JUNE 5, 1985 UETUC.iEN - BIIARY BULK 480 Si^.jLESEX AVEBJE U S POSTAGE PAID MEIUC.;£N A. wBaiJ AEG. EAST BRUNSWICK N.J 08816 PERMIT NO. 34 A th letes MCC lo o k to awards even ts degrees Final arrangements and schedules are be­ The following Middlesex County College ing made for the New Jersey Special Olym­ graduates were awarded associate’s degrees: pics Summer Games which will be held Fri­ day, Saturday and Sunday at William Edison — Linda Marie .Andrulewich. Paterson College in Wayne. Miryan R. .Angel-Garzon, Evelyn V. Boyle. Amy Cahterinc Bradford. Rita E. Brown. ^4ore than 1,200 Special Olympics ath­ Linda Ann Castles. Sherri A. Chansky, Mar­ letes, 450 caoches. and 1.500 volunteers wil- ia C. Cirilli, Elaine C. Connelly, Anthony Idescend upon the campus Friday afternoon Joseph Deanni, David John Den Bleyker, along with 100 committee members. Open­ Joanne Marie Duffalo. C olleen Dwyer, An- ing ceremonies will begin Friday at 7:30 p.m. with a parade o f athletes led by Hack­ nemarie Elder. Eric H. Erdenberger, Patricia Susan Fee and David Evan Frankel, ensack Police Honor Guard and the East Side High School Band o f Paterson. Also: Ann Mane Giordano, Gail Dodich Following introductions by Master of Giordano, Edward A. Gordon, Susanne Lou Ceremonies “ Miss Molly” McClosky of Halsey Hopewell, Richard C. Heerwagen, WOR-TV’s Romper Room, words of wel­ Michael Herzog, Linda Marie Horvath, Luz come by College President Seymour Hy­ V. Infante, Howard Arthur Jacobson. Jaca- man; New Jersey Special Olympics Board lyn Ann Kaiser, Tanuja Kaushik, Linda A. President Dr. Mary Tamm; Professional In­ Kennedy, Kathleen Theresa Klotzbach. surance Agents o f New Jersey President Kathleen Mary Kochick, Mary Patricia Drew Karpenski. representatives from De­ Kramer, Julianne LaRocco, Mary Jo Lock- partment o f Community Affairs o f New Jer­ wood, Ann M. Lord. Darren M. Lovett, sey and New Jersey Monthly and special Brenda Joyce Lucas and Majrorie McKeev- er. guest Patricia Kennedy Lawford, Gov. Thomas Kean will address the athletes and .And: David M. McCann. Raymond T. officially open the games. Susan Saint McKigney, Russell Kevin Miller, Haruko James, television star and actress will recite Mochizuki, Robert Moramarco, Lisa Jane the official Special Olympics Oath with the Moruzzi, Gregory Wayne Nagrosst. Krishna athletes. K, Narang, Sharon Diane Orlowski, Arman­ A second parade will herald the arrival o f do Pascale, Kathryn Frances Peck, Krisann the torch. Beginning at 7 a.m. on Friday, the Pennachio, Gail Karen Prang, Ishrawatte D, torch will be lit on the capitol steps in Tren­ Ramnarine, Yury A. Ravikovich, Darleen ton, taken by Special Olympics athlete Rick­ A. Reid, Renee Marie Renollet, Robert S. ey Paige o f Ewing, and passed to a police Roman, Jeffrey Marc Rosenthal, David Jef­ officier who will start the torch on its way to frey Sabin, Donna L. Saniamaria, Samuel Wayne. G. Smith, III and Edward C arol Stivers. More than 350 police runners will carry Also: Dorothy Kathryn Stock, Anthony the torch along a 110 mile route through the Joseph Vardaro, Mary Robin Wade, Kevin state, arriving in time for the opening cere­ Richard Waynor, Christophe G. Zifehak, monies. The torch will be carried into the Douglas Louis Lieberman. Babita K. Ahlu- stadium by Henry De Geneste, superinten­ walia, Jo-Anne C. Almasy, Sharon Marie dent o f police o f the Port Authority o f New PROUD MOMENT Ambis, Anil G. Balwani, Kenneth Andrew York and New Jersey. Accompanying the Bisgaard, Knstine Rose Bisgaard, George When the Rev. Joseph Perri (I) presented the invocation at the du Dret School of M. Branin, Robert John Carfagno, Marcy torch runners will! be be the Emerald Socie­ the Arts recently, his son, Gregory, proudly watched, as did his dad when the ty Pipe Band. diplomas were given out. Catelli, Robert M. Caulfield, Christine Ann Competition will then take place in the DePol, Francis Joseph Diserio, Jane Irene 400-meter wheelchair race, 400-meter run, Ferullo, Angela M. Genova, Christina Hir- and the mile run. A community carnival niak, Andrew Paul Holstein, Daniel Patrick will complete the eveings event. Hook, Patricia Jablonski, Margaret Susan Saturday competition will begin at 8 a.m. New director steps in Kidd, Sherry Lynn Levitt, Claire Jill Maffe, in bowling, basketball, track and field, Margaret Mary Mastroly, Lynda Mary Mc- softball, soccer skills, and wheelchair Vincent J. Martinez III has been named nized more than five years ago, was the first saros, Patrice Marie O’Rourke, Theresa events. Clinics will be provided in softball, executive director o f the Edison Sheltered workship established by any one commu­ Ann Ostrowski, Kristin Joan Owens, Uma Workshop. He re­ tennis, volleyball, floor hockey, and race nity to help the township’s handicapped H. Patel, Theresa