Index NOTE: Page numbers in italics refer to photos. Abdul-Jabbar, 266 Anthony, Marc, 305 Abner, Ewart, 173, 175, 195–196, 205, Apollo Theater, 80, 84, 85, 86, 102, 209, 226, 254, 255, 258, 272, 295 121, 247 “Abraham, Martin and John,” 167 Motortown Revue (1962), 87 Accra’s National Theater, 297 Motortown Revue (1963), 100, 101 Adantes, 75 A&R (artists and repertoire), 44 “Ai No, Sono,” 271 Arkoff, Samuel Z., 105, 108 “Ain’t That Asking for Trouble” Armstrong, Louis, 16, 84, 121 (Wonder), 141 Ashford, Jack, 160 “Ain’t That Love” (Charles), 75 “Ask the Lonely,” 170 “Aint That Peculiar,” 100 “As” (Wonder), 264, 268, 300 Ales, Barney, 172 Atkins, Cholly, 125 Aletti, Vince, 191–192, 206, 226, 267, 268 Atlantic Records, 163 “Alfi e” (Wonder as “Eivets Rednow”), At the Close of a Century (Wonder), 300 169–170 Avalon, Frankie, 105 “All Day Sucker,” 263 “All In Love Is Fair” (Wonder), 231, “Baby Don’t Do It,” 56 253, 305 Babyface, 300 Allmusic Internet database, 68 “Baby Love,” 120, 121 America: Tribute to the Heroes Bacharach, Burt, 169 (album), 304 “Bad Girl” (Gordy-Robinson), 36, 44 “American Pie”COPYRIGHTED (McLean), 267 Bagley MATERIALElementary School, 30 “America the Beautiful,” 302 Baird, Tom, 184 Andrews, Stephanie, 309 Baker, Anita, 298 “Angie Girl” (Wonder-Moy-Cosby), “Ballad of the Green Berets,” 140 172, 176 Ballard, Florence, 19, 51, 60, 71, Anka, Paul, 248 123–124, 161, 176 Anna Records, 36, 38 Ballard, Hank, 32 “Another Star” (Wonder), 264, 268 “Bam” (Gordy), 65, 68 Anthology (Wonder), 143 Band, 264 321 bbindex.inddindex.indd 332121 33/9/10/9/10 77:02:45:02:45 AAMM 322 Index “Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Bohannon, George, 165 Down)”, 142 “Boogie On Reggae Woman” (Wonder), Baraka, Amiri, 63 157, 248, 252, 261 Barefoot Bill, 8 “Boop Till You Drop,” 270 Barley, Gloria, 217 Boston Garden, 241 Baron, Art, 201 Boston Ventures, 294 Basemore, Vicky, 138 Bowles, Thomas “Beans,” 83–84, 138, Basie, Count, 8, 84 139, 160 “Beachcomber,” 106 Bradford, Janie, 38, 45, 52, 57, 61–62, “Beach Stomp,” 106 78, 79 Beat Generation, 139 Bradford, Perry, 7 Beatles, 5, 106, 120, 144, 145, 182, Bradley, Tom, 252 190. See also Lennon, John; Braille, 38, 66, 96, 112, 118, 144, 226, McCartney, Paul 273, 302 Beck, Bogert & Appice (Beck, Bogert, Braille, Louis, 118 Appice), 216 Braun, Michael, 270, 271 Beck, Jeff, 214, 215, 225, 243 Brewster-Douglass projects (Detroit), 15, “Behind Closed Doors,” 269 18–19, 23, 71 Bell, Ed, 8 Brill Building, 106 Benjamin, Benny, 55, 56, 67, 113, 135, “Bring Your Sweet Stuff Home to Me” 136, 149, 265 (Wonder), 269 Bennett, Tony, 172, 306, 310 Bristol, Johnny, 109, 178 Benson, George, 264, 269 Broadnax, Morris, 143 Berry, Chuck, 223 Brooklyn Fox Theater, 123 “Beyond the Sea,” 106 Brown, H. Rap, 160 “Big Brother” (Wonder), 3, 224, 225, 229 Brown, James, 84, 147, 172 Bikini Beach (movie), 107 Burn Notice (television show), 5 Bird, Christopher, 269 Burns, Eddie, 16 “Bird of Beauty” (Wonder), 248 Burrell, Kim, 305 Black Bull Music, 211, 252, 294 Busby, Jheryl, 294 Black Bull Publishing, 295 Butler, Wild Child, 7 Black Congressional Caucus, 259 “Bye Bye Baby” (Wells), 52 “Black Man,” 263 “Bye Bye Johnny,” 223 Black Music Association, 269 “Bye Bye World,” 170 “Black