®Eptlrtmettt of ®Bttt&Ttott

®Eptlrtmettt of ®Bttt&Ttott

DepEdRO8 ATA-I=22 3Rapwhli€ i]f true 3Prjiltppiries ®eptlrtmettt of ®bttt&ttott REGIONAL OFFICE NO. VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte ISO 9001 :2015 CERHFIED January 30, 2 REGIONAL M EMORANDUM No. 093 llEs.2o2o SCHEDULE 0F THE SPECIAL HARDSHIP ALLOWANCE BASELINE SURVEY AND MONITORING OF SELECTED PROGRAMS AND POLICIES To: Schools Division superintendents All Others Concerned 1. In adherence to DepEd Memorandum, OA4-Pf/J?ODfo-2079-C}C}#37, dated septem 23, 2019 and a Memorandum from BHROD dated October 23, 2019, this Office through t Field Technical Assistance Division, hereby informs the field on the Schedule of the Cond of Survey for the Special Hardship Allowance Baseline Study and Monitoring of Oth Programs/Policies Implemented at the School Level set on February 17-21, 2020. 2. The activity aims to establish a solid baseline data on the current implementation Special Hardship AIlowance and provide a basis of comparison for the said evaluation. 3. The actual schedule is indicated in the table below: No. of Schools Team Division/s Districts to be Visited Team 11 CO-Ms. Noverose Dadole oocan North and Ms. Jhen Diaz RO-Dr. Alejandrito Yman Albuera South RO-Ms. Ronafe Anagap Babatn SDO-SBM Coordinator ami North SDO Finance Officer La Paz Macarthur Team 2 os North CO-Ms. Evelyn Corporal Matalom South and Ms. Marikka Mampusti RO-Ms. Kathrine Rae So. Le Cromente Baybay City SDO-SBM Coordinator SDO Finance Officer LEAD, EMPOWER, AND ACHIEVE THROUGH DATA-DRIVEN DECISIONS Page 1 of 3 . .iJ)here I,EADers oreate great schools (053) 323-3156 I 832-5738 [email protected] I [email protected] FTAD-GM Department of Education Regional Office No. VllI (Eastern Visayas) DepEd RO8 ATA-F22 (CY2018-v02-Too Total =10 Team 3 Leyte Kananga 11 1 CO-Ms. Meryll Tabin andMs.CecilleTiamzonRO-Mr.GaryJayN.CalipayanSDO-SBMCoordinatorSDOFinanceOfficer Leyte Calubian North 1 Leyte Merida 1 Leyte Matag-Ob 1 Leyte Palompon South 2 Leyte Tabango North 1 Leyte Tabanqo South 1 Total = 8 Team 4 Catbalogan City Catbalogan I 1 CO-Mr. Jeric Llanto andMr.StephYawRO-Dr.ReynaldoE.NayreRO-Mr.RomarDianitoSDO-SBMCoordinatorSDOFinanceOfficer E. Samar Balangiga-Lawaan 2 E. Samar Can-Avid 2 E. Samar Dolores I 2 E. Samar Dolores 11 1 E. Samar Guiuan South 1 E. Samar Oras West 1 Samar Tarangnan 1 Total = 11 Team 5 Samar Tagapul-an 1 CO- Mr. Ched MartinezRO-Ms.GeraldineMangalimanRO-Mr.ReynaldoU.SumapigSDO-SBMCoordinatorSDOFinanceOfficer Calbayog City Calbayog Dist.Ill 1 N. Samar Catubig 11 1 N. Samar Lapinig 1 N. Samar Lavezares 1 N. Samar Lope De Vega 2 N. Samar Mondragon 11 1 N. Samar Palapag 11 1 N. Samar San Isidro 1 Total = 10 Team 6 Samar Basey 11 1 CO-Mr. Cecilio PeraltaandMr.KeanAlicanteRO-Mr.VicenteVillacorteSDO-SBMCoordinatorSDOFinanceOfficer Samar Calbiga 1 Samar Daram 1[ 1 Samar Gandara 11- Matuguinao 1 Samar Jiabonq 1 Samar Motiono 3 Samar Pinabacdao 1 Samar Sta. Rita I 1 Samar Sta. Rita 11 1 Samar Wright II-San Jose De Buan 1 Total = 12 4. As part of their monitoring and technical assistance functions, SBM Coordinators an Finance Officers from the concerned Schools Divisions are also requested to participate i the school visits.