6th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, May 23-26, 2016, Riga, Latvia 6th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (GOSMAP-6) May 23-26, 2016, Riga, Latvia Scientific Programme VENUE : Radisson Blu, Riga, Latvia May 23, 2016 Registration Lobby 15.00-18.00 hrs May 24, 2016 Registration Lobby 08.00-09.30 hrs 09.30-10.30 Official Opening of The Conference 10.30-11.00 Refreshment Venue: ALFA Meeting Room Chairman: Prof. Nils Rostoks (Latvia) Co-Chair: Dr Imuentiyanosa Omoigui (Nigeria) 11.00-12.00 09 Keynote address : Biorefining of medicinal and aromatic plants into valuable ingredients by using traditional and modern techniques. Petras Rimantas Venskutonis 1, 1Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania 12.00 -12. 45 LUNCH BREAK 12.45-13.30 10 Plenary Lecture : Development of potential drugs from the sea. S. Manian, Vice-Chancellor Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar – 608002, Tamil Nadu, India 1 6th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, May 23-26, 2016, Riga, Latvia Technical Session I : Conservation, utilization and management of genetic resources of Medicinal plants ; Biodiversity and Bio- Prospecting of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants ; Venue: ALFA Meeting Room Chairman: Prof K Manivannan (India) Co-Chair: Dr Anta Sparinska (Latvia) OS 1 Chromolaena odorata : Friend or Foe 11 Kuben Naidoo (South Africa) OS 2 Genetic resources of culinary herbs in Latvia: past, present and 12 future. Irina Sivicka 1, Ina Alsina 1, 1Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia OS 3 Phytodermological Studies of Medicinal Plants Used For Female 13 Fertility Problems of the Benin-Speaking People in Edo State, Nigeria IMUENTIYANOSA OMOIGUI 1, 1UNIVERSITY OF BENIN, BENIN CITY, EDO STATE, Nigeria OS 4 Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in Morocco: Diversity and socio- 14 economic role Mohammed Sghir TALEB 1, 1Institut Scientifique, Université Mohammed v de Rabat, Rabat, Morocco OS 5 Intraspecific variability of Origanum sp. in respect of developmental 15 and chemical traits Olga Kosakowska 1, Katarzyna Baczek 1, Anna Pawelczak 1, Jaroslaw Przybyl 1, Zenon Weglarz 1, 1Laboratory of New Herbal Products, Department of Vegetables and Medicinal Plants, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw, Poland OS 6 Cytotaxonomic studies on Ebeitoto (Marantocloa sp) of the Benin- 16 Speaking People of Edo State - Southern Nigeria Imuentiyanosa Omoigui 1, 1University Of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria OS 7 Bryophyte chemical composition and biological activity 17 Laura Klavina 1, 1University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia OS 8 Advances in research of polyprenol chemistry and biological activity 18 Ilona Vanaga 1, Ilva Nakurte 2, Kaspars Jekabsons 2, Ruta Muceniece 3, Baiba Jansone 3, Vija Klusa 3, Gustavs Latkovskis 4,5 , Vita Saripo 4, Karlis Kletnieks 6, Ugis Kletnieks 1, 1Silv EXPO Ltd., Riga, Latvia, 2University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry, Riga, Latvia, 3University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine, Riga, Latvia, 4Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Riga, Latvia, 5Latvian Research Institute of Cardiology, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 6Faculty of Medicine, Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia OS 9 The effect of natural antioxidants on oxidative stress markers in rats 19 1Andrejs Skesters 1Alise Silova, 2Ilona Vanaga, 2Ugis Kletnieks, 1Andrejs Sitovs, 1Inara Nokalna, 1Normunds Boks, 1Karlis Kletnieks 1Riga Stradinš University, Dzirciema Street 16, Riga, Latvia, LV-1007 2SILVEXPO, LTD, Alberta Street 12-2, Riga, Latvia, LV-1010 COFFEE BREAK Presentation on “Himalaya” Health and Beauty Products 2 6th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, May 23-26, 2016, Riga, Latvia 16:3 0-17:30 POSTER SESSION PS 1 Micromorphology, histochemistry and phytochemistry of the secretory 20 apparatus of Plumbago auriculata Lam. Karishma Singh 1, Yougasphree Naidoo 1, Channangihalli Thimmegowda Sadashiva 1, Himansu Baijnath 1, 1University of Kwazulu Natal, Durban, South Africa PS 2 Developmental and chemical diversity of Valeriana officinalis L. 21 Katarzyna Baczek1, Anna Pawelczak 1, Rafal Chmielecki 2, Zenon Weglarz 1, 1Laboratory of New Herbal Products, Department of Vegetables and Medicinal Plants, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw, Poland, 2Martin Bauer Poland, Witaszyczki, Poland PS 3 Chemical composition of Bog Bilberries, blueberries and black 22 crowberry Laura Klavina 1, Agnese Huna 1, Sabine Strauta 1, Maris Klavins 1, 1University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia PS 4 Lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds in sea buckthorn vegetative 23 parts and extracts Dalija Seglina 1, Inta Krasnova 1, Pawel Gornas 1, Inga Misina 1, 1Institute of Horticulture, Latvia University of Agriculture, Dobele, Latvia PS 5 Content of biologically active compounds in cranberries