C. Payesko, RoseMarie places Henrietta Lee walking. A two-hour break at noon will al­ adults. Its purpose is to improve the quality Piegari,.Mary Magdalene Rakauskas, Pat­ who has assumed an­ low time for special events, lunch, and clin­ o f the lives o f handicapped and disabled ricia A. Rakauskas, Alice E. Rasmussen, A l­ other position. len R. Robertson and John Eric Roldan. ics. Competition will resume at 2 p.m. and individuals. The ultimate goal is the place­ Highland Park — Patricia Ann Carroll, finish by 4 p.m. followed by a banquet and Martinez comes ment o f handicapped clients into compet­ victory dance. from the Association itive employment. Richard C. Costello, M. Patricia Kuhn, Professional athletes from the Devils, for Retarded Citizens Bradley Reed Law, Cicnise Marie Mendok- er, Alissaw Abbe Sherman, Edward Peter Generals and Giants will be on hand Satur­ in Somerset County This past year it was given three-year ac­ where he served as Stevenson and Joyce Chencharic Wickham. day at the awards areas. Susan Saint James creditation by the Commission Accredita­ Metuchen — Carol Ann Alexander, John and Patricia Kennedy Lawford will assist the program director tion o f Rehabilitation Facilities. with awards presentations on Saturday. for the Somerset Alexander, Michael A. Arki, Patricia Ann Work Activities Collins, Theresa Ann Cronin, Amy Jane Basketball finals will begin at 9 a.m. Sun­ The workshop employs 26 handicapped Training Center. Csokonay, Loretta Mary Cullinanc, Rosalie day, followed by closing ceremonies, a bal­ adults who work every day on different con­ Pauline Deutschman, James Thomas Heal, loon launch, and picnic. There he directed the tracts. New Jersey Special Olympics is a non­ trained clients in vo Alexander Andrew Kiwalle, Catherine E. profit organization providing sports training cational rehabilita Vincent J. Martinez Kiwalle, Kathleen A. McDonnell-Misdea, The workshop is located in the Stelton and athletic competition to mentally re­ tion skills. Prior to that he was a mental Michael P. Mosher, Max M. Plata Jr., Jill Community Center on Plainfield Avenue. tarded children and adults. For more infor- health technician in an adult activity center. Marie Raison, Shelagh Margaret Reilly, Prospective clients may call the workshop at Christine Rose Schneider, Michele Ann ir ion, call 562-1500. The Edison Sheltered Workshop, orga­ 985-8834 for further information. Shubach and Dawn Elaine Tighe. oC uu Q oc o u UJ cc <r\ 00 Os e l e c t r i c O c 3 N ca n t cut it, e s e T b r o s Powerful Powerful ^O lfe b a te 3.5 Amp Motor. 12” cutting swath. 2.75 Amp Motor. 10” cutting swath. These Toro flexible line trimmers have plenty of power to zip through thick, lush grass and weeds. These trimmers are definitely not toys. If you’re looking for performance, come in and see these. Both have automatic line feed—just touch the ground and go. Plus adjustable dual handles that are easy and comfortable to use. Buy before June 30,1985 and get a hefty rebate from Toro. Look for the Rebate Coupons at the stores below. Haven’t you donewtoout TORO aTbro long enough?” Available at these fine retail outlets; Jamesway, Rickel Home Centers, S.E. Nichols, Atlas West, Fortunoff, Garden World, Gaylords, Pergament, Times Square Stores. pleted a 15-week course o f didactic and clin­ 73 m POTPOURRI ical training in the field o f ojjerating room n nursing at Saint Barnabas Medical Center. o 50 a The Edison Public Library is sjxmsoring m EDISON 50 a Name-the-Gorilla contest in which partici­ pants help name the Summer Reading Club Thomas M. Greaney has been appointed mascot and have a chance to win a minia­ manager/postmaster o f the postal service’s New Brunswick Management Sectional ture stuffed gorilla. Entry forms are avail­ vO Center. In his new assignment he will oper­ able at the libraries’ circultion desks. For 00 ate from the Kilmer General Mail Facility. further information, call 287-2351. u Carlos M . Paulino has been appointed Registration in person or by phone will Scout Executive for Thomas .A. Edison begin Monday for a babysitting workshop Council o f the Boy Scouts o f America, serv­ for fourth-graders through young adults. ing Middlesex County and Franklin Town­ Participants will learn childcare, health and ship in Somerset County. safety tips, simple games and activities, as well as emergency procedures. Those com­ Thomas M . Pitcher of Edison has been pleting the workshop will receive a certifi­ appointed manager o f material services at cate o f merit. Sessions will be held at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, Edison. He previously was assistant director o f op­ Main Librarv', 10 a.m.. June 25 and June 26: erations for Mid-Atlantic Shared Services at the North Edison Branch.
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