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© in This Web Service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89864-5 - The Politics and Culture of Honour in Britain and Ireland, 1541-1641 Brendan Kane Index More information Index Act of Absentees Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Uí Dhomhnaill (Life of Red effects on Irish and English peers 34 Hugh O’Donnell) 18, 135–44 Aguila, Don John de audience for 143–4 view of Irish honour 102, 120 compared with Fulke Greville’s The Life of the Anabaptists 271 Renowned Sir Philip Sidney 143–4 anglicization 7, 26 compared with Ó Cianáin’s Flight of Anglo-Norman 1 the Earls 136 annals 16 generic uniqueness of 135–6 as historical source 52 language of 135, 136 Annala Ríoghachta Éireann (Annals of the Four Bingham, Richard 55, 57, 60, 63–4, 276 Masters) 119, 277 blood Annals of Loch Cé 17, 46, 50 as basis for precedence 216 as source for Gaelic views of honour 52–66 as basis of honour 55, 136, 157, 159–60 compared with Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Ui difference between aristocratic and royal 29 Dhomhnaill 140 Blount, Charles, Lord Mountjoy 115–16 Annesley, Sir Francis, Lord Mountnorris Boru, Brian 22, 149, 164, 171 221, 235 Boyle, Richard, 1st Earl of Cork 9, 159, 160, 231, aristocracy 233–4, 247 ‘British’ 21, 269, 275–6 as new nobility 169, 179, 235, 276 necessary role in legitimate government 41 Bramhall, Bishop 257 of Europe 6, 18, 269 Brehon law 22, 23, 47 Asch, Ronald 11, 247 Brehons 22 Atherton, John 255 Braddick, Michael 28 Aylmer, G. E. 230 Bradshaw, Brendan 3, 49, 50, 56 Brady, Ciaran 38, 42 Bacon, Sir Francis 208 Brian, son of Maelrunaidh 61 Bagenal family 276 Brigden, Susan 93 Henry 33, 110 British Mabel 33 as historical category 12–13, 16 bardic poetry state 15 as historical source 47–51, 66–7 (see also honour) bards 16, 22 Brooks, James 14 as arbiters of honour 7–8, 23, 47 Bryson, Anna 8–9 as arbiters of political legitimacy 23, 45, Burgh, Lord 101 80, 118 Burke family 180, 182, 238 as members of Irish court 7–8 and surrender and regrant 32, 38 chief’s poet 23–4, 80 Honora 188 ollamh (ollúna) described 47 Richard (Sassanach), 2nd Earl of Clanricard 38, satire of 7, 24 44, 182 status level of 47 Richard, 4th Earl of Clanricard and Earl of baronial revolt 268 St Albans 18, 19, 38, 94, 120, 121, 146–7, Barry, John 165 181–93, 269 294 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89864-5 - The Politics and Culture of Honour in Britain and Ireland, 1541-1641 Brendan Kane Index More information Index 295 accused as member of international Catholic his defence of honour 18–19, 194, 195, 222, 234, conspiracy 236–7 242, 243 accused as ‘over-mighty noble’ 223, 239 role in dispute between Loftus and Wentworth and anglicization 189 258, 261 as ‘British’ noble 235 Charles V 1, 25 as Crown loyalist 118 Chichester, Arthur, Lord Deputy of Ireland 196, at English court 182–3 200, 205–7, 232, 248 attitude to noble titles 190–1 honour of defended 205–7 conflict with Earls of Thomond 172 management of precedence disputes 200–2 conflict with Lord Deputy Wentworth 224, chivalry 144, 189, 267 235–45, 266, 267 and Henry VIII 29 desire to live in Ireland 186–7 Court of Chivalry 144, 229 English peerage 184–5, 235 themes of in Gaelic writing 24 financial problems of 186 Church of Ireland 151, 270 legal cases in England 183–4 cing 58 