Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11174-5 - Anzac Battlefield: A Gallipoli Landscape of War and Memory Edited by Antonio Sagona, Mithat Atabay, C.J. Mackie, Ian McGibbon and Richard Reid Index More information Index Note: (AE) = Australian Engineers; (MEF) = Mediterranean 9th Australian Battalion 24 , 132 , 147 Expeditionary Force; (O) = Ottoman 9th Division (O) 52 , 139 , 146 , 234 10th Australian Battalion 42 , 126 , 128 , 202 First Army Corps (O) 37 11th Australian Battalion 38 , 42 , 115 , 125 , 126 , 127 , 1st Australian Division 42 129 – 30 , 143 1st Australian Battalion 203 12th Australian Battalion 129 1st Australian Brigade 40 – 2 13th Regiment, 5th Division (O) 149 1st Battalion, 27th Regiment (O) 52 – 3 , 145 – 6 14th Regiment, 5th Division (O) 148 , 149 , 154 , 156 1st Battalion, 47th Regiment (O) 156 Fifteenth Army Corps (O) 149 1st Battalion, 64th Regiment (O) 148 16th Australian Battalion 110 1st Field Company (AE) 203 – 5 16th Division (O) 149 , 155 , 158 1st Field Company, NZ Engineers 104 – 9 , 119 18th Regiment, 19th Division 158 1st Platoon, 4th Squad, 2nd Battalion, 27th Rgt (O) 142 , 19th Division (O) 17 , 52 – 3 , 139 , 146 – 7 , 149 , 156 , 234 144 23rd Australian Battalion 205 1st Squad, 2nd Battalion, 27th Rgt (O) 142 24th Australian Battalion 205 Second Army Corps (O) 49 26th Australian Battalion 76 2 Wing (RNAS) 71 27th Regiment, 19th Division (O) 27 , 52 – 3 , 139 , 140 – 1 , 2nd Australian Brigade 37 , 205 144 , 145 , 147 , 153 – 4 , 157 2nd Australian Division 75 , 116 29th Division (MEF) 26 2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade 133 57th Regiment, 19th Division (O) 52 – 3 , 146 , 147 , 149 , 2nd Battalion, 27th Regiment (O) 24 , 53 , 140 , 141 – 5 , 153 – 4 , 155 , 157 148 , 155 64th Regiment, 19th Division (O) 149 , 153 – 4 , 157 2nd Battalion, 47th Regiment (O) 156 72nd Regiment (O) 56 2nd Battalion, 57th Regiment (O) 148 77th Regiment (O) 56 , 146 2nd Battalion, 72nd Regiment 158 2nd Battalion, 125th Regiment (O) 148 Abbas Hilmi Pasha 224 2nd Division (O) 234 Abydos, GP 7 2nd Field Company (AE) 119 , 121 , 123 Adnan Bey 201 2nd Platoon, 4th Squad, 2nd Battalion, 27th Rgt (O) aerial photography 72 – 4 142 , 143 aerial reconnaissance 66fi g , 67 , 70 – 4 2nd Ranging and Survey Section (RE) 73 Agamemnon , HMS 33 2nd Squad, 2nd Battalion, 27th Rgt (O) 142 agency theory 83 Third Army Corps (O) 140 Aigospotami, battle of 10 , 11 3 Wing (formerly No 3 Squadron) (RNAS) 71 – 2 , 73 Aiolian Greeks 6 3rd Battalion, 27th Regiment (O) 52 – 3 , 145 – 6 , 147 Aischylos 9 3rd Battalion, 57th Regiment (O) 148 Akbaş Castle 15 3rd Battalion, 72nd Regiment (O) 148 Akbulut, Yıdırım 230 3rd Field Company (AE) 118 , 129 , 133 , 134 , 137 Alçıtepe Monument 227 3rd Platoon, 4th Squad, 2nd Battalion, 27th Rgt (O) Alexander III, Macedonian king (Alexander the Great) 9 , 142 – 3 , 147 13 – 14 , 15 , 33 3rd Squad, 2nd Battalion, 27th Rgt (O) 142 , 147 Allen, James 217 4th Australian Battalion 119 Alopekonnesos, Suvla Bay 7 , 8 , 17 4th Australian Brigade 30 Anafartalar Group Wars: Dardanelles Land Battles in the World 4th Battalion Parade Ground Cemetery 40 War (Hayrı) 55 4th Field Company (AE) 75 , 121 , 125 Anafartalar Victory 228 4th Regiment, 2nd Division (O) 149 – 50 Anafartalar Victory Monument 236 – 7 4th Squad, 2nd Battalion, 27th Rgt (O) 53 , 142 , 145 – 6 ancient cities 