%, o. ^^3. 7.^.^ r Iif7i> k iu ^-n^. 4 ^''^' i^^^uUA>t:^^ ' CARMINA GADELICA ORTHA NAN GAIDHEAL C ARMINA GADELICA HYMNS AND INCANTATIONS WITH ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES ON WORDS, RITES, AND CUSTOMS, DYING AND OBSOLETE: ORALLY COLLECT- ED IN THE HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS OF SCOTLAND AND TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH, BY ALEXANDER CARMICHAEL VOLUME II EDINBURGH PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY T. AND A. CONSTABLE, PRINTERS TO HER MAJESTY AND SOLD BY NORMAN MACLEOD 25 GEORGE IV. BRIDGE 1900 i94; .<:).7 Three hundred copies printed ORTHA NAN GAIDHEAL URNAN AGUS UBAGAN LE SOLUS AIR FACLA GNATHA AGUS CLEACHDANA A CHAIDH AIR CHUL CNUASAICHTE BHO BHIALACHAS FEADH GAIDHEALTACHD NA H-ALBA AGUS TIONNDAICHTE BHO GHAIDHLIG GU BEURLA, LE ALASTAIR MACGILLEMHICHEIL CONTENTS UIBE INCANTATIONS PAGE A IB. 122. Eolas na Ruaidh Charm for Rose 3 Faio, a Mhic 's a Chriosda Behold, Son and ( hrist 123. Eolas na Ruaidh Charm for Rose 5 A ruadh ghaothar, aUr, aogail Thou rose windy, swelling, deadly 124. Eolas na Ru Charm for Rose 7 A ru eugail, aogail, atail Thou rose deathly, deadly, swollen 125. Eolas at Cioch Charm for swollen Breast 9 Eolas a rinn Gillecalum The charm made by Gillecalum 126. Eolas an Deididh Toothache Charm 11 Ob a cliuir Bride bhoidheach The incantation put by lovely Bride 127. Eolas na Budha Charm for Jaundice 13 Air bhuidhe, air dhuibhe For the jaundice, for the spaul 128. Eolas sgiucha Feithe Charm for bursting Vein 15 Rann a rinn ban-naomh Bride The rune made by the holy maiden 129. Eolas sgocha Feith Charm for bursting Vein 17 Paidir Moire a h-aon Rosary of Mary, one 130. Eolas an t-Sniamh Charm of the Sprain 19 Char Bride mach Bride went out 131. Eolas an t-Sniamh Charm for Sprain 19 Chaidh Criosda ri croich Christ went on the cross 132. Eolas an t-Sniamh Charm for Sprain 21 Chaidh Criosd a marh Christ went out VOL. II. VI CONTENTS AIB. PAGE 133. Fath-Fith Fath Fith 23 Fatli fith Fath fith 134. Sian a Bheatha Bhuan Charm of the Lasting Life 27 C'uiiim an seun air do cbom I place the charm on thy body 135. Sian a Bheatha Bhuan Charm of the Lasting Life 33 t uirim sian a bheatha bhuan I will place the charm 136. Sian Bride St. Bride's Charm 35 Sian a chuir Bride nam buadh The charm put by Bride 137. Sian Sain 37 Sian a chuir Moir air a Mac The sain put by Mary on her Son 138. Eolas Gradhaich Love Charm 39 C'ha'u eolas gradhach duit It is not love knowledge to thee 139. Eolas Gradhaidh Love Charm 41 Eolas gradhaidh dut A love charm for thee 140. Cronachduinn Suil Thwarting the Evil Eye 43 Co a thilleas cronachduinn suil? Who shall thwart the evil eve : 141. Eolas a Bheum Shula Exorcism of the Eye 45 Saltraim air an t-suil I trample upon the eye 142. Cronachdain Suil Counteracting the Evil Eye 49 Churnaich suil thu An eye cohered thee 143. Uibe ri Shul Spell for EvU Eye 53 Uibe gheal chuir Muire mhin The fair spell that lovely Mary sent 144. Obi ri Shuil Charm for the Eye 55 Cuirim an obi seo ri m' shul I place this charm to mine eye 145. Eoir Beum Sula Cliarm for the Evil Eye 57 Ge be co rinn duit an t-suil AVhoso laid on thee the eye 14G. Eolas Charm 59 I'eadair us Seunias us Eoin Peter and James and John 147. jMallachd A Malediction 61 Thainig dithis a macli There came tuo out CONTENTS Vll PAGE 148, Eo as a Bheim Shuil Spell of the Evil Eye 61 Saltruighidh mis air au t-siiil Trample I upon the eye 149. Obi nan Sul Incantation for the Eye 63 Obi nau genr sliul Incantation of the seeing eye 1.50. Oba ri Shul Spell of the Eye 65 Cuirim an oba seo ri m' shiiil I place this spell to mine eye 151. Oba ri Sul Spell of the Eye 67 Oba mho-ghil The spell fair-white 152. Ob ri Shul Spell of the Eye 69 Ob a cliuir Moire nihor-gheal The spell the great white Mary sent 153. Eolas a Chronachaidh Spell of the Counteracting 71 Buaiuidh mi a chathair aigh I will pluck the gracious yarrow 154. Cunntas an t-Sleamhnain The Counting of the Stye 73 {"aim an tainig an aon sleamhnan \Vhy came the one stye ' 155. Am Fionn-Faoilidh The • Fionn-Faoilidh 75 Cuiream fionu-faoilidh umam I place the ' fionn-faoilidh ' on me 156. Eolas Tnu Envy Spell 75 Ge be co rinn duit au tnu Whoso made to thee the envy 157. An Dearg Chasachan The Red-Stalk 77 