offence towards Lord Deputy civility (vs. savagery) 41, 95, 222, 235, 272 Wentworth 241 as Gaelic critique of Tudor state 41–2, 81 patronage of 188 as justifying discourse of state expansion 39, social management of lands 187–8 40, 273 Richard, Lord Tunbridge 242, 243 civilizing mission 224, 246, 247, 266, 267, 269 Richard Og 55 Clarke, Aidan Ulick, 1st Earl of Clanricard 182 Old English in Ireland 181 Ulick, 3rd Earl of Clanricard 38 clú 51 Ulick, 5th Earl of Clanricard 235, 243–4 in Flight of the Earls 129 conflict with Lord Deputy Wentworth in Maguire poembook 70–2 244, 245 in poems of Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn 76–7 Butler ‘Cnoc Samhradh’ (poem) 185–6 Theobald, Viscount Tulleophelim 205–7 Coke Thomas, 10th Earl of Ormond 97, 113 Sir Edward 211, 237, 242, 243, 244, 257–8 Sir John 231 Caball, Marc 7, 9, 49–50, 51, 68, 83 Commons, English House of 211 on Pairlement Chloinne Tomáis 153–4 Confederate Catholics 238, 269 Campion, Edmund 8 confession Canny, Nicholas 9, 36, 41, 91, 197 as socio-political division between English and Carew, Sir George 99, 102–3, 106, 119, 159, 168 Irish 277 Carney, James 68 (see also faith and fatherland) Cary, Sir Henry, Viscount Falkland Connolly, S. J. 26, 277 seating in English Parliament of 211–12 Cooley, Sir William 249 Star Chamber case of 221–2 Cork, Earl of Castle Chamber, Court of 144, 196 (see Boyle, Richard) Cavendish Cottington, Francis 236 William, Earl of Newcastle 233, 261, 265 Croft, Sir James 40, 41 Cecil family 96 Cromwell, Oliver 270 Robert, Earl of Salisbury 99, 104, 106, 108, 116, regime of 277 117, 209 Crown William, Lord Burghley 167, 168 of Ireland 29 Chamberlain, John 182, 183, 185 cultural contact 17 Chancery, Irish Court of 257, 261 as challenge to honour politics 13–14 Charles I 3, 19, 144, 211, 213, 215, 221, 227, 232, compared with British North America 27 244, 267 culture alleged insensitivity to subjects’ honour 242 compatibility of English and Gaelic 21–43 anti-duelling campaign of 228 difference as explanation for English–Irish arbitrates precedence disputes 215–19 conflict 42, 266 defence of honour in Ireland vs. England differences between English and Gaelic 20–1, 222–3, 265, 266, 267 22–3, 277 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89864-5 - The Politics and Culture of Honour in Britain and Ireland, 1541-1641 Brendan Kane Index More information 296 Index Cumberland, Earl of 225 eineach 277 Cunningham, Bernadette 32 as generosity 53–4 Cust, Richard 6, 15, 169 compared with féile 69 compared with uasal 54–5 Dal Cais 44 defined 51, 90 (see also O’Brien family) in Annals of Loch Cé 52–4 Danby, Earl of 242, 243, 244 in Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Uí Dhomhnaill 136 Daniels, Jane and John (servants of 2nd Earl of in Flight of the Earls 129 Essex) 184 in Maguire poembook 68–9, 73 daonnacht in poems of Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn 75–6, 86, 87 as used in Annals of Loch Cé 55–6 eiric 88 Davies, Sir John 195–6 elite formation 12 views of the honour of office 205 Elizabeth I 94, 96, 120, 153 degeneration and military honour 100–1 as Gaelic critique of state collaborators 42 as prinnsa 59 deirbhfhine 23, 35, 39, 274 as rí 58, 110 Desmond, Earls of concerns over social elevation 101–2, 116 and surrender and regrant 54 honour challenged by servants 99–102, 112–16 Crown efforts to manage