![Pezinok District At]Thority Department of Environmental Care M](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PEZINOK DISTRICT AT]THORITY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CARE M. R. Šte1änikal0.902 0l Pezinok Ret'. No. : OU-PK-OSZP-20 I 9/005285/l In Pezinok, on l0.lune 2019 DECISION In accordance witlr Section 46 of Act No. 7111967 on administÍative proceeďng as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Adrninistratrve Proceeding"). the Pezinok District Authority, Department of Enr'iĺonmental Care, Waste Management State AdministĺatioÍl' as the competent state administration authority in accordance with Section 5(1) of Act No. 525/2003 on the state administration of enviĺonmental care and on the amendment and supplement to certain acts as aĺnended in accordance ĺvith Act No. 180/2013 on the organisation of the local state administration in accordance with Section 104(lxd) and Section 108(lXm) of Act No. 7912015 on wastes and on the amendment and supplement to certain acts as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Waste Act"), gives consent to apolicant Business niame: Tenarrl' Slovakia s.r.o. Registered office : Šenkvická cesta 15/C, 902 01 Pezinok operation: Šenkvickĺcesta 15/C, 902 OI Pezinok Company ID No. (IČo): 35 837 047 Puĺsuant to Section 97(1Xc) of the Waste Act consent to operating a waste recovery faciľtv by proviďng: R3 Recycling or recovery of organic substances otlrer than solvents, (incluďng composting and other biologic transformation processes) Rl2 Treatrnent of wastes designated for processing by any of the Rl to Rl I activities Rl3 Storing wastes prior to using R3 and R12 for otheľ waste types listed in Decree of the Ministry of Enviroĺunent of the Slovak Republic No. 365/20l5 setting out the List of Waste: waste the to Decree the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak type |name of lvaste type accorďng of No. JRepublic No. 28-l/2001 setting out the List of Waste as amended O'7 02 13 lwaste olastic 15 0l 02 lphstic packase 1601 19 lplastics I7 02 03 lohstics 19 |2 04 ľplastic and rubber 20 0l 39 ľplastics l. Corsent is given b1' local autlrority for a fixed period from l Jrĺ}' 2019 to 30 June 202-l unless reasons for anY clunge. termination or cancellation tlrereof occrľ in accordance rvitlt Section l 14 of the Waste Act. 2. Tlte place of tlre rvaste handling: operation: Šenkvická 15/C. 902 0l Pezinok' land plot registeľed in Title Deed No. 9262. parce| number: 5 142/15. cadastral territory, of Pezinok, land plot area: 567 mr. 3. Total capacity of the facilitv: 25,000 tons a year 4. Technical requirements of tlre facility: the rvaste recovery facility is located on tlrc land plot registered in Title Deed No .9262.parcel number'. 5142/t5.cadastral territory of Pezinok. land plot area: 567 m:. The orvner of tlrc land plot is Teniarry Slovakia s.r.o'' Šenkr,'ická cesta I5lC' 902 01 Pezinok. The facility is desigĺnted in accordance r,vith Section 6 of Decree of the Ministrl. of Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 371/2015, irnplernenting ceľtainprovisions of the Waste Act. it is fenceď the entrance gate is lockable, the entire area is reinforced and secured against the theft of cumulated waste or deteľioration due to weatheľ conďtions, A rveiglrbridge witlr non-autotnatic activity of class 3 accuracy' type MoVA - S 60 t/U 18 by produceľ BRUTo s.r.o.. Sereď, serial number: 08l0/l0. with a capacity of up to 60 tons' is iĺstalled at tlre entrance to the site. The \,vaste for recovery is supplied to tlre site by contracting partners' trucks. After weighing. the waste is cumulated in tlrc operation site. It is tĺeated by crushing in a two to three-gnde eqúpment. Tlre first gnde runs with the help of a two-slnft shredder ERDWICH 470-30 kW by Zerkeleinerungssysteme GmbH. working on the basis of shĺedding the input material using two loĺv-speed cylinders installed opposite to each other. The result of tlre crushing are pieces or stripes. lvhose size depend on the input material. The equipment also includes an input conveyor belt tlnt supplies the cruslred material to a grinder tlnt provides the second grade of the processing. Grinder DP 30-350/630 by PROHNG Piešthny spol' s r.o. is a lúglt-speed knife beateľ assigned foľvolume and porver gľinďng of large pieces of material. particularly plastics. It is operated together rvitlr a cyclone and traĺsporting ventilator that traĺsports cruslred material to assigned collecting place. Depenďng on tlre volume and tlúckness of the gnnding material. tlre gľinder is operated under a polver input of eitlrer l5kW oľ 30kW and can also be used to gľrnd PET bottles, polyethylene films and lighĺveight polythene bags. Part of the recovered rvaste rvill be supplied to tlre third grade corsisting of er-truder I RO 2l00 lP rvith moďfications by Cltodos s.p.' Chodov. Czech Republic. The machine consists of a lropper' pressed heaď gearbox. operating cylinder, screw' contĺol panel' contĺolling ďstľibution box and a dľive. Grinded plastic from the second grade is filled into the hopper, the ľnchine melts the grint using electric power, cools it dorvn in the cooling pipe and