7 – 8 , 15 , 16 Fifth Army Corps (O) 50 , 56 – 7 , 68 , 139 , 140 , 165 , 234 ancient Greece 5th Australian Battalion 203 invasions by Persia 8 , 14 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment 134 , 137 settlement of peninsula 6 – 8 , 15 5th Division (O) 149 , 151 , 234 Trojan War 6 – 7 , 12 , 14 5th Engineers 76 war with Sparta 10 – 11 5th Field Company 109 , 111 Anzac/Arı Burnu /Gaba Tepe 5th Regiment, 2nd Division (O) 149 – 50 August offensive 28 6th Australian Battalion 203 landing of Anzacs 26 , 27fi g , 38 – 9 , 41fi g , 52 – 3 , 64 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment 119 , 134 natural defences 138 – 9 7th Australian Battalion 45 , 203 trench warfare 28 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment 134 Turkish account of Allied 8th Australian Battalion 203 landing 52 – 3 261 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11174-5 - Anzac Battlefield: A Gallipoli Landscape of War and Memory Edited by Antonio Sagona, Mithat Atabay, C.J. Mackie, Ian McGibbon and Richard Reid Index More information Index Anzac Area Balkan Wars (1912–13) 23, 25, 33, 52, 138, 139 demands for an Anzac estate 196–7, 244 barbed wire defences 102, 161–2 evolution of 192 Başbuğ, İlker 232 formation of 193–201 Batt, Private Thomas 40 origins 194–5 Battle of Dumlupınar 32 renegotiation at Lausanne 198–201 Battle of Lone Pine 53, 123, 142, 202, 213 sentimental connection to 28–9, 82, 192 Battleship Hill 40, 42, 43fig Sèvres arrangement 197 Baykan, Muammer 228 survival of battlefield 90, 91–2, 192 bayonets 169 see also Commonwealth War Graves Cemeteries of Anzac Beach Cemetery 203, 208, 216 Anzac cemeteries and burial sites 37 Bean, Charles Anzac Commemorative Site (ACS) 219, 220 annotated landing map 67 Anzac Cove on Anzac diet 172 landing at 27fig on Ashmead-Bartlett’s account of Anzac landing 31 naming of 218 and Australian Historical Mission 36–7, 77–8, 210 Anzac Day, and consolidation of Anzac legend 32 Greek coin find 17–18 Anzac Gallipoli Archaeological Database (AGAD) 246–50 proposed reservation of Anzac site for memorial Anzac, the landing [painting] (Lambert) 38–9, 40 purposes 78, 195 Anzac legend 29, 30–2 responses to ancient history of region 17 Anzac tourism 219 sketch of Arı Burnu and Plugge’s Plateau 41fig Aqaba crisis (1906) 63 vision for Anzac Area 212 archaeological investigations of battlefield Beech, Lance Corporal William 171 finds from trench and tunnel digging 16–19 beer bottles 185–6 French excavations at Helles 16, 18–19, 19fig Beetham, Lieutenant Ralph 103fig see also Joint Historical and Archaeological Survey project Belford, Walter 130 archaeology of conflictsee conflict archaeology Bell, Private M.R. 207 archaeology of peninsula Berrie, Trooper George 134 ancient Greek settlements 15 Big Sap 91, 104 fledgling stage of 14 Bigg-Wither, Captain Clifton 208 prehistoric settlements 14–15 Bird, Second Corporal George 205 Roman settlement and artefacts 7–8, 15–16 Birdwood, Lieutenant-General Sir William 217 site of Sestos 15 boots 188 Arı Burnu see Anzac /Arı Burnu /Gaba Tepe Bowra, Lieutenant Frederick 121 Arı Burnu Battles Report (Mustafa Kemal) 56 Box, Edward 196–7 Arı Burnu Cemetery 208, 219 Braithwaite, Colonel William 91 Arı Burnu Northern Group Operation in the Dardanelles Land bricks 162–4 Battles in the World War (lectures) 55 Bridges, Major General William 42 Ark