TheBerry JULY 2014 Alliance POTown BOX 202 BERRY NSW 2535 Crierwww.berryalliance.org.au Le Tour de Berry 2014 is here 5th to 27th July This annual event helps fund footpaths, shareways and cycling infrastructure in Berry through “Tracks to the Future”. It includes food, wine, cycling and games and is run at the same time as le Tour de France each year. The full le Tour de Berry program is available in the middle of this, the July edition of the Town Crier and also distributed through the shops and businesses in Berry as well as on our web page www. tourdeberry.com and some details on our Facebook page Tourdeberry. (Please like and share.) Book your dinners, riding events, petanque and other events early. Tour de Berry - an annual community project helping to raise funds for footpaths and cycleways in and around Berry (and having fun) www.tourdeberry.com [email protected] see us on facebook - Tour de Berry & Floral Show TheBerry Inside this Edition Alliance St Lukes: School holiday Kids Club ................................................Page 5 52nd Berry Preschool’s Winter Wonderland Fundraiser .................... Page 5 & 7 Choir Performance 28th June 2014 .............................................Page 13 Get out your lycra: Tour de Berry is here! ............................. Centre Pages Berry Camellia Berry Landcare: Regenerating Rainforest - Field Day ...................Page 20 & Floral Show 2014 Berry Community Consultative Body Meeting on Thursday 3rd July. This month the topic for discussion is on cycle lanes on roads in and SEE PAGE 9 FOR MORE INFORMATION 4 around Berry. Berry Courthouse, 6.30pm. Enquiries to 0449 569 059. The Berry Alliance has been TheBerry TheBerry discussing with Council the provision of cycling lanes on Alliance Alliance roads in and around Berry. There has been some confusion The Town Crier Information City Administrative Centre on Council’s Policy Bridge Road, Nowra NSW Australia 2541 The Town Crier is produced by the on this so we are Phone: (02) 4429 3111 • Fax: (02) 4422 1816 • DX 5323 Nowra Berry Alliance, Inc. grateful to Martin Address all correspondence to The purpose of this publication is to for sending us the The General Manager, PO Box 42 Nowra NSW Australia 2541 communicate to the people of Berry about details. community activities and to generate a COUNCIL REFERENCE: 2093E (D14/121583) small income for the Berry Alliance to cover We produce CONTACT PERSON: Martin Upitis administrative costs. them here for the MEMBERSHIP community to see. Membership of the Berry Alliance costs $10 If you have a view 28/05/2014 pa. It aims to share information amongst on this please community groups and individuals, and send it to the Berry Berry Alliance PO Box 202 to ensure that Berry continues to be a Alliance as we will community we are proud of. BERRY NSW 2535 be discussing this Membership is open to Berry community By email only: [email protected] groups and individuals. issue at the July Community Forum. To join the Berry Alliance, write to Attention: The President, Rick Gainford PO Box 202, Berry NSW 2535 Email your views to info@ Dear Rick CONTACT DETAILS: berryalliance.org. Biccyycle Lane Provision - Shhoala havh en ALL TOWN CRIER ENQUIRIES: au and / or attend 0428 037 572 the Community I refer to your recennt request about the provision of bikbi eel lanes on roads beine g [email protected] Forum meeting rehabilitated by Council. Attached for your information are extracts of Council’s ALL BERRY ALLIANCE ENQUIRIES: on Thursday 3rd policies in this matatteer. Secretary: 0449 569 059 July at the Berry Email: [email protected] Where it is feeasibible and econonommical to do so, sealea d shoulder widths are Courthouse. maximised too impprove safety for cyclists. Post Offi ce Box 202, Berry NSW 2535 Berry Alliance If youy need fuurther information about this matter, pleease contact me on (02) TOWN CRIER EDITORIAL BOARD 4429 321919. PPlease quote Counccil’il s reference 2093E (DD14//1215835 ). Rick Gainford Jennifer Clapham Sharon Dunn Nancy Davies Yours ffaithffully Contributors are those from the Berry community who have news or views relating to residents of the area. The opinions expressed in the Town Crier are not necessarily those of the Berry Alliance or the Editor. The Town Crier is published every month, with a circulation of 2300. Maarrttin Uppitis PRINTED BY Berry Printers AsAsssssets Manager CONCORDE WAY BOMADERRY PH: 4421 0569 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER stylish marketing, premium results. whether you are selling a simple studio or a million dollar property our stylish marketing and experienced 1 agents will provide a premium result. gary 0418 211 917 nick 0419 425 166 belle property berry [email protected] 122 queen street, berry 02 