(053)[email protected] I ftad.region8©deped.gov,ph FTAD-GMM Paqe 2 of 3 Department of Education Regional Office No. Vlll (Eastern Visayas) DepEd RO8 ATA-F22 (CY2018-v02-ro 5. Travel and other incidental expenses of the RO personnel shall be charged against downloaded funds while SDO personnel to their local funds, subject to existing budgeti accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 6 Immediate dissemlnation of and compliancewiththis %o#desired RAIV[IR 8. uYTIC0 EdD, CESO IV Director IVO ELridr]sNle;.DM-PHRODFO-2019-00831 P!cterence.. DM-PHRODFO-2019-00831 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: MONITORING PAPs SU RVEY SHA (053) 323-3156 | 832-5738 [email protected] I [email protected] FTAD-GMM Page 3 of 3 i' p, `*-¥ -.` +` `' `,.+ t.. \ HRERERE I,=.I;i,]],,I i:„{.I,,,, i t T.nggr;p*nsgP!esg\Z-!"azigEedlhlz]a; OfficeofthBUndetsecT\Ebry n"QRArmun DM-Fmouro-2ac-¥! TO : cONcrmnusD nEclCiREth DmEcroRE CongcmNm§cHooLsnlvlsloN§t]pERnemsNDmms AnoTrmscoNcmNEz} EN" ..rf eFtFin ` und-etng SIIBquc* .. Condi4ct Of Srtlrvey fir the Special HcaG§hip A;no!wca'ice Basdine Sfaldy and MonaeoingofotherprogrqtttsRIathedesha:pletneatedattheschooffevck DATE : Sepbember 20, 2019 h 2D16, the Bureau o£ ELman Resoure and, . nat Devedopmeut+School Effectiveness Di:{riBion QHRO"RED) in pa=tz`erchip with the United Nalfozrs Cinlldren's Fund'§ QINItEF) begarLdevdopfrtgamechanismforchjeeEivdyiderfefyingschodslocatedinhard8hippasts.This resulted in a Harddip thhat, which in tiim led to the derdopment Of the pxpposed Special HrdrtyAllowarmeGHA}pdieyshtedforinplemrfutioninF¥2028. CbusistedewiththeainsofDdyEdorferNo.1g,§.2On5toestat;Theystema€c,evidence-based, andparfdpatnymechanismsintheforA:rdatiofyrdopfron,ardaeviewof|]olREes,thelong-ten inplementafroftp]anofthepxpposedsELA,FdieyinrfudesanewluationofthepoEeyoutcomes. h order {o estabifeh solid baseline data Qn the ctrment inplementation Of ffiA and provide a basis Of cozxpadson forthe said ewhaflon, a monfrorfug surtrey §han be aondricted in sdect Re8ionsaz05)andDiviriors{SDas}DataonffiAwfilbeusedtocomparesimflardafawhici winagainhacollectedaferthnee{3}years. The survey win be Ffrorty focqsed on SHA, but ihfamation on other policies/programs implemented at the school lewd shat also be couerfed as weu in order to ma>inize fictd exposure. The data cchected from the "oritoring survey win prot7jde irfomatiorL rdative to how the schods are trylen[Lanthg the programs and pdides, the mean needing support and assisthce, as well as innovagive inp]emaitatr-on pracfro. `Htese will an tom part Of a oapck which will provide basis oat the ceirfuAr Of an policies and griddines pertaining to these program?,aswdlasthepegrammingofassttaltcetptheschodsespeciallyattheDivffalile`rel. hthiscomeet±on,teamsfromtheDepEdCknhalOfficeand/orthe§EDCfonsulfafiveGroup shanvisit408randomlysedectedschode,withvapfugndaeFerRO,fromoclober2019to hrfu 20&0. The RE8ional ndrectons are hereby leque8ted to assign a Regional Focal wlto shallassistBmoD-soinmanagivgandfadiitafrgtheschaolvi8iEsforthemonfroing stgivey.Aspariofthdrmoritoringandtechltiealassisfancefroctiors,§EMcfoordinatonsard.... Finance Qfficae fu the coneemed ROB/SDOs are also requested to