Royal, HMS 71 British Empire, assumptions about Ottoman commitment Arrian 13 and readiness for war 25, 26 Artaÿctes (Persian governor, Sestos) 9–10, 13 British landings, at Cape Helles 26–7 artefacts British naval charts 62–3 interpretation of 159–61 Broster, T. 203 materials 160 Brown’s Dip 123 rationale for study of 159 Brown’s Dip Cemetery 205–7, 206fig, 209, 214 types 160 Bruce, Stanley 217 see also name of type Buchanan, Lieutenant Herbert 39–40, 42, 78 artillery 168 buckles/fasteners 189–90 artillery deployment sites, Turkish 139 bullet cartridges 166–7 Artillery Road Cemetery 215 bullets 165–8 Artillery Road East Cemetery 215 Burhanettin (Staff Major) 55 Artunkal, Ali Riza 227 Burnet, Sir John 213, 214, 215 Asal, Rüştü 227 Bursalı Mehmet Nihat 56 Ashmead-Bartlett, Ellis 30fig, 30–1 Butler, Flight Lieutenant C.H. 71, 73, 82 Aspinall-Oglander, C.F. 157 buttons 188–9 Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal see Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) Byron, George Gordon (Lord Byron) 12 Attalus II, Pergamonian king 17 Auden, Captain George Augustus 17 Çakmak, Fevzi 227 Australian Historical Mission (AHM) 36–7, 77–8, 210 Çanakkale, Turkey 4 Australian New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) 26 Çanakkale Battle 26, 29fig Australian Returned and Services League (RSL) 217 Çanakkale Destanı/Epic of Çanakkale 32–5 Australian War Memorial, artefacts from Australian Çanakkale Martyrs Memorial/Çanakkale Şehitleri Historical Mission 37, 43 Aniti 35, 239fig, 242 Australian War Records Section 37, 78 Çanakkale Monument of the Fallen/Çanakkale Şehitleri Anıtı 228, 230, 232 B3 tunnel 8 Çanakkale Muzafferiyet-i Azimesi 222 Baby 39, 40, 42 Çanakkale Naval Museum (Çanakkale Deniz Müzesi) 96, Balkan crisis (1875–76) 63 230 262 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11174-5 - Anzac Battlefield: A Gallipoli Landscape of War and Memory Edited by Antonio Sagona, Mithat Atabay, C.J. Mackie, Ian McGibbon and Richard Reid Index More information Index Çanakkale Şehitlerini Anma Günü/Çanakkale Martyrs’ reinterrments 214–15 Day 29 and Treaty of Lausanne 57, 78, 209 canned meat 176 Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery Canterbury Cemetery 215 Register 202, 203 Cape Helles communication equipment 187 British landing at 26–7 communication trenches 102, 150 investigation by Australian Historical Mission 37 community life on peninsula see also Elaious (Helles) after war 57–8 Carte de la Presqu’île de Gallipoli, Levée par les Officiers d’Etat- at outbreak of war 20–3 major de l’Armée d’Orient 62, 63 condiments 176–8 Carter, Sapper Edward 205 conflict archaeology cartography anthropological approach 83–4 Bonne (dépôt de la guerre) projection 48, 62, 68, 77 importance of context 84 role of maps in Turkish control of Dardanelles Wars 50 interdisciplinary methodology 81–2, 83 toponyms 61–2 Conker, Nuri 226 in Turkey under şevki Pasha 48–9 Connaught Rangers 205 use of aerial reconnaissance and photography 66fig, 67, cookware 179–80 70–4 Cornfield 130–3, 131fig see also mapping of battlefields; maps of Gallipoli Courtney’s Post/Boyun 117–18, 157 peninsula Courtney’s and Steele’s Cemetery 45, 215 casualties 28, 93, 213 covered trenches 155–6 Çataldere Cemetery 242 Crimean War (1854–56) 62 Çataldere Monument 234 Crouch, Colonel R.A.
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