Robert McClean with Richard Moorsom Wellington, October 1998 Report on the Wai 731 claim The Authors Robert McClean is a research officer at the Waitangi Tribunal. Robert has degrees in environmental planning and historical geography. Previous research for the Waitangi Tribunal has included Wellington Harbour (Wai 145), Matakana Island Sewerage Outfall (Wai 228), and Tauranga Harbour (Wai 215). Richard Moorsom is a research officer at the Waitangi Tribunal. Richard has degrees in history and African studies. Previous research for the Waitangi Tribunal has included reports on the Tarawera and Tataraakina blocks (Wai 299 & 638) and the Tarawera Road Depot (Wai 639). Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their appreciation to all those persons who have provide assistance in researching this claim, especially the staff at the Maori Land Court, Gisborne, and Molly Kino at Te Puni Kokiri, Wellington. REPORT SUMMARY ................................................... 1 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Focus and Methodology ....................................... 1 1.2 Report Structure . .................. 3 CHAPTER TWO: THE KUPA WHANAU'S INTEREST IN MOHAKA LANDS BEFORE 1867 2.1 The Tipuna of the Kupa Whanau ................................ 4 2.2 Early Crown Purchases, 1851-1864 .............................. 7 CHAPTER THREE: KUPA WHANAU LANDS IN THE LAND COURT 3.1 The Arrival ofthe Native Land Court ........................... 11 3.2 Mohaka .................................................. 13 3.2.1 Retitling and Partition ....................................... 13 3.2.2 Mohaka Successions ........................................ 17 3.2.3 Stout-Ngata Commission ..................................... 19 3.2.4 Mohaka 40 ................................................ 19 3.2.5 Mohaka 41 and 42 .......................................... 21 3.2.6 Mohaka 43 ................................................ 22 3.2.7 Mohaka 44 (Woolshed Reserve) ............................... 22 3.3 Waipapa .................................................. 22 3.3.1 Title and Partitions .......................................... 22 3.3.2 Waipapa Successions and Partitions ............................ 26 3.4 Waihua ................................................... 28 3.5 Whareraurakau ............................................. 33 3.6 Putere .................................................... 35 3.7 Conclusion ................................................ 35 CHAPTER FOUR: CROWN PURCHASES AT MOHAKA, 1910-1928 4.1 Crown Purchasing in the Mohaka Area .......................... 37 4.2 Mohaka 40 ................................................ 38 4.3 Mohaka 41 and 42 .......................................... 41 4.4 Mohaka 43 ................................................ 42 4.5 Whareraurakau 3 ........................................... 43 4.6 Putere .................................................... 45 4.7 Conclusion ................................................ 45 CHAPTER FIVE: KUPA WHANAU LANDS IN THE MOHAKA CONSOLIDATION SCHEME 5.1 Overview of the Mohaka Consolidation Scheme .................. 47 5.2 Henare Te Taka Kupa's Lands within the Scheme ................. 52 5.3 Mohaka Land Development ................................... 56 5.4 Kupa Whanau Participation within the Scheme ................... 57 5.5 Post-1941 Land Development and Block Histories ................. 60 5.6 Conclusion ................................................ 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................... 65 APPENDIX A Research Commission APPENDIX B Statement of Claim APPENDIX C Consolidation Data Scheme Lists: Kupa Whanau APPENDIX D Paroa Development Scheme, 1948-1989 FIGURES Figure 1.1 Ngati Pahauwera Blocks North of the Mohaka River ............ Front Figure 1.2 Ngati Pahauwera Blocks, c 1900 ............................ Front Figure 1.3 Henare Te Taka Kupa's Interests in the Mohaka, Waipapa ....... Front and Waihua Blocks before and after Consolidation Figure 1.4 Henare Te Taka Kupa's Interests in the Waipapa Block .......... Front before and after Consolidation Figure 1.5 Kupa Whanau Interests in the Mohaka, Waihua and Waipapa ..... Front Blocks, 1925 Figure 1.6 Kupa Whanau Interests in Whareraurakau 3, 1910 .............. Front Figure 1.7 Kupa Whanau Interests in Putere IB3, 1913 ................... Front Figure 2 Descent Lines of the Kupa Whanau .............................. 2 TABLES Table 3.1. Summary of Primary Native Land Court Actions, Mohaka, 1868-1910 . 12 Table 3.2. Kupa Whanau Shares in the Mohaka Block, 1903 ................. 15 Table 3.3. Kupa Whanau Interests in the Mohaka Partition, July 1903 .......... 16 Table 3.4. Mohaka 40 Partition, 1919 .................................... 