LIGHT of PANDRIMALAI (All Religions Are True; As Many Faiths So Many Paths)

LIGHT of PANDRIMALAI (All Religions Are True; As Many Faiths So Many Paths)

AUM LIGHT OF PANDRIMALAI (All religions are true; as many faiths so many paths) PRAYER Pray what use is of all the learning The holy feet of the great wise if worshipped not? - Thirukkural fw;wjdhy; Magad; vd;nfhy; thywptd; ew;whs; njhohmh; vdpd;. - jpUf;Fws! gd!wpkiy Rthkpfspd! ghjkyH rhHe;jtiu vd!iwf;Fk; rhuhjplH Hold onto the Lotus Feet of Pandrimalai Swamigal Ward off the ills of the world 1 LIGHT OF PANDRIMALAI (Devoted to Religion and Philosophy) April - June 2017 Vol. 44- No.1 (Jayanthi Issue) nghUslf;fk; Page No 1. From The Editor’s Desk 3 2. Jayanthi Guests - An Introduction 7 3. n[ae;jp tpoh rpwg;G tpUe;jpdH gw;w 13 4. Truth Divine 20 5. The Journey 24 6. Spirituality and its Necessity 25 7. Saiva Siddhantam 29 8. Upanishads 33 9. jHg;gzk; Vd! nra;a Ntz!Lk;? 40 10. kWgpwtp 44 11. FUehjH kfpik 50 2 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK The Highest Type of Life Life is a precious gift given to every one of us in this world. We need to make the best use of life which biologically seems to begin at the time of conception and progresses till death: or it is the passage of time from ZRPE WR WRPE %XW UHVHDUFK VFLHQWLVWV LQ WKH ¿HOG RI biosciences say that heredity plays a vital role in shaping RQH¶VOLIH8SWRWKUHH¿OLDOJHQHUDWLRQVJHQHVDUHVDLG WRH[HUFLVHWKHLULQÀXHQFHRQDQ\JLYHQLQGLYLGXDO6R it is mandatory on the part of people to make life as meaningful and purposeful as possible. This will enable individuals as well as society as such happy and healthy. The following are the suggestions to make the highest type of one’s life: 1. To talk with God before I talk with fellow human beings. 2. To do my daily work with sun shine on my face and honey on my tongue. 3. To make duty a joy and joy a duty. 4. To work and not to worry; to be energetic and not fussy. 7REHWUXHWRP\VHOIDQGIDOVHWRQRQHGLOLJHQWWR make a living and earnest to make a life. 7RFKHULVKIULHQGVKLSDQGJXDUGFRQ¿GHQFH 7. To be loyal to principle at the cost of popularity. 3 8. To be slow to promise but be quick to act. 9. To be sweet tempered under criticism and be open eared to the call of conscience for service or VDFUL¿FH 10. To be strong in the presence of temptation and be alert at the time of opportunity. The ten suggestions mentioned above are given in ¿UVW SHUVRQ XVDJH EHFDXVH DOO FKDQJHV QHFHVVDULO\ have to begin with self. Then only we can lead others by example. When everyone in society changes for the EHWWHUOLIHEHFRPHVHQMR\DEOHIRUWKHHQWLUHKXPDQLW\ Sri Guru Bhagwan being a great SidhaPurusha had practiced many more virtues in life than what have been mentioned above. Divinity stems strongly only from human values. He had been advocating the basic philosophy of “Love is Lord Shiva [God] and that indeed is true” by adopting simple life style. All religions across various points of time have been stressing the importance of practicing high moral values without which fruits of science and technology cannot be relished. kpf cahpa tho;f;if tho;f;if ekf;Ff; nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls!s mw;Gjkhd ghprhFk;. fUtiwapypUe;J fy;yiw nry;Yk; tiu ,ijr; rpwe;j Kiwapy; gad!gLj;jpf; nfhs!s Ntz!Lk;. mwptpay; ty;YeHfs! ekJ xUthpd! kugZf;fs! %d!W jiyKiw tiu mtHfspd! re;jjpapdhpd! tsHr;rpapy; jq;fs! jhf;fj;ijf; fhl;Lk; vd!W ek;GfpwhHfs!. vdNt ekf;Ff; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk; ,t;Tliy mHj;jKs!sjhfTk; 4 gaDs!sjhfTk; itg;gNj ekJ flikahFk;. ,JNt ek;ikAk; ek;ikr; rhHe;NjhiuAk; MNuhf;fpakhfTk; Mde;jkhfTk; itf;f cjTk;. XH cahpa tho;f;if tho rpy cj;jpfisg; ghHg;Nghk;. 