Mao Tsetung: From Han Suyin's New Book December t976 o One Dollar The Olympics Ghinese Visitors Tour U.S. & Ghina and Rhubarb U.S. Workers Gheck Out Ghina the Bomb hblished quarterly by the US-China Peoples Friendship Association - Volume z, Number 3 I Now you can book your entire On Wednesdays, JAL flies Mon Mon Wed Wed flight to.Peking and Fl 785 Ft 786 Ft 78] Ft782 Shanghai on DC8-62 DC8-62 DC8-62 DC8-62 one alrllne. Japan Air Lines has convenient daily flights from New York, San Francisco and Los Anoeles-olus three flights a week fiom Vari- couver-to Tokyo. Then on to China on JALs And you'll be pampered with small courtesies like steaming hot towels. For reservations and more information, see your travel agent or call Japan Air Lines. Decurrber r976 Traveling to the People's Republic of Ghina ? lf you or your group has been fortunate enough to Mwchinn receive an invitation to the People's Republic of Ghina, Focus on Travel can December 1976 Volume 2, Number 3 be of assistance to you. Focus on Travel has Cover: Photo by Wayne Decker planned many successful Women at Tian An Men demonstration, Aprit lg76 group trips throughout the world, and to New China. We welcome the opportunatY 4 USCPFA News to meet with You and Your group to discuss requirements, itineraries, points of E Mao Tsetung and the Road to the Future - Han Suyin interost, and stopovers. Excerpts from the new book Wind in the Tower The success of anY triP, regardless of its destination, 17 lf !t's Tuesday, This Must Be Texas - Tom Gold depends upon Planning and Chinese visitors tour the U.S. at a gallop preparation- Contact usl We are prepared to insure that success by providing 22 The Olympics Rhubarb Peter Perl - experienced, thoughtful Who's really playing games with the Games ? services. 26 Incident at Tian An Men Wayne Decker, John Duray, Jane Wheeler FOCUS ON TRAVEL - t1-16 154th Sr. Eyewitness demonstrations account of historic Whitestone, lU.Y. 11357 Telephone: (212) 766-5455 31 Worker to Worker - Sylvia Sandroff Collect calls accepted. Trade unionists find out how Chinese working people live 35 China's Nuclear Policies lnterview with foreign policy analyst Jonathan D. Pollack lmported Directly from China 39 Ghu Teh 1886-1976 - Dorothy Loo Kehl 40 Friendship Has A History: W. E. B. Du Bois - Michael T. Martin and Lamont H. Yeakey 42 Film: Making the Break 47 USCPFA Addresses Editorial Committec: Margaret M. Bald, Dell Bisdorf, James T. Caldwell, Michael Chinoy, Kate Delano Condax, Mike Fabricant, Vicki Garvin, Helen Gerson, Chris Gilmartin, Nancy Jervis, Frank Kehl, Stanley Marcus, Peter Perl, Fred Pincus, Marian Sandmaier, Ronni Sandroff, Fritz Silber, Carol Simons, Gerald Tannebaum, Edith K. Vogel Gcneral Managcr: Margot Vhitc. Copy Editor: Ruth Misheloff. Photo Editors: Helen Gee, Marc Jahr. UN Corrcs- 'Warrcn. pondent: Susan Advenising: Pcggy Seeger. Distribution: Jack Berk Magazine Committeer James Aronson, Kathy Chamberlain (Chairperson), Peter Chau, Rose Coe, William Friedheim, Faye Glasser, Harold Glasser, Alice Grunfeld, Tom Grunfcld, Mary Hearhcote, Dororhy Loo Kehl, Harold Leventhal, Bill Men's and Women's Ouilted Jackets Livant, James Nesi, Ruth Ncsi, Jean Pohoryles National Publications Committce: Koii Ariyoshi, Frank Aseron, Norman Chance, Debbie Davison, Chris Gilmartin, People's Suits, Caps, Shoes Robcrt P. McFarland, Helen Rosen, Mark Selden (Chairperson) Acknowledgments: Chen Chi, Craig Claiborne, Ailcen Clifford, Charles Coe, Susanne Cohn, Ted Cox, Anita Crawford, Safari Jackets 100 percent cotton Susan Crawlord, Henry Creel, Betty Franey, Jacques Franey, Pierre Franey, Myrna Gordon, Marvin Hoshino, Rosalie Katz, Randy LaPolla, Virginia Lee, Edith Lerrigo, Victor Li, Theresa Liss, Liu riVen-zeng, Diana McConkey, r-z-3 Copy Center, Samucl Rosen, Frank Rosenthal, Judy Ruben, Julie Ruben, Laura Seeger, Shun Lee Palace Restaurant, Ruth Spain, Stony Brook USCPFA, Shirley Thau, Michael Tong, Hal Whitman, Margaret lfhitman, Hoong Wei, and Jim The opinions expressed iu signed articles are not necessarily those of Nrv CHTNA or the US-China Peoples Friendship Ghinese Emporium Association. Items signed by the National Steering Committce rcpresent the national voice of the USCPFA. (next to Carnegie Hall) NEv CHrNA welcomes manuscripts and ideas for articles. Authors should first submit a brief description of their subject and indicate what kind of material will bc used to develop it. Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. 