Denver Meetings (January 3-9)- Page 19 Notices of the American Mathematical Society January 1983, Issue 223 Volume 30, Number 1, Pages 1-136 Providence, Rhode Island USA ISSN 0002-9920 Calendar of AMS Meetings THIS CALENDAR lists all meetings whi'h have been approved by the Coundl prior to the date this issue of the Notices was sent to press. The summer and annual meetings are joint meetings of the Mathemati,al Asso,iation of Ameri'a and the Ameri· can Mathematical Society. The meeting dates which fall rather far in the future are subject to change; this is parti,ularly true of meetings to which no numbers have yet been assigned. Programs of the meetings will appear in the issues indicated below. First and second announcements of the meetings will have appeared in earlier issues . .ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS presented at a meeting of the Society are published in the journal Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society in the issue 'orresponding to that of the Notices whkh contains the program of the meet· ing. Abstracts should be submitted on special forms which are available in many departments of mathematics and from the office of the Society in Provide-nce. Abstra,ts of papers to be presented at the meeting must be received at the headquarters of the Society in Providence, Rhode Island, on or before the deadline given below for the meeting. Note that the deadline for ab· stracts submitted for consideration for presentation at special sessions is usually three weeks earlier than that spedfied below. For additional information consult the meeting announcement and the list of organizers of special sessions. MEETING ABSTRACT NUMBER DATE PLACE DEADLINE ISSUE 801 january 5-9, 1983 Denver, Colorado OCTOBER 12, 1982 january (89th Annual Meeting} 1983 802 March 18-19, 1983 Norman, Oklahoma JANUARY 20, 1983 February 803 April 14-15, 1983 New York, New York FEBRUARY 15, 1983 April 804 April 29-30, 1983 Salt Lake City, Utah FEBRUARY 21, 1983 April 805 August 8-12, 1983 Albany, New York MAY 17, 1983 August (87th Summer Meeting} january 25-29, 1984 Louisville, Kentucky (90th Annual Meeting} January 9-13, 1985 Anaheim, California (91 st Annual Meeting} january 21-25, 1987 San Antonio, Texas (93rd Annual Meeting} DEADLINES: Advertising (February Issue) February 3, 1983 (Apr// Issue) March 3, 1983 News/Special Meetings: (February Issue) January 17, 1983 (April Issue) February 14, 1983 Other Events Sponsored by the Society January 3-4, 1983, AMS Short Course: Computer Communications, Denver, Colorado. This issue, page 20. April12-13, 1983, AMS-SIAM Symposium on Inverse Problems, New York Statler Hotel, New York, New York. This issue, page 71. May 1983, Symposium on Some Mathematical Questions in Biology, Detroit, Michigan. June 5-August 13, 1983, AMS Summer Research Conferences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. This issue, page 74. june 27-july 8, 1983, AMS-SIAM Summer Seminar on Large-scale Computations in Fluid Mechanics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Lajolla, California. This issue, page 72. july 11-29, 1983, AMS Summer Research Institute on Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, University of California, Berkeley. This issue, page 72. Subscribers' changes of addrass should ba reported well in advance to avoid disruption of service: address labals are prepared four to six weeks in advance of the date of mailing. Requests for a change of address should always include the membar or subscriber code and preferably a copy of the entire mailing label. Members are reminded that U. S. Postal Service change-of­ address forms are not adequate for this purpose, since they make no provision for several important items of information which are essential for the AMS records. Suitable forms are published from time to time in the Notices (e.g. June 1980, page 378). Send change of address notices to the Society at Post Office Box 6248, Providence, Rl 02940. [Notices is published eight times a year (January, February, April, June, August, October, November, December) by the American Mathematical Society at 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rl 02904. Second class postage paid at Providence, Rl and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change notices to Membership and Sales Department, American Mathematical Society, Post Office Box 6248, Providence, Rl 02940.) Publication here of the Society's street address, and the other information in brackets above, is a technical requirement of the U. S. Postal Service. The street address should never ba used by correspondents, unless they plan to deliver their messages by hand. Membars are strongly urged to notify the Society themselves of address changes (in the manner described above), since (as explained above) reliance on the postal service change-of-address forms is liable to causa delays in processing such