Vector Signal Analyzer FSE-B7 for Spectrum Analyzers FSE Universal demodulation, analysis and documentation of digital and analog mobile radio signals For all major mobile radio commu- For all common digital and analog Optimum representation of results: nication standards: modulation modes: • In-phase and quadrature signals • GSM/DCS1800/PCS1900 •BPSK • Magnitude, phase • NADC • QPSK, OQPSK • Eye and trellis diagrams • TETRA • π/4 DQPSK • Vector diagram •PDC • 8PSK, 8DPSK • Constellation diagram •PHS •(G)MSK • Table with modulation errors •DECT •(G)FSK • Demodulated bit stream • QCDMA (IS95) •4FSK •16QAM •AM/FM/ϕM Characteristics Q-CDMA PHP ISM WLAN GSM DCS 1800/1900 DAB NADC TFTS DECT SATELLITE RADAR MICROWAVE LINKS FSEA 20 Q FSEB 20 FSEM 20 90° FSEK 20 A DSP D FSEA 30 Memory IF filter 20 to Dig LO FSEB 30 25.6 MHz FSEM 30 I FSEK 30 20 Hz 9 kHz 1 GHz 2 GHz 3.5 GHz 7 GHz 26.5 40 GHz The vector signal analyzer option can be used Operating principle of Vector Signal with all analyzers of the FSE family to cover the Analyzer Option FSE-B7 frequency range up to 40 GHz for future-oriented applications Universal analysis of digital deviation or modulation depth, this Efficient in production mobile radio signals option also allows measurements of fre- quency transients or spurious FM on The high measurement speed of 25 The vector signal analyzer option synthesizers or transmitters. sweeps/s in the analyzer mode and upgrades the high-quality Spectrum typically 3 measurements/s using the Analyzers FSE, adding universal Since option FSE-B7 can analyze ana- vector signal analyzer function is ideal demodulation and analysis capability log and digital modulation signals, it is for applications in production. The high down to bit stream level for digital an ideal tool for use in development flexibility allows multistandard test sys- mobile radio signals. The option sup- and production of dual-mode mobile tems to be configured for easy adapta- ports all common mobile radio commu- telephones, for example. tion to varying production require- nication standards. ments. Versatile in the lab Measurement and analysis of Any mobile radio standard analog modulation signals You may want to develop future or com- at a single keypress pany standards, use unconventional You want to measure and analyze ana- formats or modify synchronization The high flexibility offered by the ana- log amplitude-, frequency- or phase- sequences. In all these cases, FSE with lyzers is by no means at the price of modulated signals? This can easily be option FSE-B7 will support you by pro- complicated operations: all major dig- done even up to 40 GHz with the vector viding user-selectable bit and symbol ital modulation standards can be acti- signal analyzer option in Microwave rates, filters, modulation modes and vated at a single keypress. The instru- Spectrum Analyzer FSEK. synchronization sequences. ment is then completely configured for measurements in line with the activated In addition to standard measurements such as determination of frequency 2 Vector Signal Analyzer FSE-B7 Applications 1 2 1 Measurement of GSM power ramps to standard with high-precision time reference through synchronization to midamble 2 I/Q signal and phase error measurement over 50 symbols of a GSM mobile 3 Phase error, demodulated bits and numeric readout for modulation errors standard. The corresponding synchro- nization sequences are of course offered along with the standard. 3 Multiple test functions itally mixed into the baseband and split Applications integrated in one unit into a real and an imaginary compo- nent. The complete signal information Power ramp measurements in line Analyzers FSE in conjunction with is thus available for further analysis. with standards (1) option FSE-B7 replace several individ- The signal is demodulated down to bit To perform these measurements on ual instruments: level by several DSPs. From the data TDMA systems such as GSM in line with • High-grade spectrum analyzer stream thus obtained, an ideal signal is standards, a time reference must be • Vector demodulator calculated. This reference signal is established from synchronization • Constellation analyzer or compared with the test signal. The sequences to pre- or midamble. This is • Process controller resulting difference signal contains all done in the SYNC-SEARCH mode, in modulation errors. The sampling rate of which the analyzer triggers on preset or Principle of vector signal analysis the A/D converter is always set to an user-defined bit sequences. This not integer multiple of the symbol rate, only allows established standards to be The IF signal is digitized by means of a which speeds up analysis and contrib- measured with high precision, but also fast A/D converter, allowing purely utes to the high rate of 3 