earldom 104–7 honour concerns of 9, 17, 97 Gearóid Fitzgerald, 15th Earl 44 honour protected by servants 98–9 Gearóid Íarla, 3rd Earl 27 view of Irish honour culture 104–5 James, 6th Earl 53 Elliott, John 143 Desmond Rebellion 41, 64, 92 Empson, Richard 29 Devereux English–Irish Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex 17, 94, 120, 183, and surrender and regrant 32, 271 230, 248 as ‘Gaelicized’ 23 honour concerns of 99 relations with Gaelic Irish culture 26–7 negotiations with Hugh O’Neill 112–14 ethnography rebellion of 116 of Irish by English 167 Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex 183, 213, 231 Europe, Gaelic discussions of 65 Dewald, Jonathan 12 ‘Discourse between two councillors of ‘Faghaim ceart a chlann Eibhir’ (poem by Tadhg state …’ (anti-Wentworth McDáire) 185 pamphlet) 238 ‘Faisean Chlair Eibhir’ (poem) 134, 147, 151, 165 audience for 239 faith and fatherland domestic order 252 as political ideology 41, 42, 64–5, 91, 93, 117, and political legitimacy 246, 247 120, 139, 145, 270, 271, 272, 277 Donelan, John 186, 187 Farmer, William 200 Dorset, Earl of 213 féile 51 dowry, politics of 246 Fenton, Sir Geoffrey 114, 115, 118 Duanaire Mhéig Uidhir (Poembook of the file (poet) Maguires) 46, 50 defined 47 Dublin Fitzgeralds 1 political demonstrations by residents 263–4 James Fitzgerald 105–7 Dublin Castle 232, 264, 268 James Fitzmaurice 92–3, 121, 271 Dudley, Edmund 29 James FitzThomas (sugán earl) 105–7 Duffy, Eamon 6, 18 Joan Fitzgerald 106 duine maith Fitzpatrick, Barnaby 26 applied to Gael and Gall 56 flaith 128, 136, 138 duine uasal flaitheas 59 applied to Gael and Gall 56–7 ‘Flight of the Earls’ 18, 195 Dunne, T. J. 48, 50, 66 Flight of the Earls (Tadhg Ó Cianáin) 18, 122 audience for 143–4 Edward VI, King of England 38 generic uniqueness of 130–1 Edwards, David 32 history of text 125 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89864-5 - The Politics and Culture of Honour in Britain and Ireland, 1541-1641 Brendan Kane Index More information Index 297 Flower, Robin 47 relationship with English nobility 29 ‘forced loan’ (of Charles I) 226 threats if dishonoured 33–4, 91 fosterage 32, 42 heraldry 267 Foulis, Sir David 228–9 amongst Gaelic Irish 24 French Crown 29 high-kings of Ireland 163 ‘Fúbún fúibh, a shluagh Gaoidheal’ (bardic Holland, Earl of 245, 262 poem) 41 honour Fuentes, Duke of 126 and cultural contact 9–10, 16 and Gaelic culture 7, 61–2 Gaelic Ireland and hospitality 63 as composite society 82–4 and imperial visions 29 court culture in 23–4 and landholding 150 ‘order’ described 22–3 and masculinity 19, 100 Gaelic Irish 270, 271, 272, 273, 276, 277 and providence 142 and English law 86–7 and ‘reformation of manners’ 18, 19 as naturally peace loving 81–2 and religion 10, 133, 136, 139–40, 151, 207, 277 clothes and habits of 23 and service 99 continental influences on culture of 24–6 and Spanish colonialism 14 English interests in origins of 167–8 and subjecthood 30 English legal efforts to suppress 26 and violence 5–6, 7, 13, 14, 81–5, 275 Greek origins of 164, 168, 170 as language of resistance 17, 120 not to take ‘English’ titles or offices 88–9 as nationally bounded 8–9, 10 placed outside English honour circle 98 ‘British’ culture of 7, 11, 14, 19, 120, 146, 224, ‘Gaelicization’ 26 235, 269 Garrard, Rev.

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