20 Table 3.5. Mohaka 41 Partition, 1919 .................................... 21 Table 3.6. Kupa Whanau Shares in Waipapa, 1896 ......................... 24 Table 3.7. Waipapa List of Owners, 1896 ................................ 24 Table 3.8. Kupa Whanau Interests in the Waipapa Partition, 1906 ............. 25 Table 3.9. WaihuaPartition,1910 ...................................... 31 Table 3.10 Waihua lCI0 Determination .................................. 31 Table 3.11. Kupa Whanau Shareholding in Whareraurakau No.3, 1903 .......... 34 Table 4.1. Mohaka 40 Capital Valuations, 1913-1926 ....................... 38 Table 4.2. Mohaka 41 and 42 Capital Valuations, 1913-1926 ................. 42 Table 4.3. Mohaka 43 Capital Valuations, 1913-1926 ....................... 42 Table 5.1. Assignment of Kupa Whanau Members to Consolidation Groups ..... 53 Table 5.2. Henare Te Taka Kupa's Interests at Consolidation, 1941 ............ 53 Table 5.3. Henare Te Taka Kupa's Interest after Consolidation, 1941 ........... 55 Table 5.4 Butter Fat Production ofHune Kupa and Emily Thompson, 1933-1937 57 List of Abbreviations Doc Document Ed Edition MA Department of Maori Affairs MB Maori Land Court Minute Book MLC Maori Land Court NA National Archives ND Native Department NLC Native Land Court NZG New Zealand Gazette ROD Record of Document TPK Te Puni Kokiri Wai Waitangi Tribunal Claim LAKE WAIKAREMOANA Ahurjr1 1851 Block ........ BLOCKS O. Wafhua 6). Pihanui No.2 2). Watpapa 7). Wharen~urftkftu 3). Moheka 6). Putore 4). O'tihio 9). Rotokakaran(Ju ! 5). PI hanuf NO.1 10). Maun~atanf ..... ha Figure 1.1 Ngati Pahauwera Blocks North of the Mohaka River. Source, Loveridge, D. When the Freshets reach the Sea; Ngati Pahauwera and their Lands, 1851-1941, Wai 201, no. f LAKE WAIKAREMOANA BLOCKS t). Wai hU8 4). ~hareraurakau 2). Waip8p8 5). Rotok8k8r8ngu 1 &2 3}. ~hah 6) _ Putere Figure 1.2. Ngati Pahamyera Blocks, ca.1900. Source.. When the Freshets reach the Sea; Ngati Pahazl1l'era and their Lands, 1851-1941,Wai 201, 130 Pt 4 PtA28 Pt J PI2 520.0423 411.3568 n 'p ?1'.1? Before Consolidation After Consolidation Henare Te Taka's Land Interest b'~fore Consoliation Mohaka 40A 204 Waipapa 7/42 Waihlla ICIO 11.6 Waipapa33 100 Henare Te Taka's Land Interest after Consoliation, 1928 Waihlla 2C8/!6 reserve Waipapa 33A 8.3 Waihlla 2CIO 13.8 Waipapa 82 804 Waihlla (old road) Waipapa 51 MohakaA20 0.016 Waipapa IC 16,7 Waipapa 91 7.2 Mohaka A48 0,96 Waiapapa Reserves Waipapa 92C 100 Waihua A34 29.57 Waipapa 120 1.6 \\'aipapa 136 1104 WaipapaA2 5.196 Waipapa Balance Waipapa 155A 10.1 Waipapa A39 0.96 Figure 1.3 Henare Te Taka Kupa interest in Mohaka, Waipapa', and Waihua blocks before and after consolidation. Base map, NZMS 261, Sheet V19, Te Haroto, 1986. - --_._------------------------... , . -i'lAlL.oJ:­ ~SUBDlyISIQN::i .QLllil-~ WA I PA PA BL 0 C K- --'WAI HUA S.I2.. , . S!uYe.ytJLbt~S!ln--­ - AuihtiliI1!!2.8S.D;\<g ~ ~\,1'11- ~-5ca le:5cbains loIn inc.b.-- , '-- PII33 ~ . e.r. 0 ot TOU./..<.ttol8J. C 00 '. q! Key ® Before Consolidation A2 After Consolidation Ccrtitfed corr<:cC copy or Court . d~l?liccte.~ /~~~Y£t 0 . __-3'L.~ Figure 1.4 Henare Te Taka Kupa's interests in the Waipapa Block before and after consolidation. Source, Plan of Subdivisions of the Waipapa Block, Rochfort and Son, 28 October 1912, MLC Gisborne. Figure 1.5 Kupa whanau interests in the Mohaka, Waihua, ana \Vaipapa blocks, 1925 (pre­ consolidation) Base map, NZMS 261, Sheet V19, Ie Haroto, 1986. f'!HAAtft 11"1 SCDI • ., Clrt., ... ~"'---'-::-::-.:-~ _. __f E.H.FARNI£. D1STlOCT stm'EYOR. IoU.V.I!US. I I TAl NO COURT ~ .. , . ...~. 13\ ~ "'~ XXII 11 i- ,, 2 11;5 .. r- _ rr - __ • ____ ~4.) ·VI A .f '/ 4 .. ;; ......''''.t.< ( / - n, .... _ ~h}, ••• _ J\ ....~t":-Rrrr -' fI.J'fi,...-.c"~ .,.,.,.. (":r;",[.£', • .AI~. T,,"rk.~. , -r··· ~ "'--.--- ........ ---~ .:' .. .. , ::,' " ~ IV . ...... , .. ~ .. ,.,._,.,. ., -- ,-:,""7 ,..., .. , ... O':H.:O' ••• ... .! '.\ _.. ~. I ' · ..___ .!: -rio. .. ~ ..... 0. .. ..' , " s. O . ,., ~ ,0- • ----------~------~--------------------~~----~--------~~~ Figure 1.6. Kupa whanau interests in Whareraurakau 3, 191CJ (pre-consolidation). Base map, Whareraurakau Block, E.H. Farine, May 1915. ML 2549. Wai 201, M6(a) p Q9. 3 571.9273 l~rangl No2 ! I r' 473.2852 ~-:\ ./:--.. •• ~'\..I '!. State Foresr/--.... ~Cl c.~' i . ...:'" Pavvhakataka 26 222.0307- r i.L ROTOKAKARANGU 7265.9290 2.A ./ 77 9.203 9 Figure 1.7. Kupa whanau interests in Putere IB3, 1913. Base map, NZMS 261, Sheet V19, Te Haroto. 1986. Summary Page i This report presents the results of research into the land interests of Kevan Te Taka Kupa (the claimant). Kevan Te Taka Kupa is a descendent ofIehu Kupa and Riripeti Te Whareroa, both of whom were 19th century rangatira ofNgati Pahauwera. The whakapapa of Kevan
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