154 W. 57th Street @ ryzg by the US-China Peoples Friendship Association. Atl rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. New York, N.Y. 10019 Published quarterly. Ycarly subscription retes - domestic, $4; foreign, $5 ; institutional, $8. NEw CHINA, 4r Union Square 'Wcst, (2121 Room 7rr, New York, N.Y. rm3. Sccond-class postage paid at New York, N.Y., and at additional mailing of6ces. Telz 757-8555 New China 3 Harrison Salisbury writes : *I USCPFA NEWS cannot thinkof abook more important, mo_rle timely, Upon hearing of the passing of Chairman Mao Tsetung on September 9, 1976, the mdre valuablel' following cable was sent to Hua Guo-feng, the Chinese People's Association for Friend- ship with Foreign Countries in Peking, and l{ffiSrryurs other representatives of the Chinese people: "On behalf of the members of the U.S.- China Peoples Friendship Associations, UYurdinfhe please accept deep and heartfelt sympathy on the death of Chairman Mao Tsetung. Chairman Mao's death is a tremendous loss J'lco fsetung & llre Orinese to the people of China and to the people of the world. Mao Tsetung lived a full, mean- ReYolution 1949-1975 ingful, and productive life. He relied on and Drawing on her extensive personal trusted the common people, united them, knowledge of today's China, Dr. Han taught them self-reliance, to struggle, to concludes the sweeping narrative she serve each other, and improve the quality r besan inThe M of life. We salute the great leader of the E'if,i;:"H; Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people. Chairman Mao's thoughts and examples will be the legacy to the common people throughout the world. We pledge ourselves to honor his memory by redoub- $12.95 at all bookstores ling our efforts to deepen the friendship between the people of the United States and Little, Broum the People's Republic of China. r07e will continue to work to implement the Shang- hai Communique for the establishment of full diplomatic relations between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, the only legal govern- NEW FRONTIER ment of the Chinese people. Frank Pestana lmporters & Distributors of Chinese Products National Chairman, USCPFA" Give your friends and yourself some Chinese Ntrv CHINa also sent a cable to the Chinese cookware this holiday season . by mai!, People's Association for Friendship with nicely packaged as a present. Foreign Countries: "Chairman Mao himself has said that Wok set sl1 .95 death can be heavier than Mount Tai or lncludes 14" wok, cover, & stand lighter than a feather. His own death is feel Spatula $1.98 heavier than many Mount Tais. We it sympathize with the grief Ladle 92.25 deeply, and we of our Chinese friends who feel the loss Cleaver $6.75 more directly. Chairman Mao wrote in a poem published in January: 'Nothing is hard in this world if you dare to scale the heights.' We will take inspiration from Mao own daring, and, relying on the Brass-wire strainer $2.98 Tsetung's great American people, we will strive to Wok cookbook $3.95 turn our grief into strength and redouble active and lasting Send check or money order to: our efforts to build New Frontie?, 2394 Broadway friendship based on mutual understanding New York, N.Y.10024. Add 15 between our two great peoples." percent for shipping and handling. New York City residents add 8 percent sales "Each convention is livelier and larger than tax. New York State residents the last. Obviously we are growing!" add 7 percent sales tax. happily observed \ililliam Hinton, the out- going chairman of the US-China Peoples 2394 Broadway (near 88th St.), Friendship Association. More than 7oo New York City. (212) 799-9338 people assembled at Philadelphia's Sheraton 4 December 1976 an exact replica from the Archaeological Findings of The People's Republic of China ... the bronze llying horse. lt is generally accepted, nothing so symbolizes the extraordinary energy of Chinese art as this bronze that has become almost synonymous with the collection. Head and tail tossed aloft, jaws snapping gulps of rushing air, hind foot poised weightlessly on a flying swallow , . the horse appears to be literally hurtling throug! space. Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A.D.) found in Kansu, ej 1969. Limited edition of 100 in copperwith bronze patina,187z inches long and 13% inches high. 1000.00 Miniature in gold-washed sterling silver,2lz inches long and 2 inches high. 100.00 Please add '1.75 for handling. Calitornians add 6y2o/o sales tax gOng TOm llling t Jade and Fine Jewerry 120 Grant Ave., San Francisco, CA 94108 Telephone (415) 391-2500 Airpon Inn over Labor Day weekend for were urged to make a broad Slade Tien, Lansing, Mich. East Coast: -Locals the third annual convention of the USCPFA, effort to explain China's foreign policy to John Dove, Boston, Mass.; Alan Feigen- with delegates representing 77 local chapters Americans. Delegates agreed that all mem- berg, New York, N.Y.; Roy Johnson, 'Washington, throughout the nation (an increase of 19 bers need to learn more about this so they D.C. South: Elaine Budd, in one year), zz nev,t organizing committees, can correct and combat public distortions Gainesville, Fla.; Bob McFarland, New and a membership that has grown steadily of China's policy.
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