Orchid,” 273 Byrd, Gary, 263 Black Panthers, 160 Blair, Tony, 300 Caine, Michael, 169 “Blame It on the Sun” (Wonder-Wright), Campbell, Ali, 4 225, 252 Campbell, Choker, 56, 80, 83, 85 Blanco, Ronnie, 200 “Can I Get a Witness,” 147 Bland, Bobby, 147 Capitol records, 257 Blige, Mary J., 300, 305 Carlos, Walter, 180, 198 Blind Faith (Love, Brown), 73 Carter, Clarence, 183 Blow by Blow (Beck), 216 Cashbox, 228 “Blowin’ in the Wind” (Dylan), 140, 141, “Castles in the Sand” (Wilson-Davis- 143, 164, 167, 297 Gordon-O’Brien), 105, 106 Blumenau, Daniel, 205 “ ’Cause We’ve Ended as Lovers” Bob Marley and the Wailers, 4, 259 (Wonder-Wright), 216, 243 bbindex.inddindex.indd 332222 33/9/10/9/10 77:02:46:02:46 AAMM Index 323 CBS Records, 216 Conception: An Interpretation of Stevie Cecil, Malcolm, 199, 296, 297, 308, 309 Wonder Songs (Motown), 305 end of business relationship with “Contract on Love,” 78 Wonder, 242, 243, 245, 246, 249, “Contusion,” 263 250, 251, 253, 256, 259 Conversation Peace (Wonder), 296, 297, on The Secret Life of Plants, 270, 299, 301, 305 273–274, 275 Cooder, Ry, 270 on Songs in the Key of Life, 262, Cooke, Sam, 75, 142 265, 266 Coolio, 299 Tucker and, 218, 220, 226, 228, 229, Copacabana (New York City), 125, 167 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238 Copeland, Greg, 214, 220, 221 as Wonder’s producer, 200–212, 213, Coppola, Francis Ford, 300 214, 216, 217 Corneille, 4 Century Award, 306 Cosby, Hank Chambers Brothers, 192 fi nal Wonder produced written by, 183 Chaney, James, 82, 114 fi nal Wonder song written by, 181 Chantels, 36, 75 Hunter and, 173, 174 Characters (Wonder), 293, 294, 301 producing by, 132–136, 138 Charles, Ray, 2, 69, 72, 74, 75, 91, 92, 161 songwriting by, 65, 67, 75, 77 Chase Bank, 5 See also individual names of songs “Chemical Love,” 296, 297 Contours, 80 Chess Records, 36, 172 Cow Palace (San Francisco), 118 Chi-Lites, 188 “Crazy Letters,” 200 Chit Chat Club, 160 “Creepin’ ” (Wonder), 157, 249 Christgau, Robert, 224, 268 Crisler Arena (Ann Arbor, Michigan), 231 “Christmas Song, The,” 304 crossover, 37 “Christmas (War Is Over)” (Lennon), 143 Crystal Industries, 244, 262 Civil Rights Act, 82 Crystal Sound, 202, 250 Clapton, Eric, 189, 305 Clark, Dick, 48 “Dance and Shout,” 108 Cleveland, Tresia, 98 “Dancing in the Street” Clinton, Bill, 300 (Gaye-Stevenson), 122 “Cloud Nine,” 163, 183, 189 Dangerous Minds, 299 Cocksucker Blues, 221 Darin, Bobby, 106, 172 “Cold Chill,” 298, 299 David, Hal, 169 Cole, Nat King, 75 Davis, Clive, 216 Coleman, Birdis, 295 Davis, Hal, 104 Coles, Honi, 125 Davis, Tyrone, 188 Collins, Bootsy, 215 “Dawn,” 134 Collins, Charlie, 244 DeCola, Joan, 251 Coltrane, 304 Delfonics, 188 “Come and Get These Memories” digital recording, advent of, 270 (Holland-Dozier-Holland), 122 Dion, 167, 295 “Come Back as a Flower,” 271 Diouf, Abdou, 297 “Come Back Baby” (Charles), 75 Disabled Person of the Year, 175 “Come See About Me,” 121 Distants, 32 “Come to Me” (Gordy-Johnson), 37 Distinguished Service Award, 152, 175 Commodores, 224, 269 Dixie Hummingbirds, 211 bbindex.inddindex.indd 332323 33/9/10/9/10 77:02:46:02:46 AAMM 324 Index “Do I Love Her,” 177 Exile on Main Street (Rolling Stones), “Don’t You Feel It” (Paul), 93 219–223 “Don’t