Lectotypification of taxa belonging to the “Festuca circummediterranea” group Bruno Foggi, Claudia Quercioli, Matilde Gennai, Enio Nardi & Maria Adele Signorini Abstract Résumé FOGGI, B., C. QUERCIOLI, M. GENNAI, E. NARDI & M. A. SIGNORINI FOGGI, B., C. QUERCIOLI, M. GENNAI, E. NARDI & M. A. SIGNORINI (2012). Lectotypification of taxa belonging to the “Festuca circummediter- (2012). Lectotypification des taxas du groupe «Festuca circummediterranea». ranea” group. Candollea 67: 221-228. In English, English and French abstracts. Candollea 67: 221-228. En anglais, résumés anglais et français. This paper reports the lectotypifications of the names Festuca Cet article traite des lectotypifications des noms Festuca ovina ovina var. laevis Hack., Festuca ovina subsp. laevis Hack., var. laevis Hack., Festuca ovina subsp. laevis Hack., Festuca Festuca circummediterranea Patzke, Festuca duriuscula circummediterranea Patzke, Festuca duriuscula var. campana var. campana N. Terracc. and Festuca campana (N. Terracc.) N. Terracc. et Festuca campana (N. Terracc.) Alexeev. Un Alexeev. As the lectotype of Festuca duriuscula var. campana nouveau lectotype pour Festuca duriuscula var. campana N. Terracc. previously designated by Alexeev is to be consid- N. Terracc. est désigné, comme le dernier lectotype désigné ered a neotype, a new lectotype is proposed. par Alexeev est considéré comme invalide. Key-words POACEAE – Festuca circummediterranea group – Nomen- clature – Typification – Italy Addresses of the authors: BF, CQ, MG, EN: Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica – Laboratori di Botanica, via G. La Pira, 4 I-50121 Firenze, Italy. Email (BF): [email protected] MAS: Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Agrarie – sez. Botanica ambientale e applicata, piazzale delle Cascine, 28 I-50123 Firenze, Italy. Submitted on September 13, 2010. Accepted on October 19, 2012 Edite d by P. Bungener Online ISSN: 2235-3658 Candollea 67(2): 221-228 (2012) © CONSERVATOIRE ET JARDIN BOTANIQUES DE GENÈVE 2012 Candollea 67-2 Complet_. 26.11.12 13:13 Page222 222 – Candollea 67, 2012 The “Festuca circummediterranea” group is made up of GUSSONE (1843, 1844), the author himself could study many several close related taxa characterized by a peculiar disposi- more specimens from several herbaria in Europe, including tion of the sclerenchyma in three well isolated strands at the Linnaeus’ herbarium (LANDOLFI, 1920). Thus GUSSONE (1843, margins and at the median part of the leaf blade, as observed 1844) was rewritten, as were the descriptions of some taxa, in transversal section. According to current systematic knowl- already published in GUSSONE (1827, 1828). Gussone’s spec- edge (FOGGI & MÜLLER, 2009a-e), three taxa of the Italian imens of Festuca in NAP were later seen also by Eduard Flora can be considered units within this group: F. circum- Hackel (see HACKEL, 1882:VIII). The collection “Gussone- mediterranea Patzke, F. jeanpertii subsp. campana (N. Terracc.) generale” forms the great bulk of NAP (SANTANGELO & al., Markgr.-Dann. and F. humifusa Brullo & Guarino. The first 1995) and includes several specimens collected by Gussone in one is reported for the whole central Mediterranean area and Abruzzo and in other regions of southern Italy. These speci- the second one for central Italy and western part of Balkan mens were certainly used by him to describe, among the oth- peninsula, while F. humifusa was recently described for Capo ers, F. dimorpha Guss. as a new species (G USSONE, 1826). Tindari (northern Sicily) (BRULLO & GUARINO, 2001). During As for Nicola Terracciano’s collection, here we refer to recent taxonomical revision of this group (FIORINI & al., 2008; plants collected by him together with his son Achille Terrac- QUERCIOLI, 2008; FOGGI & al., 2009), we ran into several prob- ciano in the area once named ‘Terra di Lavoro’ (now province lems concerning typification, that could affect the application of Caserta and part of the provinces of Latina, Frosinone, of correct names to different taxa. On the subject of correct Naples, Benevento, Avellino, Isernia) and in Campi Flegrei, typification and related nomenclatural problems in Festuca L., a volcanic area lying to the north-west of Naples. These see among the others FOGGI & SIGNORINI (1997), SIGNORINI & specimens made up the basis for the list of plants published in FOGGI (1997) and ŠMARDA & al. (2009). TERRACCIANO (1872). In this paper, typifications of the following names are Furthermore, we searched in FI and ROMA, where many discussed: specimens collected by Gussone and Terracciano are also – F. ovina var. laevis Hack.; hosted. – F. ovina subsp. laevis Hack.; – F. circummediterranea Patzke; Materials and methods – F. duriuscula var. campana N. Terracc. Type material was searched in NAP, W, FI and ROMA The investigation was based on herbarium specimens The labels of the lectotypes have been transcribed between hosted in NAP, FI, ROMA and W. quotation marks (“ “), complying, as far as possible, with the original writing. If more than one label were attached to the In particular, in