THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya VOL. LI-NO. 7 NAIROBI, February 15, 1949 Price 50 Cents Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O. Published every Tucsday CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZEXTE OFFICIAL GAZElTE-Contd. Govt. Notice No.- PAGE General Notice No. 165-Appointments, etc. .......... 8 1 Disnict Council Tenders ........ 300-303 166Mombasa Road Board-Appointments .. 81 The Bankruptcy Ordinance ........ 312,313 167-A Bill to Amend the Widows' and Orphans Probate and Administration ........ 314-319 Pension (Amendment) Ordinance, 1948 . 82 168-A Bill to Amend the Transport Licensing Ordin- ance, 1937 .......... 83 169-The Immigration (Control) Ordinance-Appoint- SUPPLEMENT No. 8 ment 84 ............ Proclamations, Rules and Regulations, I949 l7O-Central Hotel Control Authority-Appointment 84 Proclamation No.- PAGE 171-Consul General of the U.S.A. ...... 84 10-The Agricultural Produce Export Ordinance . 101 172-Centra1 Nyanza Local Native Council-Appoint- ments ............ 84 11-The Native Foodstuffs Ordinance .... 101 173-Rent Control Board-Appointment .... 84 Notice 174-178-The Courts Ordinance-Appointments . 84 180-The Immigration (Appeals to Supreme Court) . Regulations, 1949 ........ 102 17Mentral Roads and Traffic Board-Appointments 85 181-The Air Navigation (Amendment) Directions, Proclamation No.- 1948 ............ 102 8-The Suppression of Rabies Ordinance .... 85 182-The Increased Production of Crops Ordinan- 9-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance .... 85 Crop Values .......... 103 General Notices .......... 85-92 183-The Defence (Cont~ol of Prices) (Cut Stone) General Notice No. Amendment Order, 1949 ...... 103 P.W.D. Tenders ............ 276 184-The Grading of Chillies Rules, 1948-Date of The Crown Lands Ordinance ........... 279 Operat~on ............ 103 Court of Appeal Sessions ........ 280, 308 185-The Grading of Chillies Rules, 1949 .... 104 281-283, 286, 309-311 186The Increased Production of Crops (Guaranteed District Council Elections .... Min~mumReturns) Rules, 1949 .... 106 Mines and Survey Departments 284 ........ 187-The Defence (Control of Prices) Regulations- The Water Ordinance .......... 287-291 Order ............ 106 The Registration of Titles Ordinance ...... 292 188-The Defence (Finance) (Amendment) Regula- Liquor Licensing Courts .......... 293 tions, 1949 .......... 107 The Fraudulent Transfer of ' Businesses Ordin- 189-The Forest Areas (Closing) Rules, 1949 . 107 ance ............ 294, 304-306 190-The Defence (Sale of Goods) (Amendment) Registration of Patents ........ 295, 296 No 1 Order, 1949 ........ 108 Voters Roll, Nakuru ............ 299 191-Confirmation of Ordinances ...... 108 CORRIGENDUM PROMOTION AWARDOF THE COLONIALPOLICE AND FIREBRIGADES LONG RICHARDGORDON TURNBULL to be Provincial Commissioner, SERVICEMEDAL Northern Province, with effect from 16th June, 1948. Govenunent Notice No. 1115 dated 11th November, 1948 : C. H. HARTWELL, Delete from the list of subordinate officers of the Kenya Acting Deputy Chief Secretary. Police appearing in the notification the names of- inspector (Asian) G. S. Shaman GOVERNMENTNOT~CE NO. 166 635 Sergeant Mulwa Mongini MOMBASA DISTRICT ROAD BOARD GOVERNMENTNoma NO. 165 APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon His Excellency CHARLESHERBERT HARTWELL. B.A. (CANTAB.),to be Acting Deputy the Governor by the Phhlic Travel and Access Roads Ordinance, Chief Secretary and Member for Education in addition to his 1920, which powers His Excellency in exercise of the powers substantive appointment as Director of Establishments with conferred upon him by the Interpretation and General Clauses effect from 9th February, 1949. Ordinance, 1912, has been pleased by Government Notice No. ARTHURALAN MURRAY LAWRENCE to be District Commissioner, 501 of 1925 to delegate to District Commissioners, I hereby Uasin Gishu and Trans Nzoia Districts, Rift Valley Province, make the following appointments to the District Road Board, with effect from 2nd February, 1949. Mombasa, for the year 1949:- JOHN PINNEYto he District Officer, .Masai Extra Provincial Dis- The District commissioner; Mombasa (Chairman), trict, with effect from 1st February, 1949. The Hon. S. V. Cooke, M.L.c., FRANKRICHARD WILSON to be District Officer, Kilifi District, C. G. Fannin, Esq., M.c., Coast Province, with effect from 17th January, 1949. A. G. W. Ogilvie, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., ARTHURHOPE-JONES to be ~enihkrfor Commerce and Indlstry with effect from 1st January, 1949. S. G. Hassan, Esq., KENNETHTWYNEHAM PIKE, M.c., to be Supervisor of Accounts, The Hon. the Liwali for the Coast, Health and Local Government ~e~aitment,with effect from The Divisional Engineeer, P.W.D., Mombasa. 