You Know” (Charles), 75, 85 Extreme Makeover (television show), 311 “Don’t You Worry ’Bout a Thing” (Wonder), 158, 230, 265 Falcons, 32 Doobie Brothers, 266 “Family Affair,” 223 “Do They Know It’s Christmas,” 143 Farrakhan, Louis, 266 Down to Earth (Wonder), 142, 143, 151 Feiten, Howard “Buzz,” 201, 214, 220, “Do You Love Me,” 80 222, 229 “Do Yourself a Favor,” 189 FFF Part 2 (Wonder), 255 Dozier, Lamont, 60, 78, 109, 168 Fields, Vanetta, 182 Dreamgirl: My Life as a Supreme, 61 “Finale,” 271 “Drown in My Own Tears” (Charles), 75 “Fingertips” (Cosby-Paul), 310 DuShon, Jean, 172 credits for, 139 Dylan, Bob, 1, 139, 140, 142, 297, 310 “Fingertips—Part 2,” 1, 89, 91, 149 instrumentation, 68, 87 “Each Other’s Throat,” 296 international success of, 104 Earth, Wind & Fire, 224, 269 live performances of, 87, 101, 102 “Earth’s Creation,” 271 revenue from, 132 East Coast Record Plant, 203 Fischbach, John, 250, 251 “Easy Goin’ Evening (My Mama’s Call)”, Fitzgerald, Ella, 172, 269 264, 270 Fitzgerald School for the Blind, 38, 40, “Ebb Tide,” 106 94, 95, 111 “Ebony Eyes” (Wonder), 3, 264 “5” Royales, 57 “Ecclesiastes,” 271 Flack, Roberta, 243, 256 Eder, Bruce, 68 Flame Show Bar, 125 “Edge of Eternity,” 298 Flamingo Hotel, 161 Ed Sullivan Show, The (television show), Flashdance, 244 106, 175 Fleetwood Mac, 268 Edwards, Esther Gordy, 79, 116, 117, Flick, 32 127, 162, 164, 165, 173, 185 Flirtations, 176 ITMI and, 53 “Flower Power,” 271 Motown business practices and, 49 Floyd, Eddie, 32, 163 Wonder’s stage name and, 71 Folkman, Benjamin, 180 Edwards, Scott, 214, 220 Fong-Torres, Ben, 190, 211, 216, 222, Electric Lady Studios, 155, 203, 214, 227, 234 215, 244 “Fool for You, A,” 147 Ellington, Duke, 16, 84, 262, 269, 304 Ford, Tennessee Ernie, 142 Emerson, Ken, 248, 252 “For Once in My Life” (Miller-Murden), EMI, 294 172, 175, 182, 306 Emulator, 280–282 For Once in My Life (Wonder), 175, 177 End Records, 36 “For Your Love” (Wonder), 298, 299 “Enfants d’Afrique” (Mami), 4 Four Seasons, 134 En Vogue, 305 Four Tops, 150, 254 Epic Records, 244 Fox Theater, 138, 160 “Eve of Destruction,” 140 “Frankie and Johnny,” 75 Evers, Medgar, 82 Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers, 36 “Evil” (Wonder-Wright), 204 Franklin, Aretha, 143, 147, 163, 251 bbindex.inddindex.indd 332424 33/9/10/9/10 77:02:47:02:47 AAMM Index 325 “Freddy’s Dead” (Mayfi eld), 230 “Give Your Heart a Change,” 99 Freedom Riders, 83 “Give Your Love,” 178 “Free John” concert, 231 Gladys Knight and the Pips, 145, Freewheelin’ (Dylan), 140 167, 254 Friedman, Jane, 220 Gleason, Bob, 251 “From the Bottom of My Heart” Glover, Cloephus, 231 (Wonder), 306 Glover, John, 73, 133, 144, 145, 168, 170, Fudge, Aquil, 295 176, 185 Fulfi llingness’ First Finale (Wonder), 157, early Motown contract of, 39, 40–42, 245, 251, 252, 255 46, 49, 64 “Fun Day” (Wonder), 296 as Motown songwriter/producer, Funicello, Annette, 105 131, 132 Funk Brothers, 56, 67, 160, 181, 189, 193 on Wonder’s career, 306, 310 “Funny How Time Slips Away,” 127, Glover, Ruth, 40, 47 137, 140 Godsey, Austin, 251 Fuqua, Harvey, 36, 60, 109, 130, 163, 178 “Golden Lady” (Wonder), 230, 234 Goldner, George, 36 Gambler-Huff productions,
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