Buainidli mi an dearg-chasachau Pluck will I the little red-stalk 158. An Eidheann-Mu-Chrann Tlie Tree-entwining Ivy 77 Buainidli mis I will pluck 159. Eolas an Torranain The Charm of the Figwort 79 Buaiuidh mi an torranan I will pluck the figwort 160. An Torranan The Figwort 87 Buainidli mi an torrauaii I will pluck the figwort 161. Eolas an Torranain The Charm of the Figwort 91 Buainidli mi an torranan I will cull the figwort 162. An Earnaid Shith The Fairy Wort 93 Buaiuidh mi an earnaid Pluck will I the fairy wort viii CONTENTS XIK. 163. Earr Thalamhainn The Yarrow Buainidh mi an earr reidh 164. An Earr-Thalanihainii Buaiiiidli mi an earr reidli 165. Achlasan Chaluim-Chille Buainidli mise m' achlasan 166. Achlasan Chaluim-Chille Buainidli mi mo choinneachaii 167. Achlasan Chaluim-Chille Achlasain Chaluim-chille 168. Eala-Bhi, Eala-Bhi Eala-bhi, eala-bhi 169. An Crithionn Mallachd ort a clirithinn 170. Seamrag nam Buadh A sheaniarag; nam liuadh 171. Seamarag nam Buadli A sheamarag nan duilleag 172. Am Mothan Buainidli mi am mothan suairce 173. Am Mothan Buainidh mi am muthan 174. Am IMothan Buainidh mis am mothan suairce 175. Ceus-Chrann nam Buadh Aeheus-chrann cliaomh nam buadli 170. Gaibhag an t-Sleibh liarbhag an t-sleibh air mo shiubhal 177. An Dearg-Bhasach Criosd ag imeachd le ostail AIR. 178. CONTENTS 193. Ulc a dhean mo Lochd The Wicked who would me 155 ric a dhean mo lochd The wicked who would do me harm 194. Frith Mhoire Augury of Mary 159 Dia faram, Dia fodham God over me, God under me CONTENTS XI 207. An Tuis The Incense 187 Ri la du shlaiute In the day of thy health •208. Duan nan Daol Poem of the Beetles 189 Tratli bha Ti iiau dul fo choill U'lien the Being of glory 209. Duan nan Daol Poem of the Beetles 193 D uair bha Criosda fo choill When Christ was under tlie wood 210. Duan an Daoil IV UIBE INCANTATIONS ; ; UIKE EOLAS NA RUAIDH [122] When this charm is applied, the point of a knife or a needle, or the tonfjue of a brooch or of some other sharp instrument, is pointed thrcateninjjiy at the part affected. The part is then spat upon and crossed three times in the names AIC, a Mhic 's a Chriosda, Cioch do Mliathar air at, Tlioir-sa fois dh' an chicli, Cuir-s' an crion an t-at Thoir-sa fois dh' an cliich, Cuir-s' an crion an t-at. Faic fein i, Righinn, 'S til a rug am Mac, Cuir-sa casgadh air a cliicli, Cuir-sa crionadh air an at; Cuir-sa casgadh air a chicli, Cuir-sa crionadh air an at. Faic thus i, losda, Is tu Righ nan dul, Cuir-sa casgadh air a chich, Cuir-sa crionadh air an nth ; Cuir-sa casgadh air a cliich, Cuir-sa crionadh air an uth. Chithim, thubhairt Criosda, Us nithini niur is fiu, IJheirim fois dh' an chich, 'S hheirim sith dh'an utli IJheirim fois dh' an chicli, 'S blicirim sith dh'an uth. — INCANTATIONS CIIAIIM FOR ROSE of the tliree Persons of the Trinity, whether it be the breast of a woman or the uiUler of a cow. The legend says that Mary and Jesus were walking together when Mary took rose (erysipelas) in her breast, and she said to Jesus : Behold, Son and Christ, The breast of Thy Mother swollen. Give Thou peace to the breast. Thou the swelling Subdue ; Give Thou peace to the breast, Subdue Thou the swelling. Behold it thyself, Queen, Since of thee the Son was born. Appease thou the breast. Subdue thou the swelling ; Appease thou the breast. Subdue thou the swelling. See Thou it, Jesu, Since Thou art King of life, Appease Thou the breast. Thou the udder Subdue ; Appease Thou the breast. Subdue Thou the udder. I behold, said Christ, And I do as is meet, I give ease to the breast. And rest to the udder ; I give ease to the breast, And rest to the udder. UIBE EOLAS NA IIUAIDH [123] ^ RUADH ghaothar, atar, aogail, Fag an taobh agus an tac sin. Sin an carr 's an lar, Agus fag a chioch. Seall, a Chriosd, a bhean Agus a cioch air at, Seall fein i, Mhuire, 'S tu rug am Mac. A ruadh ghaothar, aogar, iota, Fag a chioch agus am bac, Agus sin a mach, Slan gu robh dh 'an chich, Crion gu robh dh 'an at. Teich a bhradag ruadh, Teich gu luath a bhradag. At a bha's a chich. Fag a charr 's a chioch, Agus sin a mach. INCANTATIONS CHARM FOR ROSE Thou rose windy, swelling, deadly, I^eave that part and spot, There is the udder in the ground, And leave the breast.
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