W, the personal herbarium of the Austrian same sheet, each of them is preceded by a capital letter and a botanist Eduard Hackel is housed (see S TAFLEU & COWAN, bracket: A), B), C), etc. 1979; FOGGI & SIGNORINI, 1997), whose taxonomic studies on The following abbreviations and symbols have been used this difficult genus in Europe must be considered as funda- (see SIGNORINI & FOGGI, 1997; FOGGI & SIGNORINI, 2005): mental. Among Hackel’s papers on this topic, HACKEL (1882) on European fescues is particularly noteworthy. – [ ]: our own observations; NAP was founded during the first half of the nineteenth – /: new line; century (SANTANGELO & al., 1995) and hosts three collections – [pr.]: printed. which are relevant for investigations on Italian fescues. Two For more details on the typification process followed, see of these collections were built up by Giovanni Gussone (1787- SIGNORINI & FOGGI (1997). 1866): “Gussone-Sicilia” and “Gussone-generale”. The third one is made up of specimens collected by Nicola Terracciano (1837-1921). “Gussone-Sicilia” includes the exsiccata col- lected by Gussone in Sicily from 1817 to 1859 (L A VA LVA, 1993; SANTANGELO & al., 1995) and has been hosted in NAP since 1861. It is made up of about 12,000 specimens grouped in 103 “fascicoli” (i.e. files). It is on these specimens that GUS- SONE (1827, 1828, 1832-1843, 1843, 1844) were grounded. In these works, the genus Festuca was drawn up by GUSSONE (1827, 1828) and redrawn up later by GUSSONE (1843, 1844) (see LA VA LVA , 1993). According to LA VA LVA (1993), in the space time between the draft of G USSONE (1827, 1828) and Candollea 67-2 Complet_. 26.11.12 13:13 Page223 Lectotypification of taxa belonging to the “Festuca circummediterranea” group – 223 Results and discussion 1.2. Typification of F. ovina subsp. laevis and F. ovina var. laevis 1. Festuca ovina var. laevis, F. ovina subsp. laevis and F. circummediterranea Festuca ovina subsp. laevis Hack., Monogr. Festuc. Eur.: 8a, 107, tab. III, fig. 7. 1882 (Fig. 1). 1.1 Gussone’s invalid infraspecific taxa ϵ F. ovina var. laevis Hack., Monogr. Festuc. Eur.: 84. GUSSONE (1827: 102) reports the species “F. duriuscula 1882. Linn. sp. pl. 108, Bertol. am. it. p 6, Ucria H. Pan. 60”, followed by a description. The species is subdivided into two infraspe- Lectotypus (designated here): with three labels: ITA LY: cific taxa: “a- culmis subsesquipedalibus; foliis linearibus, rad- A) “Planta Sicula / Festuca duriuscula L. var. elata / In icalibus 4-6-pollicaribus, flosculis aristatis. F. duriuscula  pratis montosis – Palermo alla / Pizzuta. Maio m. / Leg. Bertol. l. c.” and “b- flosculis aristatis, foliis radicalibus seta- Todaro [from Todaro’s hand]” s.d., s.n.; B) “F. duriuscula / ceis aliquando recurvis. F. duriuscula Bertol. l. c. F. ovina Lin. v. laevis m. / det. Hackel [from Hackel’s hand]”; C) “Fes- sp.pl., 108. Ucria l. c. Presl. fl. sic. pr., ac. Cyp. et gram. sic. tuca [pr.] laevis (Hack.) Nym. Consp. / var. laevis/ F. cir- P. 35”. As infraspecific epithets are lacking, according to art. cummediterranea Patzke var. circumm. / III.65 / XII 75 32.1(c) (MCNEILL & al., 2006), no name was validly published [from Markgraf-Dannenberg’s hand] / det. I. Markgraf-Dan- by Gussone, neither have these taxa any “status” (art. 6.3), that nenberg [pr.]” (W!). is they cannot be regarded either as subspecies, or varieties, or HACKEL (1881: 405) published the name F. ovina subsp. other. For them, Gussone merely provides two different descrip- laevis. According to MCNEILL & al. (2006, art. 32.1, 41.3), tions and two different synonyms: “F. duriuscula  Bertol.” and this name is not validly published in this paper, because it is “F. duriuscula Bertol. Am. It.: 6”, respectively. Some years accompanied neither by a description, nor by a reference to a later, GUSSONE (1843: 86) reports a F. duriuscula L. with almost previously published description; consequently, even this infra- the same references as given in GUSSONE (1827: 102). Only the specific taxon has no taxonomic “status”. ERTOLONI reference to B (1819: 6) is omitted because, as Gus- Within this invalid “subsp. laevis”, HACKEL (1881: 405) sone explains just a few lines below, BERTOLONI (1833-1835: reports six different varieties. Among these, a “var. laevis” is 602) had lumped F. duriuscula with F. ovina. A reference to described, for which he reports the following distribution: GUSSONE (1827: 102) is also added: “Guss. pr. 1. p. 102”. In “Gebirge Siciliens, Neapol., nördl. Appenninen, Seealpen, GUSSONE (1843: 86) the infraspecific taxon “a” is not expressly Sierra do Alcoy in SO.-Spanien; Daya in Algier; Kreta.” A mentioned anymore and only an infraspecific taxon “b” is reference to “Guss. Fl. sic.” is also given. reported, clearly different from the typical one, but even in this case no name is validly published, as this taxon still lacks an Actually, even the name F. ovina var. laevis must be regarded as not validly published, as it lacks either a descrip- infraspecific epithet (MCNEILL & al., 2006, art.
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