210 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY, VOL. 58, NO. 2, JUNE 2009 IEEE Reliability Society Technical Operations Annual Technology Report for 2008 Abstract—The 2008 Annual Technology Report consists of con- I. INTRODUCTION tributed material from members of the IEEE Reliability Society HIS annual technology report of the IEEE Reliability Technical Activities Board, as well as outside contributors who Society is based on material submitted by the technical practice reliability. This report consists of the following contribu- T activity segments of the Society, statements from experts in tions. • Introduction provided by Lon Chase the field, industry reviews, and current special interest groups • Reliability Standards Status provided by Lou Gullo working in the field. • An Ethical Analysis of Automation, Risk, and the Financial ‘Technical operations’ is now called ‘technical activities’ Crises of 2008 provided by George F. Hurlburt, Keith W. to align with the naming used by the IEEE technical advisory Miller, and Jeffrey M. Voas board. ‘Technical activities’ is obviously the technical arm of • Lean Now! provided by Gary Wickett the IEEE Reliability Society. Its charges are to: • Unreliability of Community Memories and Its Relativity to • Help incubate new conferences Blockading of U.S. Scientific Progress provided by Samuel • Foster ways to get more technical information to our mem- Keene bers through: • Summary of Selected Technology Advances provided by • The Annual Technical Report that comes out each Jan- Dennis Hoffman uary • The Challenges of System Health Management for Failure Di- • A content rich web site that will provide IEEE RS or- agnostics & Prognostics provided by Enrico Zio ganizational data, technical reports and data, and tools • Delivering Reliability in the Healthcare System provided by (these capabilities are under development). Dev Raheja • Publicizing the state of the art work in the IEEE Transac- • Some Faults Are Worse Than Others: And How That Is Useful tions, Spectrum magazine, our web site, and discussion for Low-Cost Hardening provided by Ilia Polian • The Science and Pitfalls of Achieving Verifiable Data provided groups. by Samuel Keene • Enhancement of the RS promotional flyer with technical • Trustworthy Medical Devices provided by John Harauz activities content. • Degradation of the High-k Dielectric/Metal Gate Stacks • Building templates, guides, and resources to mentor new Under Electrical Stress provided by Gennadi Bersuker members of the society and profession • Response to Counterfeit ICs in the Supply Chain provided by • Interfacing with other technical societies, and collabo- Gary F. Shade rate on joint ventures to gain synergy • How Lead-Free Changes Can Impact Reliability provided by • Delivering technical information through classes, tuto- Joe Childs rials, media, and online collaboration (meetings) • Risk Assessment and Mitigation of COTS Integration in High Society Technical Activities are structured into four pillars Reliability Systems provided by Kenneth P Rispoli representing primary areas of technology operations that en- • Tin Whiskers: A Long Term RoHS Reliability Problem pro- compass the society’s fields of interest: vided by Robert J. Landman Technical Pillar leads: • Solutions to Sneak Circuit Analysis (SCA) of Very Large Equipment/System Designs provided by Scott Schulman • Design Constraints That Make Software Trustworthy pro- Joe Childs System of Systems Development vided by Lawrence Bernstein, and C. M. Yuhas and Performance • Malicious Code provided by W. Eric Wong, and Vidroha De- Eric Wong Software Development and broy Performance • Preparing the Ground for Next Generation Software Engi- Lou Gullo System/Subsystem Development neering provided by Don O’Neill and Performance • Software Security Engineering: A Key Discipline for Project Aaron Dermarderosian System Foundation Development Managers provided by Julia H. Allen, Sean Barnum, Robert and Performance J. Ellison, Gary McGraw, and Nancy R. Mead The Technical Activities organization under Sam Keene, VP • Some Progress in Software Testing Technology provided by Technical Activities, includes the following: Phillip A. Laplante, Robert Bucholz, and Albert Elcock • Communications Network Reliability provided by John Healy Tech Ops Deputy Dennis Hoffman Tech Ops Japan Shuichi Fukuda Tech Ops Europe Enrico Zio Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Tech Ops Taiwan Shiuhpyng Shieh Tech Ops Communications Lon Chase Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TR.2009.2020845 0018-9529/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Robert Landman. Downloaded on March 01,2010 at 22:18:19 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IEEE RELIABILITY SOCIETY TECHNICAL OPERATIONS ANNUAL TECHNOLOGY REPORT FOR 