1st July, 1948. MISS KATHLEENMARGARET BARRETT to be Nursing Sister, Mombasa, G. A. SKIPPER, Medical Department, with effect from 18th January, 1949. 9th February, 1949. District Commissioner, Mombasa. 82 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE Februaa 15, 1949 GOVERNMBNT N OTICE N (). 167 H is Excellency the G bvernor in Couhcil has approved of the following Bill being introduced into the Legislative Council. A LEX . M . W ILK IE, A cting Clerk to the Legiilative Council. A RR AN G EM EN T OF SECTION S SECTION Sec'rlox l- short title. z- Am endm ent of section 2 of the prindpal Ordinance. A BILL TO A M EN D TH E W D O W S' A N D O R PH A N S' PENSION (AM ENDM ENT) ORDINANCE, 1948 BE IT ENACTED by tv Governor of the Colony of K enya, w ith the advicé and consent of the Legislative C ounc; thereofs as follow s : - ' Short title. 1. T his O rdinance m ay be cited as the W idow s' and Orphans' Pension (A m endm ent) Ordinance, 1949, and shall be read as one with the W idow s' and O rphans' Pension (A m end- No. 49 of 1948. m ent) O rdinances 1948, hereinafter referred to as the principal Ordinance. J Amlndmem of 2. section 2 of the principal O rdinance is hereby tslelcet lponyn 2c ipofa l am endedt-- Ordinance. (J) by substituting the word T%transferred'' for the word E6appointed'' w hich appears in the fifth line thereof , and by substituting the word tttrànsfer'' for the word 19 4tappolntm ent'' which appears in the seventh line thereof; and (:) by deleting all words which occur after the w ords GEpalestine O rdinance'' l hich appear in the elevenl line thereof . M EM OXAN DU M OF OBJECTS AND REASON S Seetion 2 of the principal Ordinance m ade provisioa to enable oë cers who w ere contributors under the Palestine W idows' and O rphans' Pensions O rdinance, 1944, to becom e contrlbutors under the W idows' and Orphans' Pension Ordinance (Chap. 34 of the Revised Edition), by paying a lump sum equivalent to that wltich had been paid by such oG cers into tlle Palestine fund. ln addition to the oë cers who had transferred to service in the Colony there m ay be others w ho seek em ploym ent in K enya and who' term inated their setvke in Palestine, leaving a break in service before their appointm ent to service in the Colony. The principal O rdinance' was hot intended to apply to any oë cers who had such a break in service but only to those w ho w ere transferred directly to K enya from Palestine service, and it is considered that such a position should be m ade abundantly clear, which this Bill seeks to do. ' A s section 2 of the W idows' and Orphans' Pension (Am endment) Ordihance, 1948, w as enacted, the position would have been that oë - cers' accum ulated contributions to the Palestine W idoA s' and O rphans, Pensions Fund would be a/plied as annual contributions under the provisions of the W idows' and Orphans' Pension Ordinance, on tlle basis of salary earned in Palestine. The Secretary of State has suggested that for the sake of uniform ity in a11 C olonies, oë cers' contribution& to the Palestine Fund should be dealt with as a lump sum contribution on the basis of Table A in the W idows' and O rphàns' Pension O rdin- ance and that contributions previously m ade to the Palestine G overnm ent should be paid into the revenue of this Colony. Paragraph (b) of clause 2 of the Bill witl give esect to this pùlicy. N o additional expenditure of public m oneys will be incurred if the provisiohs of this Bill becom e law . N airobi, K . K . O 'CON N O R, 10th January, 1949. A ttorney General- February 15, 1949 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 83 GOVERXMEXT No'ilcs No. 168 His Excellency the Governor in Council has approved of the following Bill being introduced into the Legislative Council. ' ALEX. M . W ILK IE, Acting Clerk to the Legislative Coundl. ARRANGEM ENT OF SEG IONS SEG ION SECI-ION l- short title. z- Repeal and replacement of section 20 of the principal Ordinance. (zo-penalty for non-compliance with conditions of licences.) A BILL TO A M EN D TH E TR A NSPOR T LICEM ING ORD INA NCE, 1937 BE IT EN ACTED by the G overnor of the Colony of K enyas With the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : - 1. This Ordinance m ay be cited as the Transport short title. Eicensing (Amendm ent) Ordinance, 1949, and shall be read as one with the Transport Licensing Ordinance, 1937, here- No. 40 of 1937. inafter referred to as the principal Ordinance. J 2. Section 20 of the principal Ordinance is hereby rReepplaecaelm anednt repealed and the following section substituted therefor : - of section 20 of the principal or dQmance. Ef20. A ny driver or other person in charge of a Penalty for vehicle nsn-complijnce , in respect of which a licence of any class has been wlth conwtjons granteds who uses such vehicle in contravention of any of licences.
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