4464 1636 belleproperty.com Page 2 - The Town Crier JULY 2014 The Berry Alliance has been discussing with Council the TheBerry provision of cycling lanes on roads in and around Berry. Editor’s Note... Alliance The closing date for our AUGUST issue will be Wednesday 16th JULY Please submit prior to this 16 date if it is your fi rst submission. Material can be submitted via e-mail to: [email protected] or drop box in the Berry Post Offi ce PO Box 202 Berry 2535, Phone 0428 037 572. For subscriptions contact the Editor or visit http://www.berryalliance.org.au/ subscription.html Nancy Davies - BERRY TOWN CRIER TheBerry MARCH 2014 Alliance POTown BOX 202 BERRY NSW 2535 Crier www.berryalliance.org.au Sunday 2nd March Town Crier Meet at the Apex Park at 9am Do your bit for the environment Enquiries to Bob Fitzell 4464 3528 Close-Off For more info – see page 3 Got Kids? Playgroup in Berry makes a welcome return ..............Page 11 The Open Door: Ceilidh Play Circle ............................Page 11 See Page 27 for more Information Drama Group seeks young actors ..............................Page 16 Preschool is in full swing! ..........................................Page 21 TheBerry 15-23 March 2014 Dates Alliance 4 PAGE LIFT OUT Insideerryalliance.org.auTown this EditionCrier NSIDE T PO Box 20 Your guide to events and CCB Forum – Pedestrian Safety ..................................Page 2 events and Zonta celebrates International Women’s Day. ...............Page 8 activitiesactivitie i in your lolocal l community. mmu it Competition winners from the Berry Show .......... Page 9 & 24 Proudly supported by the for 2014 Berry Alliance and Town Crier. The Red Cross celebrate 100 years ...........................Page 22 Town Crier Delivery Close-Off Date Week for Advertising of and Community Town Crier Group Articles. Week 5pm Deadline Beginning… Aug - 16/7/14 28/7/14 Sep - 13/8/14 25/8/14 Oct - 10/9/14 22/9/14 or 29/9/14 Nov - 15/10/14 27/10/14 Dec - 12/11/14 24/11/14 THIS IS A FUNDRAISER FOR ROTARY berry winter fiesta GERRINGONG (NOT FOR PROFIT) Saturday 26th July at 7pm Berry School of Arts The main act is called Ruido Flamenco Blues which is a very colourful and lively Spanish sounding song and dance act which has been very well received by many happy audiences. Ruido showcase upbeat and high energy songs, up to 10 colourful dynamic dancers, 3 fl amenco guitarists, 3 drummers, double bass player, clarinet player, and four quality singers. Ruido has been performing for over 3 years at many events including folk festivals near and far. The support acts are: A Balkan beat sounding band called Inspektor Gadje, and the other act is a display of African drumming by a wonderful drummer called Catur Rasta Gong, along with his students (who he gives lessons to in Berry). If anyone wants to check out the fl amenco band online they can go to Ruidofl amencoblues.com Tickets costs are: $20 Adult/$10 Youth, $15 senior/ $40 Family. There will be some snacks available on the night for purchase (provided by Rotary members) Tickets available from the Berry Music Centre, 118 Queen St Berry. Phone 4464 1284 ONLINE TICKETS - TRYBOOKINGS (Search - Berry) JULY 2014 The Town Crier - Page 3 3ULQFHVV+Z\ %HUU\3K 6RFLDO%RZOV6RFLDO%RZOV 0HQ V :HGQHVGD\SP /DGLHV 7XHVGD\DP 0L[HG 7KXUVGD\DP 6DWXUGD\SP 3K +DSS\+RXU+DSS\+RXU 6DWXUGD\6DWXUGD\ 0HDW5DIIOHV0HDW5DIIOHV 7KXUVGD\ %HUU\)LVKR¶V5DIIOH 7LFNHWVRQ6DOHSP'UDZQ &RQVLGHU%HUU\%RZOLQJ&OXEIRU\RXUQH[W )ULGD\ 6SHFLDO(YHQW«7DNLQJERRNLQJVQRZ« &OXE5DIIOH 6HHRXUIULHQGO\VWDIIDWWKHFOXE 7LFNHWVRQ6DOHSP'UDZQ 6DWXUGD\ %HUU\&ULFNHW&OXE5DIIOH 7LFNHWVRQ6DOHSP'UDZQ 6XQGD\ &OXE5DIIOH 7LFNHWVRQ6DOHSP'UDZQ )UHH7ULYLDRQ6XQGD\ Page 4 - The Town Crier JULY 2014 Berry Shoalhaven Heads Junior Rugby League Club On Saturday the 17th of May The Berry Shoalhaven Heads Junior Rugby League Club turned pink in support of Women in League and The Joanne Mackay Breast Cancer Foundation. The under 10, 14 and 15`s boys proudly took to the fi eld sporting their pink socks with all teams 9th-11th July 2014 having convincing wins on the day, the boys also did a fantastic job of collecting donations and selling pink scarves which raised close to $1900.00, the lads felt very proud to be raising money for such a great cause and happily spent the whole day doing this, they should be Time: commended on their effort and pride they took in this task The canteen sold a variety of pink 9am – 12 noon daily baked goods generously donated by The original Berry Bakery. All in all it was a great day at the footy and the club was thrilled to be giving back to the community that supports them. Who: Years 3-6 (school students) Where: St Luke’s Anglican Church Hall, 68a Princess Street, Berry Cost: $5 which
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