measure- modified settings in the case of new digital processing of all subsequent ments/s. developments. Further trigger modes analysis steps, thus making them prac- are: tically error-free and providing high •Video long-term and temperature stability. •External After A/D conversion, the signal is dig- • Burst search Vector Signal Analyzer FSE-B7 3 Applications 4 5 4 Measurement of modulation errors of π/4 DQPSK signals (NADC) 5 Constellation diagram of TETRA signal with phase noise. Bottom: complete diagram, top: detail zoomed by factor of 5 6 Frequency response of GSM signal and automatic deviation measurement with modulation marker 6 Frequency deviation of GSM signal (6) The frequency deviation versus time Phase error measurements on GSM Modulation error measurements on characteristic – shown here as devia- mobiles or base stations (2 and 3) π/4 DQPSK signals (4) tion versus symbols – is rms-weighted The low inherent phase error of <0.5 ° The upper screen (A) shows the vector by means of the modulation marker. It (rms) of option FSE-B7 substantially diagram of an NADC signal, the lower is also possible to measure the rms devi- reduces uncertainty. Tolerances, eg an screen gives a summary of relevant ation for any part of the burst, eg for the rms phase error of 5 ° for GSM, can thus errors, measured over a burst signal. midamble. be allowed practically completely for the DUT, thus widening the DUT toler- Convenient analysis with constellation Measurements on frequency- ance margin. The SYMBOL TABLE/ diagram (5) modulated signals (7) ERROR SUMMARY lists the demodu- The constellation diagram enables con- In addition to the frequency deviation lated bits and the errors found. The bit venient analysis of the degradation of measurement on the demodulated sig- sequences and the errors can be read modulation accuracy caused, for nal (screen A) with markers, eg the via the fast IEC/IEEE bus of the ana- example, by nonlinearities, phase ±pk/2 marker, MODULATION lyzer. The deviation can be rapidly noise or amplitude-dependent phase SUMMARY (screen B) offers a complete determined from the frequency display response of amplifiers, converters, etc. overview of the signal parameters: by means of modulation markers. The lower screen (B) shows the com- • Frequency deviation, peak and rms plete constellation diagram, the upper • Carrier frequency offset from the set screen (A) a zoomed detail that allows receive frequency accurate examination of the error distri- • Carrier level bution. • AM component with FM or 4 Vector Signal Analyzer FSE-B7 7 8 7 Modulation measurement on frequency-modulated signals with simultane- ous analysis of all relevant parameters 8 Measurement of synchronous frequency/phase modulation or AM/ϕM conversion with simultaneous representation of AM and FM component 9 Measurement of transmitter frequency transients with –30 dB FM squelch • SINAD value for a modulation fre- 9 quency of 1 kHz The low inherent synchronous modula- determined with the AM demodula- The following filters can be switched in tion component and the capability of tor for weighted measurements: combining FSE-B7 with microwave ana- • Split screen for simultaneous display • Highpass filters 30 Hz, 300 Hz lyzers (eg FSEK up to 40 GHz) allows of level transients (screen A) and fre- • Lowpass filters 3 kHz, 15 kHz the measurement of AM/ϕM conver- quency transients (screen B) • Weighting filters to CCITT and sion up to the highest frequencies. FSE • High resolution of eg 100 Hz/div. C-message filter simultaneously displays the AM compo- selectable for the frequency axis nent (screen A) and the resulting FM or • Settable squelch which in the exam- Measurement of AM/ϕM conversion or ϕM component (screen B). An AM sig- ple shown switches on the FM synchronous phase modulation (8) nal with very low synchronous FM/ϕM demodulator at –30 dBm, thus sup- The amplifiers and/or modulators can be generated by I/Q modulation of pressing the noise produced if there (components) of many transmission Tracking Generators FSE-B9/-B11. is no signal level systems are operated close to satura- • Settable video trigger, trigger delay tion to obtain better efficiency. The Measurement of transmitter frequency and pretrigger resulting AM/ϕM conversion causes transients (9) errors in particular with digital The measurement of frequency tran- phase-modulated systems and cross- sients is supported by various functions: talk with analog multicarrier systems. • DC-coupled demodulators enabling the power ramp to be accurately Vector Signal Analyzer FSE-B7 5 Specifications Specifications are guaranteed subject to the following conditions: Display modes with FSK 5 minutes warmup at ambient temperature, specified environmental conditions Time domain
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