forms a nelv ball-sluped granulate of uniform consistence and slupe tlrat can be ďrectly utilised for the production of nelv plastic products. Accorďngly. tĺeated waste is driven away for further recovery based on signed agreements with companies authorised to perform activities in this area. 5. Sďety actions in the maclúne operation: all employees operating tlre waste recovery rnachine must attend tĺaining on fire protection occupational health and sďety, first aid. use of personal protecting eqúpment and on the method of solving unexpected situations in tlre operation Prior to putting machines and velúcles into seľvice' a responsible employee slnll check rvhether they are sďe and can be operated. Afteľ completion of lvorks. a responsible employee shall secure all vehicles against movement. Entry of unauthorised persons to the operation is foĺbidden. Employees whose working ability is impaired due to use of alcohol' toxic substances and dľugs are foĺbidden to enter the operation. The operation stďf slnll use, at worlq personal protective equipment and working clothes. Maĺnging ernployee shall be ľesponsible for any loss or damage to lrealtlr incurred due to non-compliance lvith sďety actions in the operatiorL in accordance with the respective legislative re gulations. Eqúpment Activity Terminiation Method Should the eqúpmeĺrtactivity be terminated, tlre premises shall be tiďed up' cleaned and handed over for 2 fĺľtlrcruse. If lnore $'aste is generated duľing tlús activity. it slrall also be recovered or eliminated in accordance rr,iĺlr si gned agree ments rvit h a utlrorised organisatiors. 7. Consent criteria: > tlre volume of rr'aste entering the rYaste recovery eqrúprnent nay not exceed tlre capacity of tlrc equipnrentl > tlre company slrall not accept from the Pezinok Municipalitr'. for tlrc rvaste recovery eqrúpment. rvaste category No' 20 0l 39 _ plastics as the company lras not signedany agreement authorising it to hanďe such ĺ'aste: > for tlre purpose of its ftľtlrer processing. treated lvaste ma}' orúy be lranded o\'er to partneľ organisation authorised to perfonn tlre respective activity: > the company shall comply with tlre provisions of legislative regulations in the field of u,aste management and create such conďtions foľ rvaste reco\lery that lraĺ,e no negative effects on the envirorunent. Reasoning Tenarry Slovakia s.r.o.. Šenkvická cesta I5ĺC, 902 0l Pezinok represented by REMAS Servis. s.r.o.. lr'ith registered office at Ľ. Fullu 7' 841 05 Bratislava, requested. on 26 April 2019' a consent to operate a lvaste recovery facility. The rvaste recovery facility is located on the land plot registered in Title Deed No. 9262. parcel number: 5142/15, cadastral territory of Pezinok, land plot area: 567 mr. The owner of the land plot is Tenarry Slovakia s.r.o., Šenkvická cesta IslC,902 01 Pezinok' By letter No. OU-PK-OSZP-2019/005285 of 03 May 2019, the Pezinok District Authority. Department of Envirorunental Care. Waste Management State Administration notified tlrc applicant and panicipant to the proceeďng. the Pezinok Municipality. Radnične ľámestie č.7.902 14 Pezinok' in accordance rvith Section l8(3) ofthe proceeding coilunencement and requested it to make a statement on the documents to the proceeďng and submit any proposals and comments rvitlún 7 da1's in accordance lvitlr Section 33(2) of Administrative Proceeding. The waste recovery operation is ensured technically and legislatively in sútable premises. The operator slnll opeľate the facility in accordance with effective legislation on lvaste Ínanagement, approved op€ration proceduĺe and conditions in accordance with the act of general application of the Pezinok Municipality. The object of tlre waste reco\rery is other wastes and their hanďing covers their storing prior to tÍeatment by cutting. crushing. gnnďng. melting- cooling and. accorďngly' recycling by R3 activiý - recycling or recovery of organic substances other than solvents (including composting and other biologic trarsformation processes). The proceeďng participan| tlre Pezinok Municipalit1,' Radničnéľámestie č.'7.902 14 Pezinok' represented by the lread of the Enviĺonmental ofťrce. KSD Ing. oľga Moťovská, after having revierved the received ťrles' did not submit. in its written staternent delivered on 10 June 2019 by letter number: Mot.ol/El 112567/16'7'76119. arry comments, proposals or objectiors against the coĺsent. Tlre following documents lvere enclosed to the ľequest delivered on 26 April 2019 in accoľdance lvith Section 2l(l) and (2) of Decree of the Ministry of Enviroĺľnent of the Slovak Republic No. 371/2015 irnplementing certain provisions of the Waste Act: > administrative fee payment receiptt > power of attorneyl > the applicant's identification datat > registered office of the waste recovery facility: > list of waste types to be hanďed in the facility: > teclmical data of the equipmentl > ťtnal statement of tlrc Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic No' 1692/2010-3.4/dp of 18 Maľclt 2010; > statement of the Ministry of Envirorunent of the Slovak Republic on the change of technology No.
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