1. kdpjNuhL NgRk; Kd! ,iwtNdhL Ngr Ntz!Lk;. 2. jd!Dila jpdrhp flikfis ,dpa Kfj;JlDk; Njd! Nghd!w nrhw;fSlDk; nra;a Ntz!Lk;. 3. flikia kfpo;r;rpahf;f Ntz!Lk;: kfpo;r;rpaha; ,Ug;gNj flikahff; nfhs!s Ntz!Lk;. 4. flikiaf; ftiyapd!wpAk; MHtj;JlDk; Muthukpy;yhkYk; nra;a Ntz!Lk;. 5. jd!idAk; gpwiuAk; Vkhw;whky; cz!ikahfTk; Cf;fj;JlDk; tho;f;ifia elj;j Ntz!Lk;. 6. ez!gHfisg;Ngzp mtHfSila ek;gpf;iff;Fg; ghj;jpuHfshfTk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz!Lk;. 7. jq;fs! nry;thf;F Fiwa NeHe;jhYk; jq;fs! cz!ikahd Nfhl;ghbypUe;J khwhjpUj;jy; Ntz!Lk;. 8. epjhdj;Jld! cWjpaspj;J Neuj;jpy; cWjpaspj;ij epiwNtw;wy; mtrpak;. 9. fz!ldq;fis ,d!Kfj;Jld! tuNtw;W> kdrhl;rpf;F tpNuhjkpy;yhky; flikiaAk; jpahfj;ijAk; nra;jy; Ntz!Lk;. 5 10. ftHr;rpfSf;F Mshfhky; tUk; ey;tha;g;GfSf;Ff; ftdkhfTk; ,Uj;jy; ey;yJ. Nkw;fz!l gj;J cj;jpfisAk; ehk; Kjypy; filg;gpbj;jhy; kw;wtHfisAk; mt;topf;F ,l;Lr; nry;tjpy; ntw;wp fhzyhk;. xU rKjhaj;jpy; midtUk; khwpdhy; mjd! gyd! xl;Lnkhj;jkhfg; gy klq;F gydspf;Fk;. rpwe;j rpj;j GU\uhfj; jpfo;e;j ekJ FUgfthd! jkJ tho;f;ifapy; filg;gpbj;j vz!zw;w Nfhl;ghLfspy; kpfr;rpyNt NkNy nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls!sd. ,itNa ek;ikj; nja;tPfj;jpy; caHj;Jk;. FUgfthd! jkJ Mjhu ]!Ujpahf ‘md!Ng rptk;> mJNt ep[k;” vDk; Nfhl;ghl;Lld! kpf vspa tho;f;if tho;e;J fhl;bdhH. cyfpd! midj;J kjq;fSNk czHj;JtJ cahpa Nfhl;ghLfNs tpQ;QhdKk; njhopy; El;gKk; jiof;f cjTk; vd!W typAWj;Jfpd!wd. 6 An Introductory Note on Guests of Honor in the Satsung held in connection with the 111th Jayanthi Mahotsavam of Sri La Sri Pandrimalai Swamigal A devotee The 111th Jayanthi Mahotsavam of Sri La Sri Pandrimalai Swamighal is to be held this year on 26th and 27th April. 2QWKH¿UVWGD\LQWKHVHFRQGVHVVLRQ³6DWVXQJ´ZLOOEH FRQGXFWHGDW6UL.ULVKQD*DQD6DEKD71DJDULQ&KHQQDL from 5.30pm. Srimathi Kalyani Margabandhu of Sri Gnanda Mandalai Madhar Sangam will render bhajan as the Holy Procession enters Sri Krishna Gana Sabha with the Holy Padhukhas of Sri Guru Bhagwan being held in reverence by Aasaan Satguru Sri La Sri Shakthevadivel Swamighal. %\OLJKWLQJWKHWUDGLWLRQDOODPS .XWKXYLOODNNX VSHFLDO pooja will be performed for the Holy Padhukhas of Sri Guru Bhagwan with prayer songs. Following a brief welcome DGGUHVV D GRFXPHQWDU\ ¿OP RQ %KDJZDQ 6UL /D 6UL Pandrimalai Swamighal will be screened. Aasaan Sadguru Sri La Sri Sakthevadivel Swamigal will bless the gathering of devotees with His Divine Speech. ,Q6UL/D6UL6DNWKHYDGLYHO6ZDPLJDOGHYRWHHVVHH6UL Guru Bhagawan. If Sri Guru Bhagawan represents HOLY 3$1&+$.6+5$QDPHO\201$0$6,9$<$+LV'LUHFW 'LVFLSOH6UL/D6UL6DNWKHYDGLYHO6ZDPLJDOVLJQL¿HV+RO\ 6KDGDNVKDUDQDPHO\206$5$9$1$%$9$-XVWDV how Holy Shadakshara is regarded to have emerged from +RO\3DQFKDNVKDUD6UL/D6UL6DNWKHYDGLYHO6ZDPLJDO is revered to have come from Sri La Sri Pandrimalai Swamigal. Perhaps this what an oft quoted verse (following St.Nakkirar’s Thirumurugatrupadai) connotes in its meaning and interpretation. “Anjumugam thondril 7 Arumugam thondrum – Venjamaril anjael endru Vel thondrum – Nenjil orukkal ninaikil irukkalum thondrum, Muruga endru odhuwar mun” Sri.K.A.Nanjappa has been receiving the Blessings of Sri Guru Bhagwan for the past several