requests in the AMS office. Notices of the American Mathematical Society Volume 30, Number 1, January 1983 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Ralph P. Boas, Ed Dubinsky Richard J. Griego, Susan Montgomery Mary Ellen Rudin, Bertram Walsh Everett Pitcher (Chairman) MANAGING EDITOR Lincoln K. Durst ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hans Samelson, Queries 3 Union Mathematique lnternationale Ronald L. Graham, Special Articles 4 Mathematics Program Review: Problems SUBSCRIPTION ORDERS Subscription for Vol. 30 (1983): and Opportunities, james G. Glimm $39 list, $20 member. The subscription 7 Primes, Codes and the National Security price for members is included in the annual dues. Subscriptions and orders Agency, Susan Landau for AMS publications should be 11 Queries addressed to the American Mathematical Society, P. 0. Box 1571, Annex Station, 12 Letters to the Editor Providence, Rl 02901. All orders must be prepaid. 13 News and Announcements ORDERS FOR AMS BOOKS AND 15 NSF News & Reports INQUIRIES ABOUT SALES, SUBSCRIP­ TIONS, AND DUES may be made by 19 Future Meetings of the Society calling Carol-Ann Blackwood at Denver, january 5-9, 19 800-556-7774 (toll free in U.S.) between Mathematical Sciences Employment Register, 38 8:00a.m. and 4:15p.m. eastern time, Monday through Friday. Norman, March 78-79, 68 New York City, April 74-75, 70 CHANGE OF ADDRESS. To avoid Summer Research Institute, 72 interruption in service please send AMS-SIAM Summer Seminar, 72 address changes four to six weeks in advance. It is essential to include the AMS Summer Research Conferences, 74 member code which appears on the Invited Speakers and Special Sessions, 75 address label with all correspondence regarding subscriptions. 77 Special Meetings INFORMATION ABOUT ADVERTISING 81 New AMS Publications in the Notices may be obtained from Wahlene Siconio at 401-272-9500. 86 Miscellaneous Personal Items, 86; Deaths, 86; CORRESPONDENCE, including changes Visiting Mathematicians (Supplement), 86 of address ~:hould be sent to American Mathematical Society, P.O. Box 6248, 87 AMS Reports and Communications Providence, Rl 02940. Recent Appointments, 87; Second class postage paid at Reports of Past Meetings: Toronto, 88 Providence, Rl, and additional mailing offices. Copyright © 1982 by the 90 Advertisements American Mathematical Society. Printed in the United States of America. 136 Registration Form (New York City) MATH FILE Mathematical Reviews Online MATHFILE is the online version of MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS, the authoritative record of published mathematical literature throughout the world. MR, a publication of the American Mathematical Society, provides essentially complete worldwide coverage of pure mathematics as well as those works in applied mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science, biology, operations research and other fields containing new and interesting mathematics. It contains reviews of 35,000 to 40,000 items each year which have been published in over 1,500 journals, books and book series. All this material is available online with BRS and Dialog. The database, called MATHFILE, includes all bibliographic and subject information on articles and books reviewed in Mathematical Reviews since 1973. The file will be updated monthly with the addition of approximately 3,000 new items. In addition to the bibliographic information, MATHFILE contains all the primary and secondary subject classifications attached to those items. Furthermore, starting with the material from mid-1979 issues of Mathematical Reviews, the text of each review is in the file. Additional information may be obtained from J. L. Selfridge, Executive Editor, (313) 764-7228 Mathematical Reviews, 611 Church Street, P. 0. Box 8604, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107 Taissa T. Kusma, Database Specialist, (401) 272-9500 American Mathematical Society, P .0. Box 6248, Providence, Rhode Island 02940 MATH FILE User's Guide A user's guide has been prepared by the Society to make searching MATHFILE easier, more effective and faster. The Guide includes: Instructions. How to get started on the vendor's system, an explanation of the file and suggestions on search techniques. List of Journals. Journal name abbreviations used by Mathematical Reviews, and the full titles as defined by the Library of Congress and those used by Mathematical Reviews; the ISSN, Coden, and useful publishing information. Subject Classification Systems. A correlated display of the two (1970and 1980) slightly different MR systems, and the Library of Congress system. Index of terms occurring in the subject classification. Alphabetic listing of subject words from the MR classification system with the corresponding class numbers given for each. This list will be very helpful to searchers unfamiliar
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