participate in the school '. vi§ts.Spedficdateso£5choolvisechanbearrangedtyREODLSEDstaffwiththeRofocal±} withdnecexisideratonofthelrcommonavaflatmty.Assistanceisfultherrequested£I:omthe Rointhefacflfah-onofthezerLtalofvan(orothera:va3ablemodeoftenapott)andamngemenl: : .,, ' . , DepEdcomptex,MonTco^ve..pofgatyl600fie33-7206Ecal.8494€±uq]±jfeQ!;RIi±q±Epb Ofmealsfortheteam{CQBQ,SDotBammerfeersasiArdlaeschockparicipaut§}dutngschoch vlvistts.FtindsforthisplxposehatreaheadybeendotunlcadedtotheROs,Fhrfuemoftythelist OfschoofsperROShanbepmwidedFdrtotheacfualconducrOfthevisifefortheitinenary arran8eB©. Jhavelexpermesofcopessorme[/SmtorsulfatitreG"ipmuterschallbechangedagairLstFY 2oug SED mnds tAG+19LcamoDso€Ass.m* AGJ":BImoDSEDLGAssilg, Aciig- BREODsO€ASS+ae),wrmethatofro/Scopersomdchallbechar8edagairrstlocalfunds, srityecttoerfetinghadggivg,aecoanfingLandaiidithgrdesandpegtdafioqLg. AssignedROFacalsarerequestedtodeasefilliipandsendtheat€achedfomtormoD- SED olL or before October42819. Fdrfurtherdetaflsandinfomafiononthisacffity,youmaycorfucthds.Meqtll}hlfaA.Tthinof EREC}D€EDatoifeemirfees:xpfty6Bas3+97oremaladdrEss:bhodsed®deDed.gov.ph. FtryotirfmmediateandapprqFEiateaction BHRODhsEan.bto DEPEda]mptQ*matoAftyngcftyi6con633ieee63&r8i84t3`rm]rdendm`;.oh t. a,I On Nt. cO ¥ ~ ~ a a in « « 'd in A in * t` t+ t\ t1 n fo u} ad %%±£ a 3 a 9 a a £ Ii aa-On5i ±¥I §agai %a#? €?a 0==€g8 €a5i €!i ±•.E E£ 5i a§£ g=Et=tl£ Iaa gg~EA ?ae aaPg ai=§e£ !a 8E £i5 5iB 5® EI a g6 §i 8.. = a a •€ .£= ft,CE J=JW! .a8 aEF3 =§ 5E£ 8a,EJ= € aa= a5: 5a§ i,?i,3 =E= Z=aS ae aa j!g ¥g =JE= i!0t= a.= g j3 a B aa E. a 6 ti a i L® a tba aa a= ae ` • a la tl LL) a ii e= . a 6 `#.=rs ~ cO * ® ~ ~ tw H * *~ to = # # a i ¥ a a a S -17 . _ : _ ar1i8§1dE a£t €05? +. IEGi a? i=f==I= 5IBJ= §a 3tJa 5a g£ 8 £g ia 5B 8ag 8 aJEJ g e = n& 9 •t ,?`? -i:r]. f dD ?:,:.- a a 8 = a 8 a 3 a ± G 5 8 E a a g -.--i-: 0e h b •! ng- a § •ffiifRE-&=*'.-._.E.€:rs-iI.-. ~ LO g t d * tv - in „ rt ® fv * * tJ1 g tN 9 € 8 I e 3 " a h 1 § a a aI t+ a,Sj±§Ia ri E£ -`ragf£]•~rl.g'.,`€H..m'...•REi J±£a8• 5=E} %ai 3>5££N €5i J±a0ai %?? =£eI i: f=,E 83C a9 £i a8§8 I 8= g § 3 a £ § # a £ ag. 8 8 ® ~ F EE I:g -g E=a8 ~=C a` 8£ 5g E• E=E ®Ia O8a J=%= £a< a.='.t¥.`. 5tn ?= E a § ¥8 a±a=S ig EE g coS= C c, 8..8 g at48 g =C' „ ~ 0 ® ` a IllaE •s .. a •. •. •`. E3EPARTfe#EENT®FEE}`u.€ATE®N £ BUELEAU SF ELufttAEN EL _,`pisS AREE} ®R€AEN !ZATI®ENjfeL 8 October 23, 2019 MEMORANDurM To: Director RamiF B. uryffiG® Mr. Carmelin® P. BeFnadasj SD0 Eastern Samar Mr. MammeE P. Alfoafio, SD0 Leyte Mr. GQrgoni® G. Diaz, }r„ SD0 Northern Samar Ms. Carmeia R. Tamayop SD0 Samar Mr. Pedro T. Es€oBarte, Jr„ SD0 Southern Leyte Mr. maul 8. Agtsan, SD0 Baybay City Ms. Thelma G® Quitalig, SD® Calbay®g City Ms. Marilyn 8. SiaQj SD0 Catbalogan City All Others Conaermedi From: Officer-In-Charge, Office of the Director IIE BELream of Hnman Resource and Onganizational Development Suhject: Region VIil schedtlie of the special Hardship Aliowance Basdiine Stirvey and Monitoring of Selected Prograrms and Poii€ies This refers to the conduct of the Special Hardship AEl®wanee Baseline SHFvey and Monitoring of Other Programs/Policies

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