decades. His immense devotion to Sri Guru Bhagwan is of superlative GHJUHH+HFRQGXFWVDQQXDOIHVWLYDODW6UL&KDPXQGHHVZDUL 7HPSOHDW&RRUJLQDYHU\JUDQGPDQQHUDQGKLVVSLULWXDO wisdom has no boundary: the way he integrates day to day routine duties with religious activities itself can be cited as DQHYLGHQFHIRUKLVVSLULWXDOZLVGRP+LVZLIHGDXJKWHUV VRQVLQODZJUDQGFKLOGUHQEHVLGHVHYHU\RWKHUNLQDQGNLWK are also ardent devotees of Sri Guru Bhagwan. In this context it has to be placed on record that one of his daughters Smt.Sangeetha Muthanna has been a tower of strength to all the endeavors of Aasaan Satguru Sri La Sri Shakthevadivel Swamighal in promoting spirituality as envisaged by Sri Guru Bhagwan. She has been quite instrumental and meticulous in executing the plans of Aasaan Satguru Sri La Sri Shakthevadivel Swamighal especially with regard to the Dhyana Mantapam which is being constructed at Thiruvannamalai and release of WKHGRFXPHQWDU\¿OPRQ%KDJZDQ6UL/D6UL3DQGULPDODL 6ZDPLJKDOEHVLGHVDSDFNRIVL[DXGLRPXVLF&'V Vaggeyakarar Mumbai Sri P.S.Krishnamurthy is going to render melodious devotional concert with accompaniments of artists on various musical instruments (string as well as percussion) on this Holy Occasion. He has EHHQDJUHDWFRPSRVHU 9DJJH\DNDUD OLNH6UL3DSSDQDVDP 6LYDQ6UL.RWHHVZDUD,\HUDOORIZKRPFRPSRVHGHYRWLRQDO songs which have very deep philosophical connotations arising out of high degree of mystic experience. Sri. P.S.Krishnamurthy is the only child of Bhagavatottma Sri 3.6XEUDPDQLDQDQG6PW5DMDODNVKP\7KHLUOLYHVZHUH RQHRISXUHGHYRWLRQWKURXJK1DDPD6DQNLUWDQ 8 Sri.P.S. Krishnamurthy was a child prodigy; he started VLQJLQJIURPWKHWHQGHUDJHRI+HLVDPXVLFDOJHQLXV with effortless and superior vocal skills and has mastery RYHU3HUFXVVLRQ)OXWH+DUPRQLXPDQG&DUQDWLF3LDQR He achieved all this without formal training from a Guru! Today he is revered and recognized as a brilliant music &RPSRVHU 'LUHFWRU ,QWKHFRXUVHRIKLVLOOXVWULRXVFDUHHU6UL.ULVKQDPXUWK\ KDV FRPSRVHG VHYHUDO 3DGD 9DUQDPV.HHUWKDQDPV DQG7KLOODQDV7KHVH FUHDWLRQV EHQH¿W WKH IUDWHUQLW\ of Musicians and Bharatanatyam dancers. His work is QRZDYDLODEOHDVD%RRND0RELOH$SSDQGLQWKHPS format titled – “NrityasankeerthanaArpanam”. His latest FRQWULEXWLRQ DV D 0XOWLOLQJXDO$OEXP RI $XGLR &'V SURGXFHG UHOHDVHGE\WKH$$6$$16$'*85865,/$ 65,3$1'5,0$/$,6:$0,*$/&+$5,7$%/(75867 +LVDGPLUDEOHZRUNHWKLFGHGLFDWLRQSDVVLRQDQGWKH love with which he has infused every single song in these Albums deserves a special mention.The Aasaan Sadguru 6UL/D6UL3DQGULPDODL6ZDPLJDO&KDULWDEOH7UXVWJXLGHG E\RXU%HORYHG6DWJXUX6UL/D6UL6DNWKHYDGLYHO6ZDPLJDO LV KRQRXUHG WR FRQIHU XSRQ 9DJJH\DNDUD0XPEDL 6UL36.ULVKQDPXUWK\WKHPHULWRULRXVWLWOHRI³Sangeetha Gandharva´IRUKLVJHQLXVGHGLFDWLRQSDVVLRQ LPPHQVH WDOHQWLQZULWLQJO\ULFVFRPSRVLQJVRXOIXOPXVLFDQGVLQJLQJ with great expertise< the glory of “Ishwara Naama” thereby reaching out and touching the souls of every listener. He lights our souls with his unique brand of divine music. Sri Krishnamurthy has been an ardent devotee of very PDQ\ 6DLQWV DQG 6HHUV OLNH 6UL 5DPDQD 0DKDULVKL 6UL Sathya Saibaba. His devotion to Sri Guru Bhagwan and Aasaan Satguru Sri La Sri Shakthevadivel Swamighal is so intense that he casts a magnetic spell on all the devotees who listen to his Divine Music at the Ashram as well as every other place where he sings by becoming one with 9 music and also the contents of the very song.

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