cultivated in 24 Latvia. Ida Jakobsone 1, Ilva Nakurte 2, Laima Lazdane 1, Lubova Usacova 1, Andris Spats 3, 1Food Chemistry Centre, Department of Chemistry, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 2Laboratory of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, Department of Chemistry, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 3Cranberries research farm “Gundegas”, Limbažu region, Latvia PS 6 A correlation study of physiological differences, yield attributes and 25 metabolic pathways among rice genotype and its mutant under salinity Nita Lakra 1, Khalid Anwar 1, Ashwani Pareek 1, Sneh Lata Sigla-Pareek 2, 1JNU, Delhi, India, 2ICGEB, Delhi, India May 24, 2016 Welcome Reception : 19:00 hrs May 25, 2016 Venue: ALFA Meeting Room Chairman : Prof S Manian ( India) Co-Chair : Dr R Shubharani ( India) 09:30-10:30 KEYNOTE ADDRESS : Regulatory framework for herbal and traditional 26 medicines in the European Union Dr.Werner Knoess (Germany ), Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, Bonn, Germany 10:30-10:45 COFFEE BREAK 10:45-11:30 PLENARY LECTURE :Traditional Medicines: Impact on indigenous plant 27 populations in southern Africa Prof .Murugas Coopoosamy 1, 1Mangosuthu University of Technology, Durban, South Africa 3 6th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, May 23-26, 2016, Riga, Latvia Technical Session II : Safety and efficacy of phytomedicines and phytocosmetics; Isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds; Pharmacognosy and ethnopharmacology; Emerging Trends in Ayurveda; Nutraceuticals and antioxidants Venue: ALFA Meeting Room Chairperson: Prof Yogasphree Naidoo (South Africa) Co-Chair: Prof . P ēteris Trapencieris ( Latvia) 11:30 -11:45 OS 10 Efficient use of in vitro test systems to substantiate anti-ageing 28 and whitening claims for plant-derived extracts used in cosmetic products Anna Ramata-Stunda1, Elza Kakti ņa1, M ārti ņš Boroduš ķis 1, 1University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology, Riga, Latvia 11:45 -12:00 OS 11 Toxicological and Antimicrobial Studies of Ricinodendron 29 heudelotii Omolara Yakubu 1, Abiodun Adebayo 1, Olubanke Ogunlana 1, Jacob Popoola 1, Temitope Ishola 1, Loretta Imonikhe 1, Oladipupo Adeyemi 1, 1Department of Biological Sciences, Covenant University, Canaan Land, KM 10 Idiroko Road, PMB 1023 Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria 12:00 -12:30 LUNCH BREAK 12:30 -12:45 OS 12 Organic acid, phenolic's and total carotenoid changes of 30 thermally processed and dehydrated dills ( Anethum graveolens L.) Liga Priecina 1, Daina Karklina 1, 1Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, Rigas iela 22, Jelgava, Latvia 12:45 -13.00 OS 13 Environmentally Friendly Technologies for Obtaining Plant- 31 derived Extracts, Their Chemical Characterization and Applications Martins Boroduskis 1, Anna Ramata-Stunda 1, Elza Kaktina 1, Anete Boroduske 1, Ilva Nakurte 2, Nils Rostoks 1, 1University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology, Riga, Latvia, 2University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry, Riga, Latvia 13:00 -13:15 OS 14 In vitro antioxidant effects and hepatoprotective activities of 32 Astragalus lagurus and Astragalus zederbaueri ethanolic extracts against paracetamol induced liver damage in rats hasan yusufoglu 1, gamal soliman 2,3 , rehab abdel-rahman 4, ozgen alankus- caliskan 5, 1college of pharmacy, department of pharmacognosy, prince sattam bin abdulaziz university, college of pharmacy, department of pharmacognosy, alkharj, Saudi Arabia, 2college of pharmacy department of pharmacology, prince sattam bin abdulaziz university, college of pharmacy, department of pharmacognosy, alkharj, Saudi Arabia, 3college of veternary, department of pharmacology, cairo university, cairo, Egypt, 4department of pharmacology, national research center, cairo, Egypt, 5epartment of chemistry, college of science, ege university, izmir, Turkey 13:15 -13:30 OS 15 More than just a pretty flower: Foliar secretory structures of two 33 Hibiscus species Kashmira Raghu 1, Yougasphree Naidoo 1, 1University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 13:30 -13:45 OS16 Modification of NO production and NOS expression by 34 polyphenols Evita Rostoka 1,2 , Larisa Baumane 2, Sergejs Isajevs 1, Nikolajs Sjakste 1,2 , 1University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 2Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga, Latvia 4 6th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, May 23-26, 2016, Riga, Latvia 13:45 -14:00 OS 17 The accumulation of biomass and biologically active compounds 35 in Saposhnikovia divaricata cultivated in Poland Katarzyna Baczek 1, Jaroslaw Przybyl 1, Zenon Weglarz 1, 1Laboratory of New Herbal Products, Department of Vegetables and Medicinal Plants, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw, Poland 14:00 -14:15 OS 18 Assessment of chemical and biological contamination of spices 36 Vadims Bartkevics 1, Iveta Pugajeva
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