We should make it clear, we independent counsel. It is something he may require from his 30 minutes so should understand that many of the we can talk about in the political that we keep the time balanced in this things that are done for political fund- arena. It is on the legal side of the line. debate. raising are perfectly legal and, in my If we think it is inappropriate, we Mr. LEVIN. I thank my friend from view, perfectly appropriate, while there should say so. If we think the pattern Utah. are other things that are clearly ille- of activity in this area is just over- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- gal, and obviously anything illegal is whelmingly improper, we have the ator from Michigan. not appropriate. right to say so. But we must recognize, Mr. LEVIN. I thank the Senator for If I may, I was disturbed by some of once again, that some of that activity his invariable courtesy. I ask unani- the comments made on this floor with may clearly not have been illegal. mous consent that I be yielded 10 min- respect to the actions of the majority Drawing the line and coming over to utes. Senator LEAHY is not yet here, leader, primarily by the minority lead- the side of that which is illegal, I find, but I ask that, I am sure with his ap- er. The suggestion was left in the once again, there are degrees of ille- proval. minds of some people that the majority gality. Let me give you an example The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without leader was being accused of doing that has been heavily reported in the objection, it is so ordered. something illegal or improper by urg- press: the receipt of a $50,000 check by Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, we will be ing people to attend a Republican fund- Maggie Williams, the chief of staff to voting on two resolutions later this raiser and urging people to support the the First Lady, while Ms. Williams was morning. The first resolution, that of Republican Party. Not only was it not in the White House. That apparently is the majority leader, is a clearly par- illegal nor was it improper, it was per- illegal. tisan document, for a number of rea- fectly appropriate for the majority Naturally, we take breaking of the sons which I will get into in a moment.
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