SEPA Environmental Checklist September 2020 I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) I-405 Bus Rapid Transit SEPA Environmental Checklist September 2020 Prepared for: Sound Transit 401 South Jackson Street Seattle, Washington 98104 Prepared by: WSP USA 999 Third Avenue, Suite 3200 Seattle, Washington 98104 and ESA 5309 Shilshole Avenue NW, Suite 200 Seattle, Washington 98107 Page i | AE 0054-17 | SEPA Environmental Checklist September 2020 I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Table of Contents ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................V PROJECT OVERVIEW ...............................................................................................................VII A BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................ 1 B ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS .................................................................................... 20 1. Earth .................................................................................................................... 20 2. Air ........................................................................................................................ 27 3. Water ................................................................................................................... 29 4. Plants .................................................................................................................. 42 5. Animals ................................................................................................................ 50 6. Energy and Natural Resources ........................................................................... 53 7. Environmental Health .......................................................................................... 53 8. Land and Shoreline Use ...................................................................................... 68 9. Housing ............................................................................................................... 81 10. Aesthetics ............................................................................................................ 81 11. Light and Glare .................................................................................................... 89 12. Recreation ........................................................................................................... 93 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation ....................................................................... 94 14. Transportation ................................................................................................... 103 15. Public Services .................................................................................................. 118 16. Utilities ............................................................................................................... 121 C SIGNATURE ................................................................................................................. 128 GLOSSARY OF TERMS .......................................................................................................... 135 Page ii | AE 0054-17 | SEPA Environmental Checklist September 2020 I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Tables Table 1 I-405 BRT project components – Potential approvals and permits prior to construction ........................................................................................................... 6 Table 2 I-405 BRT project components: Address and Section/Township/Range ............. 19 Table 3 I-405 BRT project components: Slopes ............................................................... 20 Table 4 I-405 BRT project components: Types of soils .................................................... 21 Table 5 Nearest surface waters to project components ................................................... 30 Table 6 Wetland characteristics, rating, and applicable buffer distances in the Tukwila International Boulevard BRT Station and Roadway Improvements vicinity .................................................................................................................. 33 Table 7 Wetland characteristics, rating, and applicable buffer distances in the Brickyard Station and Roadway Improvements vicinity ....................................... 34 Table 8 Summary of new or reduced impervious surface area by project component ..... 40 Table 9 Stormwater management facilities summary ....................................................... 41 Table 10 Estimated vegetation and tree removal by project component ............................ 49 Table 11 Nearest federally listed and state protected species to project components ....... 51 Table 12 Current and adjacent land uses by project component ....................................... 69 Table 13 Current land ownership, long-term land use and temporary use of WSDOT right-of-way by project component ...................................................................... 70 Table 14 Existing structures on the South Renton Transit Center site ............................... 74 Table 15 Comprehensive Plan designation for each project component ........................... 77 Table 16 Proposed structure heights and building materials .............................................. 82 Table 17 Recorded place names within the vicinity of the South Renton Transit Center and Roadway Improvements project component ................................................ 98 Table 18 Recorded place names within the vicinity of the Bellevue Transit Center and Off-site Layover project component..................................................................... 99 Table 19 Recorded place names within the vicinity of the Totem Lake/Kingsgate Station and Kingsgate Park-and-Ride Garage project component .................... 100 Table 20 Recorded place names within the Brickyard Station and Roadway Improvements project component ..................................................................... 101 Page iii | AE 0054-17 | SEPA Environmental Checklist September 2020 I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Attachments Attachment A Figures Attachment B I-405 BRT Project Conceptual Engineering Plans – Excerpted Design Sheets Attachment C I-405 BRT Corridor Ecosystem Resources and Wetland Delineation Technical Memorandum Attachment D I-405 BRT Corridor Hazardous Materials Technical Memorandum Attachment E I-405 BRT Corridor Noise and Vibration Technical Memorandum Attachment F I-405 BRT Corridor Visual and Aesthetic Resources Technical Memorandum Attachment G I-405 BRT Corridor Historic and Archaeological Resources Technical Memorandum Attachment H I-405 BRT Corridor Transportation Technical Report Page iv | AE 0054-17 | SEPA Environmental Checklist September 2020 I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ASL air space lease BAT business access and transit BMP best management practice BRT bus rapid transit BTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes CPTED crime prevention through environmental design DAHP Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation dBA A-weighted decibel DCE Documented Categorical Exclusion Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology EDNA Environmental Designations for Noise Abatement ESA environmental site assessment ESO Environmental Services Office ETL express toll lane FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration GHG greenhouse gas HGM hydrogeomorphic hp horsepower KCWD King County Water District LOS level-of-service LUST leaking underground storage tanks MP mile post MSAT Mobile Source Air Toxics MTCA Model Toxics Control Act NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NRHP National Register of Historic Places PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PCB polychlorinated biphenyls PHS Priority Habitat and Species ppm parts per million Project I-405 Bus Rapid Transit Project PSCAA Puget Sound Clean Air Agency PSE Puget Sound Energy SCL Seattle City Light SEPA State Environmental Policy Act SR State Route TCAL temporary construction air space lease TIBS Tukwila International Boulevard light rail station TMC Tukwila Municipal Code TOD transit-oriented development TSP transit signal priority TVM ticket vending machine VMT vehicle miles traveled WAC Washington Administrative Code Page v | AE 0054-17 | SEPA Environmental Checklist September 2020 I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) WDFW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife WRIA Water Resource Inventory Area WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation Page vi | AE 0054-17 | SEPA Environmental Checklist September 2020 I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) PROJECT OVERVIEW Sound Transit proposes to implement the I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project, providing BRT service for 37 miles between Lynnwood and Burien, along portions of I-5, I-405, State Route (SR) 518, and some local arterial streets. The proposed I-405 BRT project addressed in this SEPA Checklist includes construction and operation of the following components (Figure A-1): • Burien Transit Center BRT station and roadway improvements • New Tukwila International Boulevard BRT station and roadway improvements • New South Renton Transit Center and roadway improvements • Bellevue Transit Center BRT station and off-site layover • New Totem Lake/Kingsgate BRT station and new Kingsgate Park-and-Ride garage • New Brickyard BRT station and roadway improvements • Lynnwood City Center BRT station and roadway improvements A variety of bicycle and pedestrian
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