2008 211 II. TECHNICAL ACTIVITY REPORTS Initiation of the MIL-HDBK-217 Revision Project: Defense Standardization Program Office (DSPO), OUSD (AT&L),under A. Reliability Standards Status Mr. Greg Saunders created ASSIST Project # SESS-2008-001, Provided by Lou Gullo ([email protected]) to initiate the effort to revise MIL-HDBK-217. ASSIST is Reliability Society Standards Committee: This year, the the Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information IEEE Standards Board approved 2 new standards devel- System which is a web-based online database. More than 100 oped by the IEEE Reliability Society Standards Committee government activities may prepare and submit documents to the (IEEE-RS-SC). These standards are IEEE 1633, and IEEE ASSIST database using the electronic document submission 1624. IEEE 1633 is the Recommended Practice for Software tool. Reliability. IEEE 1633 was approved by the IEEE Standards DSPO is funding the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Board in March 2008 and was published in August 2008. IEEE Crane Division to release MIL-HBDK-217 Rev G by the end of 1624 is the Standard for Organizational Reliability Capability. 2009. DSPO is driving the revision of MIL-HBDK-217 based on IEEE 1624 was approved by the IEEE Standards Board in the results of a survey conducted throughout government, and September 2008. IEEE 1624 is going through final editorial industry. This survey was initiated in 2004. It was conducted review and should be published in early 2009. by NSWC Crane, and completed in 2007. The purpose of this Besides the development of these 2 new standards, the survey was to determine what tools are being used by industry to IEEE-RS-SC is revising 3 existing standards. generate MTBF data. NSWC Crane determined from the survey results that, although this handbook has not been updated in over a decade, it remains the most widely used reliability pre- diction method for electronic equipment. Under the leadership of NSWC Crane, a working group of individuals representing the government, DoD, and industry has been established to con- duct this revision. The members of this working group, the MIL- HDBK-217 Revision Working Group (217WG), responded to the NSWC Crane call for volunteers, and were down-selected All 3 of these standards have active Project Authorization Re- from the overwhelming list of respondents. quests (PAR) approved by the IEEE Standards Board. Other Related Activity: Besides this 217WG, DSPO has Along with standards development, the IEEE-RS-SC has sponsored aerospace industry collaborative research through the updated its Sponsor P&P (Policy and Procedures) to better Aerospace Vehicle Systems Institute (AVSI). AVSI is working formalize processes for operation of the committee, and its to develop new reliability prediction models for new component working groups. Lou Gullo, the IEEE-RS-SC Standards Chair technologies that are not covered in MIL-HDBK-217. AVSI is has worked with the IEEE-RS ADCOM to gain approval to focused on commercializing Physics of Failure (PoF) models submit the P&P to the IEEE Standards Board for approval. considering semiconductor wear out, and developing a new Dr. Diganta Das accepted an appointment to the IEEE-RS-SC software tool for reliability predictions. Several members of as the Standards Committee Vice-Chair reporting to Lou Gullo. the 217WG and AVSI are also members of VMEbus Inter- Dr. Das has been an active member of the IEEE-RS-SC working national Trade Association (VITA). VITA’s mission includes groups. He is knowledgeable about the preparation of PAR, and not only promoting VMEbus, but promoting open technology the completion of final drafts following the IEEE-SA processes as embodied in the many standards currently under develop- for Standards Board approval. ment within the VITA Standards Organization (VSO). VSO Also this year, Lou Gullo, the IEEE-RS-SC Standards Chair, is accredited as an American National Standards developer, has accepted a position on the Executive Committee (EXCOM) and a submitter of Industry Trade Agreements to the IEC. for the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) Software and Sys- VITA formed a Community of Practice for reliability engi- tems Engineering Standards Committee (S2ESC). The advan- neering professionals called VITA51, which is focused on tage of joining the S2ESC is to enable co-development of stan- providing practitioners of MIL-HDBK-217F with an industry dards between the IEEE Computer Society, and the IEEE Reli- consensus-based approach to MTBF calculation. The efforts of ability Society. AVSI, and VITA51 should have a benefit, and direct effect on The IEEE-RS-SC is contributing to the development of MIL-HDBK-217 revisions in the future. other standards
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